The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Sadly, we have another passing to report. I'm sorry to say, I did not immediately recall this woman, until I opened my 1959 Piratan. Then, I did. She was quite popular in school, I now recall, and was a very pretty girl. I intensely dislike reporting these deaths, but it simply must be done. This came to my attention by courtesy of Barbara's classmate, GARY E. BARNES.
Thanks, Gary.
from the Dayton Daily News:
Barbara Jean Milton Westray, '59:
Age 66 of Springboro, went to be with her savior Friday evening May 26, 2006. She was born in Dayton, May 17, 1940 to Stanley and Hettie (Sorrell) Milton. Barbara graduated from West Carrollton High School Class of 1959. She was a member of West Carrollton Church of the Nazarene. Barbara loved to cook and bake her special chocolate cookies for everyone. She is preceded in death by her father Stanley Milton. Surviving is her husband of 38 years, Donald G. Westray, Sr. of Springboro, mother Hettie Milton of New Lebanon, 3 sons Larry (Michele) Puterbaugh of Miamisburg, Michael Westray of Miami Twp., Donald G. Westray, Jr., of Miamisburg, 2 daughters Joni Sumpter of Miami Twp, Kim (Bob) Key of Carlisle, brother Stanley Craig Milton of New Lebanon, 2 sisters JoAnn Moore and friend James Carter of Franklin, Linda (Joe) Isaccs of KY., 8 grandchildren Brooke (Jeramy) Charlton, Edward (Angie) Sumpter, Tori Sumpter, Becky Westray, Mandee Westray, John Michael Westray, Sam Puterbaugh, Mya Puterbaugh, 3 great-grandchildren Madelynn Charlton, Caleb Charlton, Blake Sumpter and numerous cousins from Waynesville and Lewisburg. Funeral services will be Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. at the West Carrollton Church of the Nazarene, 550 So. Elm St., with Rev. Doug VanNest officiating. Visitation will be at the church Wednesday 2 hours prior to the services (11 a.m.-1 p.m.) Entombment will follow at Miami Valley Memory Gardens. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the West Carrollton Church of the Nazarene, American Cancer Society or Hospice of Dayton. Sanner Funeral Home, West Carrollton in charge of arrangements. Barbara will be missed and loved by many.
Published in the Dayton Daily News on 5/28/2006.
Guest Book • Flowers • Gift Shop • Charities
Sunday, May 21, 2006
We have a reply from the Class of 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER (current name Schroeppel), at her 70th birthday party on May 12. Thanks.
From: Freda Fletcher Schroeppel
Date: 05/20/06 21:07:16
To: Bonnie
Subject: Freda's 70th Birthday Party
OK, OK, OK......I'll send you my latest happenings in my life: Ready? Here goes.
On May 1st, Larry and I left Florida and headed to Virginia Beach, Virginia for Larry's youngest daughters college graduation (Master's Degree). We stayed at the Navy Lodge in Virginia Beach and visited his daughters. Ate too much, as usual. After about 5 days there...putting up with the crazy drivers and the stressed out people, we headed for Miamisburg, Ohio.
Trip took us thru West Virginia and some beautiful mountains. Made reservations at a motel in "the Burg" and checked into the Comfort Suites. Since my birthday (70th) was May 12, my daughter (Vanessa) and my oldest son (Rick) decided to have my birthday party on Friday....Called me to ask if that was ok, and of course, it was.
I celebrated this monumental birthday with two of my kids and their spouses, three of my grand daughters and their spouses and five great grand children. About now, you are asking where did we go? CHUCKY CHEESE! I And you know what? I had a ball. The Chucky Cheese Mouse even came over and sang to me.
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Jennifer Beals Hummel, '92
Ida Jane Treon Geary, '60, Writes:
My daughters attended West Carrollton HS with Jennifer Beals who graduated
in 1992.
My daughter Lina was in Girl Scouts with her. Her scout leader sent the attached
to us.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
WECATON NEWS REPORT - 07 MAY 2006 (also Spring Fest 2006 Report):
Yes, I know I should get 40 lashes with the old, wet noodle. I promised all of you that I would follow up with my Spring Fest report within about a week of the last bulletin. But I just wasn't able to, "pull that off," so to speak. I have had way too many irons in the fire, and have also with- stood the passing of three close friends, all in rapid succession, and am still sort of down in the dumps with that. So please forgive me. At least I'm doing it now.
Let's see, now where were we? Okay, Spring Fest! As I anxiously awaited the arrival of March 26, excitement was in the air. It was in every e-mail and every phone call, from every WC person from whom I heard. We're just all ridiculous, aren't we? Ha! But oh, such fun. On that previous Monday, my first contact, not surprisingly, would come from 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, as he arrived on my doorstep with his companion, 1971's PATTY JO WHEELBARGER, in tow. This was a first, as Patty hadn't yet been to a Spring Fest. I was very glad you came, Patty! Along with my husband and me, they went to the local, Italian "gourmet" restaurant, also a favorite of ours. They spent a night, then departed on the following morn, to visit Bruce's brother. We'd had a great visit and Bruce, true to form, brought hostess gifts, which included WC items (surprise, surprise) and a package of gourmet coffee.
For those of you who are not aware, Patty sets a great example for us all. She runs on every single day of her life, something like 3 miles, rain or shine, hot or cold. She also lifts weights. As most of you are aware, Patty weighs about 90 pounds and it's all muscle! She can (and does) eat anything she wants because she works it all off, that same day. Such dedication, Patty! You are to be highly commended. (Also, let's not forget that Patty is likely to live to be about 100, and I'd venture a guess that she'll still be running, even then.)
On the following night, I had planned to welcome my classmate, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR. However, it seems the Dayton area had experienced a snow on the night of March 21, and she opted to delay departure for one day. So it was March 22, before she arrived. We had a dandy visit and shared a tableful of KFC, and then sat on my deck for most of the following day, rehashing many a memory and making some new ones, too. By about 3:30 in the afternoon, I had to depart, in order to be at my grandson's surgery (which was minor, as it turned out), and Shirley was preparing to depart, also. We would see each other again on Sunday.
The next day would bring about another fun event, with us (my husband and me) meeting three other couples at a Longwood restaurant. Not only were Patty and Bruce there, but also 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST and wife Sally, making the trip from Gatlinburg, Tennessee, in order to attend Spring Fest. Also there were 1960's GARY L. WARLAUMONT and his very black-and-blue-faced spouse, Jill (shades of the golf outing story, which all of you have already read). They were already in Florida at their Apopka condo, but also poised to return to Ohio, at any time. We all had a great visit and a wonderful meal and some really quality time together. So it was terribly enjoyable.
Now, on this same evening, as many of you will recall, was a WC pre-Spring-Fest gathering over at Spanish Springs Town Square in The Villages. I'm sorry to say, I didn't make that gathering and there were a number of reasons. For one thing, with the sight in my right eye being slightly compromised, I don't do a lot of night- driving anymore if it's unfamiliar terrain. Also, I wouldn't have been able to coax my husband to an outdoor gathering, as it was pretty chilly that night. In addition to that, Jill obviously wouldn't have wanted to go to a place outdoors, where she might be jostled around. I really wanted to see them, while they were still in Florida, as I knew they wouldn't be with us on the following day.
It's difficult to have any really quality conversation in an outdoor, crowded atmosphere, too, but the biggest single reason for my absence at this event was, quite frankly, "the wow factor." What I mean by that is the idea that, in the short period of overnight, if you see everyone on the previous night, then when you see them on the following day again, that pleasant, "first response reaction" isn't there. It's been sort of "used up" on the previous night, in instances when you haven't seen someone in a long time. So it's unlikely I'll go to any of those in the future, for that exact reason. The only exception will be the Frisch's Frolic, as it seems to attract an entirely different crowd from the one who attends the dinner/dance, with few notable exceptions. So that's why I didn't choose to attend that one. But from all who did, I understand it was a very good time with lots of back-slapping and reminiscing.
Sunday arrived more quickly than expected, as do all the days in my life, these days. I arose, dressed, and loaded Piratans (of course), and headed southwest to The Villages. It proved to be a challenge to navigate its many streets and twists and turns, once I arrived. This was a lament expressed by many attendees, but we all made it, nevertheless. I suspect it may be the same as most places with which we are unfamiliar and once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature.
In any case, as I was unloading Piratans, I spied the first group coming across the parking lot. Included were 1957's GARY D. MAYS, his sister-in-law, 1960's NANCY E. "COOKIE" BOWIE (who surely must get the prize for traveling the furthest, all the way from Eaton-ville, Washington) 1961's DONNA J. RICHARDS and PAULA R. WILSON. I'll swear, those 1961 women are just amazing. It's as if the aging gene has never kicked into being on ANY of them. Even though most of them weren't there, a whole laundry list came to mind at the ever-youthful sight of Paula and Donna, as I thought about all the female members of that class who also seem to be ageless--SALLY L. GILLETTE, JANET L. CHANDLER, CAROLE J. LEWIS, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, EDNA L. GRAY, CHRIS L. CLEARY, JUDY M. FRANTZ (and there are MANY more in that class)--and then I had to look at THESE two. Just exactly what I needed! I began to wonder just what the high school had added to the water, during the year after MY class graduated. What a mystery! However, I should temper that statement by telling you all that many of my 1960 female classmates still look sensational, as they did in high school, and some, even better. That sentiment was also expressed by 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, who observed (in his words), "Why do all the men look old and all the women still look like babes?"
Anyway, inside we went. There, of course, was our very gracious host and hostess, 1960's J. DAVID MAYS, also looking terribly youthful (this was getting worse and worse for me) and his wife, Annie, who has those great movie-star looks, even in her casual attire. Most of us would kill for a face like hers!
Dave and Ann were the ultimate host and hostess, as they greeted every arrival, answered questions, gave directions, and almost literally bent over backwards all day long, in order to ensure everyone's comfort zone. I thank you both so much, Dave and Ann. You did quite a remarkable job. We all lucked out, getting to have it at your home territory. We hope to continue it there.
But Gary and Dave were not the only Mayses who were present at this auspicious event. We also had 1955's CARL R. MAYS with wife Marilyn, as well as 1963's DOUGLAS M. MAYS with wife Rene. The Mays men all have attractive, personable, charming spouses, by the way. Lest we should forget, it was Doug who broke the ice with our Florida events for the Mays clan, by attending the WC Florida Brunch in December. I was very thrilled to see so many Mays faces. After all, what is a WC event if there are no Mayses present? The Mays family is our own WC Royalty, WC's answer to the Kennedy Clan, if you will. What great fun it was to have 4 of the Mays brothers there! I'd love to see every one of them there, at some future event (and I mean the sisters, too!)
Also coming down from Ohio for the event were 1960's THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., and his so-fun-and-delightful spouse, Susan. I do so enjoy the time I get to spend with you and Susan, Tom. I was just thrilled that you were here. Tom and Susan add a great presence to any event which they attend, I've noticed. WC is very fortunate to have you both, "in the fold." When you are again in Florida, be SURE you let me know!
At about the same moment of my arrival, along came 1960's SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, who had played a round of golf on the previous day or the day before, I believe it was, taking full advantage of the gorgeous Springtime weather for which Florida is noted. She looked terrific.
Right on her heels came the "never-absent-from-any-WC-function," GERALD A. FULLER, also 1960, and his no-longer-so-WC-challenged spouse, Becky. She is always equipped with her camera and I have to tell you, without Becky, our photo gallery wouldn't be nearly so populated. You do a great job with that, Becky, and we all appreciate it. Jerry was Jerry, and that's just the way we all love him.
Then of course, Bruce and Patty were right there on the scene in short order, too. Like Jerry, Bruce will drive to any point in the United States where there are two or more WC people. We know we can always count on Bruce and it was a special treat to have Patty with us, too. I wish we could get more of the more recent class years' members like Patty, to come to our functions. There are a lot of 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s alumni here in Florida. I'd also like to see more of them at our crown jewel event, the dinner/dance, each October.
It wasn't long until we saw 1961's RICHARD E. KNEER and his wife, Becky, who has attended many of our soirees, and if she's bored, believe me, you could never tell! Becky, you know so many of us now, you're just one of the flock! The Kneers are always a welcome addition to the gatherings and they're very faithful about attending the Florida functions, too!
The same can now be said for JAMES E. KECKLER, 1958, and his spouse, Janet. Jim and Janet are a fun pair, as are most of us, and it's a delight to have them with us. In fact, we miss them now, if they aren't there. So you two keep putting in an appearance, Jim and Janet. We always want you to be there!
Attending his first-ever WC event was none other than 1957's JAMES J. DOWNS, accompanied by his wife, JoAnn. I do believe they live in either nearby Leesburg or perhaps Tavares (also close). Jim was looking fit as a fiddle and obviously enjoying seeing some of his old WC schoolmates. It was a treat to have him there. As the day passed, I had the opportunity to get to know his wife just a bit, and found that she and I had a great deal in common. I wish we'd had more time, JoAnn! Jim, the next time we have a WC gathering, you and Joann simply must be there. You KNOW you had great fun!
Also gracing us with her presence was ROBERTA A. RICE, 1960. Roberta is a riveting conversationalist, a world-traveler, and a darned interesting person! When we have functions which you don't attend, Roberta, it's just not quite as interesting. By the way, folks, she also looks like a million bucks! As we ended the day, she revealed her plans to depart for an overseas trip to the nation of Jordan. Due to the unrest in that part of the world, I advised her to let us know right away, once she had safely returned. Roberta, don't forget! By the way, Roberta has been a longtime resident of St. Peters-burg, Florida. Her twin sister, HARRIET Z. RICE, is a longtime resident of Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Taking a break from hurricane work, 1960's WILLIAM O. WALKER, and his WC-honorary spouse, Karen, put in an appearance. As everyone is now well aware, if we have a WC event withOUT them, it's just not the same. They are a quality pair! But they were with us this time, I'm happy to report. As most of my class will recall, Bill was right up there at the top of list, when it came to nice guys in our class. He still is, by the way. I was terribly disappointed that I didn't get to spend more time visiting with you and Karen, Bill. You let me know the minute you get near Florida's east coast again, ok?
Can there be ANYone who attended WC from, say, the early 1950s through the early 1960s who doesn't recall 1958's LEONARD F. KUHN? Yep, he was there, too, all the way from Ohio! Lennie was always one of our great characters, in school. He still is and is still just as fun, too. He was accompanied by his vivacious and very personable, well-liked spouse, Pat. Boy, I'll bet SHE could tell some good stories, after being married to Lennie for all those years. You've now spoiled us, Pat and Lennie. So we're going to be expecting you two at all our future gatherings, too, hear?
Soon, I looked toward the door and was delighted to once again see 1962's RICHARD G. DENNY and his classmate wife, LIELA K. GEORGE. Dick and Liela also came to our brunch in December. I think many of you will recall Liela as one of the great beauties of WC. Well, guess what? She still is. It was just wonderful to have them with us for Spring Fest!
Along came 1960's MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL, in the company of spouse, William D. McDaniel. I was so thrilled to see Madeleine again. She and I had gone clear through school together and, until I had found her about 4 years ago, I hadn't gotten to see her at all since school. We went through Brownies together, Lutheran Catechism together, and were also confirmed into the church together. So I was terribly happy she was there. She and her husband spend their winters in Lady Lake, just up the road from where we held the function. It is, in fact, where Jerry and Becky Fuller set up their own RV and spent some additional time with Madeleine and her husband. Madeleine is always upbeat, fun, and full of laughs. Some things never change thank heaven, and she hasn't, either.
Also present was my old pal and classmate and former Spring Fest hostess, JOANN K. STEMLEY, along with spouse, Ron Hall. They came over from their place in Orlando, which they were currently renovating for sale in the future. How's that going, JoAnn? Did you get the place sold yet? JoAnn and I share many a fond and fun memory throughout high school, and even long before. I was thrilled when I got to start seeing JoAnn again. As always, she was fun and witty. She and her husband, along with me and my husband, always have supper together on the day following Christmas, each year. I always look forward to that.
We were all thrilled with our GODBY brothers' arrival---
1961's JACK L. and 1964's W. THOMAS. You two are getting pretty darned good about attending WC gigs, and we're ALL very happy about that. I know that many of you recall that we thought, for some reason, Jack was no longer with us. To our utter delight, he was with us, though, and now, he is really, WITH us! Tom rides a Harley-Davidson and is a Florida resident. He is in the automotive industry. Jack lives in the heart of New York City, after a fascinating life which included acting, not to the surprise of anyone. He shared with me that his next door neighbor is Danny, who was the Indian in the sing-ing group, The Village People, and that they are very good friends. Well, how about that? Danny sure is a lucky guy, to have YOU for a next-door neighbor, Jack!
Tom always brings Jack to our functions and we're all always so pleased to see both of them. I believe Tom plays host to his brother, for winter visits. We hope to see both of you in October, too, Tom and Jack!
Arriving just a bit late was 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, who announced that he'd had to take Sally to the local hospital on the previous night, as she had suffered a bout of diverticulitus (sp?), which had caused her great discomfort. We all wished Sally well and, under the circumstances, we were really pleased that Mike had been able to get there at all. Talk about multi-tasking!
It would be quite an understatement to say the Mays clan added a great deal to the zest of the gathering. We all laughed again and again, as the brothers arose to a willing audience and told amusing stories about each other and about the many adventures of growing to adulthood in a household where there were but 3 girls and a whole flock of boys, every single one of whom was energetic, creative, full of mischief, and bursting with ideas for the next practical joke to play on any one of a number of brothers. It was all done in the spirit of great fun and camaraderie and was one of the high points of the day.
We even had a call-in, from none other than 1961's CHRIS L. CLEARY, with whom I spoke for several minutes. She's another one of those who doesn't age and looks very much identical to her senior picture, still young and vibrant and gorgeous. She and husband, WC teacher, DAVID E. COLLINS, were to be at Dave and Ann's house, during the next week. Darnit! I was so sorry we'd missed them!
As the afternoon passed, everyone moved from table to table to table and from the kitchen to the outside and to the front sitting area and all over the grounds. There were some facilities for outdoor activities and some of us went to those, too. As is always the case, we had an abundance of food with a huge variety. No one ever went hungry.
At one point in the afternoon, I was summoned from my endless chatter, by my classmate, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR. Now, all of you are by now aware of my fondness for Tom and his wife, Susan. You probably also recall that Tom is on the school board and a WC retiree. He took it upon himself to nominate me for a, "Pirate Pride Award," which is a certificate of recognition, signed by the entire school board and awarded for outstanding communication efforts for and about WC. He gave me this certificate and I felt immediately humbled, as well as honored. I even got a Pirates T-shirt and a WC coffee mug, too, which I use all the time! This has all been SO fun and SO rewarding for me! Receiving a certificate of recognition and appreciation was terribly unnecessary, but still the frosting on the cake, too. My thanks to you, Tom, for your efforts. I appreciate it and my certificate is now framed and hanging on the wall of my Florida room. I smile and think of you, each time I glance at it (which is often)!
Following our little public announcement period, there were "grudge matches" in the horse-shoe pitching area with the Lindberg Platte gang pitted against the Miami Shores gang and the South Moraine Platte gang and so on and so forth, all done in good fun and lots and lots of laughter. Madeleine's husband, Bill, is an expert at the game of horseshoes, so I expect he did pretty well with that.
We also had numerous group photos taken, with each year or years grouped together, as we headed to the outside for photo sessions. It was a picture-perfect day, warm and sunny and breezy. Everyone had a wonderful time. Once we left the clubhouse, Ann and Dave Mays invited people to their lovely new home which was very nearby. About 8 or 10 of us went over to visit for a spell. They were hosting the visiting Wolfs (Tom and Susan.) The Mayses said they both love the Florida lifestyle.
Many people headed back up to the open-air square in the center of The Villages. I, too, was somewhat tempt -ed to do that very thing. But by then, it was past 5 p.m., we hadn't yet had that pesky time change, and I wanted to be sure I was driving in familiar terrain by the time it began to grow dark, due to the slight compromise in the vision of my right eye. So I reluctantly allowed the day to end, and headed home, savoring my wealth of warm and fond memories from a great day.
As I drove east, though, I began to think of the people with whom I'd spoken who had said they'd be there, but weren't. I was TRULY looking forward to seeing YOU, my 1960 classmate, CHARLOTTE LEE HUEY. What happened? Just like me, MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL was dying to see you, too! So was SHIRLEY J. TUDOR. And what of you, CURTIS A. KEMP, with whom I'd recently spoken. A lot of people were looking for you. I was but one of them. From 1959, we hoped to see you, JAMES L. LINDSAY. You said you'd be there, but I wondered why you weren't. We don't yet know why 1955's JERRY DAVIS didn't show. As for 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, he would definitely have been there, but for recovering from surgery. Also originally saying he'd be present was 1958's WILLIAM R. HOWARD, who backed out, a week or so before. But we hope to see you in October, Bill. Although he didn't actually say he'd be there (he never does say it), I'd have bet the farm that we'd see BOYD H. JENKINS, but we didn't. I always miss you, Boyd, when you aren't there. Also confirming attendance for that day was 1958's RICHARD L. JOHNSON, and that had been on the previous day. I've sent him two e-mails without any response, so I have some concerns there, as he lives nearby. Are you there, Richard? We had also looked forward to finally having DAVID G. OTT and WC wife, SANDRA A. MINIX, at one of our gatherings, but Dave had written to say that Sandy had taken ill. We hope all is well now, Dave and Sandy, and that we'll see you both in Ohio, come October. I was really disappointed at not seeing P. LYNNETTE GARRETT and husband, Frank Hawvermale. They didn't get to Florida at that time, after all. But Frank's 93-year-old father recently passed away, so I know we all extend condolences upon his loss. I hope to see them, the next time they come to Florida, though. (By the way,Frank's family gave their father an old-fashioned, fitting send-off in a horse-drawn hearse, as would have been the practice for a man of his years, when he was young.) What happened to you, Mr. CHARLES E. PENNINGTON? I thought sure we'd get to sit around and re-hash Miami Shores! We had hope of catching sight of you, Miss
CAROLYN SUE MCCLOUD, but we didn't. JUDITH A. STALDER had written that she wasn't going to be able to make it, after all, but we missed you, Judy. Also confirming had been ROBERT W. "SMITTY" SMITH. What happened, Smitty? We'd have loved to have seen you! In fact, truth to tell, there's hardly a person on this list who wasn't mentioned by SOMEone, as the day passed. So let's renew all our resolve and get out and get to these functions, when they occur, especially when you live nearby. Just look at the number who actually traveled long distances to be there!
Following our shindig, Dave Mays' gracious wife, Ann, was kind enough to e-mail me a number of photos. I'm fairly certain that our Mike West has likely already got those posted on our blogspot, so be sure to have a peek at them. Thanks so much, Ann! By the way, folks, if Mike gave ME credit for those, please be aware that the credit goes to Ann Mays and not to me. All I did was forward them to Mike.
Although Cookie and I had planned to have some one- on-one time, as we did once before, it just didn't work out that way. The time got away from us and we miss- ed each other this time. But we'll sure try to do it on the next trip, I'm sure. In the meantime, Cookie reports that she and her son are busily painting the entire house. How's that going, Cookie? Are you finished yet?
However, lifelong friends, 1961's PAULA R. WILSON and DONNA J. RICHARDS definitely found some time for a visit, right after the gathering. Donna and Paula both traveled to Paula's Singer Island home and there they spent several days together, after which Donna returned to her Moraine City home. We shall see them both in the fall, won't we, girls?
Prior to the event, we got a couple of blurbs from our former Civics teacher (who still teaches), MURL E. HUFFMAN. Mr. H. wanted to come to Spring Fest, but didn't make it. He sent his good wishes to us all and hoped we'd have a great time, though. We did, Mr. H., but it would have been much better, had YOU been able to be there with us.
We simply must, "gather all the troops," for this year's alumni weekend. By the way, it will take place on the weekend of October 6, 7, and 8. Let's block out that weekend with huge X's and don't let anything else take you away from us!! We'll kick off with the annual gab fest on Friday at Frisch's, which has come to be known as the Frisch's Frolic. It draws more and more of us, each and every year. For some reason, as previously written, it seems to draw almost an entirely different group of us, too. I'd like to see everyone at all events for the entire weekend, but that doesn't seem to be the case. (Keep your eyes peeled, just in case someone comes up with a WC golf outing on that weekend, too.)
On the following night, October 7, we will have what I've come to call our crown jewel event, which is the annual dinner/dance. If you are not getting a mailed WC form, then be SURE you go to the website, about the end of August ( ) and download your own form, get it completed and mailed. BE THERE!!
Now that I've finished up the Spring Fest report, it feels right to say that I'll go ahead and clear out my WC file by proceeding to further reporting. So brace up and put some of that dry eye stuff in your eyes, get a snack, a drink, and your glasses. We'll be here for a while.
We've had many a sender of our standard forwarded items---psa's political pundits, jokes, recipes, etc., as is always the case. So let's list our alumni who have sent such materials. They include 1954's WILLIAM L. MCNABB, JO ANNE MCCLURE; 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON, FREDA P. FLETCHER; 1956's JULIA DEANNA CHRISTIE; 1957's DARELL LEE TOBIAS, ERCELL P. PHILLIPS; 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOW- ETH, ROBERT W. "SMITTY" SMITH, LINDA L. BECK-ETT, WILLIAM R. HOWARD, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, JAMES E. KECKLER; 1959's JAMES L. LINDSAY, GARY E. BARNES; 1960's RICHARD S. HOLT, MICHAEL S. WEST, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR.,J. DAVID MAYS, JUDITH ANN SLIFE, DAVID G. OTT, JUDITH A. STALDER, WILLIAM O. WALKER, EULA FAYE BAILEY, STEVEN M. KOKOT, DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY; 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, LARRY D. GILBERT, DALLAS K. MATHIS, PAUL R. BEARDS -LEY, JANET L. WALTERS, SANDRA L. BROCK, SANDRA SUE HOLLINGS WORTH, SHARON KAYE WENDELKEN, SALLY L. GILLETTE, RICHARD E. KNEER, BARBARA J. TURNINGTON; 1962's BARB-ARA T. O'NEAL; 1963' s SANDRA A. MINIX; 1964's RICKEY A. BUSCH; 1966's JOHN E. MCCLELLAN; 1967's MARY JO CONDON (Did I get it right this time, Mary Jo? I'm not sure.); 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY; 1985's M. CYNTHEA POTEET. So we had quite a cross-section of years this time. Although this next person is not a WC alum, I want to mention that I heard from Martha E. Craig, who is the widow of classmate, the late RONALD P. CRAIG, who died in 2000. Ronnie was my dear friend, and even served as Godfather to my older daughter. I was glad to hear that Martha is doing all right.
Speaking of years, it's the 35th for the Class of 1971 and I am very happy to announce that none other than PATTY J. WHEELBARGER has jumped on the old WC bandwagon and is going to try to connect some of her 1971 classmates for alumni weekend. So let's all get together and see what we can do to help Patty get a great turnout. Attention, M. CYNTHEA POTEET! I'm aware of the great job you do with your forum for the more recent classes. Can you let everyone know, in the event that you haven't already done so? Thanks!
Cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS and I are back to discuss -ing everything on God's green earth, and that includes retirement, husbands, the high cost of living, the idea of living elsewhere, cooking meals every day, travel, etc. So far, we haven't solved everything, but we're working hard at it, to say the least.
From 1956's DENNIS A. MICHAEL, came a query as to whether or not 1955's NORMAN E JACKSON might have been the author of that, "Lost in the 50s" poem, which everyone seemed to love. Norm 'fessed up right away that it wasn't him, but also said he wished it was. I guess we'd have all been proud to have authored that one, Norm! The fact is, it ought to be retitled to read as, "FOUND in the 50s." I'm not so sure about this old world, since the 1950s faded into obscurity, are you? But thanks for another winner, Norm! By the way, folks, Norm reports that he's doing pretty well, feeling all right, and will likely see us all again, come October. Great!
In other news from Dennis, though, he wrote to tell me, among other things, that he has 45 rose bushes for which he cares. Boy, oh boy, I'm sure that's a beautiful sight! If I get to your part of Florida, Dennis, I'm going to drive past your house, just to see that. Dennis is very
devoted to his wife, children, and grandchildren, and obviously, to his rose garden. Dennis had led quite a fascinating life, in show business, the circus, public speaking, and assistance to hearing-impaired people,
prior to getting settled into one place, only recently. He assures me that he is coming to Ohio for his class's 50th anniversary in the fall. We'll all be looking for you, Dennis!
As hard as I try to avoid the subject, I guess I might as well go ahead and get this out of the way. As everyone is well aware, another alumnus has passed away, But I want to be certain everyone is aware, so I'm recapping in here. It was 1958's SUE ELIZABETH SOWERS and she died on April 28. Many thanks to those of you who sent this to me and that includes her cousin, JOHN E. MCCLELLAN (not JOHN L. MONTGOMERY, whom I incorrectly identified as her cousin), 1959's GARY E. BARNES, 1960's RICHARD S. HOLT, her sister-in-law and brother-in-law, 1960's PHILLIP D. HOWARD and spouse, 1967's MARIAN K. HUSSEY. Sue's husband was her high school sweetheart/classmate, DAVID L. HOWARD. Sincerest condolences go to the family, from all of us. Several people offered a few memories of Sue, including 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, 1959's JAMES L. LINDSEY, and me. If not for Sue, I might never have found that missing link I needed, in order to locate long-lost classmate, 1960's WILLIAM M. ROHLER.
During our exchanges about Sue, I'm hopeful that I have been successful in persuading long-missing classmate RICHARD S. HOLT into attending at least the Frisch's Frolic, come October. I told him I drive 950 miles each year to be there, and he told me he lives but 1.5 miles from Frisch's. So let's all look for Richard this fall. Do you hear that, Richard?
Just as an aside, it was reported by 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST that the founder of Marion's Pizza, Marion Glass, passed away. Marion's Pizza had been quite an icon around the Dayton area.
As previously reported, we're on the hunt for Piratans ranging from 1967 through 1971. That reminds me, I must owe you some money, 1962's BARBARA T. O' NEAL and/or 1961's CAROLE J. LEWIS. Did you two buy Piratans for me and send them down here? Write and let me know, please.
From 1954's JO ANNE MCCLURE comes an e-mail in which she swears she's going to retire this year. She's still working full-time for an airline and flies back and forth between New Jersey and her Florida home, in order to do so. Yep, I'd say it's about time, Jo Anne! Come on up and join us in October.
Since Spring Fest, Mike West has reported that Sally made a good recovery from her illness and 1960's
GARY L. WARLAUMONT also reported that wife Jill is coming along nicely from the golfing mishap. We are all pleased, of course, that both are doing well. Also doing well, I understand, is 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, who had surgery on March 21. We sure did miss you, Tom!
What nice worlds of praise I got from you, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., and from you, JACK L. GODBY, and from you, SHIRLEY ANN HILE, and you, JUDITH A. SLIFE, and you, too, FREDA P. FLETCHER! You all make life nice for me and it's fun to write these bulletins. I'm so thrilled when I hear that you all enjoy reading them. Thank you so much for that!
As always, we've got people traveling again. You all read the wonderful travelogue from Becky Fuller, wife of 1960's GERALD A. FULLER. But our girl, FREDA P. FLETCHER, 1955, is seemingly always on the road, too, and apparently, 1961's JOHN W. OBERLIES, JR., took a little trip last month, too. Also traveling was 1961's EDNA L. GRAY, along with spouse, Richard M. Ryan. Edna reported that things didn't go quite as well this year as she'd hoped, but she looks forward to a better time, on the next trip. Thanks for writing, Edna, and I sure do hope to see you this fall. I had to smile when I read all of Edna's e-mail, in which she wrote that her older sister, 1960's FLOSSIE J. GRAY, is still the most fun person she knows. How true, how true, Edna! I have only fun memories of Flossie, myself!
During this past month, I've had several exchanges with my riding buddy, 1957's DARELL L. TOBIAS. He now lives in North Carolina, but when he was in Florida, he liked going each year to Leesburg's BikeFest, as I do. But since he couldn't go this year, I gave him a report on it and, at his request, also got him an official tee, which I mailed several days ago. Darell assured me he will be joining us all in Ohio in October.
Also checking in to assure me that all is well were 1958's JAMES E. RICHARDSON and his spouse (who is also an alumni officer, K. JUNE CRUTCHFIELD. she always does such a great job for us all and I rather
suspect, if we only knew it, Jim probably does a great deal, too, about which no one is aware. So thanks to both of you. I also want to recognize 1985's website moderator, M. CYNTHEA POTEET. She has a great handle on our more recent grads and she does a terrific job of keeping them all informed and inviting them to join her forum. Cynthea, I hope you're able to get some of our younger grads to attend our alumni weekend this year.
As I sit here, typing this, It's May 6 and it's about 4:30 p.m. I'm hoping fervently to hear from either SANDRA S. MAYO and/or SANDRA S. HOLLINGWORTH, two more of those smashing-looking 1961 girls. The two of them are running around Florida together today, and in fairly close proximity to me, I understand, and I do so hope they'll be able to fit me into their itinerary. I'm sure keeping my fingers crossed, but I also know how quickly that vacation time flies past, and you never seem to be quite able to do all that you had planned.
However, such was not the case with MICHAEL S. WEST, who made a recent pilgrimage to Ohio and was successful in visiting with 1960 classmate, SHIRLEY SUE MILLER, who currently resides in Cincinnati and is a nurse. Mike told me years ago, but still long after graduation, that Shirley was quite a rare beauty. He now reports that she still is, and even moreso! So I'm glad you two had a nice visit!
From 1962's MARSHA JEAN NELSON came a warm note of appreciation for reconnecting with her best high school pal, the alluring LIELA K. GEORGE also 1962. Marsha wrote that she is thrilled to be in touch with Liela, once again. Well, I'm even more thrilled, Marsha!
How I do love being able to connect old WC friends. I wish you both many happy hours of visits! If you really want to show your appreciation, then be sure you get to our alumni weekend!
MARY JO CONDON answered my question as to whether or not her aunt was married to the Shell who owned Shell's cafe, and no, she was not. Expert WC history buff, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., was also aware of that, I might add.
We got a long medical update from 1961's RICHARD E. KNEER and wife Becky. Dick, is the person named Tyler possibly a grandson of your and Becky's? I wasn't quite clear on that part, I'm sorry to say. But whoever it was, it was obviously someone who means a great deal to you both, so I know we all wish the very best for Tyler.
Over the weeks since spring Fest, I've been privileged to speak with a number of you, by telephone. Among those were BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, EULA FAYE BAILEY, CHARLES A. HIGH, CHARLES V. CARTER, and P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, with whom I expect to speak, on this very evening in fact.
On a final note (can you believe it?!), I want to take this opportunity to welcome aboard yet another new sign-on. We have another member of the SPEELMAN family, SUE L., Class of 1962. How great to have you with us, Suzi! As I told you, I vividly remember you from our childhood and I sincerely hope you will enjoy the bulletins. Be sure to write and tell us bit about you and where you live, how many children, grandchildren, work, all that stuff. But most importantly, be sure you join us for alumni weekend on October 6, 7, and 8! We're just like Motel 6. "We'll leave the light on fer ya'!"
On that note, I'm going to close this incredibly-long edition of the WeCaTon News Report. I know I have really taxed all of you with this one, but it had been more than a month and I really didn't want to omit any of the news. I appreciate your dedication, interest, and perseverance. I leave you all with my usual wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Another wonderful WC travelogue from those "Happy Wanderers" the Fullers, Jerry and Becky
- a note from your editor ... this message came to me with a lot of internet transmission errors (NOT Becky Fuller errors). I have tried to "fix it up" as well as I can and hope that I haven't changed any of Becky's thoughts too much. If the spelling and grammar seem odd, blame me, not Becky. The message also had attached photographs which didn't transfer to the blog. I will try to extract a few and post them separately.
-------Original Message-------
From: The Fullers
Date: 05/01/06 18:51:18
Subject: Road Trip
May 1, 2006
Hello to family and friends!
Well, I can't wait any longer or I'm afraid I'll forget half of what we want to tell you. Factoids of our trip: Since March we have been on the road 48 nights, have driven 2,679 miles, purchased 499 gallons of gas at a cost of $1,313 at an average of $2.63 per gallon. The per gal rate was lower than today's since the number include since 3/15. The past two weeks as we've gotten further west the gas has gotten higher. The lowest we've paid is $2.62 in San Antonio and the highest $2.95 in Ft. Stockton, Texas.
So, here goes .. I forgot to mention that during our stay in Lake Charles on Easter weekend we met a lot of nice folks. One was from San Antonio where we headed next. He gave us his sister, Dora's phone number and suggested we call when we arrived. We did call and ended up having a wonderful Mexican brunch with a San Antonio native, Dora and her wonderful mother. So glad you heard from Ronnie, Dora it was a pleasure to meet you and your mom.
The day after Easter we headed to San Antonio (population 1,194,222) stopping for one night in Columbus, Texas (pop. 3,869) on the road where we met a couple going from Pensacola to Arizona...what a small world. We arrived for a one week stay in San Anton and loved it! We just had to visit all of the missions (there are five including the Alamo) all of them are still active and have Sunday services. The ONLY problem with the first two days there was that we brought 100 degree weather and drought with us, it did cool down to the 90s after that. We visited River Walk and cruised the San Antonio River and had lunch at Joe's Crab Shack on River Walk. We got there in time for a fiesta and although we did not go downtown for the river parade we did watch it on PBS. We went to the Bull Horn Saloon which had plenty of heads of western animals (uug), got caught in a rainstorm (which they needed badly) while we were downtown. Went to Market Square where they had numerous children singing and dancing and they were really great to see. Got to see the Army Latin Band from Ft. Sam Houston they were also in the parade. And shopping, if there was something you wanted, they sure had it here! We also went to the San Antonio Botanical Gardens, the Texas Ranger Museum and the San Antonio Zoo, which were all fabulous. They had a wonderful butterfly house, snow leopard, flamingos, bears and birds galore at the zoo. It was a very large and very well thought out with terrific habitats for the animals. We found the local VFW of course (the 1st day we were there) and went to Steak night there as well as going to VFW Post #76 downtown - the oldest post in Texas. Sunday night we went to the Majestic Theatre production of "The Lion King" and loved it. The Mexican food was wonderful Jerry even loved it as long as we laid off the spices! We can't say enough about the city and it's people, they were all friendly and outgoing and we LOVE SAN ANTONIO!
Next, we went about 65 miles west to Texas Hill Country and stayed in Kerrville, TX (population 25,000) at a campground on the Guadalupe River. Although we have stayed in some fine and not so fine, campgrounds, this was the best so far, it was beautiful. Jerry's Army football buddy (who he had not seen in 45 years) lives there and he and his wife Linda kindly invited us out to the ranch for pizza and beer. A lovely evening was had by all. Jerry is sports director on one of the radio stations in Kerrville so we got to listen to him the next morning, he even greeted us on the air! The next day we chilled, after of course, we found the local American Legion to visit.
Off we headed to Carlsbad, New Mexico with a one night stop at Ft. Stockton, Texas (population 8,500) was that an experience. there was a famous wind storm that night which rocked the 5th wheel until 4AM it did kind of feel like we were back in Kentucky in the floathouse! The drive to Ft. Stockton was lovely and the hill area of Texas is very nice. As we got closer to Ft. Stockton the landscape changed drastically since we were driving into the Chihuahuan Desert (pronounced just like the dog). We saw huge wind mills used as energy sources some places in the west and continued to see oil rigs - only about 25% were pumping, though. I had forgotten how dry and windy and dusty the west is..but we were enjoying the beautiful scenery as we headed into more mountainous terrain. As we left Ft. Stockton, we headed north through Pecos, Texas and into the Guadalupe Mountains.
We arrived in Carlsbad, New Mexico (population 29,000) on Friday afternoon. This is the second fastest growing city in New Mexico mainly due to the Pecos River which is spring fed and never dries up; therefore they have no water restrictions like the rest of the state. It's amazing to see that beautiful water in the middle of the desert!!! While we were there we took a pontoon cruise down the Pecos River to where the springs feed it, absolutely amazing. We must admit, we were beginning to wonder if there was any water anywhere around here at all, but they have a wonderful park with swimming, fishing, boating, cruises for tourons (cross between tourist and moron -learned that one in Key West. The folks in western Texas and New Mexico are experiencing a bad drought, in fact, they are closing the Lincoln National Park today. We chose well with our campground – it was only 15 miles from Carlsbad Caverns and the folks were great had breakfast Saturday and Sunday and campfires Friday and Saturday nights. We are here to tell you, if you do nothing but visit Carlsbad Caverns it is worth the trip to New Mexico. They aren't as long as Mammoth Cave in Kentucky but they are the most awesome things we have ever seen! We bought a DVD which a number of you will be forced to watch when we get home. Be prepared! The cavern Visitor Center is on top of a mountain about 3800 ft high and the vista looking out on the plains was magnificent, the plains were about 3,000 ft looking down on it, we now understand what the Great Plains really means if you haven't seen it, you would not believe it. We traveled 750 feet down in an elevator to take our self-guided tour which was 1.5 miles and supposed to last an hour. We were so enthralled it took us three hours to get through, there was just so much to see. As I said it was truly an outstanding experience. Apparently, the Mescalero Apache and Commanche were early settlers of this area, while Pueblo were in other parts of New Mexico. We were told by the campground owners to be sure and visit Sitting Bull Falls they are a hidden wonder of the area. A 150 ft waterfall in the middle of the desert. Amazing! Driving back to Carlsbad we listened to beautiful Mexican music the first time I ever heard it in Spanish! We also visited the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens here in Carlsbad. It is really a gem. They had indoor exhibits and then a 1.3 mile path leading trough all the southwest plants and cactus of the desert very well marked. They had a great aviary which you could actually walk through and we saw and photographed a roadrunner. They also had bear, bob cat, mountain bison, bison, elk, and wolves. We are really impressed with Carlsbad it looks like just a little desert town until you see what they have done with their resources.).
Tomorrow we head to Roswell, New Mexico for a couple of days - yep, you heard right, the UFO capital of the world. You didn't actually think Jerry would miss that, do you? Will fill you in on more later.
We hope everyone is happy and healthy and send our prayers to Diane Noles who had a heart attack last week. We hope you are recovering quickly. We have been without cell phone service for five days and are still without cell phone service here in the mountains but I promise to call you, Diane, as soon as we get service back.
We love you all dearly, take care of yourselves - and communicate via web - no shortage of WIFI out here! See ya!
Jerry & Becky