The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Bonnie writes:
---We're beginning this edition on September 12, the day following the sending of the last one. I have no clue as to when I'll hit the send button on this one and whether or not it will be before or after our WC alumni weekend, so bear with me, as you read it, and keep reading if something makes no sense, as it may resolve in later text, okay?
We'll begin with forwarders, as we always do. They are a shorter list, this time, as it's a shorter period: 1954's WM. L. MCNABB, FREDA P. FLETCHER; 1957's ERCELL P. PHILLIPS; 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, DONALD I. MCCOY, WM. R. HOWARD; 1960's EULA FAYE BAILEY, the widow of RONALD P. CRAIG, Martha E. Craig, RICHARD S. HOLT: 1961's SANDRA S. MAYO, NANCY J. ERTEL, and 1970's THOS. A. DORSEY.
Now, let's move to our, "lost list." You all know how much I hate losing any of us. It seems we can call off the bloodhounds on finding a new e-mail address for 1956's SUSAN M. MASON. Coming to my aid on that one is 1957's LAWRENCE J. RENAS, JR., who's in touch with Susan's brother. Thanks for that one, Larry.
We can also call off the hounds for 1968's LYNDA A. FULLER. Her sister-in-law, Becky, (spouse of 1960's GERALD A. FULLER) intervened and let me know the new address for her, so she's back in the loop now. Lynda, you simply must let me know, when you change your e-mail. I have far-reaching, infallible connections and will find you, okay? Ha! Welcome back aboard!
However, I'm still in need of assistance on a reject for the e-mail of 1981's D. BRIAN BRODBECK and his1986 spouse, AMY LYNN HAWKINS. Since this address also covers 1958's W. BAILEY HAWKINS, his 1962 spouse, JACQUELYN S. HAINES, and 1958's VINCENT A. BRODBECK, I'm particularly dedicated to solving this one. I have no others which are, "5-baggers." So who is planning to see Vince or Bailey really soon? Do ask a few questions for me, please, and thanks! I'm sort of thinking you are the guy for this mission, 1959's GARY E. BARNES!
Also generating a reject is the address of teacher DAVID E. COLLINS, so if anyone hears from him, please ask him to contact me again. I need to do a double-check on my records. Perhaps we'll see him at our functions.
Larry Renas, by the way, also wrote of the picnic (held on August 8 and previously addressed) of the 1957 class. He and wife, Josie, were guests of THOS. D. ELLIOTT and THERESA M. MOSES. He wrote they all had a ball together. I'm sure! Larry also wrote of our pending gathering (at the time), Miami Shores Memories, and of course, I told him to be sure and be there, if he wanted. Everyone is very welcome and all are invited!
Remember that wonderful, annual event, held by 1961's CAROLE J. LEWIS? I always call it her, "Kentucky Pajama Party." Well, I wrote of it in the last report. Of course, as usual, I made a few errors. For starters, due to the fact that I didn't yet have a complete report, I managed to omit names of two VERY important attendees, SANDRA S. MAYO and SANDRA S. HOLLINGSWORTH. I offer my very sincerest apologies to both of you. I haven't a clue, at this point, how I managed to do that, but again, I reiterate, "This is why I need all of YOU!" Complete info is a great help in these matters. Neither of your names was on the two lists I received.
Did I mention you, JACQUELYN N. LESHER? I'm thinking I did, but not 100% sure. If not, yes, Jackie was there. Also, I think I may have listed an attendee as CHRIS L. CLEARY. If so, that was incorrect info. Our vivacious and lovely 1961 homecoming queen couldn't make it this year. Thanks to P. LYNNETTE GARRETT for a couple of these corrective tidbits, as well as the until-now-omitted SANDRA S. MAYO.
While I'm at it, I just want to write what a delight it's been to get reconnected with 1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL! Betty, you write complete, factual, and newsy e-mails AND you still live there in my beloved Miami Shores, which lets me stay up to date on the news there. The fact that you sit on the Parks and Recreation Board just puts the frosting on the cake. I'm looking so forward to seeing you and spouse, RALPH H. WARNER, again. By the time this goes out to everyone, perhaps I will have already done it, who knows? Anyway, thanks for all your input!
It is Betty, by the way, who told me of the passing of PETE BAILEY, which I did not know. Pete was a 100% Miami Shores Kid and attended only WC, to my knowledge, during his school years. I sure didn't know he had died. Betty also lives very near to the son of 1961's DOROTHY M. COMBS, and said she would contact both him and Dorothy. I'm sure she will (or did, however the timing works out). Betty is also going to call GENE A. TAYLOR and his wife, 1960's NANCY J. KERR, too! You go, Betty! She was successful in contacting a number of familiar MS names, too, all of whom are going to show. I'm just thrilled!
From 1958's ROBT. W. "SMITTY" SMITH came an e-mail in which he advised of attendance this year of one of our "missing" folks (but not anymore) in the person of KEITH E. ANDERSON. Of course, it's a 50th anniversary for Keith, so we're glad he'll be a part of his class' celebration. Smitty also wrote he's bringing DENNIS SOWERS to the functions and Smitty wanted to alert 1959's GARY E. BARNES to Dennis' presence there. Dennis didn't actually graduate from WC, but I remember him and we don't get all hung up on that, "actually-graduating," thing anymore, do we? As long as you went to WC at some point, that's plenty. Many of us bring along friends, too, who didn't go there. So we don't get all, "tight-cheeked," on knit-picking and details. Just be there! You'll have the time of your life.
While I'm on this topic, I want to write something to clarify that, by the way. Be assured, I'm no one of an official nature, as regards WC. I'm just one old lady who has always enjoyed writing and journalism and good grammar, and who sits at home and sends a few e-mails, here and there. Somehow, I became a piece of pop culture with my fellow alumni, which is a wonderful thing for me, and I appreciate each and every single one of you, more than you can EVER begin to know!
But we all need to be aware that there are no hard, fast rules, when it comes to attending our functions. If you ever walked in a WC hallway or sat in a WC classroom, then you are one of us. As such, you are always going to be a part of WC. If your name isn't on the mailout list, then contact the alumni folks and get your name on there, hear? This is not any sort of selective process which excludes people. Those lists are generated, I do believe, by the list of grads in the Piratans. So that means there are many of us who aren't in there and didn't get on the lists. We had lots of us who joined the military, went to night school, got married, started families, took wonderful job opportunities, etc. So that means a few names aren't on the automated lists. We even have a few people who weren't in the yearbook, due to the fact they had failed to pay for their class photo in time. What an antiquated practice! Even if they did NOT pay, their photo should have been included, in order for the class to be complete and for the book to be historically correct. But that unfair, awful practice did survive into the 1970s, I believe I was told, at which time it was mercifully and rightfully banned.
However, you can all believe me when I write this: WE WANT ALL OF YOU!!! Go online, get that form, complete it, send it, get to the functions, get on the list. No one is excluding or ignoring you. The alumni association simply doesn't KNOW about you, if you are not on a grad list. Get yourself listed and join the fun, okay? Okay! Enough on that and I hope we all sign onto the alumni list. Here is the website for you: ( ) Don't delay!
As always, 1960's EULA FAYE BAILEY and I have had several chants. She'll be arriving in Ohio on the 8th and we're going to try hard to pull our old friend, BEVERLY A. BOWMAN, away from her Springboro home for a gabby lunch, at the very least.
Well, I've gotten an e-mail from 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER. Freda went all through high school as a 1954 class member, still had something like a full credit to finish, doubtless due to the time she spent in boats, beating up boys, climbing trees and such. So she didn't, "legally graduate," until 1955. But she attends all the functions of 1954 and is actually a full member of that class, as also acknowledge by all the other 1954 class members. She began as early as kindergarten with some of them.
So she has specifically requested I list her as 1954 when I write about her and in view of her extenuating circumstances, I'm going to comply, henceforth, with her request. So why am I telling all of YOU? Well, it is because I don't want you to write and tell me I've mistakenly listed Freda as 1954, that's why!
Her 1954 buds had a gathering recently, she told me, and she happened to be in Ohio at the time. So she got to attend. These are all the attendees, per Freda's info and that of her 1954 classmate, WM. L. MCNABB: THOS. L. DILL (1956 wife, WANDA L. FREELS) ARTHUR W. ENYART, MARY ELLEN GIVENS, JERRY R. GRAHAM, PAUL D. JENNINGS, ROSE MARIE KOKOT, LOWELL R. RAN-DOLPH, GAYLE C. MOSES, and of course, MURL E. HUFFMAN. In an effort to be thorough, I will add that both Freda and Bill (McNabb) were there, also, along with all the spouses and significant others of everyone. I listed Wanda separately because I'm aware of her class year and the fact that she's WC. Perhaps there are others who were in that category, too. Thanks for the report, Bill and Freda. I really appreciate it and I hope all classes will convene, at every opportunity, and I'll get a report on all of them! Where were you, DARELL L. TOBIAS? Long time, no hear!
Thanks goes to WM. L. MCNABB, once again, for letting me know of the fact that 1953 class member, DALE L. GEBHART, is WC, just as I'd thought. He was at 1957's class picnic and I was sure that name rang a bell. I was right. It's just impossible to spend all the time I spend with Piratans in my hands, and not recognize some of those names!
In a past e-mail, I made reference to one, Stephen M. French, stating that he is a Moraine City council member who extended an invitation to me to attend the dedication ceremony for Tommy Combs Way, in honor of war hero, THOS. EUGENE COMBS. I'd have bet the farm he wrote on that e-mail that he is a councilman for Moraine City. However, I received e-mail from 1957's BETTY L. CARROLL, in which she advised me that Mr. French is the new Clerk of Courts. So I stand corrected, and thank you for that, Betty. She is also, by the way, rounding up gobs of folks for the MS gig and, of course, we want to pull them all into the circle, so that we can get everyone going to ALL the events! Keep going, Betty!
Back to Freda! We have wonderful, enlightening (for me) exchanges. I want to be the first to say (and I'll bet I'm not) that Freda, you are a very wise and interesting person. I love the banter we exchange on so many topics. I'm one of those people who like to hear differing opinions on varying topics. I sometimes agree with Freda, and sometimes not. In the same manner, she sometimes agrees with me, and sometimes not. But I love bouncing ideas back and forth, being aware of how other people perceive things, and also hearing of their views. That's why I like e-mailing back and forth with you, Freda! It's not fun with people who become angry and too overbearing, though, so that is why I'm picky as to who I choose to share such exchanges. You're one of my most favorite of all, Freda!
What a thrill it is to announce the addition to our list of two of my late sister's 1956 classmates, CAROL A. HOHNHORST and ROSETTA PRUETT, both of whom contacted me directly, and both of whom are also former Miami Shores Kids. Thanks to you both for your kind words about the bulletins. I do so very much appreciate it. You were both fondly recalled by my sister. Carol lives in Hudson, Florida, since 1977. Rosetta is in Mesa, Arizona, and recently lost her husband to cancer. We all offer condolences for your loss, Rosetta. There are now a number of 1956 people on my reader list and I'm happy about that. Not so long ago, I had no one from that class, so welcome aboard to you both, Carol and Rosetta!
From DONALD I. MCCOY comes news of making connections with yet another WC alumnus who was also a Miami Shores Kid. His name, writes Don, is TIM ANDERSON. I don't know Tim, but perhaps he will join us for the festivities.
Longtime 1961 pals, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT and CAROLE J. LEWIS recently went out for a long and gabby lunch, as reported by Lynn. She wrote that she and Carole love to gab, talk politics, and take in a few garage sales, here and there. That's great, you two, and keep it going!
Recently, I spoke with two 1960 classmates, WM. O. WALKER and J. PATRICK LAFFERTY. I had some concerns about these two residents of Texas, what with Hurricane Ike. I can confirm, as of this writing, that Bill and WC-honorary spouse, Karen, are just fine. I left word on Pat's cell phone, but haven't yet heard back from him. When I'd spoken to him the night before the storm was to hit, he told me he and spouse, SONDRA L. MATSON, expected high winds and heavy rain, but nothing more, so I do hope they're okay.
As for Bill, he's done insurance adjusting for many years, but retired recently. As he'd expected, what with Hurricane Ike, he did get an emergency call from his company, luring him out of retirement, "just for one more storm settlement." (Hmmm, I think I may have heard this one before, Bill.) However, he did talk as though he and Karen will be with us at our events, nevertheless.
Also joining us will be 1960's class vice-president, THOS. D. YOUNG, accompanied by his spouse (and my terribly close friend), Sandi. Tom is really looking forward to the golf tourney on Friday and hoping to see his old pal, DAVID A. BLAIR, and a number of others. I talk quite regularly with both the Youngs, of course. Organizer GARY E. BARNES, 1959, reports that the arrangements for that are going very well. (He also tipped me off about the grad year for Dale L. Gebhart, so thanks, Gary.)
Arrangements are going well for 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST and 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE to make connections for Mike to get a good scan of that wonderful 1954 Miami Shores photo which was submitted last month by 1959's H. JAY CARROLL, JR. Actually, I think Junior is in on those arrangements, too, aren't you, Junior? We may soon see a better copy of that one on our blogspot, which Mike maintains.
Speaking of photos, 1958's WM. R. HOWARD and I had a lengthy exchange about the importance of caring for old, irreplaceable photos. He had one of his own, which was viciously destroyed by a relative, and we had quite an exchange about heritage and the importance of telling our children about how we grew to be who we are. Tom Fee was in on that one, too, and I think Don McCoy may have had a line or two in this one. It was a fun exchange.
None of us is going to like this next piece of news, I know. But I have direct word from 1961's SANDRA S. MAYO that she is not going to be with us for our big weekend, this year. Sande has returned to her Florida home and she has a commitment to her elderly mother, who's having a tough time right now and she doesn't want to leave her. We're sure going to miss seeing that gorgeous face in the room with us, Sande, and we'll all miss you terribly. Do make sure you're with us, come next year.
As I've previously written, one of the most wonderful aspects of my little, "accidental news bulletin," has been that of getting a second chance to know many people I sort of, "missed," during high school. Such is the case with 1960's JUDITH ANN SLIFE. We've had such wonderful exchanges and Judy even came to my sister's funeral. Judy, it's sure been great to get a second chance to get to know you, and I do so hope we'll see you in October! At this point, I must tell all of you about Judy's plans to visit the Black Hills during October. I'm hoping she'll change those plans and join us, instead. That's my old stomping grounds out there in the Black Hills and they often have lots of snow in October. But if you DO go, Judy, I hope the weather will be nice to you.
Hey, I'll bet a few of you know Judy's sister, 1964's SANDRA LEE SLIFE and her spouse, also 1964, VERNON L. CAMPBELL. Well, I didn't! When Judy told me she has a WC sister and a WC brother-in- law, I couldn't wait to put them on the bulletin list and I also hope they'll start attending our functions. So a big welcome goes out from all of us, to both Sandra and Vernon. We hope to see you!
Did I do any goofs? Well, don't I, always? In the last edition, I put the wrong class year for 1963's ILONA DEBRECINI. This time, the error was called to my attention by Loni's classmate, LESLIE J. SMITH. I'd written 1964 for her, but of course, it's 1963. Thank you, Leslie, and my apologies to you, Loni. (I also want to know how you spell your nickname, so do tell me. Is It Loni, Lonni, Lonnie, or none of the above? Please let me know.)
One of these days, I will get the complete name exactly right for 1963's SANDRA KAY MINIX. It has seemed to be quite a challenge, although I can't quite determine why. I have your name correct on my master list, Sandra. I'll keep trying!
It is now September 16 and I spoke today with my old friend, CHAS. A. HIGH, JR., 1960. Charlie and I try to talk regularly, and our conversation of today was one which was filled with not-so-good news, I'm sorry to report. Charlie told me he's very weak and even turning the ignition key to drive his truck is so uncomfortable. He said he feels he's going downhill and he's seeking medical help, of course.
In addition to that, his wheelchair-bound spouse had cataract surgery recently and it blinded her. He says her sight is very gradually returning but it's a very slow process. In addition to all this, their daughter has received an abnormal result on some tests she recently had done and they're worried about that. So Charlie's plate is very full.
But I really wanted him to know about all the alumni activities of our upcoming weekend, and especially the one for Miami Shores, since it's the first time for that particular function. Like me, Charlie is a 100%, dyed-in-the-wool Miami Shores Kid, of course. He was aware of the function and says he hopes to be there. But with all the health woes which have come to his family, he's not positive and will see how it all goes, in the next 3 weeks.
Another person I've tried unsuccessfully to reach is WALLACE W. ROBBINS. The home phone is no longer working (like so many who use only the cells) and I can't reach his cell phone number, even to get a message on it. He lives at 13 Gunckel Avenue, in the East End. Is there anyone who can go by there and see if he's okay and tell him about all our alumni stuff? Wallace is pretty much blind now, and wants to go to things, but must have a ride to and from. (I won't bother telling all of you that he tries to drive, even with blindness in one eye fully, and only 15%-20% sight in the other one.) If anybody's in the area, stop and see him, please.
On September 14, an incredible and unbelievable weather phenomenon occurred in Southern Ohio. It was actually struck by a hurricane with no ocean, in a manner of speaking. It was positively devastating. Now, let me tell you, as a former Florida resident of nearly 30 years' standing, and having more than a bit of hurricane experience, myself, there was no way this should have ever occurred. Hurricane Ike should never have been able to achieve wind speed in the status of a category 1 hurricane, after having passed over that much solid ground, after it left the state of Texas. There was just nothing to cause it to have that much strength. But it did it, nevertheless, and the weather folks are saying this occurrence is an impossibility from a meteorological standpoint. They're unable to explain it. Homes were damaged and cars were tossed about and trees uprooted and everything outside was tossed around like children's toys. As I write, there are thousands who are still without power, there is no ice, no fuel, and no stores open for business. So let's keep our finger crossed for everyone who was impacted by this! From 1958 's BRUCE E CHENOWETH came an e-mail which told me that Fricker's in Moraine City has burned to the ground, from that storm. Unreal! Also writing to report that same misfortune was 1967's MARIAN K. HUSSEY, who's the spouse of 1960's PHILLIP D. HOWARD. There will be a bit more, later, on recent news on the Howards.
Another recent e-mail arrived from 1960's GERALD A. FULLER and his WC-honorary spouse, Becky, in which they describe a virtual nightmare in their new hometown of Louisville, with many people still out of power and trees downed all over the place in their area, too. This was quite an occurrence, to be sure. On today's news, I saw a blip about the tiny town of Dickinson, Texas. I'm pretty sure that's the former hometown of 1960's WM. O. WALKER his also-WC honorary spouse, Karen. They sold that house, 2-3 years ago, I believe, and what a wise move THAT turned out to be. Dickinson was devastated by Ike.
Since beginning this edition, I've gotten e-mail from 1986's AMY LYNN HAWKINS. Amy reported that she's not getting all sorts of various e-mails, but not sure exactly why. So I trust Amy will follow up on it, and get back to us. As you all recall, Amy is the one with the 5-bagger e-mail, so we sure want to keep her on board!
At this time, we welcome yet another new sign-on. It is DANIEL L. MINIX, 1965, the younger sibling of 1963's SANDRA KAY MINIX,. I don't have many from 1965, so I'm especially pleased about this one. We hope you're in touch with lots of 1965-ers, Dan, and that you'll get all of them to our alumni functions! I do so hope you enjoy reading the bulletins.
The blog continues with great effort from our own 1960 class member, MICHAEL S. WEST. With the addition of the great photo from 1954's FREDA P. FLETCHER, right on the heels of that prize-winner from 1959's H. JAY CARROLL, JR., we're getting a really good rogue's gallery going, on that blog! I'm thinking Mike has also posted a 1940s class photo, submitted by Freda, with names supplemented by 1954's WM. L. MCNABB. So be sure you don't miss a visit to the blog ( ) It's a winner!
Here's a cheery health tidbit from 1963's LEE JEAN JORDAN, who has reported great improvement in the condition of the ever-popular JOS. S. "SKIP" KETRING, SR. He is able to attend sports events of his grandson and is accompanied by his spouse, the equally popular MARCIA KAYE HELFINSTINE, 1962. She was the homecoming queen, a previous homecoming attendant, and in the Carroll-Tones. I wasn't aware until Lee Jean told me, that she was Skip's wife. I used to be well-acquainted with her late brother, 1959's H. THOS. HELFINSTINE. Lee Jean wrote that the Ketrings and the Hellers watch their grandsons play soccer at WC stadium. That's great!
Another WC family whose children are involved in school activities are 1985's JEFFREY A. SIZER and his 1987 spouse, SHARLENE N. MERKER. They have a daughter, NICOLE, who likes dabbling in artistic pursuits while son ANDREW likes to play football and is apparently quite good at it. The kids are grandchildren of 1960's SHIRLEY J. TUDOR (Sharlene's mother) and 1959's GARY L. SIZER is Jeff's dad. We need all of you to come to the WC events, hear?
Okay, we've gotten back a report from PHILIP H. WOLFORD, 1960. Phil wrote that, although his e-mail indicated he'd be gone from Aug. 22-28, his planner says he was off only on the Friday. But he did have lots of news. His beloved pet (a golden retriever named Murphy, 6 years old) was struck by a car just before Christmas of 2007, breaking his front leg. He survived and is back to himself now, but Phil had to shell out a staggering $5,000 for the dog's surgery. Talk about a lucky dog!
Phil and wife Cheryl walked Cheryl's daughter down the aisle when she recently married in May and Phil wrote that it was a beautiful wedding. Her name is Dana and as Phil put it, "She married a great guy from Chicago." So congratulations on the newest member of the family, Phil!
However, in June, Phil's wife had very serious health issues with kidney stones which couldn't be taken from her, due to sepsis, he wrote. She had a bit of a touch-and-go time, with kidney stones. The onset of sepsis, though, precluded their safe removal. But finally, she got well enough for them to remove the ones which caused the problem. But some remain and the hope is that those will be addressed soon. I know we all wish robust health for your wife, Phil, so please convey all our best wishes to her. It sounds as though you've had quite enough bad luck of late.
Fun exchanges have occurred between me and an old friend of 1961, SANDRA S. MAYO. Of course, she's also in that ageless group from that class. I do wish I'd had more of whatever water THAT class was drinking. There are literally dozens among that class, who just never seem to age. Anyway, Sande and I have had some wonderful and newsy e-mails and I'm sure enjoying them all.
Our upcoming alumni weekend seems to be a bit like a steam roller, coming down the side of a big mountain this year. Of course, I'm thrilled by that. I know most all of you are, too. Enthusiasm runs high and I notice it seems to increase more and more with each passing year. We also seem to have a lot more people traveling much further distances, in order to be with us. It's very encouraging and just a great thing to see. Let's keep it going and be sure to spread the word!
Also excited about our upcoming events is 1960's DEVONA S. TAYLOR, my birthday twin. Dee and I always talk every year on our March 16 birthday and we try to talk a bit more often, when possible. She tells me she's going to try to bring along her sister, BEVERLY, of 1967. She also wrote that Beverly and her husband are close friends of spouses JOE E. STOMPS, 1959, and DONNA R. PRICE, 1961. I do hope we get to see ALL of you, Dee!
Well, guess what? JUDITH A. SLIFE, 1960, has decided to delay her trip to the Black Hills and it is very possible she's finally going to join us for this year's festivities. Judy, I think that August 7 lunch with the 1960 girls may have put you over the top, didn't it? At least, that's my hope. We'd all love to see you, Judy, so please do attend.
Try as I might, I can't catch 1960's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT at home! I don't know how you do it, Lynn, I really don't. Lynn just returned home July 19, from being in Nevada for 7 months! Not long after that, she went to her sister's in Florida for a week. She's home now, but apparently, not very often! It just amazes me (who is home all the time), where on earth you get the energy to be gone from home that much, Lynn. Wow! I just can't stay up with you, that's for sure. But I'll catch you, sooner or later.
We got another blip on MARK T. SCHROEPPEL of 1975, from his 1954 mom, FREDA P. FLETCHER. (Lest we forget, by the way, that's DOCTOR Mark T. Schroeppel, too!) Anyway, Mark remains in Belarus at the American Embassy and apparently feels no sense of danger, at this time, anyway. But he does have plans to relocate in the not-too-distant future, but not because of any safety concerns. Anyway, we all hope you stay safe and secure over there, Mark, and send us a little blip of news now and then, will you?
As always, I love it when alumni try to contact each other. So I was pleased when I received an e-mail from 1962's SUE L. SPEELMAN, because she wanted to contact 1960's LARRY M. PENDLEY, due to some old photos she'd found, which she felt Larry would enjoy. I hope you two got connected, Sue, and that you had a great chat and rehashed old times. Will we see you in October?
Recent communication from the household of 1960 class member, CHAS. V. CARTER, indicates he and wife Pam will be joining us again this year. Of course, I'll likely make a separate visit to their place while I'm in Ohio. It's always a highlight of my trip.
A wonderful report has reached me, re the health of my fellow 1960 classmate, PHILLIP D. HOWARD. It came from his 1967 spouse, MARIAN K. HUSSEY, of course, who tells me Phil is walking about a mile at a time, driving very gingerly now, and was even able to get out and sit on the bleachers to watch the baseball game of a grandson. As we all know, Phil had a dual-organ transplant on June 5, so this is just wonderful progress. Best of all, Kay reports their intent to be present at our Miami Shores Memories event, for sure, as well as any other event which he is able to attend. So that's great news, from Phil and Kay. We'll all be pleased to see you both!
Several exchanges occurred with 1956's RALPH D. WILSON, who departed for Ohio on September 17. I sure hope that doesn't mean you won't be there in October, Ralph! But Ralph wrote an interesting and amusing story from his 1950s school days. Are you there, SHIRLEY R. PARKS, 1959's homecoming queen, cheerleader, and all-around popular girl? If you are, please alert your dad that he's becoming a regular in the news bulletins. Apparently, he was a fixture in the 1950s WC culture.
Ralph wrote that he lived only about a block from you, in high school. He vividly recalls your dad and his hot rods and how much he liked them. He says your dad was always working on them. He added that he worked at a filling station (as they were called, way back then) and it was only 2 blocks from your house, so he always whistled at you, as you were headed into town. Well, not to worry, Ralph. If you were whistling at Shirley in those days, you had to get in line. I think all the guys whistled at Shirley. Just for the record, I'm sure they still do.
By the way, this one is for you, NEIL H. SIZER, of 1957. Ralph asked for your e-mail address just recently. Hmmmm!?!? After that story, I'm begin- ning to wonder just which of you he's trying to reach, though. Ha! I'm sure you've talked to Ralph by now, and we sure hope to see all of you soon.
Several people made good comments on the photo you submitted, Freda. It's the one of your family with your RV. What a treasure! Many of us loved it and I was among them, as were 1956's RALPH D. WILSON, 1958's WM. R. HOWARD, 1960's JUDITH A. SLIFE and MICHAEL S. WEST. It was a winner!
This message is for you and your spouse, 1945's RETHA M. SCHOONOVER. Your cousin, 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFY, tells me your husband has recently suffered a stroke. We're all putting in our efforts on the direct line to The Man Upstairs and we send our best wishes for his complete recovery. Do please let us know how he's doing.
Many thanks to you, 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, for a really over-the-top e-mail, in which you heap far more praise upon me than I deserve. All of you, I know, think that I'm laboring hard on this. Yes, I spend a bit of time on it. But it's not work. It's just a really fun effort, from which I've gotten FAR more benefit than have all of you. But I do appreciate all the kind words. By the way, Tom had a long chat of late with 1961's DOROTHY M. COMBS. I'm going to do that, myself, very soon. I want to get her to be in the crowd with all of us, when we convene!
From 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON came a copy of an old Woolworth's menu. What a hoot! Prices were unreal, but in line with the economics for that time, unlike the current pricing structures. Norm will be joining us on alumni weekend, right, Norm?
On September 19, I received an e-mail from 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, in which he confirmed the safe return of longtime companion, PATTY JO WHEELBARGER, 1971, from her trip to Africa. We are all happy you're back with us, safe and sound, Patty. I have just two questions. How did you like your trip and do you suppose the continent (Africa) will ever be the same again?
LINDA S. JOHNSON, 1965, sent along an e-mail in regard to her long association with the Historical Society, as well as gracious thanks for my writing about the event they recently held there. Linda will be present at yet another event there and it's going to be held on alumni weekend. I have no idea if it will be a plus or a minus for it to be held that event- filled weekend, but time will tell. It's going to be on October 11 and 12, from 2 p.m.-4 p.m., so perhaps that would be a good activity for that Sunday, as we had no, "official," events that day. But I guess we do now, don't we?
Linda writes of new WC memorabilia being added to the collection, which belonged to WC teacher, DOROTHY HINKSON BANKER. You have no idea how interesting I find that to be, Linda. You see, my maternal grandmother's name was Emma Jane Hinkson. I vividly remember Mrs. Banker and now, I find myself wondering if she and I were related. Due to the unusual nature of the name, I'm betting we are (were), at least distantly. I never had a clue!
Mrs. Banker, it seems, had some original copies of The WeCaTon and a very clear copy of, "Echoes," which was the forerunner of the Pirates' Log, wrote Linda. Very interesting. I didn't know of that little book at all, did you? There are also tour guides for this event, whom Linda wrote are doing a great job. One of those tour guides' names is Mason Zimmer.
Now, stay with me on this one. Mason is the son of 1988's ROBT. E. ZIMMER and 1985's MELISSA K. "MISSY" BARNES, who is the daughter of 1959's GARY E. BARNES and wife Pat. He's also Linda's grandson (her current surname is Zimmer). Linda is the longtime companion of my classmate, ROSS A. HODGSON. Okay, did we make it through that? If you want something, "WC-ish" to do on those two afternoons, and you're not already committed, that sounds like a good venture. Linda wrote there will be refreshments and everyone is welcome. Many thanks for submitting that, Linda!
Okay, I can scarcely believe I've now made my way through all the e-mail, but I have. I began this one the day after I sent the last one and today's date is September 21. That reminds me, tomorrow is the 66th birthday of 1960's GERALD A. FULLER and WM. O. WALKER. They used to celebrate pretty handily, as I recall, back in high school, with their shared birthday. I'll bet you two remember those birthdays, don't you? Perhaps the celebrating for this year will take on a slightly different tone. Ha!
Although it turned out to be a blatant lie when I told you last time, it would be the final bulletin, prior to our alumni weekend, I can assure you that is NOT the case, this time. This IS going to be final bulletin before alumni weekend, and you can be certain of it, this time. So I leave you all with my usual, most sincere wishes for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Bonnie Writes:
---Once again, I'm going to try and do my report in some sort of chronological order. I've tried this in the past and it didn't work out very well, but I'm again determined to have a go at it, so bear with me. We'll begin, as always, with our forwarders. They are as follows: teacher JAS. C. JOHNSON; 1949's ROBT. E. HOFFMAN; 1951's DOYLE A. LONAKER: 1954's WM. L. MCNABB;1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER, NORMAN E. JACKSON;1957's ERCELL P. PHILLIPS; 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE; 1959's GARY E. BARNES; 1960's RICHARD S. HOLT, STEVEN M. KOKOT, JUDITH ANN SLIFE, DAVID A. BLAIR, DAVID G. OTT, DOLORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, EULA FAYE BAILEY, EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY, LARRY M. PENDLEY, DANNY L. WALTERS; 1961 's JANET L. WALTERS, JACQUELYN N. LESHER, SANDRA S. MAYO, CONNIE M. MARCUM; 1962's BARBARA T. O'NEAL, RICH-ARD C. CALL; 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFLY, SANDRA R. MINIX; 1970's THOS. A. DORSEY; 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY; 1987's SHARLENE N. MERKER.
As we closed our last report, we had an auto-reply from 1960's PHILIP H. WOLFORD, which said he'd be gone from August 22-28. So where is our big vacation report, Phil? Where did you go, who did you see, what did you do? "Enquiring minds want to know!"
There was also a welcome (albeit disappointing) e-mail from 1959's CAROLYN E. "TOOTIE" PENCE, in which she reported she would not be at our 2008 alumni weekend, stating it was for various reasons. I assured her that her fan club is still in tact (and it is) and I naturally am assuming Tootie won't be absent in 2009, no matter what. It's your 50th, Tootie!
From 1968's PAULA J. STRAUB came a gracious and newsy reply, in which she stated she's looking forward to meeting me. Well, the feeling is mutual, Paula, and I hope that's about to happen, by the time we all get to read this. Paula was also happy to know the whereabouts of 1960's SONDRA L. MATSON as well as her classmate/spouse, JOHN PATRICK LAFFERTY, as she had childhood ties to them. She was a neighbor to Pat and said Sondra worked with her mother at Elder-Beerman's. By the way, I did get an e-mail from Sondra, in which she confirmed the passing of her brother, DAVID E. MATSON. There is more on that, further down, in this bulletin.
Paula also wanted to contact 1960's SHARON L. BORGER, to whose family she also had ties. I was sort of hamstrung and didn't have info for Paula. Further down in the text, we've addressed this issue for you, Paula. She had also written of Dave Matson dying of cancer sometime during the calendar year of 2007. I was not aware of that, and we also aren't able to nail down a class year. I will have to ask for expert assistance from 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE on this one. Again, this issue is addressed, further down in the text.
Attention, GERALD A. FULLER, 1960! Does your sister, LYNDA, have a new e-mail address? We've lost her! Her mail was sent back on the last report, saying there's no such address. Help! Okay, where are you, JAMES E. KECKLER, 1958? Yours was also returned, stating your mailbox is full. If any of you talk to Jim, tell him to empty his mailbox, so he can get the last bulletin, please. (Footnote: Recent communication has come from Jim. All is well on that front and I have a new e-mail address. "Call off the hounds!")
From 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE came a long message about the COMBS family, which I found so interesting. This is, of course, the family with whom I was raised in Miami Shores. DOROTHY was in the 1961 class, THOS. EUGENE COMBS was the war hero who died in Vietnam. There was also TEX, but I didn't know his real name. In any case, Tom wrote that he got a letter from Dorothy, in which she told him she's the last, surviving member of her family. All her brothers are dead (I think she was the only girl in the family) and both her parents. Dorothy was very grateful to Tom for his efforts on the honorary naming of Beechgrove Road for brother Tommy, the war hero. One brother, ELIJAH, drowned in Miami Shores Dam in 1952, she wrote. Tex died in 1993. She also wrote she'd been once married to BEVO POTTER, with whom she had two children. He died in 1999, but I don't know if they were married, at the time of his death. It sounds as though it's time for us all to try to pull her back into our big, warm circle of WC friends, doesn't it? If anyone knows how to contact her (Tom?), please tell her how much we'd all like to see her and let's see if we can get her to join us!
Recently, I received my very first, direct e-mail from 1960's SHARON L. BORGER. I'm delighted by that and I sent back a prompt reply, of course. We're all terribly excited by the prospect of seeing you again in October, Sharon. For those of you who missed it, Sharon was with us at Frisch's one year (I think it was 2006). You can believe me when I tell you she remains ever the lovely and elegant lady. My thanks to old pal, 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, who tracked down her e-mail address, and we all sure welcome you back to the fold, Sharon. We are all so thrilled and excited! Did you write to your old pal, MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL, yet? If not, hurry and do so! (Okay, Paula, are you still reading?) Since I wrote the other paragraph, I got e-mail from Sharon, so write her. It is as follows: Sharry90 at gmail dot com
Thanks to 1958's ROBT. W. "SMITTY" SMITH for solving the mystery of why e-mail is being rejected for his classmate KEITH E. ANDERSON. He goes to a mountain retreat for a few months each year and has no contact with electronic items. I sure can't say that's all bad, but I do wish Keith was around to join us for the functions. Thanks, Smitty.
Did we add anyone? Well, don't we, always? This time, I'm delighted to tell you it's 1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL and RALPH H. WARNER. They're both Miami Shores Kids, too, and I'm told they still live there. Betty and Ralph will be with us at the Miami Shores Memories gathering, and hopefully, at all future gatherings for WC alumni! A big welcome goes out to Betty and Ralph. Stay in touch, Betty, and send us all your news.
Teacher DAVID E. COLLINS is currently incognito. I received an e-mail in which he told me he'll update me on his e-mail address, as soon as possible, but in the meantime, to use his cell phone. Sadly, I can't send the bulletins on the cell phone (or can I?), but I'm sure he'll be back on board soon. (Footnote: All is well for Mr. C. I've had recent communication and should now be able to send.)
You've all by now read the absolutely spectacular travel report, sent to me by JUDITH A. SLIFE,1960. Was that great or what? I'm sure we're all just green with envy, especially our well-known world travelers, 1960'S ROBERTA A. RICE, DAVID G. OTT, and 1963's SANDRA R. MINIX. But here's the big one. After prodding Judy for several years (oh,come on, Judy, let me take a little credit for this, okay?), she finally broke down and went to a WC gathering, opt-ing to go to the August 7 brunch of 1960 girls at the Perkins in Miamisburg. Terrific! So come on, Judy, we want to see you at alumni weekend, so will you PUUUUHH----LEASE be there this year? Judy also reported she had great fun and said it was attended by JOANN K. STEMLEY, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, IDA JANE TREON, DOLORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, JUDITH A. STALDER, and C. SUE MCCLOUD, for whom the event was held. How I wish I could have been there!
It has come to my attention that we have a brand-new, WC descendant. My sources tell me that 1961 class member, DONNA JEAN RICHARDS, is a grandmother again, this time to a little girl born to her daughter, on August 27. Is this correct, Donna? If so, that explains the deafening silence from your end of the world, doesn't it? Now, we all know you won't be spoiling this child, anymore than you did her older brother. Ha! Anyway, we all wish you well and offer heartiest congratulations on your new little bundle of joy. Perhaps you will have some photos when we see you in October, huh?
How about that fabulous old photo from 1959's H. JAY CARROLL, JR.? It just doesn't get a whole lot better than that one, does it? I've looked at it, over and over and over. I can but imagine what a thrill it was to those of you who were actually in it. Many thanks again, for that one, Junior!
For the past week or so (final week of August), I've been maintaining a running dialogue with 1961's JANET L. WALTERS. Janet, you're absolutely a delight and I've enjoyed every line of our exchanges. Thank you for taking all that time to write me. Now, I'm not going to tell all of you about the topics Janet and I have covered. Just suffice to say it was, "girl talk." However, I will tell you this much. It's Janet who was the one who wrote me a report on 1961's Kentucky Pajama Party at the home of CAROLE J. LEWIS. I'm given to understand, aside from Carole and Janet, those also in attendance were CHRIS L. CLEARY, DONNA J. RICHARDS, SALLY LYNNE GILLETTE, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, SANDRA J. CASEY, and BARBARA T. O'NEAL (who, like me, is an honorary member of the 1961 class). What a great group!
Wow! The new readers just keep pouring in, and I couldn't be more thrilled. As of today (August 27), we've added 1988's KRISTIE A. WILSON and her 1990 spouse, BRANDON C. CARPENTER. As I went through my list of readers, I'm finding we have readers from EIGHT DECADES!! The earliest is the 1930s, and it goes straight through to the 2000s and I'm just jittery with excitement about that.
Brandon and Kristie came to us through the efforts of Kristie's aunt, 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFLY, as Kristie's mother is 1956's DONNA J. PEFFLY, who was also close friends with my late sister, JUDY A. RISNER. I trust you will all be tolerant of my making mention of my sister, when I can. Although she's no longer with us on this earth, she was truly a devoted Pirate while she was. Anyway, we welcome both Kristie and Brandon. You two send us all the news you've got about kids and jobs and cars and fun vacations and new homes and all that stuff. We don't get enough news about our younger alumni!
We have also added, as I previously wrote, BARRY P. BARNES, and don't you know I put him in here with the incorrect class year! I'm SO sorry, Barry! I wrote 1963, but he is actually 1964. Believe me, Barry, you're no less welcome, just because I wrote your year wrong. As you become a seasoned read -er, you will discover that I'm a writer who is often guilty of errors of this nature. That's why all of you have to help me with this!
From 1958's WM. R. HOWARD, a steady stream of banter arrives. We both try to figure out ways to get more people to attend our WC events and he has always helped me when I get stuck on locating this person or that one, too. His efforts have so far been quite successful. Thanks, Bill, and we'll see you and Lucy very soon now!
We've gotten a commitment from 1961's LILY K. "KITTY" BURDETTE to attend the dinner/dance this year. You know what THAT means! That big room is going to be MUCH prettier this year! Kitty is just as pretty as she was in high school and still bubbly, vivacious, and vital. We're all in for a treat. We can't wait to see you, Kitty! She's also going to try to get to the Miami Shores Memories event, earlier that same day, which will be held at the park which was named for her first husband, WENDELL WAX. Say, Kitty, how about trying to get your gorgeous sister, 1959's BETTY C. BURDETTE to join you and also her husband, RALPH E. "BUTCH" HARVILLE? We would all love to see them, too!
By the time you all read this, I may have had one more visit from old pal, BRUCE E. CHENOWETH. He's tentatively planning to arrive sometime during the first or second week of September, and he will be alone, rather than with his longtime companion of the 1971 class, PATTY JO WHEELBARGER. But why is that, you wonder? Well, naturally, I'm going to tell you.
On or about September 4, Patty will be leaving on a mercy-type of volunteer mission to Swaililand (sp?), Africa, where she'll be administering much-needed medical care to the people of that area. Bruce says it's the highest-per-capita rate of HIV/AIDS in the world. But believe me, Patty is the girl for this type of mission. She's functional, self-sufficient, terribly intuitive, and very capable. My greatest concern for her will be the fact that she runs at least 3-5 miles every day of her life, regardless of the weather, and I hope she doesn't go running through the brush (but she will) and become a kidnap victim or get hurt by a wild animal. I wouldn't worry about her so much on the kidnapping thing, as it would be a lot like the old story, "The Ransom of Red Chief." The kidnappers would be paying someone to come and take her off their hands, I'm sure! Come to think of it, Patty just might give most wild animals a start, too! However, we're all sure proud of you, Patty! That's a gutsy and brave thing you're doing and I know for sure, it's something I would NOT do. We all wish you well and look forward to a full report. Do be extra-careful and cautious while you're over there!
These next two items are rather sad pieces of news and perhaps most of you were already aware of it, but I was not. I discussed this passing in an earlier paragraph, of course, but now have more definitive information. As confirmed by 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE, 1966's (we think) DAVID E. MATSON, died on May 28, 2006. This was reported to him by ROBT. E. HOFFMAN, 1949, he told me. I am given to understand Dave was a colon cancer victim.
This next one was long ago and it's a member of the 1963 class, BARBARA ANN ROHLER. I was able to confirm this one through her older brother, WM. M. ROHLER, 1960, with whom I spoke on August 24. Barbara died in the Spring of 1998, he told me, although he wasn't able to confirm a precise date. She lived, at the time, in a small suburb of Nashville, which begins with an A, said Bill, but he wasn't able to remember the town's name. She had a sudden and massive heart attack and was but 52 years old when she died. Bill told me their father had also died, at the same age, from the very same thing. Barbara never married and her name was Rohler, at the time of her death. She was survived by one son. That's all we know. The tip that she had died, had come to me through her classmate, FRANCES L. PEFFLY, who had also talked with Bill.
This next contribution was an utter delight and came to us from 1945's RETHA MARIE SCHOONOVER, who is a relatively new sign-on. It seems Retha is a resident of roughly the same area as 1960's WM. M. ROHLER. When I spoke to Bill, I asked him if he was aware of a nearby place named, "Bashford's Hot Mineral Spa." Well, indeed he was, and he's been there and he knows the kids. Retha, they're undoubtedly YOUR kids. I've told Bill to get over to your place, at his earliest convenience and make the acquaintance of a fellow Pirate. So me may be coming to see you, sometime soon. Retha is just 7 miles south of Bombay Beach, where Bill lives.
She wrote that she and her husband started their business out there in 1965. So, Retha, you've been living in that area for a VERY long time! Retha says she hasn't been back to Ohio since 2003, but that one of her favorite things to do is to attend the big Peffly family gatherings. Well, the alumni gatherings would surely be a favorite, too, Retha. So please do give that some thought. We'd love to have you and thanks SO much for the newsy e-mail! (By the way, folks, Retha is, "Sleeping With The Enemy." She married one of those Miamisburg boys. Ha!)
Just today (August 27), I spoke at length with 1956's ANITA RAE MASON, who continues to deal with a few health problems, but is feeling good, generally, and is expecting to be with us in October. We also hope to see her 1957 sister, SARAH M. "JACKIE" MASON. Jackie and her spouse, O. J. "Junior" Hargis, will celebrate a 51st wedding anniversary on August 31. Congratulations, Jackie and Junior! That's pretty amazing. That same congratulations goes out to 1957's RALPH H. WARNER and wife, BETTY LEE CARROLL, who also celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary, recently.
It seems that I must again allude to the 1963 class. I am happy to report that their enthusiasm is running high. It's so refreshing! They're liable to bypass all of us, the way things are going. A lengthy, newsy e-mail came from FRANCES L. PEFFY, in which she listed many classmates who are either attending the 45th festivities or who have helped immensely with it. They include SANDRA R. MINIX, and yes, just as I expected, ANNA MAE STOKES, BEVERLY K. LIGHT, DANA L. GREEN, GAYLE E. LESHER, and we have TERRIE A. STOLTZ who's flying in from Alabama. So Fran sent a great report. She also said she knows why 1959's GARY E. BARNES is so happy. Gary is married to Pat. Pat and Fran are related, so Fran writes it's because, "He married a Peffly girl!" So there it is.
Many thanks to 1951's DOYLE A. LONAKER for taking the time to update me on a new e-mail for him. As far as I know, you're our only 1951 reader, Mr. L., and as I wrote you already, I'd hate to lose you. But I'm a real diehard on losing ANYone. It's especially true, though, for those class years from which I have just one reader!
Speaking of those who are lost, I'm again getting reject notices on 1954's CAROLYN G. GILLETTE, so I'm depending upon you, 1961 sis, SALLY L. GILLETTE, to get me through this one. I've also got a reject notice on 1960's IDA JANE TREON, so somebody out there help me! Did anyone ever get a new e-mail address on 1956's SUSAN MARIE MASON? If so, I need it. There's also an, "over quota," notice for you, DAVID A. BLAIR, 1960, so do clear that, so that you can get your WC news, will you (and thanks)?
Okay, I'm going to try very hard on this one. I've just received an e-mail from M-M-Mu-Murl, as in MURL E. HUFFMAN. (I'm trying so desperately, at his request, to learn to address him by using his first name, but it's really a psychological struggle for me, as you all know.) Anyway, yes, he was a bit under the weather for a while, having contracted a case of flu. He writes that he's fine now and back in the old groove---using his mountain bike, taking a road trip to Chicago, dancing with Marj Bogan (his significant other), and says if he's invited, he'll appear at any and all class reunions.
In the 1960s, he writes, he developed a particular type of test and it's now being tried in a few learning institutions. It's actually called, "The Huffman Test," and is one which is used so that students will retain the knowledge, rather than forgetting everything, the minute the test is done. He writes that, due to the unique structure of the test, it has produced far better results. That's our Civics teacher! He'll be with us on alumni weekend, of course! Consider this your invitation to attend EVERYTHING---Murl! (Lord, that was SO difficult for me!)
From Moraine City Councilman Stephen M. French came an e-mail, in which he invited me to attend the Miami Shores dedication ceremony for THOMAS EUGENE COMBS, when they place the honorary plaque in his honor, which will read as, "Tommy Combs Way." Councilman French wrote that it will take place on November 9, 2008. If I lived in that area, I surely would be there. It is my understanding that Tommy's cousin, 1958's WM. R. HOWARD, is going to be there, and I'm sure there will be others, including his sister, 1961's DOROTHY M. COMBS.
By the way, from 1960's JUDITH A. SLIFE came a written pat on the back for all of you, for that effort.
PAUL R. BEARDSLEY,1961, sent a-mail in which he wrote that he may be coming to Kingsport in the company of his 1961 spouse, SANDRA E. BROCK, and they may be accompanied by classmate LILY K. "KITTY" BURDETTE and her spouse. If they do, he says they will drop by to see me. What a thrill! He has been in contact recently with 1960's CHAS. A. HIGH, JR., and also asked for contact info for WALLACE W. ROBBINS. Did you reach him yet, Paul? I do hope so. I know he'd be so pleased to hear from you, and any other WC folks. Paul and Sandy took the time to postally mail to me two postcards of a nostalgic nature, which showed photos of Woody's Supermarket. Thank you both for that very thoughtful gesture.
JOHN Q. KEMP, 1969, is trying to get copies of a photo of his late brother, CURTIS A. KEMP, with his pals, AARON COUCH and EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY. Eddie wants one of them, so I wrote John and told him. Hang in there, Ed, John is working on your request! I believe 1962's RICHARD C. CALL also wants one of those.
As we move through this bulletin period, I'm happy to report that 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST did break down and buy new cabinets from a manufacturer, for his and Sally's new kitchen and he IS having the installation done by the professionals. He has also admonished me for bragging so much about my new state of residence,Tennessee, and he is right! Too many people are moving here and we do not want anymore, right, Mike? So I take it all back and I want you all to know Tennessee is a horrid place to live. You don't want to come here at all. How's that, Mike?
From 1968's PAULA J. STRAUB comes a request to remind everyone about her class' 40th reunion. I would like to give the exact date, time, and place of that event, but alas! I don't have it. Did you send me that info, Paula?
A delightfully-warm e-mail came from SHIRLEY R. PARKS, 1959 class' homecoming queen and cheer -leader and all-around outstanding beauty, in which she wrote of her father getting a big kick out of his mention in the last news bulletin. Shirley also told me her dad is 92, not late 80s, as I'd thought. That is truly amazing, Shirley! As I wrote, I'd be scared to have a surgery at MY age. Your dad sets a glowing example for us all. Please convey our best to Mr. Roy Parks and many thanks for your e-mail! Shirley has long been wed to 1957's NEIL H. SIZER, by the way. We sure do hope to see the Sizers at the WC events this year. Can you also drag along your little brother, Neil? (That's 1959's GARY L. SIZER. We would like to see you, too, Gary!)
FREDA P. FLETCHER, 1955, and I are off and run- ning again! We talk about about everything---Miami Shores, politics, kids and grandkids, life in general. I was trying to get Freda to remember that trio of Miami Shores rascals, who consisted of CARL F. ROBBINS, PETE BAILEY, and SONNY WILLIAMS. But she doesn't remember them. I'll bet lots of you do, though, don't you? I hear Pete and Sonny still live there. I'm pretty sure Carl resides in D.C.
Are you reading this, ILONA DEBRECENI, 1964? If you are, I want to tell you that you were apparently the envy of many of your classmates at WC. A few of the girls have written to tell me they wished they looked like you, when they were in school. Looking forward to seeing you in October is also 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT. Remember her? I'm sure there are others, too!
Speaking of Lynn, she's off again! She's been back home from Nevada for only about 7-8 weeks, but is heading to Orange Park, Florida, to her sister's, in order to assist with her care during the time she's having a few medical problems . Lynn reported that she will be gone about a week and will definitely be with us all in October. Today (August 30), Lynn's spouse, Frank L. Hawvermale, sustained a pretty serious cut to his hand, while trimming a huge bush. He had to go to the ER and get stitches. We all hope you're going to be good as new, very soon, Frank. Lynn, don't work too hard in Florida!
Lynn sent yet another interesting e-mail, in which she wrote that she had run into 1958 class member, MARGIE L. MILTON. Who among us doesn't recall Margie? She was pretty, popular, a cheerleader, a homecoming attendant, the whole enchilada. But I never hear from you, Margie! Why is that? Anyway, Lynn went on and on about how great you now look, Margie, and you do, that's for sure. She also told me how much you enjoy the bulletins, so thanks for that. Lynn also commented on the youthful looks of 1956's ANITA RAE MASON (yes, she does look positively fabulous) and of SHIRLEY R. PARKS. We all know how great Shirley looks. You're right, Lynn, what can I say? All 3 of them look as though they've just stepped off the pages of the Piratan!
It's still August 30 and I had a lengthy chat, earlier in the day, with 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST. The next few sentences are for you two, 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE and 1959's H. JAY CARROLL, JR. It is Mike's opinion that the 1954 Miami Shores photo is a true treasure. I tend to agree with him. He'd like to get a direct scan of that photo. Don't one of you two have an original copy of it? If so, please bring it to alumni weekend and connect with Mike, so that he can get a good scan of the original photo. Failing that, I can attest to Mike's meticulous attention to detail and his tremendous sense of responsibility, so if you would mail him the original photo, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, you'd have it promptly returned and fully in tact. You guys contact Mike, will you, and make some arrangement about this? His e-mail is W4MSW at charter dot net. Thanks.
From 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON came some really spectacular photos of his motorcycle trip out west with son, CHRIS. Boy, was I ever green with envy! Every single photo he sent was one which was filled with extremely familiar terrain for me. I've been to all those places SO many times, and ridden thousands of miles in that part of the country, so it was fun to see the recent photos.
Cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS and I continue our daily exchange of useless information. Ha! But we keep exchanging recipes, grocery prices, charges on utilities, and all the everyday stuff of life. As I type, there is Hurricane Gustav headed into the Gulf of Mexico and then Tropical Storm Hanna coming in toward the east coast of Florida, possibly. Next, we have Hurricane Ike, and the next one is to be named as Josephine. I guess I'll miss those festivities this year. "Been there, done that, not doing it again," and although catastrophic weather wasn't one of the reasons for my move from Florida, after nearly 30 years in the same house, I'm sure finding I do not miss all the hurricane hoopla and stress.
Hey, we've got another sign-on, can you believe it? This time, it's 1982's STACEY A. DANIEL and she is the daughter of 1963's LEE JEAN JORDAN. Weare picking up many more of the more recent alumni and I'm terribly pleased about that. I had a time with figuring out a few things on the e-mail list, but I got it, I think. Thanks so much, Lee Jean! We hope you'll enjoy the bulletins, Stacey. By the way, she's an ICU cardiac nurse at Good Samaritan Hospital.
On September 1, I got an enthusiastic e-mail from 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFLY. She's going to be staying at the Hawthorne, during alumni weekend, right next door to her old friends, the OTTs (1960's DAVID G. and 1963's SANDRA R. MINIX). There is little doubt they'll all be at all festivities and enjoy- ing every minute of the entire weekend. That's what we'll all do, of course.
More on hurricanes! As I type this day's text, I'm watching the coverage of Hurricane Gustav, as it pounds the Louisiana coastline, and I can't help but remember those two years in Florida during which hurricanes hit my own area, as I watched it in awe from my front porch. Now, I've got to tell you, I'm so glad I had that experience. It's not something everyone gets to do and emerge as I did, unscathed. But I won't be missing undergoing that experience again. I do worry, of course, as my children and grandchildren are still all there. We've got Hurricane Hanna right behind Gustav, so by the time we read this bulletin, we'll likely know the point where it has hit and any damage it may do, too. It's genuinely an overwhelming and powerful experience, let me tell you, to sit and watch a hurricane in progress, as it blows across your own roof and front yard! Most of my Florida readers will know what I mean.
Once again, I'm going to issue a plea for two older editions of the Piratan, for which I would kill. They are 1941 (a pint of blood for this one) and 1965. I also find myself now in need of 1978 and 1980. I once had both of these, but it's a long and boring story as to why I no longer do. Anyway, I repeat, if anyone is able to get any of these, I will reimburse you. Also, do keep your eyes open for ANY edition of the Piratan, which you might find ANYwhere! I'll take them ALL! Sometimes, they're found at yard and garage sales (which breaks my heart), in old bookstores, estate sales, you get the idea. If you see a Piratan, get it. I'll pay you the cost of the book and the postage.
Attention, 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE! Among the for-sale, WC memorabilia, would there happen to be a red Pirate flag which bears the skull and cross -bones, with the crossed swords behind the head? I have one, already, and it hangs beneath my red and black Pirate bell, as you enter my driveway. One of the edges (doesn't matter which) needs to measure about 13". When I was in Florida, I could pick them up, all over the place, and now wish I'd gotten a few extras. But I never thought of that, at the time. Now, the one I have is getting a bit faded and shopworn, after several years in the weather. Did you ever try to find a Pirate flag (red and black) in Appalachia?
I promise you, it's not an easy thing to do! So if our school store offers that item, I'm buying a few of them, while I'm there.
On September 2, we received a notice from 1958's JAS. E. KECKLER, in which a hold on all e-mails was requested. It said a change was coming and I am assuming that means in his e-mail address, but I've yet to receive that change. If anyone is in touch with Jim, tell him to get the change to me, ASAP, as it's quite difficult to remove just one entry from a blanket send list and then restore it. I know you all know what I mean. I don't want him to miss the WC bulletins and news specials.
Also on September 1 and 2, I spoke again with our vivacious and wonderful FRANCES L. PEFFLY of 1963. She's making all her travel plans and will be spending a lot of time with best buds, SANDRA R. MINIX, SHIRLEY A. RANKIN, ANNA MAE STOKES, and many others in her 1963 class, as well as a lot of us from other classes. Fran is really pumped! I think a lot of us share her feeling.
This morning (Sept. 3), I awoke to a dandy, upbeat e-mail from BETTY L. CARROLL ,1957. It happens Betty is on the Parks and Recreation Board for the City of Moraine City. Of course, over the years, Miami Shores has become a part of the city of Moraine City. So that means Betty may be of some assistance to our 1958 alums (WM. R. HOWARD, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, DONALD I. MCCOY) who are putting together the first-ever Miami Shores Memories gathering to be held at WENDELL WAX Memorial Park on Saturday, 1pm, October 11. So if any loose ends have been left hanging, you three guys, I'll bet Betty is the girl who can resolve this for you. Do contact her at her e-mail address: redudbet at woh dot rr dot com Thanks, Betty, and what a great piece of info! Betty and I continue our banter about life in Miami Shores and it's really been great to "talk" with you again, Betty. I'm looking forward to seeing you and Ralph again.
Of course, in the meantime, enthusiasm is running high for the MS gathering and I'm simply amazed by that. You've come up with a real winner, Tom, and I'm betting we will all have a great time. It will serve as a terrific, warm-up event for the WC crown jewel gathering of that night, the alumni dinner/dance, not to be missed. I hope everyone has sent their reservation forms and also, that those of us who can, are throwing a little extra into the kittty for our WC alumni association efforts. As I type this, we have a little more than 5 weeks until we once again convene. Where DID the year go? Amazing!
(Well, we got instantaneous responses to Betty's e-mail, from both Bill and Don. I'm sure they'll all be likely reconnected before day's end. Tom, is there anything else which needs to be done? If so, I'll bet Betty is our best avenue for resolving that. Betty was just thrilled, by the way, to hear from you again, Don, after all these years.)
Also today, I got a good report from Don McCoy on our dual-organ, transplant recipient, PHILLIP D. HOWARD, 1960. Don reports that Phil is up and gingerly walking and he does except to be with us all at Miami Shores Memories. Now, Phil, we also want very much to see you at the dinner/dance that night. I appeal to you, MARIAN KAY HUSSEY of 1967 (Phil's spouse) to see that he makes it to that event, and you, too, Kay! We're all so thrilled for you, Phil, and pray you continue to improve until you are back to 100% (or at least, as close as we can GET to 100%, at our age)!
As I become more and more settled into life in the beautiful Appalachian area, I find myself slowly redoing all the things I'd done in Florida, but doing it a bit differently now, and in a much more scenic area. Such is the case with my Notary Public commission, which I have held in Florida since April 5, 1978. In fact, it's legally in force until April 5, 2010, but I will not be using it. I'm going to apply to Tennessee to get a commission here, I believe, and when (and if) it is approved, I'll be getting my bond through none other than 1958's DONALD I. MCCOY, who now also has my homeowners and vehicle insurance (and I might add, has saved me quite a bundle on both of them)! No hassles, either, and I'm terribly pleased. I just have to tell you, if you're in the market for any kind of insurance coverage (or maybe lower rates), you really ought to contact Don. (No, he did not ask me to put ANYthing in this bulletin, nor has he ever done so. I just believe in shooting all the business we can, to our fellow alumni!)
A timely and wonderful report has come in from our 1957 class member, THERESA M. ELLIOT. This is it, Theresa! I'm promoting you to a senior reporter status. Just don't get the false notion that such a lofty status actually MEANS anything! Ha! It's just that I'll be expecting long and informative e-mails for our bulletins, on a regular basis. Since you seem to do that, anyway, I don't think your lifestyle will be too different, will it?
Theresa gave me a report on 1957's class picnic, which was held on August 8. She also reported that their class is making this an annual event. Isn't that just wonderful?!? Aside from her, it was attended by her spouse/class member, THOS. D. ELLIOT, and all the following folks and/or spouses: EUGENIA BETH BOLINGER (spouse Gary Trace) ( I just have to say here that I simply love her first and middle name together and I'll bet dollars to donuts she does not like it!), JOYCE E. CANTRELL (spouse Robt. Link), BARBARA W. CARR, MARY L. COLLINS, MARY C. GATES, SHIRLEY A. HILE, CHAS. T. "TED HOFFMAN, ARTHUR KITSON, JUDY LEE KREITZER, SARAH M. "JACKIE" MASON (spouse O. J. "Jr." Hargis), RANDALL W. PARKS, ELAH P. PETTIT, ERCELL P. PHILLIPS (spouse Betty), LAWRENCE J. RENAS, JR. (spouse Josie), PATRICIA A. SHUMARD (spouse Dale L. Gebhart--is he WC?), NEIL H. SIZER (and WC 1959 spouse/homecoming queen/cheerleader and all-around gorgeous lady, SHIRLEY R. PARKS, NANCY KAY STEELE, CAROL E. WRIGHT (spouse Bobby Bartley), and JOYCE ANN YOUNG. Can there be any doubt that a good time was had by all? Accord- ing to Theresa's final head count, twenty-one class members were in attendance, an astounding 51 years following their graduation. I'm just thrilled to hear that some of the 1957 people convened, and hope their numbers continue to increase with every passing year of this wonderful event! We thank you for the great report, Theresa.
More than a few of you might recall the study habits of 1958's WM. R. HOWARD. He has told me on a few occasions how he kept himself at the minimum grade level which would allow him to play sports and how much he hated studying. Well, I guess we will have to scratch that shortcoming. Although he has protested to the contrary, it seems Bill recently took his Private Investigator's exam, passed it with flying colors, and was done in 20 minutes rather than the allotted time of 90 minutes. So congratulations to you, Bill, and we all wish you good fortune in all your professional endeavors.
At this time, I must sadly report the passing of 1958 class member ROBERT WEBSTER HENDRICKS. I recall Bob joining our readers list relatively recently (within the past 18 months, I think) and I am terribly sorry to hear of his passing. This news came to me from Bob's classmate, DAVID L. HOWARD, who says he saw the obituary and that Bob died on July 12 and his service was held on July 16. Bob lived in Plattsburg, Missouri. His widow's name is Maggie. This would be sad, under all circumstances, but it is especially so in this case. When Bob contacted me, I clearly recall how excited he was at the prospect of attending his class' 50-year gathering in October. I know we all send condolences to Bob's family and thanks so much, Dave, for sending this.
As life goes, with each sad ending comes a new and wonderful beginning. Such is the case with 1961's JUDY M. FRANTZ. It seems that Judy's third great-grandchild was born today (September 10), a girl, named Kyley Brooke Russell, who weighed in at 7 lb. 13 oz. and was 21" long, born at 11:24 a.m. We all send you heartiest congratulations, Judy, and we hope you have many marvelous hours of fun with the newest great-grandchild. Thanks for sending us the news of the birth, Judy.
Attention, 1960 folks! A blip has come in on a class member of ours, NANCY J. KERR. As most of us recall, she married GENE A. TAYLOR, and I think he was 1957. Anyway, they live in Jackson, Ohio, and I am given to understand Nancy accompanied Gene to his 50th, last year. However, I didn't get to see her at all, and in fact, didn't even know she was there. Did you? In any case, 1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL writes that she knows Gene will want to attend the Miami Shores Memories gathering this year and is expecting the two of them to be there. Boy, that gathering is REALLY picking up steam, it seems! I think we're going to have a very wonderful turnout for it. Way to go, Tom! Who knew?
As I write, I continue to get e-mails from 1963 class member, FRANCES L. PEFFLY. Fran is trying to get her class organized for their 45th, but is having some trouble with mail being returned. Do any of you have a clue as to a current address, e-mail, or phone number on any of the following members of the 1963 class? (NORMA RAYLE, RONNIE LINK, JANICE SAMSHALL, JAMES STRADER, JERRY PARKS, CLYDE WEST, BETTY MITCHELL, JUDY WHITE, TOM CARPENTER, LINDA SHARP, MAR-LENE EADS, JANICE SMITH, SONNY SOLE, CAROL SHEER, WM. PHILLIPS, MICKI MARSH, IMOGENE WARD, WESLEY GARRISON, EDDIE BALL) Please contact Fran directly, with any info at Franhorsesvine at bellsouth dot net Thanks so much, and do hurry!!!
From 1960's JOANN K, STEMLEY came an e-mail in which she reports that she and spouse, Ron Hall, are awaiting their departure to Florida, where they'll spend the colder winter months. I'm truly thrilled for those who still enjoy Florida. I guess I'd feel that way if I'd lived in the cold climate all my life. But after my nearly-30 years in Florida, I'm quite content to be gone from there and am even anxiously anticipating my Tennessee autumn and even the terribly-mild winter here. Woops! There I go again! That was all a big mistake, it's horrible here, and I hate it! Don't come to Tennessee. You won't like it at all. There, Mike, how was that? (Of course, that was for my neighbor, MICHAEL S. WEST, who says I brag too much about Tennessee, and it's going to cause too many people to move here.)
We have an update on 1984's ANNETTE MARIE GONZALEZ, who has changed her e-mail. Thank you so much, Annette, for keeping me posted. We want to keep all of our younger alumni and even add more, as we can. So thanks again. I do hope you'll be at alumni weekend!
Let's all keep an ear to the ground for classmate, GERALD A. FULLER. His WC-honorary spouse, Becky, reports that he's recently had biopsies done on his tongue and one pre-cancerous growth was discovered as a result of that. Jerry will be monitoring and doing follow-up, of course. Becky says all is well, for now. We're all pulling for you, Jerry, and you be sure and stay right on top of that!
If you can believe this, it is now September 11 (a very dark day in our history, of course) and I've been writing on this bulletin since the day after I sent the other one, in an effort to stay current. We'll convene in just 4 more weeks, as amazing as that is. So it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that this really IS going to be the final bulletin, prior to our gathering. In view of that, I'm going to re-cap our scheduled events, so that you all have plenty of time to make your plans to join us.
October 10, Friday---the WC alumni and friends golf tourney will take place at the Mound Golf Course in Miamisburg. This event is under the guidance of 1959's GARY E. BARNES.
October 10, Friday---all WC alumni from all years will gather at the old haunt, Frisch's in Moraine City, for the 7th Annual Frisch's Frolic, the brainchild of 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, which has evolved into a rip-roaring success, with a fabulous turnout, each and every year. (Don't forget to take care of all the servers there, please. That was especially for you, THOS. L. WOLF, JR. Ha!)
October 11, Saturday---the first-ever Miami Shores Memories gathering will take place at Wendell Wax Memorial Park in Miami Shores at 1 p.m. This was the brainchild of 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, who was given an able assist or two from his two classmates, WM. R. HOWARD and DONALD I. MCCOY. It's shaping up to be quite an event. We should all bring a covered dish or bags of ice or cartons of Pepsi/Coke or paper plates or bags of chips, buckets of chicken, cartons of potato salad, etc. These events have a way of finding their own level and it will all work out, no food assignments. I wonder if anyone (BETTY LEE CARROLL?) has a connection to get this printed in the little Moraine City news? Be there! (It's an open-to-all event.)
October 11, Saturday---and here it is! This is the crown jewel event, the one upon which this entire weekend is based!! Don't miss it. Go once, and you'll never miss it again. It's in the ballroom of the Holiday Inn which is right between I-95 and the mall in Miamisburg and begins at 6 pm. I'll see you there and don't disappoint us, please!
October 12, Sunday---many individual groups break off and go to breakfast, lunch, brunch, at the place of their choice which usually seems to be Frisch's or Perkins or Bob Evans. That final visit sustains us, as we depart for home and await the following year!
So that's it, folks! I don't want to put a damper on any of our wonderful festivities, but do take time to read the list of deceased, which will be on the back side of the alumni dinner/dance program. If it does not serve to inspire you never to delay going, "until next year," then nothing ever will. Just be there and don't put it off, ever again!
So ends another edition of the WeCaTon News Report. Please be sure to send all your news. I've got to have all of you, in order for this to continue. I now leave you all with my usual wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Her father sold their land-based Miami Shores home and bought this "RV" in which they also maintained permanent residence . When the floods came (and they always did to the Shores) he drove their house to higher ground. What a great piece of WC history!
Miami Shores folks really had a lot of common sense, not shared by most Americans these days. Common sense has died out in favor of government bail-outs.
The Shores has really changed. Have you driven by lately?

Taken of the 1942 AM and PM Kindergarten classes. Bill McNabb is also involved in these wonderful mementos, having provided (?) at least one of the pictures and all of the names. The source of the photo is unknown (as of this time.)
NAMES: (sent by Bill McNabb)
AM Picture:
1st row: Mary Weidner, Jean Hought, Freda Fletcher, Mary Sue Bowie, Mildred Coleman, Charlene Sheppard, Nancy Mitchell, Lydia Stockert, Rosie Roush.
2nd row: Philip Heeter, Jim McGruder, Tom Carpenter, Nelson Curp, Arthur Arnett, Bobby Merkel, Jack Spicer, Jean Spicer, Bill Wood.
3rd row: Miss Brumbaugh, Arthur Enyart, Billy Chambers, John Hamilton, Ronald Tippie, Lowell Randolph.
PM Picture:
1st row: Barbara Zimmerman, Nanct Schroeder, Paul Harold, Mary Sue McDaniel, Harold Werth, Judy Matthews, Marilyn Culter, Jackie Hammond, Charles Fogle.
2nd row: Irene Winstead, Carol Tewell, Pat Gaugh, Shirley Puls, Shirley Schindler, Joann Jackson, Robert Weller, Bobby Hetzler, Carl Wardlow, Bill McNabb.
3rd row: Miss Brumbaugh, David Cleveland, Robert Lotridge, Delores Bond, Barbara Williams, John Croy, Don Miller (visiting that day), Victor Boyer.