The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Monday, November 27, 2006
Well, folks, it is with great reservation and caution that I advise you that it appears we actually have sold our house. I write this in a very reserved fashion, due to the fact that anything can happen, and we just never know, until we get the money in hand. So I'm holding my breath, but am cautiously optimistic. If all goes as currently planned, we shall move on January 10, no doubt right in the middle of a blizzard. At this moment, we intend to be in Oneida, Tennessee. If the deal on that house doesn't materialize (i.e, if they don't accept our best offer), then we'll begin the search anew.
However, if we DO wind up there, it does appear that it is in a tiny pocket of Tennessee which does NOT have Bell South service, wouldn't you know? If that is indeed the case, then if I go to that city, my e-mail address IS going to change, and what a nightmare it will be! But bear with me, if it does. I promise you'll all stay right with me. I suspect if it changes, it's going to be either wlcmctra at highland dot net or possibly may be wlcmctr at comcast dot net. Obviously, I don't know yet for sure and will keep you all posted.
In the meantime, I prepare for what will hopefully be my final Florida holiday season. I will frantically begin to pack boxes again, right after Thanksgiving is over. I hope to get out one more bulletin/report completed, prior to my move. But once I move, it may then be late -January or early-February, before the next one. After that, I will resume regular intervals, of course.
By the way, we've been comparing news blurbs from Oneida with the Daytona Beach area news. Down here, there are fights every day about developing all traces of greenery, all over the state. Property taxes have been spiraling wildly upward with no end in sight, homeowners insurance is insane, and utility rates will give you heart failure. In Orange County alone, 55 people have been murdered this year, and every day (almost) a child is snatched or molested or murdered or beaten severely in this state. Yesterday's news in Oneida, included an elated farmer, whose mule gave birth to twins, the price-per-pound of lamb chops for the farmers, and a lady who does quilting reasonably. I guess it really IS time for me to leave Florida. I look forward to a simpler, far more quaint surrounding, peppered by far less violence and by the availability of dollar (truly!) movie matinees. I wish all of you the most wonderful of holiday seasons, and every last one of you is always invited to wherever my new home winds up being!
In closing, I will once again remind you all that, one week from Saturday, we shall convene in Titusville at the Dixie Crossroads Restaurant at 11:30 a.m.for the annual WC Holiday Brunch (a tradition which I hope will be continued by SOMEone, even after I've moved and whether or not I happen to be here for it.) We'll have a marvelous time, as always, and I look forward to seeing every face who can be there, especially since this will be my last one, as a Florida resident!!
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B