The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Saturday, August 30, 2008

The attached picture is a “true relic” of some of the Miami Shores kids. It was taken in 1954 in Miami Shores by the old pond on Swimming Hole Rd. I do not have the email addresses for any of these fellows or I would copy. Please forward to them if you wish.
Standing from left to right
Jay Carroll----Bill Howard----Mike Click----Tom Fee
Kneeling from left to right
Bailey Hawkins--? Richards—Donnie Click—Ed Milburn—Lonnie Thacker—Reed Hawkins, Eddie Marsh—the Acuff twins (Ronnie & Donnie I think).
I know that Ed Milburn is deceased. I have contact with his brother, Reggie. Nancy and I are attending in October. We live in Southern California.
Jay Carroll--1959
Monday, August 25, 2008
We've also added new readers, as we always do, these days. That's a delight, too. I've added yet two more 1961-ers, JANET E. WITHAM, who came to us via friend, 1960's LINDA L. SHANK, and 1964's ILONA DEBRECENI (who goes by Loni), and ROSE MARIE WILSON (younger sister of 1961's PAULA R. WILSON). So a hearty welcome to all, Janet, Loni, and Marie. By the way, we got Loni and Marie through efforts by 1963's LEE JEAN JORDAN. So thanks to all. By the way, I failed to connect the dots between Lee Jean and my own classmate, the late JAMES M. JORDAN. They're siblings and she let me know about that. I didn't know it, already, but perhaps some of you did.
We've also added 1969's JOHN Q. KEMP and his 1971 spouse, JOY I. WOLFORD (younger sibling of 1960's PHILIP H. WOLFORD), who came to us as a result of the sad July 10 death of old pal, CURTIS A. KEMP. There will be more on that, later. We welcome both John and Joy to our ever-growing list. Did you all know we're nearly 600-strong now? I'm just bowled over by that, and more thrilled than I can ever say! What person, who is lent toward writing and journalism, wouldn't just LOVE having that large a captive audience? Ha!
It is with special glee that I announce the addition of RETHA MARIE SCHOONOVER, class of 1945! No, I'm not making a mistake on the year. Isn't that just wonderful? I'm so delighted, as I am with each and every one of our new sign-ons. But I've got to say I'm particularly delighted by this one. So, Retha, we are all just thrilled for you to join our little reading club and we do hope you will enjoy reading each and every bulletin. More than anything, though, we hope to see you at our functions and we promise to give you a seat of honor, if you will honor US, by appearing. Retha lives in California and came to us by way of first cousin, FRANCIS L. PEFFLY, 1963.
Now, let's see, with whom have I spoken, during this bulletin period? Well, quite a few of you, actually. I had recent chats with 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, WM. R. HOWARD, RONALD R."TOM" FEE, VINCENT D. BRODBECK, 1960's EULA FAYE BAILEY, CHAS. A. HIGH, JR., EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY, AARON COUCH, CHAS. V. CARTER, WM. M. ROHLER, THOS. D. YOUNG, 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, DONNA J. RICHARDS, 1962's RICHARD C. CALL, 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFLY, and 1969's JOHN Q. KEMP. Several conversations were prompted by Curt's sad death, but still, we got in a little visiting and catching-up, as we reminisced and had our fond memories of Curt. I also spoke often with his widow and daughter, during the week following his death.
Reports came to me, regarding the two services for Curt. His widow, Maria, and daughter, Marcella, held one for him in his chosen, longtime, home city of Titusville, Florida, on July 15. Attending that service was his lifelong pal, 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, and wife Sandi. Tom reported things went well and that he felt it was the type of service which was befitting of Curt's legacy. He felt Curt would have approved.
On Saturday, July 19, a service was held for Curt, by his brother, 1969's JOHN Q. KEMP and sister-in-law, 1971's JOY I. WOLFORD, in Moraine City, where Curt did a lot of his growing up and running around and perfecting his penchant for mischief. Reports on this service came to me from 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH and shortly thereafter, from 1962's RICHARD C. CALL. Also present was his close pal, AARON COUCH. I must tell this to you all. A few days prior to Curt's Ohio service, his brother and I talked at length. John actually asked ME to write the eulogy for him to present at Curt's service. I was simply bowled over by the request, deeply honored, and very humbled. I suppose Bruce put it best when he wrote, "The idea that I'll never again get to hear Curt tell his smashed-thumb story is all but unbearable." You're so right, Bruce, and so many of us share that feeling!
Also among our losses was that of 1952's BONNIE LEE WOOD. She died at home on July 18. She'd been married for 54 years to classmate, LESTER A. WHITWORTH. I remember both of these alumni. They were a glamorous and popular pair, when in high school. She was a cheerleader AND a major- ette, all 4 years. I wonder how she did that, given the Friday night football games? But that's what it says in the yearbook, nevertheless. Thanks goes to 1958's BRUCE K. COPSEY for submitting this, as well as 1960's FRED L. DOOLEY, JR.
Okay, a lot of time has passed, since I last wrote on this bulletin. It's now August 6, and I've had 2 more sets of houseguests arrive, and have also spent about two days praying for death, I felt so badly. But I'm up and runnin' again, I'm happy to say, and can now continue my report. It occurs to me, as I do it, that there may be many of you on my reading list, who are unmentioned for long periods of time. If such is the case with you, then please be assured I would love nothing MORE than to mention you! So send me an e-mail, send me your news, visit me or call me or send me the latest family photo. I truly do want us ALL to be an active part of this effort!
Early on, I want to mention our WC alumni weekend schedule, which will begin Friday, October 10. Of course, 1959's GARY E. BARNES will be putting together the usual golf outing at Mound Golf Course for that morning. I've had inquiries on it, who include 1960's class vice-president, THOS. D. YOUNG, and one or two others. Dare we hope for the presence of 1960's GARY L. WARLAUMONT and GERALD A. FULLER? Surely, we will see DAVID A. BLAIR, and LARRY M. PENDLEY, and you, LEONARD F. KUHN, 1958. What about you, 1957's DARELL L. TOBIAS, 1955's JERRY L. DAVIS and 1959's JOE E. STOMPS? Hey, "DEDE" K. FAHRNEY and SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, I'll bet you two will be there, right? It was a nice, big turnout, when I was at that golf course, one year. Let's do it again! Do make your connections with Gary. He needs to get a firm count by September 1. Landline phone number is 937 859-4559 and e-mail address is as follows:
( ) Thanks to all.
That same evening, we will convene at the Moraine City Frisch's for, the "Frisch's Frolic," the brainchild event of 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, which now is a smashing success, and well-attended, each and every year. Thank you, Mike! On the following day, Saturday, October 11, anyone who wishes to join us will be warmly welcomed at the first-ever Miami Shores Memories, to be held at 1 p.m. at---where else?---Wendell Wax Memorial Park in MS. Just bring along a covered dish of your choice, or a big bag of chips or a 12-pack of Pepsi/Coke/whatever. This event was founded and planned by RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, who was ably assisted by fellow MS kids and 1958-ers, DONALD I. MCCOY and WM. R. HOWARD. That night will be our crown jewel event and the not-to-be-missed WC alumni dinner
/dance. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the extent of work done by our WC alumni officers, committee members, and others, in order to bring this event to fruition. I hear from so many of you, how much you enjoy the bulletins, and I can't begin to tell you how much I do enjoy hearing that. But what I do, entails only sitting at a keyboard in the comfort of my own home, as I compile information into a (hopefully) readable and enjoyable format. It isn't work, and I love doing it! It is also done at my leisure, rather than having to be on a schedule.
Those folks are out beating the bushes, attending a number of meetings, making arrangements, doing price-shopping, making reservations, tracking the money, counting heads, and the list truly is endless for the amount of work it takes to bring together an event of this size. So thanks to all of you. I do only, "the pretty stuff."
On the following day, Sunday, October 12, groups will convene all over town for various breakfasts, lunches, and brunches, before everyone departs for home and anxiously awaits the next year's event. I highly recommend that you never miss our alumni weekend, folks. We're losing people, every year. I know you want to see that old high school pal. They are a special and irreplaceable part of our lives.
Now, let's see, what special things have occurred during this bulletin period? Well, quite a few, as it happens. For starters, as I sat here last Friday (it was August 8), I heard the sound of a vehicle on my very long driveway. It was none other than my 1960 classmate, DAVID G. OTT, and his 1963 spouse, SANDRA R. MINIX. The Otts are always a delight, of course, and we had a wonderful visit of about 3 hours, during which I gave them the cook's tour of the 55-year-old house we purchased last year, and its surrounding grounds.
We chatted about lots of WC folks, talked about the upcoming functions, life in Florida (where they still live), and about reconnecting with old pals. Dave made several mentions of his high school buddy, 1960's JOHN PATRICK LAFFERTY, asking if I had ever located him or not. Dave had previously told me he'd like to find Pat. But alas, I had not. Others had also asked about Pat and I think one of them was also 1960's ROSS A. HODGSON. I'd looked for Pat previously, with no success.
Anyway, the Otts were headed over to La Follette, Tennessee, from my place, where they spent a couple days, they said, lounging around her sister's place there (currently vacant) and laying around in the hot tub, then headed back to Florida. So we had a great little visit! Dave and Sandi also bot to connect with Dave's 1963 brother, DOUGLAS, while there. Doug lives in nearby Crossville.
Dave's request for finding Pat had set me to think- ing again about finding him. If I found Pat, I thought I might hit a double-header for our class, as he had married SONDRA LEE MATSON, also 1960. So I began my quest anew, on Sunday. For some odd reason, when I began my search this time, it was almost a snap to find them. I did it in just about 45 minutes and was on the phone chatting with both Sondra and Pat, in record time. I invited them to start attending our alumni weekend, got an e-mail address, gave Pat some info on old pals, and we now have them both on our readers list! I know we all welcome Sondra and Pat.
They've led what sounds like a very interesting and rewarding life. Pat said they married after they had both completed their college years, at age 22. He went to work for the U.S Treasury Dept., retiring after just under 30 years with them. Sondra had achieved an RN degree and worked in that, for a short while, going on to also get a master's degree in computer science and engineering, a field in which she still works today.
They have two sons and two daughters and two grandsons, and three granddaughters, all of whom live in close proximity. They currently have a 100-acre hay farm in Quitman, Texas, where they have lived for years. Pat does the the hay-farming on his own and he is content, he says, "living in the middle of nowhere," and seldom leaves their place.
During our conversation, Pat made queries about several of his old pals. A lot of WC names float through my addled, old brain, so I hope I remember this correctly. Of course, there was Dave Ott, but I believe he also mentioned LONNIE M. THACKER, ROSS A. HODGDSON, NEDRA ANN MILLER, WM D. DUNCAN, and PHILIP H. WOLFORD. If anyone would like to give Pat and Sondra a call, their number is 903 967-2935. It's so fun to find more of us!
There was also another recent call from 1960's CHAS. A. HIGH, JR. Charlie and I talk regularly and he continues to devote himself to the care of wife, Carolyn, who is a wheelchair-bound stroke victim. I told him there are many of us who'd like to see him at a WC function, anytime he can come.
On August 17, I sat on my back porch with my fresh coffee and my Sunday paper. The phone rang and it was none other than the vivacious and delightful FRANCES L. PEFFLY, 1963. As luck would have it, Fran was at her North Carolina condo (in a tiny suburb of Asheville) and she was heading my way, along with son John and daughter Kelly. They all arrived around noon and we proceeded to spend a delightful afternoon together at my place, chatting a lot about politics, the economy, nostalgic topics, and of course, various WC folks. The time passed all too quickly and before I knew it, they were gone. Fran's offspring, to their great good fortune, have very obviously inherited a good deal of Fran's over- load of charisma, intelligence, and good looks. I'm happy to report that Fran tells me they'll be visiting their N.C. home several times a month and will be back at my place soon, for another visit. Prior to leaving, they treated us all to lunch at the nearby Perkins (because Fran is a REALLY fast check-grabber, who reminded me of the same talent in my old friend, 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH). We had a GREAT time! Hurry back, Fran, John, and Kelly!
Also, I have recently had lengthy conversations with regular chatting pals, 1960's EULA FAYE BAILEY and 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT. Lynn is still acclimating to her July 19 return from her home in Henderson, Nevada, and Eula Faye loves her new place in Kansas City, Missouri. I also finally caught lifelong pal, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR. We, too, had a gabfest (long and windy) and I got in a good chat with 1961's DONNA J. RICHARDS, who's always very interesting. Talking with you, Donna, is very close to being educational! It seems I always learn one or two things, when I talk with you! Hardly a week passes when I don't talk with 1960's THOS. D. YOUNG, and even more phone time is spent with his spouse, Sandi. For me, she has become, "Dr. Young." Each time I have an ache or pain, I call her and ask her wise countenance. She has worked in the health care field for over 40 years, and is quite knowledgeable about such things. So far, so good. She has yet to, "misdiagnose," any of my maladies,
although she does always tell me to consult with a doctor.
Now this next thing is going to sound very odd, but I must tell you that the fallout from my July 18 traffic mishap has gone very smoothly and pleasantly, mostly thanks to a heretofore-incomparable level of proficiency and expertise and punctuality on the part of my new agent, 1958's DONALD I. MCCOY. So thanks, Don! He sent my repair check in under a week, and fielded all other communiques from all other sources and I haven't had to deal with a thing!
Remember that special little bulletin I sent, about the seat belt use? Well, I got back more than a few thanks on that one and a very interesting one came in from Annie Mays, spouse of 1960's J. DAVID MAYS. She made a, "true confession," about her lack of zealousness for the use of seat belts. She wrote that Dave gets after her about it. Well, keep on, Dave, and don't let her off the hook. We're all aware of how THAT can go! Buckle up, Annie! A similar message arrived from 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL, who wrote that her new car is very noisy and argumentative, if she doesn't buckle. So she is also using her seat belt now, she tells me, and she thinks of me, every time it clicks. Good for you, Nancy! Interesting comments on the seat belt thing came in from 1961's SANDRA S. MAYO, 1971's RODNEY R. GABBARD, and 1985's M. CYNTHEA POTEET. It's a politically-charged controversial topic. One of the more interesting ones, though, came from 1958's RICHARD LEE JOHNSON, who wrote he was in charge of crash test simulations at GM. He wrote these words: "In a crash, the seat belt is definitely your friend. You need to see only one without a belt, to know that." You're so right, Richard!
It was Don McCoy, by the way, who went to bat for transplant patient, 1960's PHILLIP D. HOWARD. I am given to understand, from Don, that Phil is still weak (who wouldn't be?), but doing as well as can be expected. He and spouse, 1967's MARIAN K. HUSSEY, are taking care of things and doing a-okay, considering he just got a new kidney and a new liver on June5. Phil wrote a brief e-mail, thanking me for all the cards, e-mails, checks, cash and other communication from WC folks. We'll all finally see Phil and Kay at WC alumni weekend this year, providing he's up to it. I know we're looking forward to that!
Lest I should forget, I want to take this opportunity to also welcome aboard another 1960 classmate, DENNIS A. ROSE. This is special for me, as he and I were together, throughout all 12 school years, first to last. It's dandy to have you on the readers list now, Dennis, so please start attending things. We'd all just LOVE to see you! I recall you coming to the Frisch's function one year, and was simply floored! You'll all recognize Dennis, folks! He's one of those who just stepped right off the pages of the Piratan and hasn't aged at all!
Another of those 1963 folks has been added, too! I refer to LESLIE JANE SMITH, who came to us via the efforts of her classmate, LEE JEAN JORDAN. This is the 45th for that class year and we all need to plan to crash their gathering, right after we leave Frisch's, okay? Now, you 1963 folks be kind to us older folks, okay? We don't get around as well as we once did. Make sure to have a few extra seats in the room! Welcome aboard, Leslie!
As you always do, NANCY J. ERTEL, 1961, you've sent me the taunting reports on Sturgis 2008! Of course, I always scrutinize every detail of every new item about Sturgis. It's not the same Sturgis where I went from 1982 through 2001, but it will ever hold a special spot in my heart, nevertheless. Not many of us are privileged to attend 20 of those in a row, so I always count my blessings!
Nancy and I also had a fun, little exchange about a WC institution (of the early 1960s and back), which was the paddle used by HARRY A. RUSSELL. I don't know how many of my readers ever had any personal experience with his paddle. I did not, I'm happy to report. But did they paddle girls, then? I don't recall. Anyway, over the years, I remember hearing tales that someone had purloined H.A.R.'s infamous paddle, in order to keep it from ultimate destruction, and that it rests among boxes of old WC memorabilia and nostalgia items. Does any- one know if this story is true or not? If you've got a clue, let me know. Fun stuff, eh, Nancy?
Ever since her visit, cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS and I have continued our daily bit of banter. She is preparing for yet another trip this afternoon and will be gone about 3 days. If you're looking for a remodeling job on your house, you will want to invite her over. Before she went to bed on their first night here, I explained to her how to raise and lower the heavy oak, double-hung windows. She remembered my instructions as, "pull out," instead of, "push up," which was what I'd actually said. Of course, she pulled my window out of its frame and was just beside herself. But it all turned out fine when her husband, Bill, went up to get a look at it. He's a pretty handy guy and was able to get it back into the frame after a bit of finagling and pushing and pull-ing. In the future, for the duration of their visits, it's Bill who will be operating the windows, though. Ha!
Many of you have asked about my husband lately, and how he's doing. The fact is, if he could EVER get rid of the neuropathy from his shingles, he'd be feeling pretty darned good! But it just won't seem to let go. Thanks very much for your special good wishes, NANCY A. HALL and yours, JUDY MARIE FRANTZ, both 1961.
My old pal, MICHAEL S. WEST, 1961, is finishing up a major project on his and Sally's mountainside chalet home, high above Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It seems Sally didn't like the kitchen, so Mike ripped out the whole thing---cabinets, appliances, floor, everything---and is finally on the downside of this mammoth undertaking. Mike is doing all the work, himself, by the way. Imagine that!
Our alumni continue to maintain contact with each other, I'm happy to report. Just recently, I received a request from 1954's WM. L. MCNABB for the e-mail address of 1955's JERRY L. DAVIS. I wasn't able to accommodate Bill's request, as it happens, because I don't HAVE an e-mail address for Jerry. Now, why is that? Jerry, are you out there? Do you have e-mail? If so, why aren't you on our list? Can someone check this out? Jerry is surely one of our most prominent and popular alumni, that's for sure.
Thanks to 1987's SHARLENE N. MERKER for the effort in sending me the items you sent through the mail (postally). I'm going to frame the photo and I liked the other nostalgia piece, too. One of the other items you sent is firmly ensconced on a sort of wall on my porch. I see it every day. Perhaps I'll also add this other item.
Sharlene and I had an informative little exchange on the history of a couple of the most used curse words in the English language. I've always had an abiding interest in words, in general and the source from whence they came. So I've got a brief history on a couple of them. If you'd like to know them, let me know, on an individual basis. I simply cannot put this info into a bulletin. I'd rather cut off a limb than take the chance of offending anyone, and a tiny bit of it is just a little, "blue." I had the same exchange with 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER. But Freda and I are cut from the same cloth, I believe, so no problem.
While recently in Florida, 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH made an effort to stop and see RONALD D. "TOM" FEE and his wife, Sandi. Bruce took them out to dinner and both reported they had a fun time. Bruce, however, wasn't there for pleasantries aside from the dinner with the Fees. He lost his uncle to a freak accident with a helicopter prop and had gone to attend his funeral. I know we all offer condolences to Bruce. It occurs to me that aviation propellers just don't mix well with people named Chenoweth. Bruce's left arm was severed by an airplane propeller about 1982, as I recall, but they were able to reattach it. You are back home now, right, Bruce?
On August 7, at Miamisburg's Perkins Restaurant, a gathering of my 1960 classmates was held. I do believe it was all female members, but I am still awaiting my report from JO ANN K. STEMLEY, in order to confirm that. Jo was hoping for a good turnout for classmate, C. SUE MCCLOUD, who was visiting from her Homosassa, Florida, home.
Does anybody know the story on alumnus KEITH E. ANDERSON? I think he's 1958 or is it 1959? He's on the readers list, as he has been, for quite some time. But his mailings are all being returned now, so if anyone is in touch, please see what you can do to help me rectify this.
Let's follow up on some of our people who are ill or hospitalized or having surgeries, etc. The first one who comes to mind is Roy Parks. He's the father of 1959's SHIRLEY R. PARKS, and of course, her 3 (?) brothers, all of whom are WC. It is my under- standing that Mr. Parks is about 86-88 years old. I hear he recently had a gall bladder surgery and I'm thinking one other medical procedure, too. I know we all wish him well. Bless him! I'D be afraid to get an operation NOW, yet there he is. Let's wish him a speedy and 100% recovery.
We've already touched on Phil Howard, our organ- transplant recipient, who continues to improve, little by little, so we'll move right on to 1958's LINDA L. BECKETT, who had knee surgery. As reported by 1959's GARY E. BARNES, Linda is coming along nicely and is expected to recover well. We hope to see you in October, Linda, and keep right on with your improvement!
Also recovering from a freaky mishap is 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFLY. Fran has a few of those pesky broken ribs, which can be so disabling and debilitating. She's working hard at trying to get things done, nevertheless, but not very much luck, she writes. Frankly, I'm amazed she is even able to send e-mail, with broken ribs. They're just incredibly
painful. Fran owns a horse farm in Ocala, Florida, and somehow managed to be hit hard by one of the heavy stall gates. Two of her children are there at the farm, most of the time, so I'm sure she was well-attended. Still, we all do wish you a very speedy recovery, Fran!
For the very popular JOS. S. "SKIP" KETRING of 1963, good news abounds! On July 11, classmate LEE JEAN HELLER reported that Skip went home and was being attentively nursed by his family. How wonderful! It's nice to get good news about health, isn't it?
Also continuing to recuperate (at least, as of the middle of July) is 1959's JAMES L. LINDSEY, who sustained some sort of on-the-job injury and is in a rehabilitation center in Chattanooga. Jim wrote, at that time, that he was going home to Florida every now and then, but returning to the center to finalize his treatment and complete his rehabilitation. So do bring us up to date, Jim. How are you doing now?
As I understand it, WC's modern-day Peter Pan, 1960's CHAS. V. CARTER, is right back at it, in his gravel pit, and going full-force, following his mis
-hap of May 11, during which he fell from the top of the hopper on a piece of heavy machinery. In the fall, he broke one arm, one leg, and sustained quite a huge, horsehoe-shaped gash on his head. So we now await Pam's report on his next mishap, as I'm sure he's still doing the same thing.
Also still undergoing treatment for stomach cancer is 1956's ANITA RAE MASON. I spoke with her on the status of her health recently, and she sounds so good. But she takes nothing for granted. My long association with Anita and her 1957 sister, SARAH M. "JACKIE" MASON, dates back to my (and my sister's) early childhood, when we literally lived right across a cow pasture from them. The 4 of us were literally inseparable.
Jackie and Anita are both special to me and, as a great many of you will recall, Anita was best friends with my late sister, 1956's JUDY ANN RISNER. In the nearly-six-months (I can scarcely believe that) since my sister died, I've tried to maintain contact with Anita so that I know how she's doing. So has my brother-in-law, Judy's widower. I'm sure all three of us will continue to maintain contact. I know we all wish a 100% recovery for her, and the sooner, the better!
Before I forget THIS one, I'm just dying to tell all of you that we now have our first-ever, international e- mail reader! Can you believe this? That person is 1975's MARK T. SCHROEPPEL. Some of you will recall previous mentions of Mark. He's the son of 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER and the guy who is employed in Belarus, Russia, by the U.S. Embassy there. I'm simply amazed to think my humble, little, accidental bulletins are being read, halfway around the world! A big welcome to you, Mark, and please do stay safe over there! I'm concerned with Mark's safety, due to the international occurrences, as I'm sure you are, too, Freda.
By the way, folks, that's DOCTOR Schroeppel! Our own alumnus, Mark, has earned his Doctorate in Education, writes mom Freda, and you can believe me, when I tell you she's one proud parent. But who among us would NOT be? Freda's family continues to grow with the pending birth of yet another great- grandchild and two more granddaughters getting married soon. By the way, I did get a direct e-mail from Mark, in which he informed me the KGB is alive and well, in the town of Minsk. I found that to be quite interesting, as I'm sure most of us thought it to be a thing of the past.
Freda, you're an interesting e-mailer, truly. Each and every time I have an exchange with you, I learn something. Freda and I discuss all sorts of topics and I like hearing the views and opinions of others, especially if they're different from my own. More often than not, it seems, Freda and I share similar opinions about a lot of things. During our Miami Shores days, Freda, if you and I had been nearer in age, I'm sure we'd have been best friends. But it's never too late, eh? Freda also wanted to know of any news with her son's former wrestling coach, DENNIS THAYER. I don't have a clue and will pass this off to my teacher readers (HUFFMAN, MAYS, JOHNSON, WOLF, COLLINS, BARTON, SHADE, etc.) to send me a reply on his status.
Now, here is one dandy story, which I'm about to tell all of you. My veteran readers will recall my years of efforts in locating classmates, WM. M. ROHLER and EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY. It took me nearly 15 years to find Ed and nearly 20 to find Bill. But I did find them both. Ed lives in Nampa, Idaho. Bill lives in Bombay Beach, California, at the edge of the Salton Sea. It's very desolate, very warm, and very remote.
Recently, Bill bought a 2008 Harley-Davidson full dresser (FLHTCU-I, for those of you who know the H-D). Need I tell you, I'm green with envy! It cost him a staggering $30,000! Bill still works for the school system in his county. (He tells me he'll now be working until he's 75, to pay off his H-D. Ha!)
Bill called me around the end of June, and wanted all the contact info for Eddie. I couldn't give it to him, fast enough. Then he told me of his new bike and of his plan to mount up with wife, Gloria, and head straight north to go visit his old friend, Eddie. Now, Ed didn't know Bill was coming and they had not seen one another since high school. But we all know there just seems to be no bond which is like that high school bond. I sent Bill a MapQuest guide to Ed's house. Boy, was I ever envious NOW! The ride is just under a thousand miles.
Bill and Gloria arrived on Ed's doorstep and rang the bell. Ed answered it and didn't recognize Bill, of course. They chatted for just a moment, then Bill bent his forearm, which revealed his high school tattoo, and Ed instantly recognized it. I guess they both went bonkers and spent the next several days catching up on each others' lives and reveling in being able to spend time together again, after the many years of separation. I was simply thrilled by this reunion! Ed and I spoke of it later and he was also thrilled. Bill is safely back home and Ed has his reservations to fly into Ohio again for our alumni weekend. I can't wait to see that Scottish Highland kilt outfit again, can you?
There is yet another great motorcycle story for this edition, too. Just returning from a very long ride on their motorcycles (and a visit to Sturgis, too!) was 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON and son, CHRIS. I am sure many of you remember that Norm and I are old, old friends who rode a few miles together, our-selves, many years ago.
Norm wrote that he had a bit of a problem with an old injury, as he rode, but aside from that, all went well. He and Chris met many people from all over the globe and had a wonderful ride. Norm finally achieved his goal of putting the wheels of his bike on North Dakota soil, the final state of the lower 48, where he'd never ridden. More importantly, they had a safe journey, departing and returning in one, whole piece. That's the most important! Chris kept a great log of the trip, too, very interesting. Thanks for a marvelous report, Norm, and welcome home!
Still in the visiting mode were 1956's DENNIS A. MICHAEL and his new Zephyr Hills neighbor, 1958 's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE. About mid-July, they met at the local McD's for coffee. Dennis reported they had a great time, as did Tom. They live but a few blocks apart and Dennis said he's hoping for many more coffee chats with Tom, as well as visits to houses. That's terrific!
Once again, I'm going to mention the 45th reunion of the Class of 1963. It's set for Friday, October 10, at C. F. Holliday Elementary School. Be sure you're there! I know I will be! Okay, okay, I'm not 1963, but it's just par for the course that the Frisch's gang always crashes a nearby, single-year reunion and it just happens to be 1963's turn in the barrel! I know you're all going to have a terrific time. Putting in lots work on this event were SHIRLEY A. RANKIN and FRANCES L. PEFFLY. I'll bet there were others, too, the names of whom I am unaware. So let me know! (I'm betting one of them will be that of ANNA MAE STOKES!)
It's, "All systems go!" for the honorary naming of the old Miami Shores street, Beechgrove Road. The city council of Moraine City will be dedicating the plaque for this on Veterans Day 2008, according to a direct e-mail received from Councilman Stephen M. French., and it will read as, "Tommy Combs Way," in honor of fallen, Vietnam veteran, THOS. EUGENE COMBS. This is a direct result of the efforts of 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, with an able local assist from his lifelong pal, 1958's WM. R. HOWARD and also DONALD I. MCCOY. Nice going, you three! What a well-deserved honor for Tommy! Give yourselves a pat on the back, and let's all remember to thank a veteran, every time we can. "Freedom is not free!" Bill is trying to get a soldier statue erected there, also. By the way, I've learned we have yet two other fallen hero, in 1963's TOM LEW AUSTIN and 1964's JACK ANTHONY FUSON. The search is on, wrote Steve Shade, for family members of both these men. Our gratitude and sympathy go out to the families of all three of these heroes. Also involved in these efforts is 1964 class member, DAVID R. BURNS.
Call off the hunt for a new e-mail address for 1960's WM. E. HECKER! We got it tracked down, via the efforts of 1962's RICHARD G. DENNY. So I've put Bill back on the list. Bill, you just HAVE to get better about keeping us posted when you change your e-mail address, okay? Many thanks, Dick, and best to your gorgeous classmate spouse, LIELA K. GEORGE. We look forward to seeing all of you, come October. That means you, too, Bill!
This is for you, Pat Barnes, wife of 1959's GARY E. BARNES. Were you successful in reaching 1962's FRANCES L PEFFLY? I'm reminded of that, due to her just being at my house. It seems that Pat has traced some family ties to Fran, folks, and I forgot to ask Fran about that, when she was here today (August 17). So you two keep me posted.
There were a few chatty exchanges with 1961's LILY K. "KITTY" BURDETTE. It's fun to e-mail you, Kitty. You're always so bubbly, upbeat, and cheery, just like you were in school. It's nice to know some things never change. I look so forward to seeing you in October.
Although I often try to palm off STEVEN F. SHADE as a 1964 class member, he's 1965, and I know that full well, every time I do it. So just ignore me if I write 1964 for you, Steve. Remember this, though. You're immediately claimed by your classmates, as I was reminded by 1965's L. DEAN BANKS, who let me know you were in his class. Thanks, Dean!
A recent, nostalgic exchange took place between me and 1962's SUE L. SPEELMAN. Suzi and I chatted about a few classmates, but had a really in- depth exchange about the losses of our siblings, my sister, 1956's JUDY ANN RISNER, and her brother, 1959's GEORGE S. "SAM" SPEELMAN. Sam was the president of his class and terribly brilliant and talented, and Suzi wrote that she will never really get over his loss. I understand just how you feel and what you mean, Suzi! I feel the same way about losing my sister. Suzi also told me of a few high school sweethearts and a couple of WC folks who had married, of whom I was unaware. I learn SO much from all of you!
Can someone do some checking for me on Civics teacher, MURL E. HUFFMAN? Are you there, Mr. H.? I'm hearing mutterings that you're under the weather. Are you? Someone out there, please do send me a report on his health status. He will turn 90 in December. We want to make sure you're still around for that birthday, Mr. H.! (Okay, I know, you want me to call you, "M-M-Mu-Mu-Murl," but as you can see, I just can't get that together!) I got both your e-mails, by the way, one on July 2 and another on August 5. So I know you were okay, as recently as that date. Get me up to speed, okay? On July 2, you wrote about your appearing in a video on that U-Tube website. Is it still there?
From 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE came an e-mail in which he indicated the mailings (for the alum gig) will be earlier than usual this year. I know many of us have already received them. I received mine on August 23 and immediately prepared it for return. Anyway, if you don't get one, fear not. Just go to the website ( ), click on events, and it will download for you.
There was interesting feedback on the notice I sent from 1965's LINDA S. JOHNSON, re the Historical Society's open house of August 17. From 1956's RALPH D. WILSON came a message about his abiding interest in nostalgia events and from 1970 's VICKIE JO GILBERT came an e-mail in which she questioned why she has never before known of such an event, although she's lived there all her life. I don't have the answer for you, Vickie, but now that you know, I guess you can always check with them, from time to time to see what's happening, or get on a special event mailing list, perhaps.
Our official alumni blogger, 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, continues to do a great job of getting all our things posted on the blog. You say you're new to the list? You think you missed the last bulletin? Or maybe you didn't get to see this photo or that one? Then go the blog. It's ( ) You can get current on EVERYthing! Thanks, Mike!
An intermittent exchange continues with 1985's M. CYNTHEA POTEET, and we've most discussed the travails of losing a loved one, what with her father and my sister dying in the same facility on the same day. But we've also discussed a few interesting, political blips. I love to talk politics with people who aware, but still able to allow for the fact that all of us may not have the same opinion. That's why I like talking with you, Cynthea!
Okay, we're further down in this bulletin now and we have yet a few more new readers. This is amazing! I just can't get over it. It is now August 23 and I have e-mail from 1958's K. JUNE CRUTCHFIELD, in which she requests the addition of two 1957 class- mates (who are spouses), BETTY LEE CARROLL and RALPH H. WARNER. June advised me the Warners still reside in Miami Shores and will likely be at our Miami Shores Memories gathering. We all welcome the Warners, and thanks, June.
Those 1963 folks are just pouring out of the woodwork now, folks! Thanks to 1961's SANDRA S. MAYO, we add two more of them in the persons of BARRY P. BARNES and TIMOTHY A. LUCAS. We hope to see both of you at all weekend functions, come October, guys! Happy reading, and thanks, Sande! They're also two more Miami Shores Kids, so do be at the gathering on Saturday afternoon, hear?
Apologies to 1961's R. MICHAEL FORSYTH for the error in your name, Mike. I always want to know of such things. I want names to be correct, for all of us!
Kibitzing continues with SHIRLEY A. RANKIN, 1963 (and an occasional phone call, too). Shirley was headed to Florida for the winter where she and her husband will probably work the winter at some of the big theme parks. But never fear, she'll be in Ohio for her 45th and for alumni weekend! Shirley wrote she'd like to hear from anyone who lived in the Allen Platt area. I'm unfamiliar with that one, but I'll bet a few of you remember it.
Remember when 1960's DAVID G. OTT and his 1963 spouse, SANDRA R. MINIX, paid a visit to the Normandy ceremony and memorial when they were in France? Well, it seems that 1959's CAROLYN E. "TOOTIE" PENCE went to see the moving veterans wall when it was in Melbourne, Florida. Tootie wrote it was quite an emotional experience to see the wall and be able to touch it. Tootie, there are lots of folks at WC who would find it a moving experience to be able to see and touch YOU, come alumni weekend. I do hope you plan to be with us.
Unfortunately, 1960's MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL was unable to join the 1960 girls on August 7 at the gathering in Miamisburg, but she assures me she'll finally be with us this year at alumni weekend. We've all waited such a long time for you to join us on that weekend, Madeleine, so this is a big thrill. Please call your old pal, SHARON L. BORGER, and tell her you'll be there. We want her, too! Does anyone yet have an updated e-mail address for Sharon, by the way? if so, please let me know. Thanks goes to 1961's JACK L. GODBY for taking time to update me on his 1964 brother, W. THOS. GODBY, who also recently got a new e-mail address. You are surely one of, "the chosen," Jack, when it comes to beloved alumni. I dearly hope we'll be seeing you this year!
Checking in with a new e-mail address was 1960's MONTY ESTEP and his 1963 spouse, BEVERLY J. WALKER. Thanks, Monty, and also thanks to 1964 class member, KAREN L. TYSON, who took time to keep me posted on her new e-mail address, too. I really appreciate it. The same thanks goes to one of 1961's most gorgeous class members, JANET L. WALTERS. She also has a new e-mail address and is going to keep me posted on the latest e-mail status of her classmate, CHRIS L. CLEARY. So we are doing a good job of networking. Janet recently took a joyful trip to assist with the care of a brand-new grandchild, so congratulations are in order for Janet and her family.
Also giving me an able assist on e-mail addresses was 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE, who aided me in tracking down sis, 1954's CAROLYN G. GILLETTE (whose e-mail was being returned). It seems to be doing all right now. Sally also confirmed, by the way, that she did, indeed, live for a time in South Moraine Platte. But it was before I was in that neighborhood.
Sally also submitted a great vacation report on a recent trip she took with spouse, CHAS. A. "BUD" LOWMAN. (By the way, the Lowmans celebrate their second wedding anniversary on August 26.) They traveled to the Upper Peninsula and also to Petrosky, Michigan, where Sally spent summers. In the route was a trip to the cabin built by her father. They played golf, rode bicycles, visited Charelvoix, Harbor Springs, and Mackinaw Island. On the trip home, they rendezvoused in Toledo with 1960's DANNY L. WALTERS and wife Phyllis for a long and windy lunch before returning home. Thanks for a great report, Sally! By the way, folks, Sally says her family lineage represents 4 generations of WC grads. That's terrific!
A couple of brief notes arrived from Jean Call, the spouse of 1962's RICHARD C. CALL. They're in the throes of caring for Jean's elderly mother and trying to keep themselves well, too. A lot of us sure do know what that's like, Jean, and we wish you the best in your efforts.
From 1959's GARY E. BARNES comes continued good news on 1958's VINCENT A. BRODBECK, who continues to bear up under the April 7 tragedy of the loss of his spouse, 1960's DOROTHY J. "DOTTIE" WILLMAN. Many of the, "WC troops," continue to rally 'round Vince, as does his family. We all wish you well, Vince.
From 1957's ERCELL P. PHILLIPS came a notice about their class having a gathering on August 9. I haven't yet had a report on who attended and how it went, but fill us in on all the details, please, Ercell. You're one of my best reporters from 1957!
Just recently making her way back to her e-mail is 1957's SHIRLEY ANN HILE. Shirley wrote she has been out of touch for a little while, but she's back in the fold now. Will we see you in October, Shirley? I do hope so!
Nearly every time I talk with 1960's EULA FAYE BAILEY, we have a good laugh about the years-later revelation of classmate, EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY and how you told me, Ed, of your big crush on Eula Faye in Miss Marsh's English class. You said you'd sit behind her and lean forward to smell her hair and talked of how you loved to hear her wonderful, southern-drawl accent. Aaahh, the things we remember about high school, eh? If only you had let her know, way back then, who knows what might have happened? Ha!
On a final note, I want to tell all of you that we've got a long way to go to keep up with the 1961 class. As always, their girls had their, "ya-ya weekend," at the Kentucky home CAROLE J. LEWIS on August 15. From the two brief comments I received (SALLY L. GILLETTE and P. LYNNETTE GARRETT) a great time was had by all, as usual. But this group is doing one thing or another, all the time. They have monthly coffee klatches and visit each other at home and go to movies and are really great about contact. The 1963 group is also coming on strong. So somebody in 1961 please send along the attendance list and give me a brief rundown, will you?
Before I finally end this, where have YOU been, 1960's THOS. L. WOLF, JR.? I haven't heard a peep and you're my official source for the inside scoop. So send me something! Keep an eye out for that 1941 Piratan, for which I'll trade my first-born, and I also still need a 1965.
With the way things are going, and only 6 weeks until we all convene, I think this may be the last bulletin before our big weekend, I don't know. So do take note of what's happening where. Also, do send in all your news. I can't do this without all of you. If there's no you, there's no WeCaTon!
In closing, I leave each of you and yours with my sincerest wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!