The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
10 JUL 2008
With deep, deep sadness in my heart, I'm writing to tell all of you of the passing of CURTIS A. KEMP. His daughter called me at 4:12 p.m., barely able to speak, saying he'd died, "about 45 minutes ago." I can tell you all one thing; i.e., a world without Curt will be a world which isn't nearly as much fun or nearly as nice. Oh, the fun memories he left behind, for those of us who knew him!
His daughter said, "He isn't suffering anymore," as she sobbed. It broke my heart. I feel so badly for her and for Maria. I'm so happy he did have people who cared so deeply for him and I am proud to have been among his friends. She said she does not yet know when the final arrangements will be, nor where. But she will call me as soon as she knows.
Several of you have already told me you wish to go to his funeral service or express condolences in some way. It was Curt, however, who did the e-mail, not Maria or Marcella. So if you wish to offer sympathy, it will be necessary to postally mail a card to the following address: 2141 Palomino Drive, Titusville, Florida 32796. I will let you know immediately, when I become aware of any final arrangements.