The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Saturday, August 07, 2004

At the 2004 Fourth of July Ice Cream Social, Library Park, downtown WC.
Pictured: front - Pat and Gary ('59) Barnes; back - Linda Johnson Zimmer ('61)
and Ross Hodgson ('60). The photo was taken by Carol Mumma Guy ('61) so, she is
not in the picture (of course!) Send another picture and we'll post it also! How about
the author's photo from the book jacket?
This is the booth where Linda and Carol signed their latest book: Murder at
the Ice Cream Parlor.
To see more about the book at Amazon . com : (just click on the line below - you can do it right now while you are reading this) Click your browser back arrow to return <-
PS: I haven't been to WC for a long time. If it isn't called Library Park anymore,
please email me and I'll fix it.