The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Happy Fourth of July Everyone! Count your blessings that you are an American and thank a veteran!!

Visited the Normandy invasion beaches US memorial in June. They sent these pictures and message to Bonnie.

Below is a picture of the memorial at an American cemetery that we visited on the Normandy coast. It is located at Omaha Beach. Sandy and I were walking towards it when they did a 21 gun salute and then played Taps. As we got up to the memorial they were having a prayer and then played the Star Spangled Banner. Everyone began singing. It was very moving.
There were several veterans there like your neighbor. I understand that some WW II vets still want to be buried over there. We also talked to a veteran from the German army. he said he was only 17 when he was there fighting.