The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Subj: Well, fly the banners, folks! It----
Date: 11/29/2003 8:22:38 PM Central Standard Time
From: (Bonnie Risner Miller)
---appears that all of my communications problems have suddenly resolved themselves. The "common thread" was the fact that all these people who suddenly weren't getting my e-mail any longer, were all AOL users. But I know I'm back online with NANCY ERTEL, SALLY GILLETTE, BILL HOWARD, and hopefully all others with whom I was losing communication. By the way, it came as no big surprise to me that it was Nancy who figured out that AOL thing. She is the "WC Guru" of the internet highway. So I hope that's the end of that nightmare! Now to get down to the current news!
It sounds as though everyone had a wonderful holiday and I know I can sure say that, myself. I fed 20 people and did "the whole nine yards," as I'd already told all of you---China, crystal, lace tablecloths, candles, silver, place name cards, huge floral centerpiece---and it was all quite lovely. The food which I'd spent 3 solid weeks cooking and baking, was utterly decimated! Those 16 from-scratch homemade desserts were an absolute smash! Very little remains, believe it or not. "Care packages" were the order of the day because as soon as people finished whatever dessert they chose, they knew they'd be wanting to taste a different one the next day.
So many of you wrote wonderful holiday wishes and I thank each and every one of you for that. They included JIM LINDSEY, JOANN STEMLEY, EULA FAYE BAILEY, PAUL BEARDSLEY, ROBERTA RICE, SANDY BARSALOU, BERTHA HOERNER, and I know there were probably several others, whom I likely missed. If so, please forgive me.
MIKE WEST reports that he cannot come to what I'm going to start calling the WC Florida Holiday Brunch on December 6 in Titusville. I've got a feeling this one is going to work out much the same as the Frisch's Frolic and the WC Florida Spring Fest and that we'll wind up having all of them, every year
Anyway, Mike says that wife Sally is having quite a bout with the flu and she's going to be fighting off that stuff for a bit. However, the good news is, Mike is coming down from Tennessee for Spring Fest on March 28. Mike also reported that he feels sure BRUCE SCHREIBER still lives right down on Springboro Pike and that KEITH SHADOWENS still lives in Oakwood.
Bill Howard has suggested having a golf outing for WC folks on the day of the Frisch's Frolic next year. I'm sure that would interest quite a few folks who attend that function, although I don't happen to be one of them. But I'll sure be at Frisch's! How wonderful is it that Bill and also BRUCE CHENOWETH are coming down clear from Ohio for the brunch next Saturday? They'll both also be in Florida for Spring Fest!
Both SANDY BARSALOU and JUDY SAMUELS wrote that they had a great time on their recent ocean cruises. Sandy also said how much she enjoys the news bulletin. Judy reported that she called my sister, whose name is also Judy, (JUDY RISNER) when she got the news that her son (Judy Risner's son) is being deployed to Iraq in January. We hope to see both Sandy and Judy (Samuels) on December 6 at Dixie Crossroads.
Paul Beardsley reports that he is also on the search for me, for an original edition of the 1941 Piratan. Between that attic in Tipp City, GARY BARNES, TOM WOLF, and Paul, I don't see how I can miss. I'll accept all the help I can get! I also want to fill in the 1930s, except for 1939, which I already have, thanks to BILL MCNABB.
Paul also wrote me that they named the new recreational center in Miami Shores after RONALD PAYNE, the brother of SANDY PAYNE, who perished in a fire about two years ago there, on Sellars Road.
Paul was out running around on the night we were all at Frisch's. He wound up going to a different place, getting his dates all mixed up, he says. He told me that LYNNETT GARRETT and DONNA RICHARDS gave him a hard time about it. Way to go, girls! He'd better be there next year! Paul and I are toying with the idea of exchanging life stories and bringing each other up to date. But I'm not sure if the world is quite ready yet for that. We're mulling it over!
CHARLES CARTER's wife, Pam, reports, that Charles is still insisting they're going on a vacation the week after Christmas. She told me to, "Keep my fingers crossed." Well, I'm doing that, Pam, because I want to see you both, just as much as you want to take that vacation!
CURTIS KEMP reports that he thinks he can "dig up" RICHARD CALL. He was Class of 1962 and Curtis has his e-mail address somewhere, he tells me. So as soon as he finds that, we'll see if we can hunt down Richard. Curtis has also committed to Dixie Crossroads, next Saturday. He'd BETTER! It's because of HIM that I suggested that place, so that he wouldn't have so far to travel, with his bad leg. We'll see you next week, Curt!
Bertha Hoerner wants street directions to JoAnn's place as soon as we have them, so that she can pass them along to LINDA MCAFEE, Class of 1957, who plans to be there, also. This thing is really spreading around, I'm happy to say.
Bill Howard was kind enough to send me some snow photos from Ohio, but I found I didn't miss the snow, after all. Ha! BOYD JENKINS, long time no hear! Are you down there in Okeechobee? We're all looking forward to seeing you next Saturday in Titusville, hear?
The Florida version of "winter" has officially begun. We had temps in the 40s last night and will be about the same tonight. During the day, though, even on the days when it's coldest, it's never been below 50 in all the 26 years I've been here. So how bad could it be, eh?
My son-in-law and oldest grandson left for Colorado Springs, Colorado, yesterday morning. As I type, they are about 600 miles from there. I plan to "sic" my son- in-law onto HARRIET RICE, who's lived there for years, for any local references to businesses and such. CRAIG VAN DYKE, aren't you there, too? And how about you, JOHN MCCLELLAN? Are you somewhere in that area or am I remembering wrong? Anyway, my son-in-law will begin his new job on Monday, with Adelphia Cable Co. If all goes as planned, my daughter will soon follow, with the other two boys. They've all lived just 3 doors west of me since the day all the boys were born. So it will be a big adjustment for us all. As they say, though, nothing in life is constant except change, right?
Keep those news tidbits rolling in, folks. We all need to stay in touch with each other. There are many people who would tell us to do just that, if only they could---WAYNE MAYS, NORMAN HALL, WHICK TURNER, RONNIE CRAIG, JUDY RANDALL, PAUL RODDY, and many, many more---so you get my drift here, right?
With Christmas approaching, I hope for the best for all of you. As always, I leave you with my usual good wish of glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B