The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Thursday, May 20, 2010

1954's Freda P. Fletcher and her (new) spouse, Larry L. Green.
Monday, May 17, 2010
On 03 May 2010, Bonnie wrote:
---"Erin, go Bragh!" Okay, so it's a whole lot late for that, now. I know that, but you see, I actually did beGIN this on St. Patrick's Day, a day after I
sent the last bulletin. I always do that, in trying to remain current, but I never seem to manage stay current, anyway. You are all very tolerant and forgiving, though, and I'm very grateful for that.
Let's list our forwarders, then get going on the other news. They are 1954's FREDA P. FLET
Yes, we've had passings. The first one for this bulletin was remitted by 1958's BRUCE K. COP SEY and the deceased is one of our teachers, JAS. A. LANE, JR. He died on March 15 and would have turned 77 on May 22. He was our science teacher, but I don't remember having him for science, although I do vividly remember him. Thank you for this one, Bruce. We send our condolences to Mrs. Lane, family, and all friends, of course.
KEVIN STUART MOORE, 1978, passed away at Sycamore Hospital in Miamisburg on April 3.
I didn't see a cause of death listed in the obit. It was also submitted by Bruce and 1961's JACQ
-UELINE N. LESHER. Condolences to Kevin's family and friends. He was but 49.
With his usual level of efficiency, STEVEN F. SHADE, 1965, submitted his list, also. Of those which I haven't already covered are 1969's JAS. MANNING, age 58, who died on March 14, and no cause of death given.
ROBT. E. SHUMARD, SR., 1951, passed away on March 7. The Shumard name is well-known by all who attended WC in the 1940s, 1950s, and beyond. I believe there may still be some Shumards in the WC school system.
LISA MARIE LEMP, 1981, passed away March 4. I didn't have this one, either. She was so very young, at just 48. We seem to be losing many more of us, at younger and younger ages. My thanks to you, Steve, for continuing to keep us current on these.
It is possible I've previously reported this, but 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY lost her spouse, earlier this year, I believe it was. I also had a long chat with 1956's DENNIS A. MICHAEL, in which he informed me he'd lost his wife, too. I'm unsure if these two might have been in the last news report or not, but I wanted to be sure. At this time, Dennis intends to remain in his home in Zephyr Hills, Florida. Also losing a spouse is 1959's JANET LAIL. Husband Olin W. Quillen passed away in late April. This was sent to us by both 1959's GARY E. BARNES and 1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL.
Okay, remember when I told you all, in the last bulletin, that I had a great story to tell (at least, I think it's a great story), and the story was totally inspired by my exchanges with 1954's FREDA P. FLETCHER? Well, I'm going to tell it to you, now, so if you're not very interested in what life was like, back in a1940s-1950s era, in Miami Shores, you may wish skip over the next few of my paragraphs.
Freda and I had several exchanges, regarding the, "outdoor privvy," of that era. My house was the very last one at the very southernmost end of Miami Shores Drive. It was directly across the field from the old Elter farm. It was long ago torn down to make way for the airport, to my utter dis -may. Anyway, yes, we had the proverbial privvy and it was right at the end of the well-worn path. We had a one-holer, as it was called. Yes, there was also the Sears catalogue, sometimes on the floor, as was the J.C. Penney catalogue. I'll let you all figure out why, all by yourselves.
As it happens, Freda had the ultimate outhouse experience, in her own youth. They lived in an old, converted bus along the shores of the Little Miami River. It was apparently a very nice bus, to be sure. But Freda says her mom was a city gal who had all the amenities---plumbing, water, electric, etc. So her dad built an outhouse along that riverbank.
This was the outhouse to end all outhouses, as explained in Freda's description. It had 3 glass windows which opened and closed, it had a full, linoleum floor, it was yellow and white (so her mom could instantly spot spiders), there was a red, wooden seat with a lid, real electric lights, soap and a water pitcher atop a washstand, as well as real toilet paper, and boy, as I write, I'm thinking this outhouse would have made quite a mini-condo, if only enough space. Oh, it also had curtains! So the Fletchers had the ultimate outhouse to end (no pun intended) all outhouses
, to be sure!
Well, ours wasn't quite so fancy, but it served all the basic functions. My dad loved building stuff, and was always swinging a hammer or using a saw, one way or another. So one day, he came inside, saying to my mother, "Well, Melba, I've finished the two-holer!" His voice was wrought with tremendous enthusiasm. He was so very
excited. Then he told her how he had carefully sanded to a smooth finish every inch of those perfect, round holes he'd cut for the two-holer.
We were all pleased about that part, obviously.
) Boy, was he ever proud! Being the good wife, my mother gave him all his verbal praise, and told him how we'd all enjoy it. How his chest was protruding with pride!
Well, I was 8 years old, at the time, and even at that tender age, I vividly recall standing there as he spoke, and thinking to myself, "Gee, I wonder why Daddy wanted to build a two-holer? Why on earth would ANYone want to do THAT, if anyone else was seated right beside them?" Yes, it was quite the mystery to me, and that was sixty years ago! If any of you can possibly answer that for me, I confess I'm still searching for the answer. So there you are! You all now have both my and Freda's outhouse stories, and I'll await all your observations. I'll bet there will be many.
In recent weeks, I've spoken with 1963's ANNA MAE STOKES and FRANCES L. PEFFLY. If
Fran manages to sell her place in Dunellin, she and her daughter, Kelly, will come to this area to look around a bit, she tells me. Anna Mae was still in Florida and working, at the time I spoke with her. She will be returning to Ohio, in mid-to
-late-Spring. Also traveling, as of April 15, are the FULLERs (i.e., 1960's GERALD A. and his WC-honorary spouse, Rebecca A.) They will go from their winter digs in Panama City Beach to their permanent home in Louisville, Ky. Soon on the road, also, will be 1963's SHIRLEY ANN RANKIN, who's coming up from Florida to return to their home in Clarkrange, Tennessee. From Sebring, Florida, 1960's JOANN K. STEMLEY will end her winter hiatus, returning to the Dayton suburb of Riverside, along with spouse, Ronald R. Hall. With luck, I'll be seeing Ron and JoAnn for a stopover, on their return trip! Sometime in May, I also hope to see 1961's P. LYNNETTE
GARRETT and spouse, Frank L. Hawvermale, as they return from their place in Henderson, Nevada, to Germantown. So there is lots of Spring traveling occurring, of which I'm aware.
Also recently calling me was 1960's CHAS. A. "BUD" LOWMAN. We spoke for a very long time, and Bud brought me up to date on his life, his children, his travels, and a few social outings with his WC pals. He reported he's in glowing health and doing all right.
We've gotten all the latest info on the location of another 1960 classmate, WM. D. DUNCAN. He moved to Texas, last year, and we all hope to see Bill again, come October. Bill, I know you are reading this, so don't dare disappoint us on our 50th, hear? Thanks to 1962's RUSSELL L. "RUSTY" ELLIOTT and spouse (Bill's younger sister), MARY A. DUNCAN, for the update.
Are you there, 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY? I know you are. As I write, I'm reading your e-mail about the broken ankle, back in February. You failed to send an update, Pam! How's the ankle now? Are you, "up and runnin'," again? Are you mobile and okay now? Let us know!
What a marvelous e-mail from you, ROBYN L. SHEPHERD, 1970! It was truly a joy to read and it sort of made my day when it arrived. I so appreciate the wonderful reaction to the bulletin and am sincerely thrilled by your enjoyment. Of course, I'll look forward to meeting YOU, too. To bring us up to date on Robyn, she reports she's got 3 grandchildren, has been a widow for the past 8 years, and best of all, she intends to join us all for alumni weekend in October.
Robyn also sent another request. We've gotten SO good at this, I just know we can help her to find her 1971 friend, THERESA MORRIS. They were very close, and even in each others' wed-dings, but have lost track of each other, as so
often occurs following school. But as we all know, the bonds are there forever, so let's all pull together and get Robyn and Theresa recon
-nected, shall we? Send me any info you have on her, please.
You probably all remember I was terribly close to the late RONALD P. CRAIG, 1960. We grew up in Miami Shores together, he was an usher in my first wedding, and godfather to my elder child. I was crushed, when he died. I'm in regular touch with his widow, Martha E. Craig, and I've invited Martha to be with us this October, to represent our fallen classmate. I'd be so honored to have her there. She says she
will come, only if CHAS. A. HIGH, JR., also attends. Well, as it happens, Charlie says he WILL attend. But his health is tenuous, at best. He's promised, however, to do his very best. So if you see Martha, please reinforce my invitation and let her know we'd all love to see her represent Ronnie, will you?
The son of 1960's LINDA LEE SHANK is now a major star of the bowling circuit, folks! His name is Brian Kretzer, and he won a major bowling tourney, during March, I believe it was. Linda, be sure to keep us posted on Brian's wonderful accomplishments.
This is sad to report, but the daughter of 1959's CAROLINE J. MELZONI is ill with cancer. Her name is MARSHA MELZONI CARMACK and we think she graduated in 1982. Let's all pray for Marsha and hope for the very best possible outcome for her. Thanks to 1960's LINDA LEE SHANK for this report.
We got an update on the sibling of 1958's WM. R. HOWARD, who is PHYLLIS A. SELLARS of 1972. I hope you're back to reading now, Miss Phyllis. Bill, let us know if she's not getting the bulletins, and thanks. We also heard from her sister, 1963's GERALDINA SELLARS. You're never going to be able to get off THIS list, are you, Phyllis? Ha!
Continuing his gallant battle against the effects of multiple myeloma (a bone marrow cancer) is 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON. I spoke to him recently, and he asked for us all to keep him in our good thoughts and prayers. I assured him there's never a day when I don't pray for his well-being, and that's the truth. His sister, 1954 class member, V. JOANNA JACKSON, also sent a report about Norm, saying he's doing all he can to beat this thing. "We're all pullin' for you, Norm
," that's for sure!
Boy, oh boy, I did it again! My apologies to our alumni president, 1970's THOS. A. DORSEY. I listed him as 1971, for some odd reason. Yes, I do know better. I'm so sorry, Tommy. The last thing I want to do is jeopardize my 2010 ride on your Harley-Davidson!
However, times change, Tommy. I have recently run onto a 2007 FLHX, which is a re-po by one of the local credit unions. I went to see it. I think I'm going to bid on it. It's worth about $16-ish-$17-ish, and I hear I may be able to get it for just under 10K. I'm not so sure I believe THAT, but it would be great, if that turned out to be true! (Oh
yeah, sure!) I intend to talk to that credit union
on Monday, and see what they have to say. At this moment, it's April 24, so when I go to church in the morning, I'm going to be praying REALLY hard! I wonder if God happens to be a Harley-Davidson rider? What do you think, Tommy? I'll keep you posted, of course. This summer may be the one wherein I'll break out all my duds for riding, again.
Before it slips my feeble mind, I've received the most wonderful news, just yesterday, April 23. I logged on and found a message from that most wise of ladies, 1954's FREDA P. FLETCHER, in which she advised me she's getting hitched, on that very day, at 11:30 a.m., to her longtime companion, Larry, whose surname I don't yet know. Freda, we all wish you the VERY best and we offer our heartiest congratulations and sincerest best wishes to you both, for many years of happiness and good health! That's just terrific. Hi, Larry, and welcome to the WC crew.
Lots of info has been flying around, regarding the WC scholarship funds and the process for awarding the funds. This was of special interest to 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, and how it relates to Miami Shores Kids, inparticularly. I'm pretty sure all Tom's concerns were capably ans -wered by 1960's THOS. L. WOLF, JR., who's closely affiliated with that, right, Tom?
As it happens, Tom (Wolf) and I recently had an e-mail exchange, in the process of which I found out he was in Florida, visiting with his mother-in -law, who's in her 90s. He was planning to stop by The Villages (or Maysville, as I call it) to see his old friends, Ann Mays, and her 1960 spouse
, J. DAVID MAYS. So how did that go, Tom? Did you make it to see them? It's now April 30 and I've got news up the ying-yang. Please do tolerate my ramblings, as I jump from one topic to another, in an effort to bring this edition to a close, as well as getting current on my 6-week, self-imposed goal.
First of all, I'm SO excited about this one, I can't tell you. Guess what happened? I finally did re-ceive an e-mail from 1954's FREDA P. FLET-
CHER, in which she recapped her nuptials of
April 23. She wed long-time companion, Larry L. Green, so we have a new name for her. I've changed my records on Freda and offered her and Larry my best wishes. That's terrific, Freda!By the way, she sent photos which I've forward-ed to chief blogger, MICHAEL S. WEST. So I suppose you can soon see the blushing bride.
My spiritual advisor, 1961's NANCY A. HALL, is doing one terrific job, and I mean it. Nancy and I chat on e-mail, all the time, and we talk about all things Lutheran! Nancy, by the way, generously sent to me an original 1917 WeCaTon. All of you KNOW what a thrill that was for ME! Again, I thank you so much, Nancy! Her father had a treasure trove of old yearbooks and Nancy has agreed to send me all extra copies. I'm terribly excited about that.
Backing up just a few weeks, I received a great story from 1963's LEE JEAN JORDAN. She reiterated a day when classmate SHIRLEY ANN RANKIN was in town and Lee Jean met her for lunch. Shirley always loved to roll downhill on the grass at the Carillon Bell Tower. Lee Jean was in a suit, but they did it, anyway. She said it was so fun to do silly things at our age. Yes, I know just what you mean, Lee Jean. By the way, here
is a piece of trivia for you. My dear, old Uncle
Willie was the foreman on Carillon Bell Tower, as it was originally being built. He was quite a precision stone mason and bricklayer. He was my very favorite uncle. He was also a notorious and fun drunk! But hey, I've never met a drunk I didn't like.
For a short while, we thought we might have 4 sets of birthday twins in the 1960 class, with a possibility of July 12, 1942, for both PHILLIP D. HOWARD and STEVEN M. KOKOT. But alas, it was not to be. Steve wrote his birthday is on June 16 (the same as the birthday of my first husband, in fact).
Okay, who made the chicken and dumplings we had at the Second Annual Miami Shores Mem- ories Picnic? I'm pretty certain 1958's WM. R. HOWARD would like to marry whoever made those. Of course, Lucy probably wouldn't be in agreement (or maybe she would), but at the very least, Bill begs for you to make that dish again and bring it this year, too! I had a taste of it, and it truly WAS delicious!
We've had tons of input on the MS function and it's truly a hit. I'd have never believed it. But I've got to hand it to you, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, 1958. What a great idea! That's right up there with the Frisch's Frolic, created by MICHAEL S. WEST, 1960. All sorts of ideas are flowing from those who run this event for us. Not only is it just Tom and Bill (and his wife, Lucy), but also in the planning are 1957's BETTY L. CARROLL and 1958's DONALD I. MCCOY. They all do such a great job. I've volunteered to write their press release for Betty, but that's really all I do. They do all the real work. Thanks to all and what a smashing success that event is. By the way, I want to reiterate, it's open to ALL! You do NOT have to have been reared in MS to attend, so be there this year. It's at 1 p.m., Oct. 9, at the Payne Recreation Center. Bring a covered dish or a bag of chips or a big pack of napkins or a case of Pepsi/Coke, whatever.
Speaking of that, we're overrun with food each year. Can someone grab the bull by the horns and get some sort of church or shelter group or someone down there to pick up the leftover chow and give it to someone who needs it. I'm hearing from Bill Howard that we had to throw out a bunch of food, last year. I'm with him on this issue. Let's make sure it gets used! Also, just in case you missed it, Miami Shores now has a website, and I'm thinking it was created by 1969's CAROLYN J. COOK or is it another 1969 member, JACQUELINE J. CLARK? Help me out, here! EULA FAYE BAILEY sent this to me, as did 1958's WM. R. HOWARD. In any
case, take a look at it and add your two cents' worth. I don't know if I have this website correct. Send me that, too. Is it
( ) That doesn't sound right. We'll get it, don't worry.
Sadly, we've lost our 1960 class treasurer in the e-mail list. If anyone has an update on a current e-mail for THOM B. THOMPSON, please notify me, so that I can continue to send his copies of the news reports. The last one was returned, so I printed it and mailed it to him.
What about you, GARY L. WARLAUMONT? I got one of those, "mailbox full," messages on your account, but I presume you've by now taken care of that problem, right? From ERCELL P. PHILLIPS, 1957, we got an update on e-mail for 1960's FRED L. DOOLEY, JR., so I thank you for that, Phill.
This next line is for, DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, 1960. I've gotten back one of those rejects which says, "over quota." I've gotten back nothing since, so I'm assuming that's been resolved. Am I correct, DeDe? How's you dad doing, by the way? He's just amazing.
Cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS and I continue to have our daily exchanges. She will be here for her annual visit, during the month of May, along with her husband and another couple. She will be sleeping on the ground floor this year, which means she'll be nowhere near my big windows with the oak frames (one of which she removed last year, as you'll all recall.) Ha!
Let's all remember to access that website for 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFLY, so she can rake in lots of money. ( www.painlesscooking,com )
Don't forget! I hope to play hostess to Fran and daughter Kelly, very soon. They've been to my house, several times, now.
From 1957's DARELL L. TOBIAS came news of his cold winter in the North Carolina mountain home he has in Franklin. Darell says he's doing some painting (art-type), as did his mother, and will be with us in October. I was in Darell's neck of the woods in March and tried to stop and see him, but wasn't successful in reaching him. He had a birthday on April 9. When we get to our age group, let's face it, birthdays are truly such a good thing! Look at the alternative.
On March 17, I received an e-mail from the wife of 1959's JAS. L. LINDSEY. In it, she informed me Jim had two stents put in his heart. He was in a hospital in Tampa, Florida, when he had this done, she wrote, and expected to return home on March 18. I haven't heard from Mrs. Lindsey again, as to how he's doing. Perhaps when they read this, she'll send me an update, and I can put it in the next bulletin. I'm sure Jim knows we all wish him well.
We got a follow-up e-mail from 1955's JESS E. HOHNHORST. He wrote he'd read the last two of the bulletins and loved them, enjoying every word. Well, thank you, Jess! That thrills me to pieces, and I hope you keep reading. But even more, I hope you'll join us all for alumni weekend in October.
It was fun reminiscing with 1970's VICKIE JO GILBERT, about the old Dayton Tire & Rubber, where I worked, right out college. One of my co-workers was Margaret Blair, mother of my class -mate, DAVID A. BLAIR. Margaret was truly a class act. I enjoyed my time there. Vickie's dad worked there, too. Vickie is the wife of 1963's J. TED EUBANK. Yep, those were the days.
THOS. J. GAULDIN, 1962, commented on my loosely-structured political statement, outlined in my last bulletin, and said he felt much the same. Well, thanks, Tom. Yes, indeed, I do, "get that." I hope we'll see you in October!
Before I forget, when and if you all get this news bulletin, you can once again thank the wizard of the cyber-highway, NICHOLAS P. WOLARY of 1958. This evening (April 30), my creaky, old PC just quit on me, right in mid-text. I was afraid to do ANYthing, lest I'd lose all the text. I already had 4-5 pages done, all the related e-mails had been deleted, long ago, so I couldn't go back to re-cap, if I lost it. I called my connection, 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST. He said it was way out of his league and told me to call Nick. Yep, he did it again! I told him if there was any way I could do it, I'd crawl through the phone and kiss his feet. Not only did he talk me through getting the PC unfrozen, he even told me how to get all the text saved. So here we are! Thanks, Nick, SO very much.
Are you there, RODNEY R. GABBARD, 1971?
I've added your classmate, BONITA J. OVER- STREET. Thank you, Rod, and welcome to the readers list, Bonita. But please confirm for me the class year for Bonita. Is it 1971? Also, what is her current last name? Thanks very much. I'd love to hear from you, Bonita. Tell us how you're doing, what's happening in your life, how many kids, etc.? Enjoy reading and please join us in October, okay?
As always seems to be the case, I'm in regular contact with 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT. At this writing, she's probably still at her home in Henderson, Nevada. However, as I had earlier written, I do believe she and Frank may now be heading back to Germantown, right now.They
are now talking of taking a very scenic, northern route back, for sightseeing, which will take them far away from any possibility of stopping here in Tennessee. I'm disappointed by that, of course, but I also think we need to travel while we can or we may miss out on seeing something we really want to see.
Lynn recently went to a concert, she reported, at one of the Las Vegas clubs, I'm assuming, and got to see The Eagles. She was quite excited about it, said it was great, and she must be in pretty good health, as she talked of dancing. Of course, we will all hope to see you in October, Lynn, and you, too, Frank! Lynn's son works at the MGM Grand Hotel, which is on, "The Las Vegas Strip," of course.
From my old pal, MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL,
came news about her conversion to the Catholic faith. Madeleine and I have known each other since first grade and went through Catechism and confirmation together at the old ZELC, of so many years ago, which so many of us attended. She reported she's undergone instruction in the Catholic faith, with her daughter, Dianne. We all wish you well in your spiritual pursuits, of course, Madeleine. We also look forward to seeing you
, without fail, come October. Naturally, we shall expect to see our, "adopted alumnus," too; i.e., your husband, Wm. D. McDaniel. Hi, Bill!
So tell us all how you're doing, DONNA JEAN RICHARDS, 1961! I'm not sure I've EVER had so many inquiries into anyone's health, in all the 10 years I've done these bulletins, as I have of yours. Of course, I'M also among those wonder-ing. Lynn tells me she hears you're doing better, or did I say that to her? I've forgotten. But I am very sure your classmate, SALLY L., GILLETTE, did tell me you're doing much better. You are quite a role model to many of us, Donna, so we
are all very interested in your welfare. Everyone hopes for only the best for you. Keep us well- posted!
Never, I suppose, is 1958's WM. R. HOWARD going to stop taunting me, in one way or another
, as long as he lives. Is that right, Bill? Here I sit on my PC and a photo comes through. It's from him, and guess who it is? It's my much-beloved Sociology teacher, JAS. C. JOHNSON. All of you know (including yourself, Mr. J.) how I had this incredible crush on him, throughout all high school. So I loved the photo and I saw that very same guy who taught me Sociology, when I put it on the PC screen. Bill said he was having breakfast with his 1958 classmates, K. JUNE CRUTCHFIELD and spouse JAS. E. RICHARD -SON, when Mr. J. walked into the place, and he couldn't resist taking the photo and sending it to me. I believe Mrs. J. is graciously tolerant of my teenage reminiscences. (Thank you, Mrs. J.)
For those of you in the 1960 class who may be interested, I've got a line on how to contact our homecoming queen, PRISCILLA J. COOL. I do intend to drop her a line and try to inspire her to join us in October. I can't imagine our 50-year class celebration with no homecoming queen, so I do hope she'll join us.
It is my understanding from 1961's EDNA L. GRAY, that 1961's JUDY M. FRANTZ suffered a stroke in February. Now, what are we going to do with you, Judy? Why didn't you let us know, so we could send cards and wish you well? We all want to know how you're doing, so please do send us a few lines, will you? Take good care of yourself! Thanks, Edna, and let us know how YOU are doing, too.
Edna and her husband, Richard M. Ryan, spent some winter weeks in Florida, where Dick got in some fishing. They also dined at the greatest of seafood restaurants, Boston Lobster. They had to veer up to Kissimmee for that one, while the majority of their leisure time had been spent in The Florida Keys. They've been back home for a little while, now.
SALLY L. GILLETTE, 1961, reports that she had a great Easter Sunday with her son, 1979's D. MARK WARLAUMONT, just the two of them. She was thrilled and he came the night before, took her to dinner, then went to church with her on Easter. How nice, Sally! That's terrific.
From 1961's PAUL R. BEARDSLEY came the news that WALLACE W. ROBBINS is returning to the educational system. Apparently, he told Paul he'll be attending U.D. I remember talking with Wallace about that, the last time we had a chat. I wonder how he's doing? All of you will recall, of course, that Paul's wife is classmate, SANDRA E. BROCK.
SHIRLEY A. SEXTON, 1962, lives in Oklahoma now, Green County, to be exact. Shirley, are you anywhere near 1972's PHYLLIS A DAVID-SON? She's in Oklahoma, too, and I think it's Tulsa. Didn't you say you're in Warner? I also seem to think you said that's only about 1/2-hour from Tulsa. I think both you and she are Miami
Shores Kids, aren't you?
From 1968's LINDA L. BECKETT has come the disturbing news that her brother, RONALD LEE "PETE" BECKETT, 1956, has pelvic cancer. I think we're all aware that Pete is married to his classmate, CAROL A. PFISTER, and they have long lived in Alaska. Linda has asked for all our prayers for her brother's good health and I know he'll have those. Toward the end of March, he was headed to Fort Collins, Colorado, for his treatment, and was going to be staying with the younger daughter, Kirsten. Linda, please send an update, so we'll know how Pete is doing. Of course, we thank you for letting us know. Their 1956 classmate, RALPH D. WILSON, is very concerned about Pete, as reflected in his e-mail to me.
Another nice message arrived from SHIRLEY ANN HILE, 1957. Shirley wrote how glad she is to be back in the old, WC news loop. We're all
also glad you're back in the loop, Shirley. She had tons of catch-up news to report. You'll be glad to hear this, BRUCE E. CHENOWETH of
1958. Shirley wrote glowingly of your mother, Genny, saying they'd done some ministry work together, years ago.
Shirley still wishes to reach Karen Blair and I've got no clue who Karen is or even if she's WC, but am assuming she is. Any help from you on this, 1960's DAVID A. BLAIR? Do you know a Karen Blair? Are you related? We'll keep try-ing for you, Shirley, so hang in there. By the way, Shirley is still saving Woody's bricks for me. I've now got a bricklayer all lined up to do do a base around my mailbox, which will be of Woody's bricks, and I'll have a commemorative sign printed when it's done.
SHIRLEY ANN RANKIN, 1963, took another of those cruises at the end of March. Since that time, she has returned to her Tennessee home, as earlier written, way back when I thought I was going to get this bulletin done in only 3 weeks. I was in a state of delusion, I guess.
We were successful in reconnecting two 1960 pals, LOIS ANN LITTURELL and DEVONA S. TAYLOR, recently. Dee is my birthday twin, of course, so when we talked on that day, as we always do, she mentioned losing contact with
Ann. I told her I'd send each of them the other's e-mail address, and they are now in touch, once again. Terrific!
If anyone is more excited about October than is 1971's RODNEY R. GABBARD, I surely don't know who it would be. He can scarcely wait, and is so looking forward to reconnecting with several of his classmates. Your enthusiasm is nothing short of infectious, Rod!
This next one was a pleasure to receive, as it's from one of our younger alumni. From 1987's JEFFREY T. GILES, comes an update on the WCHS Football Alumni Association. A golf outing has been scheduled for July 23 at Pipe-Stone Golf Course. I guess even young alumni don't want to have a football outing, eh? Those who have volunteered for offices, besides Jeff, who's president, are 1995's TERRY BRINER as fundraiser chairman, 1988's JAS. MCGUIRE is Mktg. & Comm., 1987's GREG WOLF is the treasurer, and 1998's JEFF BLAKLEY handles the planning and organization for the golf outing of July 23. The organization welcomes input, wants to increase membership number, and even create their own logo. Many thanks for the report, Jeff! I'm THRILLED to be able to include some news from alumni of the 1980s-1990s. I hope more will be sent.
Hey, Class of 1970! This is your 40-year gig, is it not? The alumni treasurer is GARY E. JOHN-SON, and he needs your info, pronto! Please submit your e-mail to him or contact by other means, if you don't have e-mail. Gary's e-mail is ( ) Don't miss that underslash after wc.
So where did you vacation, 1956's ROSETTA PRUETT, when you wrote at the end of March to tell us all hold all e-mails? I got no report on any travels, and you KNOW we all want to know all the details! So 'fess up!
Still finding fun and wonder and treasures in her relatively-new, Tennessee home is 1961 class member, CONNIE K. STREETE. She wrote of herself and her husband discovering nature and a few old treasures on their surrounding terrain,
when they walk and explore. They have found pieces of old pottery, farm items, even a round, smooth, rust-free, 12" ball. Nearby, is an early-1800s cemetery and part of an old railroad line. That all sounds terribly enchanting, Connie! Do continue to explore and, when it comes to the notion of appreciating life in Tennessee, I know exactly what you mean!
We have a wonderful and newsy report from yet another 1960 classmate, IDA JANE TREON. I got this one on April 7 and it's about one of our 1995 alumnus, so I'm happy about that, as we're getting trickles from our more recent grads, just as I want. The name is LESLEY ALEXANDRA JUMP. She now lives in Milton, Vermont, and runs her own business, doing fine arts with the painting of animals and nature. She had quite an impressive story in a paper called, "Seven Days," in NOW section, during April (I think). I know we all wish continued success for Lesley, and thank you so much, Ida, for sending that to us, so we could all enjoy the success story of a fellow WC grad. (Footnote: Lesley's mother's handmade quilt is also in the news photo. It's a gorgeous one! Lesley is sitting on it.)
It was sure a flattering e-mail from you, NANCY J. ERTEL, 1961, in which you asked me about the stock market, specifically AT&T. Yes, I'm retired from there, but all the stock I get from my company is free. I wish I knew more about that sort of thing, but I don't. However, I'll bet dollars to donuts there is someone in our readership of this bulletin, who's extremely well-versed on that topic. If so, shall I put you touch with them? But thanks again for the huge vote of confidence.
We have quite a bit of news from RICHARD S. HOLT, 1960. Some of you will recall his trip to San Antonio, earlier in the year. He sent along some great photos, which I've sent to Mike for the WC blog. I'm sure they can soon be viewed there. He returned on March 5, having taken a couple of the small planes which are his hobby. They were disassembled and shipped. All went well and the trip was safe. While there, he got to visit Riverwalk and, of course, the Alamo.
Richard is also in touch with a lot of the guys in the 1960 class and has made some efforts to get everyone together about once each month.
On April 6, he reported that WM. E. HECKER, PHILLIP D. HOWARD, GARY D. RICHARDS, and he all met at the Golden Nugget. Since it was just the 4 of them, he decided they'll move it back to its original place of Marion's Pizza, on Kingsridge Road. He also mentioned hearing from KEITH H. CLENDENON, as well as WM. E. "BUDDY" STOVER, and said he's enjoyed seeing old classmates again. But where are you, CHAS. A. "BUD" LOWMAN III? They're all looking for you, since the Marion's Pizza thing was your idea. You need to get down there and meet everyone, Bud! So everyone out there, do make it a point to show up at Marion's at noon, the first Tuesday of each month. I believe the next one will be May 4, right? (I sure hope I get this out, before then!)
Well, guess what, folks? That was my very last WC e-mail to cover in this edition! I'm right on the 6-week mark, which is my self-imposed goal for distribution. I'm pretty thrilled with the news which trickled in for this edition from our 1980s-1990s folks. We've got 8 decades of readers, and that means we need 8 decades of news, of course! So keep that coming.
If you're not mentioned in here, it means just one thing; i.e., I DIDN'T HEAR FROM YOU!!! Let's change that, shall we? This bulletin is about 11 pages long, and I'd love to see it become much longer, due to all the news I've received. Also, I want to be sure you black out your calendar for the day of October 7 (Ron's Pizza, Miamisburg,
around 6-ish), October 8 (the WC Golf Tourney, run by 1959's GARY E. BARNES, I expect, and then the Frisch's Frolic that evening), then on October 9 (3rd Annual Miami Shores Memories Picnic at Payne Recreation Center at 1 p.m. Of course, that evening will bring our crown jewel event, the Alumni Dinner Dance.)
Once again, I will repeat, if you're a member of the 1960 class, WE NEED YOU THERE THIS YEAR WITHOUT FAIL!!! If you can't make it for any reason, then we will need a certified copy of your death certificate, hand-delivered by YOU! I guess that makes the point! We hope to show in record numbers.
Before I close, I will give all of you my smashing good news. I've been hired by the local paper, the Kingport Time-News for the position of the rural correspondent of Sullivan County (which is my county of residence) to report all community news. My column will first appear on Sunday, May 16, and each Sunday thereafter (I hope). It is titled, "Across The Fence," and will have my photo at the top (ugh!). My writing name will be Lee Miller (my middle and last names). I do not want readers to be able to look me up in a local phone book and call me. That's why I do that. I thought my age may be a barrier to being hired, but it wasn't, and I've got a pretty long resume in free lance writing and journalism, so I'm sure it was a big help. I am SO excited about this! (I shall continue the WeCaTon report, of course!)
So that's it, folks! In closing, I will leave you all with my usual good wishes for you and yours,
for glowing health, great happiness, personal
safety, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and
boundless prosperity. Ciao!
17 MAY 2010:
Your humble editor must apologize for the lack of pictures on the blog. He seems to have lost the ability to upload the fine photos that Bonnie has passed on. Perhaps a solution will be forthcoming soon.
10 MAY 2010:
On 10 May, 2010, Bonnie wrote: It is with greater sadness than I can ever put into words in a mere e-mail, I very much regret to tell all of you that 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON died last night. He suffered a massive stroke, over the weekend, and was in ICU. An e-mail was sent to me by his niece, the daughter of his sister, V. JOANNA JACKSON, 1954. A great many of you are aware of the special bond I've shared with Norm, for many years. I'm terribly sad about his death, terribly sad. He had the same strain of cancer as did my late husband, multiple myeloma.
I'm trying to make sure all the WC 1970 Classmates are reached!Just a friendly reminder......!!! Time is growing short on the BB Dinner/Cruise. Hope you are still planning on joining us with an evening filled with fun and excitement!So please send in your reservation along with your payment. RSVP is needed by May 26th.Once in a lifetime evening dinner cruise on the beautiful Ohio River. You don’t want to forget your camera’s either. There will be a magnificent Cincinnati skyline night to photograph along with all your classmates and friends during our 40th 1970 Class Reunion. Souvenir photos will be taken upon boarding (No obligation to purchase). What: BB Riverboat Dinner Cruise down the Ohio River witnessing the Cincinnati, Covington, and Newport’s sunset and skyline with an array of colorful night lights.When: August 28th, 2010 at 7pm to 9:30pm with boarding starting at 6pm.Where: Newport, KY across the river from downtown Cincinnati. BB Riverboat directions link: Each and every one of you! Price is only $49 for a dinner and evening cruise.Cruise MenuSlow roasted beef au jus, fillet-o-sole w/ lemon butter, chief’s medley fresh vegetables, twice baked potato casserole, fresh tossed mixed garden salad with choice of dressings, assorted salad accouterments, rolls with butter, coffee or tea and chocolate cake for dessert. Cash bar!NOTE: If you would like to spend the night, we have reserved a block of hotel rooms at the Millennium Hotel Cincinnati in downtown a few blocks from the river. Please make this reservation/arrangement as needed for you convenience.Millennium Hotel Cincinnati : Price $109 plus tax & fees ($125)150 West Fifth Street , Cincinnati, OH USA 45202-2393 T: (513) 352 2100 F: (513) 352 2148Millennium Hotel and map link: We need your dinner cruise reservation & payment by May 26th, 2010. Make checks payable to: WCAA along with reservation(s) and send to: WCAA c/o Gary E. Johnson 2326 Wrencroft Cir, Dayton, OH 45459-8411 ***At least 75 people (classmates, spouses, & friends ) needed to have a private 3rd floor room…!!!!!In closing, we sincerely hope each and every one of our classmates will attend this wonderful evening that will never come around again and this may be the last chance to get together with your classmates and friends! To date, we have lost at least 30 classmates……. :(**If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact: Tom Dorsey 937-353-3118 mhtml:%7BD3FB419C-6FFD-404B-93E3-91DF9DBF46B0%7Dmid://00000036/! or Debby Spencer 937-743-2738 mhtml:%7BD3FB419C-6FFD-404B-93E3-91DF9DBF46B0%7Dmid://00000036/!x-usc:mailto:dh937xo@yahoo.comWest Carrollton Class of 1970 40th ReunionPlease fill out info and send reservation along with your payment!Name: Spouse or Friend:Address:Phone: Cell: Email:Make checks payable to: WCAA along with reservation info above.Send to: WCAAc/o Gary E. Johnson2326 Wrencroft CirDayton, OH45459-8411