The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Monday, March 13, 2006
The latest (13 March 2006):
Hi, again! This is almost sure to be the very final one of our info notices, prior to Spring Fest. As I have been writing, this one appears as though it will be the largest and most well-attended, to date, and also the highest number of variable class years represented. I know we're all thrilled about that.
In past years, we have held a sort of "night-before" gathering and if anyone wishes to do that this year, they certainly can. Our host, 1960's J. DAVID MAYS, has recommended a site inside The Villages, which is called Spanish Springs Town Square. I've accessed this, on the internet and it looks spectacular. Dave tells me it is large and accommodating, with all sorts of wonderful things, good food, entertainment, etc. So if anyone wants go to there on the previous night, keep your eyes open for other WC people. There's no way to know, at this type of informal gathering where there will be many "foreigners" (non-WC people), just how many may or may not show. So we'll need to keep a discerning eye out for one another. Many of us may not recognize each other on sight. We are not ALL in the fortunate position of looking just like our senior pictures. So let's keep that in mind.
There were also one or two years in the past when a golf outing was held. I don't recall all the details on that one, since I'm not a golfer. However, securing golfing for WC people is not a "do-able" thing right now, on this short notice, at any of the courses at The Villages. I checked on this and it just can't be done. Now, I know there are a lot of golfers on this bulletin list. So I suggest that any and all among you, who are interested in golfing together over this particular weekend (or right after), contact each other soon and set up some arrangements amongst yourselves.
In the meantime, those who wish, may come to Spanish Springs Town Center late on Saturday afternoon and have a great time. For those who wish to attend only the actual Spring Fest, we will be seeing you from noon to 5, at least, at the Allamanda Clubhouse, 1515 St. Charles Place, The Villages, on Sunday, March 26. Be there! I'll re-cap the phone numbers. My cell phone is 386 290-3381. Dave and Ann's home phone is 352 753-7311. They also have a cell phone, 937 671-4496. We're all going to have SUCH fun!
The earlier Report (11 March 2006):
Okay, folks, in the event of further updates, prior to our gathering, I will definitely send additional information. For now, I'm going to send you the details of what I know for sure, just to be on the safe side.
For starters, it appears that we're going to have one, big blockbuster of an event this year, with people from all over Florida, but also people coming from Washington and also all the way down from Ohio. There is also still the possibility of an attendee from Kansas (I'm hoping.)
Anyway, let's recap. Our WC Florida Spring Fest will be held this year on Sunday, March 26, from noon until ???
The place will be the Allamanda Clubhouse, located in the south end of The Villages. The street address of the clubhouse is 1515 St. Charles Place. The primary state route which will take you to that general area is State Route 441.
Our resident host and hostess are Ann and Dave Mays. Their home telephone number is 352 753-7311. They also have a cell phone which is 937 671-4496. I will have my cell phone with me (and activated) on that day. The number is 386 290-3381. Should anyone wish to reach me, prior to that time, your best bet will be my home phone, which is 386 677-4079. We do NOT want anyone to drive around aimlessly, trying to find this place and then giving up and going home. So if you're lost, DO call one of us!
On the plus side, I have managed to locate yet two more of the members of the Class of 1960, one male, and one female. They are DOUGLAS ALAN RENAS and CHARLOTTE LEE HUEY. I've spoken at length with both of them, in the past 24 hours. Credit goes to Doug's older brother, LAWRENCE J. RENAS, JR., for putting me in touch with him. Credit goes to 1958's JAMES E. KECKLER for hooking me up with Charlotte.
Doug lived in Tucscon, Arizona, for many years. He has just recently returned to the Dayton area. He would like to hear from any of his old schoolmates, and he is especially interested in hearing from you, EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY, and also from the PHILLIPS brothers, JERRY RAY and RICHARD LEE "DICKIE." Doug is living at 1633 Huffman Avenue and his number is 937 554-3673. He is currently unmarried and says he loves to, "knock around the country."
Charlotte is currently wintering in a tiny burg which is just about 5 minutes away from The Villages, can you even believe it? She still has her permanent residence in Miamisburg. He last name is Quigley and she and her husband, Bill, just celebrated their 44th anniversary last month. They have a daughter. Here's the GREAT news! Charlotte will be attending Spring Fest. I'm thrilled! She was very interested in the news about her old school pal, SHARON LYNN BORGER. Charlotte's phone number is 352 245-8595.
So there it is. Everyone travel safely and oh, how I'm so looking forward to seeing all of you. By the way, my husband told me today that he will come with me to Spring Fest. I'll believe it when I see it, but we'll find out soon enough, won't we? I'll see you all soon. Ciao!

Bonnie has sent this picture of her 'old' riding buddy, Norman Jackson '55,
taken at Monument Valley, UT, date ?
Hello everyone!
Jerry and I are headed out tomorrow morning and plan to be on the road until Derby (the first Saturday in May for you heathens). We should be back in Kentucky by then or shortly thereafter. As far as we know, our telephone number at the lake will be the same (859)548-3718 and our address there is 318 Sunset Lodge Road, Lancaster, Kentucky 40444. We'll use our cell until we get there (850)625-3456. Call us!
We've had a wonderful three months in Panama City Beach seeing old friends and meeting some new ones. We really enjoyed listening to Russ Chandler, who entertained us for a month at the Fleet Reserve before he headed home to Ft. Wayne, Indiana. He's great. Those of you in the area go see him if you get the chance. He's great! I also had the cataract surgery in both eyes and I can now see 20/20.....most of the time....need REAL good light to read and use the computer but otherwise I'm good to go.
We're headed to Savannah for a week to visit Dot & Charlie Deen and enjoy St. Pat Day, then on to The Villages in central Florida for one of Jerry's endless high school reunions. Just kidding, Bonnie, we're looking forward to both.
On April 1 we head west to San Antonio (hope to see you there Barb and Larry), New Mexico and Arizona (hope to see Carolyn and Bob & Joan). We'll take our time and enjoy the sights along the way.
Summer plans start with a trip to Dayton, Ohio for Jerry's grand daughter's high school graduation and include a trip to Dallas in June for the 24th Infantry Football Reunion (the second one we've been fortunate enough to attend). In July the Weaver family is headed to Salt Lake City for a family reunion and in August we plan to go to Minnesota to visit Butch and Duane on the "reservation". Duane is a Chippewa Indian and we call them Leaping Frog and Bear Drinking Woman. Plans also include Dot and Charlie visiting us at the lake sometime in August. So........we have a full plate. If any of you get anywhere close to us in Kentucky (30 miles south of Lexington), Come On Down!
Will keep you all posted on our progress. Have a wonderful spring and summer!
Stay safe and healthy,
Becky & Jerry
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
With fewer than four weeks, until we celebrate our 4th Annual WC Florida Spring Fest (which will be held on Sunday, March 26, noon to 5:00 p.m., at Allamanda Clubhouse, 1515 St Charles Place, The Villages, via courtesy of arrangements by 1960's J. DAVID MAYS and his gracious spouse, Ann), it occurred to me that it's once again time to clean out my WCHS folder and get current on the news. But before I begin that, I have some -thing I wish to tell all of you, who honor me by continuing to read this bulletin, year after year, for whatever reason.
As most of you are well aware, my doing this bulletin was nothing more or less than one huge, colossal accident. It was never something I had set out to do, with design and purpose. It just sort of "happened on its own," and it has continued to spread far and wide, until I now have a read -ership of at least 300 WC alumni, former attendees, teachers, staff, and also retirees. You have all jointly amazed me, and for that, I very humbly thank you. If I live to be 100, I will never be able to repay all of you for the great joy you have given to me by the continuing e-mails, the warmth and friendship, and most of all, by your utter devotion to all things WC. I am truly, genuinely blessed. But the greatest gift of all---and I've said this before---has been the marvelous and unparalelled opportunity to have been able to get to know so many of you, whom I had "missed" while in high school. I'd be hard-pressed to tell you how much it has enriched my life and how much I've enjoyed each of you. While I always get many thankful types of e-mail from all of you, it's terribly important to me that you know I equally value the role you all play in MY life, and I thank you, each and every single one. You've all become dear to me, if you were not, already. Let's face it, WC people are just plain fabulous, right? We are a truly great bunch. Okay!! Let's get to it, shall we?
As always, we will first list our people who have sent jokes, warnings, bulletins, psa's, and such. They include teacher JAMES C. JOHNSON; CHARLES E. PENNINGTON (a former Miami Shores kid, no year); 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON, DONNA G. TUDOR;1957's SHIRLEY ANN HILE, DARELL L. TOBIAS, ERCELL P. PHILLIPS; 1958 's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, JAMES E. KECKLER, WILLIAM R. HOWARD, SANDRA L. BARSALOU, ROBERT W. "SMITTY" SMITH; 1959's GARY E. BARNES, JAMES L. LINDSEY; 1960's STEVEN M. KOKOT, MICHAEL S. WEST, LINDA L. SHANK, JUDITH ANN SLIFE, EULA FAYE BAILEY, JUDITH A. STALDER, DOUGLAS G. OTT, BOYD H. JENKINS, RICHARD S. HOLT, CAROLYN SUE MCCLOUD, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR.; 1961's RICHARD E. KNEER, SALLY L. GILLETTE, SHARON K. WENDEKEN;1962's LIELA K. GEORGE, RICHARD G. DENNY, RICHARD C. CALL, BARBARA T. O'NEAL, 1963's ANNA MAE MAWHIRTER; 1966's JOHN E. MCCLELLAN; 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY, 1985's M. CYNTHEA POTEET. So thanks to all, and please do continue to maintain contact. Wow, what a charge! Do you realize we've just listed contributions from no less than FOUR different decades of WC folks? That's a real thrill!! Add to that, the fact that we actually have readers from yet three more decades, who didn't happen to send any forwarded materials. Amazing!
As is always the sad case, it seems, we did lose two or three more WC people, as this bulletin period elapsed. I know we all remember the passing of Wilma C. (nee Brizendine) Ozbirn Bowman, the ex-wife of Woodrow W. Bowman, proprietor of Woody's Supermarket. She died January 29. Many of you were on the ball on that, sending it right away. Those who took the time to let us know, were 1960's RICHARD S. HOLT, 1955's DONNA G. TUDOR, and 1959's GARY E. BARNES. A few of us had several exchanges of our Woody's memories, includ -ing two1960 classmates, RICHARD S. HOLT and THOMAS L. WOLF, JR. Our memory banks are simply amazing! Tom informed me, to my delight, that he does not think Woody's building is going to be coming down for a very long period of time, due to the processing and red tape which would be necessary. I proposed the out -landish (to some, I guess) suggestion that the city (WC) buy the building and use it for its own facilities. It was Woody Bowman, after all, who put WC on the map with that store. So I think it ought to be an historic building. Anyway, Tom thinks the building may be ready to fall, by itself, once the order to raze it has come through. He could be right, I suppose.
Speaking of Woody's Supermarket, this is something about which I had no intention of writing in this bulletin. However, several of YOU have written to tell ME about it, so it's obviosly not the matter of discretion which I had originally thought it was. On February 28, Woody was released from Miami Valley Hospital. I have heard it was a blood disorder and I have heard it was a heart attack. But I suppose neither of those things is nearly as important as the fact that this 93-year-old, WC icon has pulled through a major illness. I called the hospital on the morning of his release and successfully reached Danny, who is my former step-brother, and also Woody's son. I very cautiously asked about Woody's condition, to which he replied, with a raucous laugh, "He's doin' great! He just walked down the hall and told people to get out of his way. He's sleeping right now and will be released this afternoon." Of course, Danny sounded pleased that his father was doing so well. I was also pleased.
But I must finish those whom we have lost and they also include a member of the Class of 1982 (we think, or was that 1972? I've forgotten his age, which would be the obvious deciding factor.) in the person of JAMES H. SMITH, who died on January 31. Many thanks again to 1973's JEAN ANN MILLER, 1955's DONNA G. TUDOR and 1959'sGARY E. BARNES. I got the graduation year reversed, so am unsure as to whether I meant1972, instead of 1982, or the other way around. Anyway, many of you caught that and made me aware of my type-o. Thank you for drawing that to my attention. I'm often typing at such lightning speed (really!) that I do some-times miss those. I'm sure I'm the oldest "lightning -speed" typist in the world, by the way. Ha! So I do goof up, from time to time. But I can still type about 100-110 wpm, so that's not so bad for an old broad.
In early February, we also lost a WC teacher, ALVIN R. HOUCK, 76. Again, thanks to MICHAEL S. WEST, to RICHARD S. HOLT, to GARY E. BARNES, and LARRY D. GILBERT, all of whom either sent the obit or made great comments about Mr. Houck, or both. Everyone, it seemed, liked Mr. Houck. Fellow former teacher, MURL E. HUFFMAN, even checked in with words of praise on this one.
On February 6, an alumnus of either 1971 or 1972, JAMES R. REARICK, passed away. We didn't get any details on this one, but Pam Shipley confirmed it, so I'm sure it's legit.
To my utter embarrassment, I checked my "ghost e-mail" address (on my other computer) and what should I find there but an e-mail from 1959's DIANA SUE RAY!! I'm so sorry, Sue, and do hope that you've long since read my e-mail apology. You all know how I'm always saying I wish we could get more 1959-ers on board and there was one, sitting right on the other computer. But Sue and I have worked out everything now, and she knows the right e-mail address to reach me much more quickly. So do stay in touch, Sue, all right?
Also from 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY came a report that her husband, Jim Harris, is ailing. How is that going now, Pam? Is Jim doing better? Give us an update on his health, please. Tell him we all wish him well.
Our 1960 darling, EULA FAYE BAILEY, was ailing a bit, when I spoke to her last week. Tell me what's up with that, Eula Faye. She is not doing a lot better this week, either, and I have also developed a similar cough. She and I were discussing all the foibles of getting older. I just had no idea it would be like this, with "a new part" rusting out about every month, it seems. Ha! Hang in there, Eula Faye! We all seem to be experiencing the same maladies. Take care of yourself.
Happily, I can report that our Class of 1956 population is ever on the rise. As we all know, it's their 50th annivers- ary this year. My sister, JUDY ANN RISNER, is working on the class list, along with another of her classmates, ANITA RAE MASON. I also believe that NANCY AUFUL -DISH is in on that, too, and I think they're also in touch with JOHN E. "JACK" FREIER, who lives just 7 miles away from me. My first 1956-er was JULIA DEANNA CHRISTIE. (I made a mistake on that, just recently. It was Deanna, who was the first from that class.) Now, we have a few more. I believe I've already told all of you that we recently added CAROL ANNA PFISTER and her spouse, RONALD LEE "PETE" BECKETT. Now, we also have SUSAN MARIE MASON and I have also just solicited RALPH D. WILSON. So 1956 is comin' on! I still have 5 or 6 extra copies of the Piratan for that year, if anyone is interested. As I've written many times, I sell them only to WC people, and for precisely what I paid for them, plus postage. So if you're interested, let me know.
Additionally, I am in hopes that someone out there is going to be able to provide contact information on the three following folks from the Class of 1956. They are PAT EPPLER, BETTY CULPEPPER, and ROSETTA PRUETT (or should that be PRUITT?) Let's all do what we can, in order to locate these people. If you are in the Dayton area, please call my sister at 836-2813 and let her know. One of them was married to a member of the 1954 class, HERBERT R. CARROLL. I think that may have been Betty. So let's all pull together and try to bring these people back into the WC fold, in time to join us for their 50th graduation gathering.
Coming all the way from their longtime home in Petersburg, Alaska, Carol and Pete Beckett will be attending the dinner/dance this fall. I'm sure 1956 will have people from all over the continent, who will attend this wonderful event and I know they'll have a grand time. I suspect Pete and Carol will take honors for traveling the furthest, though.
On Saturday, February 25, I spoke with my 1960 classmate, CHARLES A HIGH, JR., my dear lifelong friend. As many of you know, he has had repeated difficulties with his heart and lungs. His wife has had two strokes. Charlie works hard to care for her, even though he has his own problems. As we spoke, he mentioned several people with whom he'd like to talk. Among those were CURTIS A KEMP, W. BAILEY HAWKINS, TOM FEE, and CHARLES V. CHARTER. So if you four read this, please know that Charlie still holds you all in his memory bank and if you can find the time to pick up the phone and call him, do it. His number is 937 233-3193. Even if you don't get him, leave him a message, so that he will know you called. He's got his hands full and he told me nothing picks him up like a chat with an old friend.
For 1986's KEITH A SIMS, please accept my apology for not letting you know this previously, but your earlier communique was successfully received and all is well. I hope to see you at one of our future gatherings, Keith.
A number of us have confirmed attendance for Spring Fest. It looks as though it will be another successful year. I hear we will have an ample supply of MAYSes at this year's event (possibly and probably including DAVID, GARY, CARL, and DOUG). So that's great news. I do believe we will be seeing 1961's RICHARD E. KNEER, PAULA R. WILSON, JACK L. GODBY, and DONNA JEAN RICHARDS. Jack will be accompanied, I hear, by younger sibling, W. THOMAS GODBY, Class of 1964, and also a resident of Florida. I know we all look forward to seeing the Godby brothers again.
Naturally, we will also be seeing the ever-present faces of 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, who very rarely misses anything, 1960's GERALD A. FULLER, who has yet to be absent from anything, along with his, "WC-challenged" wife, Becky. Also present will be1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, about whom the same can be said. I just spoke to Bruce on Saturday, as a matter of fact, and you can all think of Bruce and me,during this coming weekend, as we'll be out and about, astride our motorcycles, taking in the all the sights and sounds of the 65th Daytona Beach Bike Week. It will be his first, and he'll barely get back to his Miamisburg home before he turns around and comes back for Spring Fest, bringing his companion, 1971's PATTY J. WHEELBARGER.
BOYD H. JENKINS, Class of 1960, is also a faithful attendee, who has hardly ever missed anything. Oh, he always says he doesn't know if he'll be at this or that, or not, but he's always there. We've just got to watch Boyd when it comes to telling us good-bye. He simply doesn't do that!! He just slips away. You have to stop doing that to all of us, Boyd! As for that 1962 class, I sure do want to see the two of you, LIELA K. GEORGE and RICHARD G. DENNY, a fellow Miami Shores kid. Having you both at the WC Florida Holiday Brunch was delightful, so you simply must be at Spring Fest. No excuses about family visiting. Just bring them along! They are WC spawn, after all.
And what of 1959's GARY E. BARNES and wife Pat? I am given to understand that Pat will be retiring, effective March 31. The hope is that she will be able to "vacation out," and she and Gary will be coming down to join us. I am going to keep my fingers crossed for that very thing to happen, too! We almost NEVER get anyone from the 1959 class, but for CAROLYN E. "TOOTIE" PENCE, who has dropped by several times. We're hoping to see you again this year, Tootie, and yours sisters, too! But 1959's JAMES L. LINDSEY wrote to say that he will be in attendance this year, so 1959 will be represented.
From 1961's JUDY MARIE FRANTZ came an e-mail, in which she said she's ready for another vacation and also would like to be here, but it's not looking promising for her to do it. As many of you will recall, Judy was just here in September and she and I had a visit, then. But maybe next time, Judy. I sure hope so. By the way, my thanks go out to Judy for a good number on how to get info on Woody. She's an employee of the hospital.
Definite confirmation has come in from 1958's WILLIAM R. HOWARD, too, who has missed a thing or two of late. I hear you're busy getting rich, Bill. Is that true? I hope so, but I also hope you get to enjoy some of it. So we'll all be happy to see you again. Finally, we will also be seeing MICHAEL S. WEST at Spring Fest, and his wife, Sally. I'm thrilled about that. Mike confirmed attendance only yesterday.
From MURL E. HUFFMAN came an announcement that the granddaughter of longtime companion, MARJORIE BOGAN, will graduate from college the week after Easter, having completed her master's degree. He wants to see how everything plays out and says he'd also love to be here, but was unable to commit at this time, I'm sorry to say.
Also confirming attendance are1960's ROBERTA A. RICE and JUDITH A. STALDER. By the way, Judy has a new e-mail address and she was very solicitious about letting me know. So I'm sure she let all of you know, too. But if anyone wants to reach her, please, write me an e- mail. I know that 1960's NANCY E. "COOKIE" BOWIE will be thrilled to know that you will be here, Roberta. She has asked me several times about you, since the last time you came to Spring Fest. Yes, Cookie will be here, too. Hmmmm, I wonder if we can get Cookie, Donna Jean Richards, Tootie, and PAULA R. WILSON (also a confirmed attendee) to get together and do one of the old WC cheers for us? I can just see their faces, jointly cringing as they read this, and very much wanting to kill me. Okay, okay, I won't mention it!
JAMES E. CURTIS, 1961, sent word that he is going to try to make Spring Fest and it looks as though 1958's ROBERT W. "SMITTY" SMITH will also be there. He is a big high school hero to 1960's GERALD A FULLER, who is thrilled at the propsect of seeing Smitty again. We will also once again be seeing MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL, 1960, who lives just up the road (during the winters) from the place where it is being held. When she came to it, in 2004, we had a circus.
We have to get back STEVEN M. KOKOT and his 1962 spouse, BARBARA T. O'NEAL! You two just get down here, hear? Barb was the bell of the ball in 2004, as she is everywhere she goes. We'd ALSO like to see you, EDNA L. GRAY, 1961. Where ARE you? And what of you, Miss LINDA L. MCAFEE, 1957? You're just up the road, too, and you'd better be there. Ever since you got married, you've just ditched us all!
SANDRA L. BARSALOU (1957) and 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER are making "maybe" noises, but I think I'll just send your fellow WC-er and neighbor, TOM FEE by the front doors to fetch you two. Just get here! "DEDE" FAHRNEY has moved back to Ohio, so won't be with us this year, unless her brother, 1958's RICHARD A., is in town and wants to attend, so let's hope for that. If they both attend, then we'll likely get the bonus of their 1933 WC dad, A. EMERSON FAHRNEY, too! I'm getting similar guff from 1957's DARELL L. TOBIAS, who is now in North Carolina, but Darell tells me his mother is ill and he's trying to look after her. We all wish your mother good health, Darell. Let us know how she's doing.
During the last bulletin period, I had problems again with transmittals to AOL users. It seems they've identified me as a, "spammer," due to the number of e-mails I send, which have mulitple recipients. So they screen those out of reception, for their subscribers. As a result, I had to to do a bit of finagling, in order to get my bulletins through to those people. Thanks to 1958's LINDA L. BECKETT for sending things on to her brother and sister-in-law in Alaska for me. Also assisting me greatly with this effort, was none other than MICHAEL S. WEST, who always seems to be there when I need him for some PC bump- in-the-road, much the same asthat other computer guru, 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL. What would I ever do without the two of you? Mike also sent me gorgeous photos of the beautiful snowfall which surrounded his and Sally's picturesque, Tennessee plateau home in Gatlinburg. I looked at them several times, but even as much as I love Tennessee, I'm unsure I could live in a snow area again. But oh, it's beautiful to see (in photos)!
Words of praise continue to pour fourth for 1959 class member and former WC teacher, administrator, (and apparently-incredible citizen) the late RICHARD C. HENSLEY. A street was named for him, as pictured in the January 26 edition of the Maimisburg-WC News. I thank 1987's SHARLENE N. MERKER, for sending that to me. I simply MUST get a subscription to that paper! I also noticed, in that same issue, a photo of my 1960 classmate, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., who is a member of the school board and was recognized, along with some others, with a commemorative plaque. Congratulations to you, Tom, and also to the survivors of Rich's family. Writing and sending words of praise about Rich were GARY E. BARNES, TOM FEE, and MIKE WEST, among many others, I'm sure, which I didn't get to read.
We continue to get mileage from our streak of nostalgia and memories. Of course, our biggest challenge from the last blitz on that, was the identification of the little diner just past Dwyer Mill. The only person who recalled the correct name was the spouse of 1956's J. DEANNA CHRISTIE. However, 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON recalled that he had lunch there quite often with his dad, so he had fond memories of the place. For those of us who may have forgotten, by the way, that was the old Glen-Mar Restaurant.
Norm has come up with some pretty good stuff, so I'm glad he's on our bulletin list. In fact, I sent along the little 1950s musical ditty he sent to me. Remember that? It got lots of good feedback, too! It was the one with all the 1950s music. Well, we got some good feedback on that one, especially. Many comments of appreciation came in from 1960's JUDY A. SLIFE, 1962's RICHARD C. CALL, whose wife, Jean, had him join her, while they listened to it, 1960's WILLIAM O. WALKER, and WC- honorary spouse, KAREN, who also listened together and said it was great, and 1958's "TOM" FEE also wrote, "That was great!" So good going, Norm! In the short time since Norm joined our bulletin list, he has brought a lot of fun to the table, so to speak, with many of his reminiscences, but also with being able to identify a few of our, "mystery memories." The aforementioned CHARLES E. PENNINGTON is a cousin of Norm's and it looks like Chuck may join us for Spring Fest. He lives here in Florida, so we're also working on Norm to come down and join us, too. Remember, folks, it's a terrific time of year to be in Florida!
Yes, we've had other folks who have joined our list, too. I seldom have a bulletin period pass, when new names do NOT surface, as a matter of fact. I'm also happy to write that a few more of the younger alumni (those from 1963 forward) seem to be jumping on the bandwagon, too. For instance, this time, we have 1964's RICK A. BUSCH who came to us, via the efforts of 1961's SHARON K. WENDELKEN. Thanks, Sharon, and welcome aboard, Rick! We're happy you're with us. Also jumping aboard is one of Rick's classmates, MERRY LEE SPEELMAN, which is a prominent WC surname. I know most of us recall the Speelman family. Welcome to you, too, Merry.
It's always fun to add new names.
We've also got lots of moving and traveling going on with us WC folks. For instance, I simply HAVE to finish this bulletin today, as 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE, is going to be gone from the 2nd through the 15th, and has asked no e-mail be sent. Hmmm, that means she's going to be gone on her March 14 birthday. I'll bet she's going to slip over to West Virginia (I think it is) and see those 2 baby grandsons.
Apparently, 1960's DAVID A. BLAIR and wife Marlene are planning a little outing, too. Dave wrote and asked if he could borrow 7415 frequent flyer miles from anyone. I wonder if we were able to help him? Dave, are you now making that trip to Florida? Let us know all the news. How are the twin grandsons?
Also offline for a spell was 1960s DAVID G. OTT and his 1963 spouse SANDRA MINIX. But they're back now. You two get over to Spring Fest, too. You have both missed way too many things and you live in Florida, so just do it!
While 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL isn't much given to the idea of traveling outside her chosen home state of Kansas, she doesn't mind helping others make travel arrangements on her website. She's adding the Lady Lake area, she writes. You can contact Nancy at
From 1982's CRAIG A. VAN DYKE, came a newsy and terrific e-mail, even though he directed it to the website of 1985's M. CYNTHEA POTEET. (By the way, that's a nice job you do with that, Cynthea, keep up the good work and keep getting people together. That's what it's all about!) Anyway, I "plagiarized" Craig's e-mail, after I read it on Cynthea's website. Craig currently lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, by the way. He works for Hewlett-Packard. But soon, he will leave Colorado and move to his wife's home state of South Carolina. He'll still work for H-P, though. Craig will be joining us this fall for the dinner/dance, too, he writes. I wrote Craig to tell him to be sure and keep me informed of his new e-mail address, once he moves. Craig and I, it seems, share somewhat of a distaste for what I have come to call, "the desert states." They include Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada. In his e-mail, he wrote that he'd be happy to get away from, "the dry, brown, dead state," of Colorado. I couldn't agree more, Craig, but it sure is great that we all don't want to live in the same place, isn't it? I'm sure a lot of people probably wouldn't care for Florida, either.
Also traveling again is 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, and husband Frank Hawvermale. Frank and Lynn are now in their Henderson, Nevada, home and will likely be there for a few more weeks, while dodging the Ohio cold weather. But I've heard a very promising rumor that we just may be seeing Frank & Lynn for Spring Fest. You see, they have other interests in Florida, such as Lynn's folks living here and Lynn's mother's birthday is right around that time. So let's keep our fingers crossed.
Naturally, there are those ever-traveling WALKER folks (1960's WILLIAM O. and spouse KAREN), who are both still in Hattieburg, Mississippi, working the storm claims. It's all so unbelievable, even now, isn't it? Anyway, they also are making some noises about hotels and driving directions and such, so let's keep those fingers crossed for them, too!
From 1967's MARY J. CONDON came a cordial note, in which she expressed how much she enjoys reading the WC bulletins. Thanks, Mary! When I get those kinds of notes, I'm always thrilled and humbled. I appreciate your kind words very much. A similar e-mail came from 1961 class member, SHARON K. WENDELKEN. Thanks to you, too, Sharon. I appreciated that.
From 1962's MARSHA JEAN NELSON comes a query about the details on Spring Fest. Marsha let the cat out of the bag and told me she lives in Tampa. Okay, that's it, Marsha! You be sure we see you at Spring Fest, hear?
From Jean Call, spouse of 1962's RICHARD C. CALL, also came a note of inquiry about Spring Fest. Jean wrote that their family keeps them at home quite a bit and that she and Rich haven't had a vacation in 3 years. Well, it's high time you two changed that, Jean. Tell Rich his old buddy, CURTIS A. KEMP, will be at Spring Fest, and the two of them could just have a ball together! My 1961 cousin, JUDITH L. SAMUELS, also questioned the date of Spring Fest, so I'm hoping she will also be in attendance there. I'm fairly certain that my lifelong pal, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, will also be there, as we recently spoke and it's looking good for this year.
From 1957's SHIRLEY ANN HILE came a couple of e-mails in which she lamented the loss of her long-term memory, saying she "has really lost it." She wrote that she didn't remember either Indian River Fruit Market nor the spaghetti house on the turn, just before we reached Dwyer Mill (Riffle's). Well, don't feel lonesome, Shirley. A lot of us didn't remember a few of those things! But Shirley DID remember the NCR Saturday morning movies. Oh, what fun those were!
We also heard from 1957's LAWRENCE J. RENAS, JR. whom I know a lot of you remember. Larry and his wife, Josie, live in Locustville, Virginia, and I keep trying to get them to come to the dinner/dance or Spring Fest or ANY WC function. You'll break down sooner or later, won't you, Larry? In the meantime, Larry reports that his 1960 brother, DOUGLAS A. RENAS, lives happily in the area of Tucson, Arizona, and doesn't seem to have much of a desire to ever travel. Gee, I sure hope that will change by the time we have OUR 50th in 2010.
Yet another 1957 class member, ERCELL P. PHILLIPS, was instrumental in helping me to pinpoint the correct HAROLD PHILLIPS (his 1961 younger brother) for my bulletin list. Thanks, Ercell. Many of you will recall that Harold was once married to 1962's (?) LINDA TRUSTY, younger sis of 1959's DALE A. TRUSTY. By the way, I thought I'd finally found him, but I hadn't. However, I do remain confident that he resides in the city of Holiday, Florida, near the residences of his son, Huffman Dale, and his ex-wife, Bonnie Huffman, both of whom are also confirmed as being in that area. Sooner or later, I'll find him.
PAMELA K. SHIPLEY, 1971, is working diligently on an effort to honor our late teacher, PHILIP M. HUBBARD, and she has enlisted the aid of other alumni, as well as the well-connected retireee, who serves in that capacity, 1960's THOMAS L. WOLF, JR. That's quite an admira- ble effort you're putting forth, Pam, and I wish you all the luck with it.
From our, "fashion-ista" couple, 1960's T. BARRY RUSSELLO and his 1959 spouse, BETSY R. MURPHY (a very gracious lady, if there ever was one), came a copy of their quarterly real estate news bulletin, every word of which I read, every time it arrives. It's just like, "news from home," and I've enjoyed it ever since they added me to their mailing list. As most of you will recall, Barry & Betsy are the proprietors of The Realty Group, located in Vandalia, Ohio. So be sure to contact them, in the event you may have any needs in that area. Will we soon be seeing you two, for a respite from the cold and little companionship with all your old WC buddies? We sure hope so.
Well, guess what, Folks? My WC folder is now totally devoid of e-mails. I've written up everything I have received. I also have to tell you that here in Florida today, it's 78 degrees with sun and light breezes and SCADS of Harley-Davidson motorcycles, rolling through the streets, in anticipation of the 65th Daytona Beach Bike Week, which officially kicks off on Friday, March 3. So guess what? My husband rolled out my Harley-Davidson dresser on this very morning and cleaned it for me. It's setting in the driveway, looking tantalizing and teasing me into starting it. "The call of the wild," has worked its magic, once again. So I'm going to throw this mottled, old bag of bones onto that motorcycle seat and hit the road, just as soon as I hit the "send" button on this bulletin. Not to worry, Norm, as I plan to ride an extra mile for YOU! I look very much forward to seeing many of you, very soon. For those who are coming to Spring Fest, please travel safely. As is always the case, I leave each of you with my usual wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
--- Bonnie