The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
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Thursday, December 01, 2011
DOUG HOWE, '56, sent this to Bonnie (sorry about the late poas folks)
From: Doug Howe
Date: 8/28/2011 10:53:44 PM
To: Bonnie
Hi Bonnie....
Really enjoyed your comments about riding in the Tennessee hills.That part of the country has some fine motorcycle riding.
Just wanted to let you know that Flo (my wife) and I are still riding.
I'm 73 now and she is 70. We are riding a 1994 HD Classic. I'll
probably keep it a very long is one of the last carburetor
models. We don't do much long distance riding anymore. Our
last long ride was a circle tour of Lake Superior in 2007. We do
mostly day trips now. The hard riding days and doing 75+ on the
Interstates is long gone for us. County and state roads are mostly
what we do. Too much attitude on the Interstates these days.
I hope we aren't the only ones still riding. It's too much fun to give up.
The jacket that I'm wearing went to Alaska with me in 1992...but not
this bike. I rode a 1991 HD Electra-Glide Sport (the pre-cursor to the
Road King) up the Alaska Highway. I haven't been to Sturgis as many
times as you. My first time was 1990 on a 1978 Super-Glide...with no
windshield or saddle bags. The bike pictured below has been to Sturgis
in 1997, 1998, and 2000. 2000 was the year that 750,000 bikers showed
up at Sturgis according to the Rapid City Press. They also reported an
estimated 40% of the bikes were trailered in. That ended Sturgis for me.
Anyway....keep the wind in your face and the rubber side down.
Have fun!
Doug Howe WC '56
Here are two recent photos.Home...near Portage, Michigan Spring 2011 Doug Howe (WC '56)
Hey, it's December and Bonnie is back!
---Another alumni weekend has slipped into the annals of history and I scarcely can believe it, can you? Before we can take a breath, it's going to be another one, for those of us fortunate to still be among us. So let's take every advantage to spend time together; I.e., visit, go to lunch, go out to coffee, take in a movie, find that old WC pal about whom you've been forever wondering. Don't wait! It may be too late. Again, no pessimism, just realism. It's Oct. 10, as I begin this one, and as I'm sure most of you are aware, I've just returned from our annual functions. More later, on that, but for now, we begin as always, with our forwarders: 1945's DONALD R. THROCKMORTON, NORMA JEAN BROWN; 1949's ROBT. E. HOFFMAN; 1954's FREDA P. FLETCHER; 1955's C. ELAINE BARKER; 1956's RALPH D. WILSON; 1957's DARELL L. TOBIAS, RALPH H. WARNER, BETTY LEE CARROLL, LINDA L. MCAFEE; ERCELL P. PHILLIPS, SHARON R. WEST, DONALD I. MCCOY; 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, WM. R. HOWARD, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, BRUCE K. COPSEY, DONALD I. MCCOY, W. BAILEY HAWKINS; 1959's GARY E. BARNES, BETSY R. MURPHY; 1960's DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, C. SUE MCCLOUD, RICHARD S. HOLT, STEVEN M. KOKOT, LARRY M. PENDLEY, WM. O. WALKER, JUDITH A. SLIFE, DANIEL R. NEYMAN, J. DAVID MAYS, DANNY L. WALTERS, JO ANN K. STEMLEY, WM. E. "BUDDY" STOVER, T. BARRY RUSSELLO, EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY, CHAS. V. CARTER, DAVID A. BLAIR; 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL, GARY R. FRANK, CONNIE K. STREETE, CONNIE M. MARCUM, SALLY L. GILLETTE, SHARON K. WENDELKEN. P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, LARRY D. GILBERT, PAUL R. BEARDSLEY, SANDRA E. BROCK, CAROL A. MUMMA; 1962's JACKQUELYN S. HAWKINS, BARBARA T. O'NEAL; 1963's SHIRLEY ANN RANKIN, JERRY T. "TED" EUBANK; 1964's RICKEY A. BUSCH; 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE; 1969'[s JOHN Q. KEMP; 1970's GARY E. JOHNSON; 1970's VICKIE JO GILBERT; 1971's JOY I. WORLFORD, PAMELA K. SHIPLEY, DEBRE C. "DEBBY" SPENCER; No longer am I receiving much in the way of, "the e-mail lost," as I finally had to eliminate all of the ones which kept being returned, due to the tremendous length of time it was taking, in order for me to go through each one with every sending. If any of you have updates on those folks, whose names I've included in at least the last two bulletins (if not more), please be sure to send them. I'm still getting rejects on 1958's KEITH E. ANDERSON, but I understand it's a seasonal type of rejection, so I'm leaving him on the list. I have gotten an update from 1961's CONNNIE M. MARCUM and 1959's BILLY K. CARMACK, so they're firmly in the loop again, and thanks, Connie. We can apparently close the topic of DONNIE SCHAAF (which seems to be the correct spelling), as I'm given to understand he's now deceased. This info was sent to me by 1958's DONALD I. MCCOY who says it was substantiated by his classmate, W. BAILEY HAWKINS. As to a class year, we still don't have one. I remain curious, though, I must admit. Thanks, Don, and thanks, Bailey. It's too bad the news isn't of a more positive nature. Since this is the first bulletin after our alumni weekend, we're obviously going to be covering some of the news from that event, or at least, the news of which I'm aware. Don't be shy, though. If there's something you want to relate, in the way of news from our weekend, send it to me. We'll put it in the next bulletin. It's pretty obvious, at this point, none of you grow weary of reading WC news. Certainly, I know I don't. As I begin today's writing, it's an astounding Nov. 9! Where on earth did the last month go? I sometimes think I'm going so fast, I'm going to catch up with myself from the rear. For those of us who are retired, how did we ever have time to do a full-time job, outside the home? Now that I work for my local newspaper, I'm able to work from home, and I'm even feeling the pressure of that. So let me see what I can do in the way of getting us up to date. I'm behind again, which I knew would happen. But moving right along, I'm going to back up a ways, in order to come forward, as I have e-mail from September, which hasn't yet been covered. So let's get at it. I have one from 1960's DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, dated 09/24, which was an auto-reply, and I'm sure she was out of town. DeDe, we missed you on our alumni weekend, just as I knew we would. On the following day, one came from 1959's GARY E. BARNES, in anticipation of our standing, pre-arranged, mid-afternoon pizza date, with wife Pat, as well as 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH. We four have done this for several years now and have decided to make it an annual thing. Also on that day, was an e-mail to tell me of the honors of 1958's RICHARD A. FAHRNEY, and that came from my classmate, PHILLIP H. WOLFORD. Thanks, Phil, I was aware, and we missed you on our weekend, too. It was a day of repeated anticipation for our weekend, as I received excited and upbeat messages of giddy excitement that same day and the next day, too, from 1961's NANCY A. HALL, JACQUELINE N. LESHER, JANET L. WALTERS , SANDRA S. HOLLINGSWORTH, 1970's INDY JO GRISSOM, and then there was a whole mess of confusion regarding repetitive transmissions of the last bulletin. Lord, I hope I don't do that again, but if so, do bear with me. I explained the trip-up in detail to 1954's FREDA P. FLETCHER. We also had notes from 1987's JEFFREY T. GILES, re the WC Football Alumni gatherings, and I haven't yet gotten any notices of functions since that time. There were many, excited exchanges between me and 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, with both of us planning our northward-bound routes from Tennessee to Ohio, and back. Both of us, as well as Mike's wife, Sally, were in a blue funk with the knowledge our classmate, EULA FAYE BAILEY, wouldn't be joining us this year. No one lights up a room, quite like her, believe me. Are you reading this, Eula Faye? You have to be there next year! Also planning his route was 1956's RALPH D. WILSON, who traveled from Tennessee, too, (Thompson's Station) with wife Marilyn, for his class' 55th celebration. Does anyone out there know a Norman Pickett or a Jeff Ledford? I do not and neither of them is on my WC readers list. But they are both sending me those FaceBook solicitations, so if you happen to know them, please tell them to write me on this e-mail address, and not through FaceBook, as I don't do that one. I do continue to get friends' requests on that website, but I'm sorry, I have no plans to sign onto that, and it's unlikely I ever will. I thank you, one and all, but please continue to contact me, directly, at this e-mail address. I doubt I'll ever be ready to move onto FaceBook. From 1961's DALLAS K. MATHIS comes a change of address notice and not just for e-mail. (In fact, I do believe the e-mail is the same.) For those of us who track this info, please change your records for Dallas and wife Judith. They now reside at 112 South Cherry Street, Falls Church, Virginia 22046. The new phone number is (landline) 703 978-0221. Please call that number to obtain his and Judith's cell phone numbers. Yes, he gave them to me, but I'm not a big fan of printing peoples' cell phone numbers without express approval, as incoming calls can sometimes generate charges, depending upon the plan. I feel very sure Dallas will provide them to anyone who's WC, however. Thanks for the update, Dallas, and we all hope you and Judith are loving your new place. In the earlier part of the year, I learned 1961's PAUL R. BEARDSLEY and his classmate wife, SANDRA E. BROCK, also relocated, moving from Dayton to Carlisle. My first, official date, since becoming widowed, is in the works. In fact, it's my first date since 1975 (!), but I'm not the least bit nervous. You see, the date will be with my classmate, KEITH H. CLENDENON, the next time he comes to the county right next to mine, which is Greene. Keith owns real estate there and he's selling it. When the closing is scheduled, he'll be headed south. He and I will be dining together at the Gondolier, a very favorite eatery of mine, which is located in Afton, a tiny suburb just outside Greeneville. I can barely wait, Keith, so hurry up and get that closing scheduled, hear? My good friend, 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFLY and I have also dined there on a couple of occasions, as it's near to her home here. In fact, in recent months, we have managed to get together several times, once very recently on Nov. 15 at the Colonial Heights Perkins. She was accompanied by daughter Kelly and I had my grandson, Bradley, with me. We always have a great time, and will likely be doing the exact, same thing tomorrow, which will now be Dec. 1. Call me as soon you're headed this way, Fran and Kelly! From 1971's RODNEY R. GABBARD came a request for us all to keep him in our good thoughts and prayers. Rod has had quite a rough time of it for the past several years, and is currently experiencing cardiac problems and expects to undergo a quadruple bypass, once he gains more strength. When you're up to it, Rod, let us know how you're doing, please. The wishes of 1961's JACK L. GODBY were fulfilled by Mike West, not at all to my surprise, when he found the photo of Jack and me and I was able to forward it to Jack. Thanks, Mike, and what on earth would we ever do without you? We have several other people, aside from Rod Gabbard, who are having some health issues and to whom we need to offer our support, keep them in our good thoughts, and include them in our prayers. ERCELL P. PHILLIPS' (1957) wife, Betty, has been moved to Walnut Creek and he says her kidneys are functioning well, now. He thanks everyone for cards and visits. A more recent e-mail says Betty will be returning home on Dec. 2. Please convey all WC's best wishes for her good health, Phill! MICHAEL S. WEST's (1960) wife, Sally, continues to consult with her medical people, regarding breast cancer treatment, and he tells me she will be making all her own decisions with his full support. She has shared her experiences and her fears with 1960's EULA FAYE BAILEY, who Mike says has offered great moral support, and also with Pamela J. Carter, wife of CHAS. V. CARTER, who is a breast cancer survivor, herself. We also offer support and good wishes to the wife of 1960's KEITH H. CLENDENON, who is ill, but home, and Keith serves as her primary caregiver. Sincerest good wishes go out to Frank L. Hawvermale, spouse of 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT. On this very day (Nov. 10), Lynn called me from their Nevada home, to say Frank had just undergone a 5-hour, major surgery, and has been declared cancer-free. What wonderful news! We've got a great network of support going on here, with our WC people, that's for sure. I know we all wish only the best for all our people who are ill. Unfortunately, though, and as is always the case, it seems, we have losses to report and, as much as I hate being the bearer of such tidings, it seems to be unavoidable. From 1964's class, we lost GARY LEE MARLIN on Oct. 6. He died in Parkville, Missouri, and his obit appeared in the Kansas City Star. This came to me through 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE. This time, as I write, it's Nov. 18. I can scarcely help but think of the fact it's the 69th birthday of classmate NINA F. KNISLEY. I do believe she still resides in Greenup, Kentucky. If not for a move in the 10th grade, our class would've had a fourth set of birthday twins, as Nina's birthday is shared by V. JEAN WARD, who moved to Chautauqua, in the summer of 1957. Jean and I are still in touch, as we were very close in school. She currently lives in Franklin, Tennessee. So happy birthday to you both today. Okay, it's Nov. 19, now, and I keep getting inquiries about where I am and when the next bulletin is coming. Bless you, one and all! It's such a thrill to get those kinds of e-mails, and as I just wrote 1964's KARL R. BURRUS (who was one of the ones who sent such a query), it's wonderful to be missed and in demand. My self-imposed goal is to get out a bulletin every 6 to 8 weeks. So when this one gets to all of you, I'm hoping to have met that goal. Another who send such an inquiry was 1963's TERRIE ANNE STOLTZ and 1956's RALPH D. WILSON. But before I get to the recent alumni weekend coverage, I'm afraid I must cover a number of deaths, I'm sorry to say. I can't begin to tell you how much I hate this part of what I do, but I've told you all before, so you already know. Let's just get to it, so I can get done with this part. RUTH ANNE GAUGH, Class of 1956, died on Oct. 28, apparently of Alzheimer's Disease. She was in my late sister's class (JUDY ANN RISNER) and this news was conveyed by RALPH D. WILSON and 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE. Thanks to both. From 1957's SHARON R. WEST came news of the death of her classmate, the very popular and unforgettable NANCY LEE STEELE, who was the elder sister of the 1950s version of the ultimate jock, LANDO F. STEELE, 1958. But make no mistake, Nancy carved her own distinct place into the annals of WC history. I very well remember Nancy, as I know so many of us do. She was popular and very vivacious and, of course, a cheerleader. She died on Nov. 4 and was in a coma, when she went. Also reporting this passing was Steve Shade. Thanks to both of you. Steve, I think I'm missing a few of these. I fear I may have deleted a notice from you about others, strictly accidentally. If all the ones you've sent are not here, please resend so I can get them in the next one. Thanks. DOUGLAS H. HOWE, 1956, and I, are very ill-advised to communicate with one another, since we go on and on and on and on and---well, you get it---after we've both discovered the other is a lifelong Harley-Davidson rider, who has attended many events and ridden in many states. All else fades into oblivion when we get going on one of those exchanges about our many adventures. But boy, it's sure been fun, Doug, and I'm sure we'll soon have another go at it. As Bob Hope may have said, "Thanks for the memories." We welcome aboard 1956's JAS. L. RANDOLPH and we re-welcome aboard 1961's PAULA R. WILSON. Jim is brand-new, but we're sure glad to have you back, Paula. Paula moved a couple of years ago, going from Florida, north to Michigan, and we haven't had her on the list, ever since. So welcome back to the fold, Paula. Jim, I hope you'll enjoy reading and do write to tell us a bit about you (children, jobs, wife, where you live, etc.) Thanks to Paula's uncle, 1956's RALPH D. WILSON, for these two. Ralph also reported some really terrific news, telling me he recently spoke with a member of his own class, RONALD L. "PETE" BECKETT, whose spouse is yet another 1956 classmate, CAROL A. PFISTER. THE Becketts reside in Alaska, of course, as they have for many years. They've had their share of tragedies, in losing elder brother, RICHARD, and last year, it was younger sister, JUDY, who was in my class. Pete had cancer, but is now doing really well. He and Carol are back at their home in Alaska now, and he's feeling well, reports Pete. It's so great to have good health news. We're all thrilled for you, Carol and Pete, and wish you many more happy and healthy years in Alaska! Thanks for that one, Ralph. We all needed a positive one, as our herd is thinning, far too quickly. Okay, it's now November 20 (which just happens to be the date in 1937 when my parents wed in Kentucky), and I'm going to begin some text on the our 2011 alumni weekend, right after I cover a few other items of which I'm aware. I talked recently with my old friend, THOS. D. YOUNG, 1960, who was our class VP. He and wife Sandi, an especially-close friend of mine, told me of the party which was held for the 70th birthday of DAVID A. BLAIR, which they attended. I have to apologize for this, but the fact is, Tom gave me a laundry list of WC folks who were there. I failed to note them, though, and I've forgotten every single one, but for CHAS. A. "BUD" LOWMAN III, and I'm thinking he also told me NEIL H. SIZER, 1957, was there, along with his 1959 spouse, SHIRLEY R. PARKS, who was a cheerleader and homecoming queen, too. As a matter of fact, if you've seen Shirley lately, you already know she still looks like the homecoming queen, and Neil still looks like the football jock. I want some of whatever they're taking! I can also add to that, T. BARRY RUSSELLO, BETSY R. MURPHY, LARRY M. PENDLEY, and GARY L. WARLAUMONT. In any case, if you were there, do please let me know, will you? Tom and Sandi reported a great time. Dave's actual 70th was on Nov. 13, but the part was held in late October. I understand Dave's wife, Marlene, was the ultimate, gracious, and charming hostess, which didn't surprise me in the least. Recently, I've dined twice with 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFLY and daughter, Kelly , as they've now returned from another Florida jaunt. For the many among you how have asked, Fran reported son Jonny is doing positively great, health-wise, and all is looking good. Fran and Kelly spend much time working on the venture of their, "Painless Cooking," website and it's doing well. I hope to see them both again, very soon. Cousin, JUDITH L. SAMUELS and her spouse, Wm. D. "Bill" Van Cleef, have just returned from a Norwegian Cruise Lines adventure, wherein one of their stops was Cozumel, Mexico. There were also a number of other places, whose names escape me, but I think it was several sets of islands. Judy and I often exchange lengthy e-mails as often as twice a day, and there's never a day when we don't have at least one. So I'm glad she's back. As I type, I have visions of BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, 1958, making his way to Ohio, on his return trip from taking his ill sister to Florida for the winter months to spend time with his brother. The brother is also ill and I know we all hope for an improvement for his siblings. But both are of an advanced age. I'd hoped Bruce would be able to stop for an overnighter on his return trip, but so far, I haven't heard anything, so I called him and we've since talked. While it wasn't what we'd call a pleasant trip, as trips for illnesses never, are, he at least came and went in safety, which matters most. Let's get to our weekend, shall we? As always, it was simply incomparable and, if you didn't make it, or if you haven't been attending these events, make sure you change that, immediately. Our alumni committee has done such a magnificent job with the planning of the crown jewel event, it's simply terrific. We have other functions, too, of course. But that remains the only official one. So if you can get to just one event, make sure it's that one. My most wonderful e-mail came from 1961's JACK L. GODBY, who wrote, "My thanks for the best hug of the evening." I love you, too, Jack, and it was simply wonderful to see you again. By the way, like all 1961 people, you looked very youthful, attractive, and chic. What a class! I want to know what was in the water fountain, during your year! It was the morning of Oct. 5 when I left my Tennessee mountain home, headed to WC. I spent that evening with my close friend, Betty Greenwood (yes, the lady who owned the Cascades Supper Club on Salem Avenue from the late 1950s to the mid-1970s). We stay in close touch and Betty will turn 90 next July and she looks fantastic. We had a great evening together, along with her caregiver and roommate, Susan K. McLaughlin. Susie and I have become great friends, too. In fact, it was Susie, who led me to find another classmate, DANIEL R. NEYMAN, with whom she's shared a long-term family-type association. It's a small world. (Footnote: This is being inserted on Nov. 23, and oh, how I hate to add this. I've just received word from Susie of Dan's death yesterday evening. He was riddled with lung cancer, and I knew that, but was hoping for the best. Sadly, we're never going to be able to see Dan at any functions, now, obviously.) Right next door to Betty, of course, lives my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, who is 1956's ANITA RAE MASON. It's been over two years now, since she married my late sister's widower. We also stay in close touch and I visited with them on that evening, too. So that's pretty much how I spent my first night there. But after the visiting, I landed at the home of my extended, like-family, high school friend, CHAS. V. CARTER, 1960, and his wife, Pamela. That was where I spent the first night and I was so comfortable there and felt so at ease, I didn't want to go. He's doing wonderfully, is able to work, and is full of mischief, once again. That great sense of humor is back, too. I was so happy, as I'd been a basket case last year, when he was so ill. So that was just great. I'd made a run to the home of 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, but no one was home, so I headed back. The very next day, I headed right back to Germantown and still, no one was there and this was very unusual, so I thought I'd give it one more day, than ask around to see if anyone knew where they were. I knew Lynn's husband, Frank L. Hawver -male, had been very ill. A subsequent chat with 1961's DONNA J. RICHARDS, 1961, I learned Lynn and Frank had flown to their Henderson, Nevada, home in September, to seek further medical treatment for Frank. So I was tremendously disappointed I wouldn't get to see them during this trip. Okay, I need to tell all of you now, I'm typing this on Nov. 26, the Saturday of our Thanksgiving weekend. I must tell you all, my Thanksgiving Day was almost like a mini-class reunion. The day began with a call from 1960's CHAS. A. "BUD" LOWMAN III, and we chatted for quite a spell. He also wanted contact info on JUDY ANN HUGHES, as well as S. KATHLEEN MILLATT. I had Judy's contact info. He asked about the TREON girls (JOY A. & IDA J. "BOOTS") and told me he'll spend January and February in or near The Villages, Florida, with his best pal, 1960's DANNY L. WALTERS. Of course, he'll also be close to his best high school pal, J. DAVID MAYS and the rest of the Mays clan. He may be contacting you, JUDITH A. SLIFE, so he can get some contact info. Next was a call from my dear, dear friend (and extended family member), CHAS. A. HIGH, JR. Charlie has had so many health problems, but he's hanging right in there and we got current on everything, too. As we chatted, a call came in from EULA FAYE BAILEY, which I missed. I returned her call, missed her again, then she called me and we finally connected, again getting current on the news. After this spate of calls from so many people who are dear to me, and thought to call me in the midst of their holiday, I began to think of others. So I thought I ought to do the same. I called GARY L. WARLAUMONT, who was in the middle of a big dinner preparation (which consisted of watching Jill in front of the stove) and they were having the family there. Next, was my other lifelong friend, CHAS. V. CARTER, who told me all the seats were filled and how well he's feeling. I was thirlled. Try as I might, I couldn't get the phone to ring at the home of THOS. D. YOUNG, or if it did, I couldn't hear it. So after 3 tries, I abandoned the effort, but I did try to call you that, day, Tom and Sandi. I hope it was wonderful. I also tried to get SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, but no luck, as I'm sure she was at either her son's (1979's WM. J. "BILLY" MERKER, JR., or is it 1980?) or her daughter's, 1987's SHARLENE N. MERKER. But I sure covered a lot of ground, you must admit. So it's now Nov. 30, and I'm thinking it just may be time to get this thing sent, as it's getting so very lengthy, if I continue, I'm going to have to break it into more than one sending. We all know what happens, then, right? My last one was sent on Sept. 25, so that means I sure haven't met my self-imposed deadline, have I? Please forgive me. I'm going to begin another one, right away, and I'm going to make every effort to get this next distributed in about 6 weeks. It's likely you're all nearly half-blind, anyway, and I'll also finish our alumni weekend coverage in the next one. There's much more news! So I leave you all with my usual wish for glowing health, personal safety, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity. Ciao! |