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The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
---Who knows when this one will reach you? Certainly, not me! In any case, I
'm beginning it on Feb. 5, and intend to shoot for mid-March. Hey, I'll tell
you what. My 72nd birthday, as nearly all of you already know, falls dead in
the middle of March (16th), along with that of my birthday twin (1960's
DEVONA S. TAYLOR), so I think I'll just shoot for that date as being my goal
(Footnote: Yeah, sure! So much for that piece of fantasy, right?)
In the meantime, we will stick with our usual format, first listing our
forwarders: 1954's FREDA P. FLE
Yes, we had more e-mail rejects, pretty much the same ones, though. I'm
right on the brink of deleting the following alumni from our readers list. I
always says if I get 3 consecutive rejects, and no update, I'll delete them.
But the fact is, I just can't bring myself to do it, until I've gotten about
6 of them. I do hate losing even one of us. If you have information which is
Current, let me know. They are 1954's BLANCHE B. MANNING; 1956's BETTY L.
CARPENTER. From 1963's TIMOTHY A. LUCAS we got a hot tip on Jerry and
Madeleine's whereabouts. Tim said his friend in Sebring, Florida, just had
dinner with them, recently. So Tim sent the friend a message, advising him
to tell them their old, WC classmates are
searching for them. He also sent along my e-mail address to give them. So we
hope to hear from one of them soon. At least, we know they're both okay.
Thanks, Tim. But we have others, so pay attention and update me if you know
anything. Thanks for any help you can give on these. We also had a few who
sent an updates and thank you so much for doing that. One was 1958's DAVID L
well as 1960's RICHARD S. HOLT. Thanks so much..
Although I keep delaying this part, trying to find just the right spot to
insert it, there never seems to be one, so I'll just get on with it. Yes, we
ve lost a few more of us, so let's get these done, and then we'll move on
with other news. First of all, I'll mention the thank-yous from 1958's
RICHARD A. FAHRNEY and his 1960 sister, DOLORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY. I may
have done that, already, but if so, it's ok and we can mention it again.
These were sent to the alumni in response to the January loss of their
father, 1933's iconic A. EMERSON FAHRNEY. (Footnote: In view of passing time
  and many WC losses, I decided to insert this section, further down in the
text, so keep reading. We'll cover them.)
Oh, my! Time has literally flown past. Doesn't it, always? It's now March 19
  How did that happen? I'm going to go back over everything and see if I can
salvage some time here. Way back on Jan. 28, I got e-mail from 1959's SANDRA
R. KINNEY, in which she requested I add a reader. It was none other
than her classmate and fellow majorette, VIRGINIA K. GAULDIN. I was happy to
do so, and we're all thrilled you've come aboard, Virginia!
Skating right along on those coattails from Sandy, I got an e-mail on this
very day from Brenda K. Heiser, longtime companion of 1958's VINCENT A.
BRODBECK. She sends special thanks to you, inparticularly, Sandy, because of
finding her fellow nurse for her. It was 1961's MARYJANE MYERS. I had a
couple other clues, yes, but yours was key one, Sandy. Brenda is thrilled
and Mary Jane has now reconnected with a number of other old friends, due to
our joint efforts. Way to go, Pirates!
Cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS is currently undergoing radiation, following her
November surgery which was for the removal of a lung. She's hanging in there
so far, and appreciates any and all support. She especially thanks 1961's
EDNA L. GRAY and P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, both of whom have offered contact
and/or sent cards. How wonderful of you both! (Footnote: Since writing the
previous text, I'm maintaining nearly-daily contact with Judy. She has some
really good days, but also occasionally has several days in a row, when she
s down for the count. I'm hoping for the best.)
We all remember losing WC icon, 1933's A. EMERSON FAHRNEY in January, of
course. I received nice e-mail thank-yous from both 1960's D0LORES K. "DEDE"
FAHRNEY and 1958's class prez, RICHARD A. FAHRNEY. I understand his service
was held on a bitterly-cold day, but still produced an impressive turnout. I
'm not surprised. He was one of a kind. Lots of commentary and a good report
on his service was received from THOS. L. WOLF, JR., 1960. He pointed out we
need to determine who is now our oldest, living alumnus. I think I may have
more on that, later in the text, Tom. Keep reading. Tom also sent news on
the class photo project of the older classes being hung in the hallway,
finally, and I forwarded that info to all of you, so you could make
donations to that project, if you want.   They went to alumni treasurer,
1970's GARY L. JOHNSON. Thanks for your efforts, Tom and Gary.
Thanks all over the place to 1973's JEAN ANN MILLER for providing a website
to view some great WC memories and reading. I was sure I sent that, when I
first got it. But just in case, I redistributed it, on this date (Mar.19),
in order to be certain all had access, who wished to do so. It's an
enjoyable piece of WC history. Lots of folks thought this was a new bulletin
  too. But it wasn't. It was just tacked onto the end of Jean's video.
In latter January, a note arrived from 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, in which
he identified a bit with my nudist colony story, of a while back. He and
share the distinction of having been (he still is, I think) process servers
in Florida. I did that for 8 years. Tom reiterated a service in which a
beautiful lady got his summons papers, totally in the nude, when she opened
the door. His wife was with him and saw it. She told Tom the lady was
beautiful when he got back in the car. Tom replied he didn't know, as he did
not see her face. Hmmmm, wonder why? Good one, Tom!
From 1960s RONNIE R. WHEELER also came some comment on my own nudist colony
story. He said he's still laughing, too. Well, so am I, Ron, now that it's
years into the past. But believe me, that's still one of the most awkward
moments of my life, and I never want to do anything like that again! Ron
also wrote, more recently, of how I should continue the bulletins, as I so
enjoy doing them, and being in touch with so many of you, as a result, but
still finding a bit of time to stop and smell the roses. There's no doubt,
you're right, Ron. I suppose, given my extenuating circumstances, my
rose-smelling time is probably done when I write. I find writing to be
relaxing and a release of sorts. It's a lifelong pursuit for me, but if
there's a downside, it's when I read printed material and/or listen to
nationally-broadcast news programs and read/hear incorrect use of grammar. I
m never, ever going to get over the huge dose of English teacher, the late
REBECCA A. MARSH, which I carry, at all times. But bully for her. I loved
her. Thanks, Ron, I'm going to keep typing!
A wonderful recollection of the 1950s neighborhood on Ellery Avenue in
Moraine City came from 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, as he recapped the period
when everyone went to the home of another 1960 classmate, the late L. EUGENE
  ZINK, drummer in the marching band. Mike wrote of how they all played
euchre there on Saturday nights, all brought to light by the mention of the
late BARBARA K. FARLEY, 1956. Also long-residing on that same street was
THOM B. THOMPSON, 1960's class treasurer.
Boy, the time gets away so quickly, I'm breathless. It's now late afternoon,
Saturday, April 5. I should've had this bulletin distributed by now, so I
want to try and actually do that. I'll resume the incoming e-mail, where I
left off, last time. As usual, there were words of praise and appreciation
from 1961's JACK L. GODBY and from 1970's INDY JO GRISSOM. Indy also
recently sent her real estate newsletter and I got word from Jack he was
going to visit his brother, 1964's W. THOS. GODBY. I haven't yet had the
report on Jack's visit, but I'll bet I'll get one. I hope all went well,
Jack. Thanks for your bulletin, Indy.
JUDITH A. SLIFE, 1960, sent an e-mail saying she wasn't in attendance at the
dinner/dance, due to an important and unexpected occurrence. She said she
will try to come this year. Judy's name was on the list of paid alumni, so
we'd hoped to see her.
From 1957's LAWRENCE J. RENAS, JR., came a little note to let me know he's
feeling all right and also to update us on the whereabouts of his younger
brother, 1960's DOUGLAS A. RENAS. Larry reports that Doug has permanently
moved to Mexico, Missouri, a tiny burg in the center of the state. Larry
also expressed surprise, saying Doug hates cold weather. For a very long
time, Doug was in the state of Arizona. Thanks, Larry, and hope to see you
in October.
I and 1958's BILL R. HOWARD had our usual word game. He was speaking of
pronunciations of the state capitals. Unbeknownst to many, the correct way
to say the capital of South Dakota (Pierre) isn't like the man's name. It
should be said as, "pier," like the nautical term. I would never have known
that, myself, but for my 20 consecutive trips to the place for the Sturgis
Rally & Races (1982-2001). So we had a little trivia lesson.
We still don't know what's up with this year's Miami Shores Memories Picnic.
I do believe the room has been confirmed, but as to who's in charge, we're
unsure. I received e-mail from 1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL and she's as of yet
unaware, also. As I get news and/or confirmation, I will keep all of you
posted. (Footnote: Sadly, you will later read in this bulletin of Betty's
passing away.  She was in the state of Tennessee, as I understand it, and it
occurred toward the end of April, I think.)
PAUL R. BEARDSLEY, 1961, requested an explanation as to why I was ragging on
my old friend, 1960's GARY L. WARLAUMONT, re the new engine for his plane.
Well, I just couldn't resist, Paul. He and I have teased for decades about
everything and I wasn't able to restrain myself. Ha! Also, I was elated to
hear the news of Paul printing the bulletins for 1961's LILY K. "KITTY"
BURDETTE. I thought we'd lost her and, from a techno standpoint, I guess we
did. But she and Paul are cousins through his marriage to her classmate,
SANDRA E. BROCK. So we still have Kitty, which is great news.
Did I already tell you I'm getting company next month? I think I did, but
who cares? It bears repeating. I'll be visited by 1958's LORNA D. TROUTMAN,
her 1962 sister, THERESA M. TROUTMAN, and her spouse Roger M. "Chico" Lopez
III. Lorna and Chico live in Phoenix, Arizona, while Theresa resides in
Denton, Texas.  This is very exciting. They'll be going to Ohio and Kentucky
  also, as Chico is going to the Hamfest event in Ohio. He's an avid HAM
radio operator. I know we'll all have such fun.
We've all been kicking around this oldest living alumnus thing and no one
seemed to know for sure. I wasn't surprised, however, when it was 1960's
DOLORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, who came up with what is probably the correct
answer for this one. Dede reported ALICE GRAY, 95 years old, as going to
Elmcroft Assisted Living in Washington Township, as of February. It seems
Alice's late sister is Katherine, who was the mother of 1960's own MADELEINE
J. BECK. I wouldn't be a bit surprised but that DeDe is correct. Does anyone
have a different person in mind? Thanks, DeDe. Are you reading this, Tom
(Wolf)?  It sounds as though this might answer your query a number of
paragraphs back in the text.
After re-reading the bulletin I wrote last September (for varying reasons),
I began to wonder if I'd given anyone the wrong impression when I was joking
about 1959's COE S. WOLFE, who lives in the same building as does WALLACE W.
ROBBINS. No one said a word about it, of course, but just to be sure, I sure
didn't mean to imply---nor do I think I did so---that there was anything
more there than the fact the two of them happen to live in the same building
That's it. So if anybody got a different impression, I'd like to make sure
we all know that's not the case. I don't want to mislead anyone.
PHYLLIS A. DAVIDSON, 1972, wrote me to get me to nudge her brother, 1958's
BILL R. HOWARD, to write her a few lines. Hey, we got that done, didn't we,
Phyllis? This was conveyed to me through Phyllis' sister, 1963's GERALDINA
SELLARS. Bill and I are also kicking around the possibility that we just
might be related, a few generations back. We've both got kinfolk who share
the same surname. Now, wouldn't that be a hoot? Bill also reported some
health woes with two of his classmates, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE and DAVID L.
HOWARD. As I understand it, both are home and doing pretty well, now, as is
Bill, himself. It's always such a joy to be able to report improvements in
health for our alumni. It seems Tom had a stroke and Dave was having some
heart problems. I'm under the distinct impression both are now resolved. Let
s hope they both stay that way.
Thank you, 1961's RICHARD L. DOLL, for the invite to the Linkedin website.
However, I don't do any of the social websites. Heck, I can hardly manage
some of the things on e-mail, Rich! I've already got a number of methods for
contact and I think if I get one more, especially one I don't know how to
use, I will scream. But I'm always so flattered by the invitation, so thank
you. Rich's classmate is my friend, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, and they've been in
touch and have discussed some medical issues for the knee replacements, I
Let's get our losses done and we'll proceed from there. I hate reporting the
deaths, but everyone does need to know about them, so here we go. From 1957
s THERESA M. MOSES came the news of the Feb. 16 death of her classmate, JOHN
W. MARKUNES. He'd apparently suffered from COPD. He'd resided in Orlando, at
the time of his death.
Also from 1957's SHIRLEY ANN HILE came notice of the Feb. 6 death of 1955's
PATSY W. KINNEY , but no details. She wrote that's all she knew. I recognize
the name, and remember her face. She had worked for WC schools, for a number
of years, I read. This passing was also reported to me by my
classmate, THOS. L. WOLF, JR.
Tom also reported to me the death of longtime, WC teacher, Marjorie L. Allen
who died at Otterbein Home. Miss Allen was my 4th grade teacher at the
school in Moraine City. I remember her vividly and she was very kind and
very nice and very pleasant. Thanks, Tom.
Although she's listed in the forwarders, I'm sorry to tell you 1957's BETTY
LEE CARROLL passed away, apparently at the end of April, while vacationing
in Nashville. I don't know the circumstances or cause of death, but I do
know Betty had had health problems for a long time. She was so helpful with
The orchestrating of our Miami Shores Memories picnic. I was so sorry to
hear this. She's been long wed to another 1957 class member, RALPH H. WARNER
  We extend condolences to her family and friends, as we do each and Every
single one of the families and friends of all our departed. It was
1958's BILL R. HOWARD, who reported this one.
About March 10, we lost 1951's DOYLE A. LONAKER. He was 80 years old, and
had also been having health issues. Doyle was in his senior class play, I
remember, and was tall and lean. I found a photo of him, once, in the pages
of the 1951 Piratan. I mailed it to him and he was thrilled. This was
reported to me by 1960's THOS. L. WOLF, JR.
MICHAEL DEWAYNE JONES, class of 1981, passed away on Feb. 11. His obit was
forwarded to me by 1959's GARY E. BARNES. He was the son of BONNIE CAUPP,
another WC alumnus. He was but 51 years of age. No cause of death was listed
for Michael. Also from Gary came the obit of 1940's ROBT. L. BARRINGER, who
died on Feb. 27, and had lived a long and storied life. He was 91 years old.
Gary also sent one for the April 8 death of DONALD L. MCELWEE, age 63, and
judging from his age, I'd guess he was the class of about 1971. Perhaps
someone knows.
On May 11, I received a phone call from 1961's SANDRA J. CASEY, longtime
spouse of classmate, THOS. W. WELLER. Sandy's mother, Onda P. Casey, had
passed away, earlier in the week. She was nearly 97, and Sandy and I had
talked, intermittently, over the past few months, re her mother's being a
fan of my dear friend, the late Betty Greenwood. We all offer condolences
for your loss, Tom and Sandy.
This is the extent (thank God!) of all the death notices I've received,
since the last bulletin. We've lost a lot of people, readers! This just goes
to support what I keep saying. Don't delay contacting your old buddies from
high school. The next week/next month/next year thing just doesn't wash!
Pick up that phone, write that card, make that visit, just make it happen.
If you've got any doubts, re-read this list and observe the age range. Don't
assume all is well, and there's no rush, just because they aren't yet
Okay, we're back at it again, on this Mother's Day, May 11. I've had such a
time for the past few weeks, and have been busier than I ever thought I
could possibly be, and have even had a couple of unexpected road trips.
Added to everything else, I've fallen so far behind on this bulletin, I'm
nearly embarrassed. But hang in there with me, I'm determined to finish this
  I'm going to resume with the April 24 news from alumni treasurer, 1970's
GARY E. JOHNSON. Gary has done such a spectacular job for us, I hate to see
him go. We all appreciate what you've done, Gary. Your replacement will
surely have some big shoes to fill. We wish you all the best and we all are
grateful to you.
From 1961's NANCY A. HALL came wonderful comments about the link sent by
1973's JEAN ANN MILLER, regarding her old WC neighborhood. Nancy lived in
that area, too, Jean,and shje wrote she really enjoyed looking at that. Jean
also reported the Jan. 26, 2014, death of JANET SPRINGER, who lived there,
too. I don't know her and have no class year, but I'll bet some of you do.
Thanks, Jean.
Let's all go to website ( www.devinedestinies.com ) and check out the latest
works by our in-house author, 1961's CAROL A. MUMMA. We can also see her
works on ( www.goodmysteries.webs.com ), so be sure to check this out, and
congratulations to you, Carol.
Back in February, I had a nice e-mail from 1960's DAVID A. BLAIR, who
informed me he and wife Marlene were were roaming around Florida, visiting
various friends. I trust you had a great winter, Dave, and that you're both
safely back home by now. Next time you're wheeling through Tennessee, stop
in for a visit.
Before I go further, I want to address the issue of the April 12 death of my
48-plus-years, close friend and very prominent Daytonian, Betty C. Greenwood
  Known for years as, "Dayton's First Lady of Entertainment," when she died,
a huge piece of Dayton history went with her. She was larger than life and I
have no idea if I will ever recover from her death. I've cried buckets of
tears, but was so deeply honored tobe asked to write her news release, write
her obituary, and was even asked to deliver her eulogy, which I did. It was
a quick turnaround trip, and I was in town for just 15 hours, and had to
return home. The trip nearly killed me, at that pace, but I made it. Many
thanks to each of you who notified me and sent copies of her obituary, which
I'd actually written, but you had no way of knowing that. I truly did
appreciate each and every single one. Sandy Casey Weller was in attendance
with her dear, now-late mother, by the way,who was a decades-long, ardent
fan of Betty's.
Here is some wonderful, recent news. On March 24, a little girl was born and
she was named as Penelope Jane Gill. She's the granddaughter of Jennifer L.
Hamblin, who's the eldest child of my close friend, Sandi L. Young, who's
been married about 41 years to my classmate and class vice-president, THOS D
  YOUNG. I saw a photo of, "Grampa Tom," holding the baby. Sandi tells me Tom
is a model grandparent. I'm sure he is and congratulations to all.
From 1956's REBECCA J. POLING came an invitation to join Twitter. I just don
t do those social web -sites, Becci. First of all, I don't have time for it,
and secondly, I don't even know how to use them. I've got 8 e-mail addresses
  two cell phones, texting, a landline, and the postal service. I just don't
think I can come close to handling another form of contact. But I'm very
flattered you've asked, and thank you. Becci was a very good friend of my
late sister and only sibling, also from 1956, JUDY ANN RISNER.
Celebrating a 42nd wedding anniversary on April 21 were 1961's EDNA L. GRAY
and her husband, Richard M. Ryan. Edna wrote and told me they'd had a
pleasant day, spending it with family. She and Dick used to travel a lot,
but like most of us, Dick's health isn't what it used to be, so they now
stay a bit closer to home. She had written to thank me for sending Dick a
birthday card (which is the day prior), and an anniversary card. I wish you
many more annual celebrations, Edna and Dick.
My birthday twin, DEVONA S. TAYLOR, wrote to thank me for writing how great
she looked at the October gathering of last fall. Well, I wrote it only
because it's true, Dee, and I hope life continues to be wonderful for you
and that you're happy. I also got a recent call from JO ANN STEMLEY, of my
class year, to tell me she and spouse, Ronald R. Hall, Sr., have now
returned from Florida. Actually, you see, Ron and I have, "a secret crush,"
on each other. Trouble is, Jo Ann knows all about it and doesn't seem to be
bothered at all. Ha! She also thanked me for his birthday card and told me
his health is holding steadily, always good news.
Okay, we're back at it, and it's now May 13. I have to keep plugging away at
this thing, day after day, as I want to get it sent, even late as it is, so
we can begin a new one, right? An update arrived from 1961's RICHARD L. DOLL
on April 29. He's been a pretty busy guy, doing all sorts of historical and
ancestral research, on the Ohio Statehouse, where he has volunteered for the
past 17 years. He was a history teacher, of course, so that fits the mold
perfectly. On May 11, Rich celebrated his birthday, turning 71. We wish you
many more, Rich!
Eventually, I hope to reunite with insurance agent, 1958's DONALD I. MCCOY,
and change the policy for homeowners insurance. We've been in contact and
are working on that issue. In the meantime, he continues to entertain and
play music in the area, along with wife, Frances A.
It's really big news for 1960's DAVID G. OTT and his 1963 spouse, SANDRA K.
MINIX. At the end of April, they were in New Mexico, offering help to
granddaughter Kim, with her 8-week-old triplet girls. I can't even imagine
what a handful they must be. But Dave and Sandy are both having a ball with
little Taylor, Ryliegh, and Natalie and they're getting a helping hand from
big brother Logan, who's 5. We all offer heartiest congratulations on your
new great-granddaughters, Sandy and Dave. Enjoy!
Hmmmm, boy! I've really fallen down on the job, this time. At the end of
April, I even got a query from 1954's FREDA P. FLETHCER, asking if I was
still doing the bulletins. Yes, I am, Freda, but my plate has been so full
the past couple months, it's been all could do to maintain, but I hope to
get back on track, once I get this one distributed. Freda recently had both
an April anniversary and a birthday on May 12. Wishing you many more of both
  Freda. A similar query came from 1963's TERRIE ANNE STOLTZ, and I assured
her all is well. From 1961's JACK L. GODBY came the usual words of praise
and patience, and also from 1970's INDY JO GRISSOM, as well as her May
As always, 1961's P. LYNNETTE HAWVERMALE and I are intermittently in contact
and yes, I need to call her again. She's recovering from two
fairly-closely-done knee surgeries and I believe she and classmate RICHARD L
DOLL shared some of their mutual experiences from that surgery. Lynn is
currently in a transitional period, considering a permanent move to her home
in Henderson, Nevada, since her surviving son also lives and works there If
you do that, Lynn, I'm sure going to miss our visits when I come to Ohio but
you know I wish you well, wherever you are.
The word on the street is that of 1958's DAVID N. HARRIS making great
strides in his resistance to being immobile. As most are aware, Dave has
suffered from spinal difficulties and has had some big challenges with
walking, which most of us simply take for granted. Dave recently bought one
0ff those 3-wheeled bicycles, and has succeeded in using his walker to get
himself to that bicycle and is now able to take himself about a mile at a
time. Needless to say, he's hoping for longer journeys and will continue his
efforts, until he's able to do that. Good going, Dave, and we're all pullin
for ya'! Keep up that enthusiasm and effort and maybe we'll see you tripping
the light fantastic at one of our annual, WC gatherings, hear? It's so fun
to report such good news!
On May 10, I had the privilege of playing hostess to 1958's LORNA D.
TROUTMAN, her sister, once in the 1962 class, THERESA M. TROUTMAN, and her
(Lorna's) incredibly-charming, unbelievably-talented, intelligent,
charismatic spouse, Roger M. "Chico" Lopez III. Lorna and Chico have lived
for years in his hometown of Phoenix, Arizona, where her family moved,
immediately following her WC graduation. Theresa now resides in Denton,
Texas, and spent her high school years in Phoenix. Her surname is now
Carriveau. We had such a wonderful and fun visit and I'd love to see them
all return. They were headed for several destinations when they left here,
including a run through the famous Blue Ridge Parkway (always a treat), and
eventually attending the annual HamFest in Dayton. Chico is an avid ham
radio operator. Actually, it seems there's almost nothing at which this guy
isn't an expert. He's an amazing photographer and gifted me with 3 of his
amazing photos of the west. They are huge and I'm having them framed.
Theresa was headed back to Texas on May 19. Lorna and Chico will probably
have returned about the same time, as he returns to work May 21. All of you
are welcome back, any old time, Lorna!
Yes, I had one of those pesky birthdays, during this bulletin period. I
turned 72 on March 16. Many of you took time to send greetings and best
wishes and I appreciated every single one of them. Among them were 1959's
SALLY L. GILLETTE (who had her own birthday on March 14), NANCY A. HALL,
NANCY J. ERTEL, and a number of others, who have been lost in the drifty
corners of what's left of my mind, but whose cards I still have. Thank you,
one and all!
With this edition, we welcome aboard 1964's LINDA SUSANNE MAYO. She wrote me
an e-mail to enlist my aid in locating some classmates for their upcoming
50th, come October. So let's all rally, as we do so well, and see what we
can do to assist Linda. These are the 1964 class members, whom she is trying
gang, let's get those names and locations to Linda, ASAP, whose e-mail
address is ( lberger46@gmail.com ) I hope this helps, Linda, and we all want
the class of 1964 to have a wonderful gathering!
Okay, now it's May 14 and I'm back at it. I'm determined I'm going to
complete this one, very soon. By the time we all read this, 1960's GERALD A
FULLER and his WC-honorary spouse, Rebecca A., will have permanently moved
to their place in Panama City Beach, Florida. A few years back, they got a
place in Louisville, which is Becky's hometown, stayed a while, but recently
sold it. They grew weary of the back-and-forth and weary of the costs and
taxes for maintaining two places. Boy, do I ever get that one! So they're
now permanent, Florida residents, once again. We all hope you enjoy it,
Jerry and Becky. The cell number and e-mail address are the same.
Okay, readers, we've got another, upcoming, significant, WC event this year.
You pay careful heed to this one, FREDA P. FLETCHER. Your 1954 class is
celebrating its 60th, come October, so you are expected to leave Florida and
come to Ohio to join in the festivities. From your class president, I have
an e-mail. JERRY R. GRAHAM says you'll all be congregating at Treasure
Island Supper Club on the evening of Oct. 10. Additional info will be
forthcoming, as the summer progresses. Jerry noted the absence of the
wonderful, late WM. L. MCNABB and the impact its had on various details of
record- keeping and other items. Bill sure was great to me, that much I know
  as well as everyone else. He and I had lengthy exchanges about much WC
trivia. His death left a big gap in communications, that's for sure! For
anyone who wishes to contact Jerry, here's his e-mail ( jrg574@roadrunner
com )
By late April, there had been great improvement in the health of 1958's
RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, who had suffered a stroke, earlier in the year. He was
released from home health care and improving by leaps and bounds. In fact,
he was visited by his lifelong friend and classmate, BILL R. HOWARD, wife
Lucille M. Howard, and also by another lifelong friend and classmate, W.
BAILEY HAWKINS and wife, 1962's JACKQUELYN S. HAINES. Isn't that great? We
hope all is well by now, Tom, and we hope the same for Sandi, who earlier
had her own health problems. It's great to report good news.
Thank you, beautiful homecoming queen and cheerleader, 1959's SHIRLEY R.
PARKS, who's long been wed to 1957's NEIL H. SIZER. When I apologized for
being so late with this bulletin, Shirley wrote back and told me, in essence
to give myself a break. Well, I think I will, Shirley. Best to you and
Neil, and I hope you're both in glowing health.
From 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL came thanks for birthday wishes, too, as well as
a request from a guy named Kirk, who wanted a certain Piratan.  Yes, I still
have many, and even a few extras of some of the years.  However, if you've
never attended a class at good, ol' WC, you won't be getting your hands on
one of MY Piratans!  By the way, I'm still accepting all years from all
sources, and would now KILL to get a 1965 edition.  I've needed one of those
  for reference, so many times I can't chin it.
Do we all remember 1958's BILL R. HOWARD, as the fastest guy on 2 legs, who
has ever run track in WC?  Of course, we do!  Bill wrote and sent some
statistics which I don't understand at all, re track records.  His time was
faster in every event.  Yes, we know that, Bill.  Everyone knew that.  You
football. You were the undisputed champ, that's for sure.
By the way, folks, Smitty and his wife were in a serious auto accident
several months ago and I have yet to get an official update to report.  But
I hear they at least lived through it and he's making his way back, and so
is Mrs. Smith.  Smitty wanted a phone number and contact on classmate,
SANDRA L. PAYNE.  I believe we were able to provide that, weren't we, Bill?
We all wish a full recovery for Smitty and his wife.  I think they live in
Bill also said he and DAVID L. HOWARD felt we should all do a, "brain-pick,"
on iconic civics teacher, MURL E. HUFFMAN. Well, not a bad idea, you two.
Someone needs to get with him and do that. He has called me about every 6
weeks, and he leaves messages if I'm unable to answer.  I believe he's doing
Hey, guess who else is coming to visit me?  I got not only photos of his new
Harley-Davidson, but also several calls from 1970's THOS. A. DORSEY, our
past, longtime alumni prez. He and his wife are going to buzz down on the
bike and spend a bit of time with me.  We'll likely get to take a spin here
and there.  "Come on down!" Tommy!  I've got lots of space.
Okay, all you golfers!  Save the date of July 11.  It's the next golf
tourney for the WC Football Alumni Club.  It will be held at Pipestone Golf
Course in Miamisburg.  This event always comes to me from
1988's JAS. A. MCGUIRE.  Thanks, Jim, and for all of you who wish to contact
him and/or make your reservations, his e-mail address is ( wcfac@yahoo.com )
Gallivanting around in Savannah last month were 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST and
wife, Sally.  I got a postcard, as did EULA FAYE BAILEY.  But Eula Faye was
out of touch for a bit, so I checked on her. All is well and we talked very
recently.  I also got a call from CHAS. A. HIGH, JR., who's still suffering
awful health problems, but hanging in there.  Another call came from CHAS. V
  CARTER, and he's doing all right, too.  I talk intermittently with 1958's
LANDO F. STEELE, and he's hanging in there, too. Aren't we all?  At least,
those among us who are a bit older. As always, BRUCE E. CHENOWETH and I
touch base pretty regularly, too.
Last month, a tornado tore up a tiny town called Vilonia, Arkansas, which is
the postal address for 1958's HARRIETTE E. DOGGETT.  I picked up the phone
immediately, and succeeded in reaching her.  She was fine.  But what else is
new?  Believe me, if a tornado ever came close to Harriette's house, it
would run the other way, and very quickly.  If you doubt me, you don't know
Harriette very well.
Guess what, readers?  We've made it!  I've processed every e-mail I've
received and thrown in every piece of news I can remember.  It will take you
days to read this one, I'm sure.  I apologize profusely for the extremely
long gap.  I'll try hard to avoid that, in the future.  I leave you all with
my sincerest wish for glowing health, personal safety, great happiness,
peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity.  Ciao!

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