The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Friday, November 28, 2008

Had an interesting career while in school. We can't excerpt the email traffic here without risking losing the best parts, so here is all of it:
From: Terry Wilson
Date: 10/02/08 18:40:59
To: Bonnie
To: Bonnie
Subject: Re: Okay, Terry, 1962. I've---
You may get a kick out of the attached photo. I found it posted in the WC link page. When I was 15, I worked at WING, I was at the time the youngest DJ in a major market. The photo was snapped seconds prior to my going on the air for the very first time in 1963. I was also Phil Donahue’s first stage manager when he started at WLWD-in Dayton. I’m still in the biz, working as a TV producer and on air host for Wealth TV, a national cable network based in San Diego. It’s going to be a “hoot” to retrace all those memories. A little scary, but nevertheless, a hoot.
On 10/2/08 4:34 PM, Bonnie wrote:
---got it. You have some serious relatives with great images in WC. I'm sure you're one of those, too. I looked you up in the 1962 Piratan. Just all Wilsons, you are blessed with extraordinary good looks. Of the folks in your class who will be present, I know of Richard C. Call and Barbara T. O'Neal (who used the name of Thomas in school and who's long been married to 1960's Steven M. Kokot.) I'm sure there will others, too. It's just a great, fun time. You'll be SO pleased you attended!
---got it. You have some serious relatives with great images in WC. I'm sure you're one of those, too. I looked you up in the 1962 Piratan. Just all Wilsons, you are blessed with extraordinary good looks. Of the folks in your class who will be present, I know of Richard C. Call and Barbara T. O'Neal (who used the name of Thomas in school and who's long been married to 1960's Steven M. Kokot.) I'm sure there will others, too. It's just a great, fun time. You'll be SO pleased you attended!
From: Terry Wilson
Date: 10/02/08 17:19:44
To: Bonnie Risner Miller
Subject: Re: You'll have the time of your life, Terry,---
Hi Bonnie:Ralph just e-mailed me and he is going to attend, as well as my cousin Paula and Marie. I graduated in 1964, don’t make me any older than I already am! I plan to cruise Frisch’s Friday night with Paula and Marie, of course I’ll be attending the dinner/dance on Sat. Please add me to your list of WC bulletin readers. It would be great to hear from some of my former classmates.Regards,Terry
On 10/2/08 3:07 PM, "Bonnie wrote:
---I can promise you that. Never again will you miss one! It's a full weekend of events. On Friday morn, there is a WC Golf Tourney at Mound Golf Course in Miamisburg. That evening, we all convene at the old Moraine City Frisch's for a great evening of fun. On Saturday, 1 p.m., there is a Miami Shores gathering (open to all) at Wendell Wax Memorial Park in Miami Shores. That evening is the crown jewel event, the dinner/dance. This is not really a single-year reunion event, though. It's for anyone and every-one who has ever attended WC high school, and for all years of grads. You're going to love it! Your Uncle Ralph is terribly excited about your attending and, in fact, wasn't going to be there this year, until he heard you were flying into town for it. Ralph rarely misses this, so it was going to be odd not to have him there. Shall I add you to our list of regular WC bulletin readers? What class year are you? Is it 1962?
From: Terry Wilson
Date: 10/02/08 15:44:17
To: Bonnie
Subject: WC reunion
Hello Bonnie: My name is Terry Wilson class of "64" I'm also Ralph Wilson's nephew.Ralph suggested I e-mail you to let you know that I'll be attending thereunion and cruise. I've already registered for the dinner and dance and will be arrivingThursday, staying at the Holiday Inn in Miamisburg.The last time I was home was in '75, so this will surely be a trip that merits a few Kodak moments.
LEFT: Shirley '60 Tudor and Gil and Bonnie Risner '60 Miller
RIGHT: Judy '61 Samuels and husband William VanCleef
BOTTOM: Judy Samuels

Friday, November 21, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Please scroll down to read of the reported loss of 1954's JUNE ALLEN HOERNER. Apparently, she passed away yesterday (01 NOV 2008), according to the e-mail sent to me by her classmate, WM. L. MCNABB.
From: Bill McNabb
Date: 11/02/08 15:54:41
Subject: Another loss
Norma called me today to report that our classmate June Allen Hoerner passed away last night. June had been in a nursing home for some time. Norma says she thinks the viewing will be at Sanner Funeral Home on Tuesday (04 NOV 2008 -ed.), times not established yet. Obit will probably be in Monday's paper.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
On 29 OCT 2008, Bonnie Wrote:
(ADVANCE WARNING!! This bulletin is VERY lengthy. It's about 22.5 pages, the lengthiest one I've ever composed, in all 8 years I've done them. So either read it in sections or set aside a special time. It will take awhile! I thought I'd let you all know, in advance.)
---At this moment, it is 10:30 p.m. the 28th day of September, a Sunday. Yesterday, I became aware of the death of movie icon, Paul Newman. He was 83 (would have been 84 in January) and I'm deeply saddened by his passing. I had the privilege of meeting him, face to face, one on one, at Daytona International Speedway on July 1, 1986. I was on the job (Bell Telephone) for the department which serviced, repaired, and collected coin telephones. Does anyone remember those? Ha
Anyway, as I made my way to this particular phone on that day's route, I was anxious to get out of the congestion of the track. We had 88 of them in the track in those days. I always pulled race track duty because they knew I wouldn't linger, as I wasn't a fan, unlike most of my male counterparts. I was the only female in the crew. The booth was occupied and I stood outside, awaiting the termination of the conversation. The user's back was to me, and I saw a gorgeous head of blondish hair with silvery-white streaks in it. Finally, I heard the squeak of that glass door, and looked up, as I approached more closely.
There I was, face to face with Paul Newman! I was sure my heart was going to stop and I got the woozy feeling we all have, just before we upchuck. I felt a dryness in my mouth, as I looked at those famous, piercing, blue eyes, the intensity of which can never be done justice in any film in which you've ever seen him, I promise you. We were mere inches apart. He was pleasant, casually dressed, and said, "Sorry to hold you up, ma'am!" I said to him, like some idiot, "You're Paul Newman!" as if he didn't already know that. He responded, humorously, "Yes, but please don't tell anyone.," and chuckled a bit. I then said, "I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed all your films," to which he replied, "How nice of you to say, and thank you so much." I said, "I can't believe I've met you in person." He then put his hand lightly on top of my right shoulder and said, "You're very kind and thank you for not asking for my autograph. Have a good day." I wished him good luck in his racing and he thanked me and walked along under the bleachers, throwing his left hand into the air, as he strode away
, in the classic gesture of good-bye.
My heart was pounding and I kept thinking of how utterly stupid I had sounded. I also hit myself in the head for NOT asking for his autograph, and then wondered what in the world HE was doing inside a phone booth. The stroll back to my van would give me the answer. The security guard, who'd tried to impede my journey, told me they have a VIP room for all the celebrities who come there. However, he said, as soon as word spreads that Newman is in there, all 448 employees find a reason to come into that area. So Newman would always avoid that by walking unobtrusively beneath the bleachers to an obscurely-located phone booth, where he would get total privacy. What a lucky day for me! I shall never forget that incident and now you know why I'm more saddened than some, by his passing.
Anyway, in just 9-10 more days, I'll be hitting the old road again, headed for Ohio, in the hope of seeing the vast majority of you. This likely isn't going to be finished before I leave. So I'm going to begin as usual, with my forwarders. They are teacher DAVID E. COLLINS; 1954's FREDA P. FLETCHER, WM. L. MCNABB; 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON; 1956
On September 23, I received an e-mail from 1963's SHIRLEY A. RANKIN, in which she expressly let me know of her (and her classmates) desire to have the presence of teacher MURL E. HUFFMAN at their 45th class gathering on October 10 at C. F. Holliday Elementary School. She wrote of wanting him to bring along significant other, MARJ BOGAN, also. So I'm in hopes, by the time we're all reading this, that occasion will have come and gone, and the two of them will have been present. She wrote that her entire class always enjoys seeing him. Yes, and don't we all?
Shirley also mentioned beginning work at Liberty Tree Tavern in the Magic Kingdom and her spouse will be working at Sea World. They'll be leaving on a Disney Cruise on October 25, so we'll soon be getting a travel report, I'm sure. Thanks, Shirley.
From 1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL came news of the recent death of PETE BAILEY. Several of you had asked about details and I had also wondered about it. Betty wrote that Pete died about 2 months ago (at that time, but would be around 3-4, by now), and that it was cancer. She said there was nothing in the regular paper at all, that he'd had 3 sons and there wasn't a formal service. She thinks his real first name was EDWARD, and that rings a bell with me, too. If anyone out there knows more, please let me know. Thanks, Betty.
Is there anyone out there who knows how to contact 1964's JOHN A. COMBS? All of his e-mail is being rejected now, and even when I use one of several, alternate e-mail addresses, I'm not getting replies. I will appreciate it if anyone can clear this one for me.
His e-mail address is a good one, I'm sure, it's just that it won't take e-mail from ME!
Another great exchange took place with 1956's RALPH D. WILSON, and he also sent me a number of photos he had of my late sister, his classmate, JUDY ANN RISNER. I appreciated that, Ralph. I'm terribly disappointed, though, to note that Ralph had told me he wasn't able to attend our functions this year. I made a last-ditch effort to persuade him, and even said I'd pick fetch him on my way (he also lives in Tennessee), so by the time we read this, we'll all know how it went, I guess.
Ralph did follow up a bit on the funny story about his whistling at 1959's SHIRLEY R. PARKS, while they were all in school. As you may recall, he had asked for the e-mail address of Shirley's longtime spouse, 1957's NEIL H. SIZER. The temptation to tease him a bit was too great, but as it happens, his intent was only that of setting up a basketball game with Neil and a few other cronies, during alumni weekend. I sure do hope that will come to pass, albeit it is not looking too great for this year, so far. (Footnote: As I've written this, things made a turnaround for Ralph, so perhaps we will, after all, hear of who emerged victoriously, in the big basketball game. Could this possibly become yet another alumni weekend event ---a WC basketball game, with alumni only?)
Our champion WC blogger, 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST (without whose help I'm very certain I could never even DO this news report) is busily posting great photos to the blog. Don't miss this effort! If you haven't visited the blog yet, be sure you do so, very soon. Not only does Mike post all bulletins and special announcements, he also posts wonderful, nostalgic photos, our losses of alumni, and general WC info. The website is ( )
Thanks, Mike, and lest we all forget, the incredibly popular event, Frisch's Frolic, was also one of his innovations.
It is now September 30, the 66th birthday of 1960's CHAS. A. "BUD" LOWMAN III. An e-mail come to me this morning from Bud's wife, 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE, in which she advised of Bud's being in Kettering hospital with a case of hepatitis. In it, she says he's not in pain, simply not feeling well. Tests are being run and they can't do a thing until all have been completed, of course. Sally feels his hepatitis is attributable to a new medication he had recently been taking. Let's all keep Bud in our good thoughts and prayers, please, and Sally, too.
When 1956's RALPH D. WILSON sent those good photos of events from his class, which dated back a few years, I saw my late sister, JUDY ANN RISNER, in several of them, as mentioned. But I also took a good look at two other of their classmates, whom I remembered so well, J. DEANNA CHRISTIE and ANN C. WEIDLE. I must tell you all, they both look terrific! Thanks for sending those to me, Ralph. I appreciated that a lot.
The news from Ralph has now taken a marvelous turn.. Remember, he wrote me he didn't think he'd be able to make it to the festivities this year? Since Ralph is one of the faces who is always visible at our events, it was surely not going to be the same. But we got a reprieve! Ralph's nephew, TERRY L. WILSON of 1964, had plans to fly in from California, so he got so excited, he threw caution to the wind and will be there, after all. This is as good a time as any, in fact, to let you all know that we've now added Terry to our reader's list. He's quite anxious and excited to hear from anyone and everyone who was in the class of 1964, in fact. So welcome aboard to you, Terry, and I do hope you'll enjoy the bulletins.
But bad news came from yet another member of the 1956 class, DENNIS A MICHAEL. Dennis lives in Zephyr Hills, Florida, and he is yet another face who is always visible at our events. But he wrote to tell us he will also not be there, this year. Dennis says he hasn't been feeling as well as he normally does, so isn't up to the trip. He's also concerned (as we all are) about the astronomical cost of fuel, and he has business interests which he feels he cannot leave unattended, at this time. How we can move forward without Dennis, I have no clue. But we have to try. He is a constant. You will be very sorely missed, Dennis. Naturally, it goes without writing it that we all hope everything is resolved for all future years, in such a way as to permit you to be with us. There will be a huge hole in the fabric of this year's events!
From 1958's WM. R. HOWARD came a photo of the childhood home of Miami Shores war hero (of Vietnam, was killed in 1967, at age 19), THOS. EUGENE COMBS, and we did a bit of chatting about that. Bill will be with us at the events and he'll also be at cousin Tommy's street dedication., which will take place in November.
It's now Oct. 2, and I'm still typing. I know full well this one isn't going to be sent until after our big, WC weekend, so bear with me. E-mails are flying back and forth, from all over the U.S., about people who will be attending our festivities. For instance, all the way from California, we're going to see 1964 class member, TERRY L. WILSON. Terry writes that he's never been home since 1975 and is looking forward to it. He's the nephew (by marriage) of 1956 class member, DONNA J. PEFFLY, who was very close friends with my late sister, JUDY ANN RISNER, of the same class. She's also the older sibling of 1963 class member, FRANCES L. PEFFLY. Terry, as I previously write, is a nephew to 1956's RALPH D. WILSON, and as also earlier written, his arrival was the inspiration for Ralph to join us from Tennessee. Terry started in the broadcasting business when he was but 15 and he's still in that industry. So you're going to have a ball, Terry!
We've got a lot of new bulletin readers---so many, I can barely keep track. So I'm going to jump a bit ahead of myself, at this point, and get some of the names on here, in the hope I don't miss anyone. As of September 21, we have added 1981's TODD R. CARROLL to our roster. Carroll is a well-known and longstanding WC name. Todd's parents are 1954 's HERBERT R. CARROLL and 1956's ROSETTA PRUETT. A hearty welcome to you, Todd! I love getting some of the younger alumni on our list.
We've also added 1963's TERRIE ANNE STOLTZ, and Terry lives in Alabama, these days. We'll get to see her on alumni weekend, though. The 1963 folks are really signing on in large numbers, and we sure do love that, don't we?
It is with special and particular delight that I tell you we now have 1960's KEITH H. CLENDENON on the readers list. Keith and I went clear through our school years together, were always sort of chummy, and as we exchanged our life stories, we would soon discover we had much more in common than just attending school together, that's for sure! So it's wonderful to have you in the loop, Keith!
Get ready for this one! We've also added two well-known siblings, MARTHA G. WERNER, 1963, and SANDRA LEE WERNER of 1960. Both are the daughters of our physical education teacher, Mrs. Gertrude Werner, whom we all recall, I'm sure. But sadly, Mrs. Werner died of cancer at age 65, some years ago. We're thrilled to have you two on our reader list, Sandy and Marty. I do hope you'll enjoy the bulletins, and more importantly, we all hope you'll be joining us at all future WC events.
Do we have more new people? You bet! Just kick back and keep reading, okay? From 1964, we've added JAMES H. FERREL. This is another class who is adding more people all the time, it seems. I look forward to meeting you, Jim, at a future alumni function. Be there! Jim came to us through efforts of 1962's RICHARD G. DENNY. We hope to see you and your gorgeous wife, LIELA K. GEORGE, over alumni weekend, Dick, especially at our Miami Shores Memories gig. ( I got paragraphs in the midst of my add-ons, which I didn't intend to put there. Bear with me, keep on reading, and we'll jump back to them. I'll try to get this thing back in sequence, after this little foul-up. It wouldn't be me, if I didn't do this, now and then.)
Before our weekend, excitement ran high, as I have already written. Nostalgia was the order of the day, of course. From 1960's DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, came a great little group of old, 1950s nostalgic memories of the Dayton area. Of course, I remembered all of them. I was hoping I wasn't quite old enough to remember ALL of it, but I was. So much for that idea. But thanks, DeDe, it was great.
There was even contact from golf addict and 1960 class member, GARY L. WARLAUMONT. Hmmm, did I dare to hope he'd be there this year, and not at Myrtle Beach, playing golf? Well, just as reads my byline at the end of these bulletins, "More at 11," so stay tuned.
My pal, 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, sent me several e-mails and she told me of the gathering at Ron's Pizza (Miamisburg) on Thursday of our alumni weekend. Well, that did it! Now, the entire weekend WAS filled, and if we added one more event, it had to be on Friday afternoon or Sunday afternoon, as all other time slots were filled. So be sure to get there on Thursday from now on, so that you can be there. More later on that, too.
From 1961's LILY K. "KITTY" BURDETTE came a few e-mails and we knew she'd be there, lighting up the room. Kitty remains just as gorgeous, bubbly, and vivacious as she was in high school, I assure you. You'll also immediately recognize her, as she's hardly changed a bit! How's that knee doing by this time, Kitty? (Kitty was having a problem with her knee and it gives her some problems, from time to time. We all hope you're doing well, Kitty.)
My neighbor down the road, MICHAEL S. WEST, of 1960, also sent one e-mail after another, as we had lots of info to transmit. We were all excited about the impending weekend and who we would see and how many would attend. Mike continues to do a great job with our blog and with correcting all of my never-ending blunders. If you haven't checked the blog, do it right away. It's You'll love it! All bulletins from the past 5 years are posted there, along with much other info. Many thanks to you, Mike!
From 1971's RODNEY R. GABBARD came regrets that he will be unable to attend, as he's immobile and can't leave his residence, due to problems with his back, lack of a ramp, and several other things. We all wish you well, Rod, and hope things will get better for you, in the future.
From teacher MURL E. HUFFMAN came promises to appear at anything and everything to which he's invited. Believe me, he never disappoints and also apparently never runs out of energy. Amazing!
(Okay, we're picking back up on our new readers, at this point. Thanks for tolerating another goof-up!)
From 1956, we're adding DOUGLAS H. HOWE, the older sibling of 1958's DELMAN D. HOWE, who's married to classmate, BEVERLY A. TYSON. This is just great! I've got a number of 1956 people now, and didn't used to have any!
From 1969, we've got ROBERT ELWOOD "BOB" THARPE, who served as his class' president in the sophomore year. Bob is especially welcome, too, as I have very few late-1960s folks on the list. Let's work on that! Happy reading, Bob! By the way, he is putting together an effort for his 1969 class' 40th gathering in 2009. He's fishing for any info he can get on 1969 class members. Let's all pitch in and help him all we can. Contact Bob directly at e-mail ( )
There's yet another 1963 class member, DANA L. GREEN, who has joined the ranks. Dana is part of the WC education system today and secured the use of C. F. Holliday Elementary for his class' 45th gathering. More later on that. Welcome, Dana!
We have another late-1960s person in ROGER D. LUCAS of 1968. Roger is an account executive at Central Business Group on Lyons Road in Dayton. I don't know you yet, Roger, but I sure hope we'll be meeting each other soon and welcome to our little readers list.
There's yet another 1963 person, too. It's CHERYLE JEAN SMITH (and yes, her first name has an e at the end of it). We're getting more and more people from that class, not surprisingly. Their numbers just keep on growing. It's nice to have you on board, Cheryle!
Cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS and I continue our daily exchange of useless information---recipes, housecleaning tips, a daily itinerary of errands---but most of all, we exchange ideas on the wonders of having a retired husband at home. We have yet to solve every problem, but we're working on it.
Call off the bloodhounds for the location of an e-mail address for 1958's W. BAILEY HAWKINS and his 1962 spouse, JACQUELYN S. HAINES. We've got a connection and have a whole new address. I've also had brief contact with their 1985 daughter, AMY LYNN HAWKINS and son-in-law, 1981's D. BRIAN BRODBECK. I'm sure Amy and Brian are keeping 1958's VINCENT A BRODBECK, in the loop, also (Brian's dad). So all is well there.
From 1960s' MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL came e-mail about the Frisch's Frolic. I've been working on her for 5 years and we were finally going to get her to be with us. We got a bonus, too. There will be more on that later, also!
Excitement was everywhere with the annual WC golf outing, orchestrated by 1959's GARY E. BARNES. It would be a banner year and Gary, as always, did a great job with everything. As I keep saying, there will be more later. Once I cover all e-mails, which were sent prior to our weekend, I'll get to my report on that. This report is going to be, "a 5-bathroom- trip," as my, "first husband," 1960's LARRY M. PENDLEY, used to tell me, back in the days when I was writing an annual newsletter to about 150-or-so folks. I guess I've traded that, for this.
Before our weekend, I got a number of e-mails from 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE, about an illness of her spouse, 1960's CHAS. A. "BUD" LOWMAN III, who had some sort of infection, as I'd previously written. But Bud rallied around and has returned home. We were all pleased about that and we wish him robust health.
There were more exchanges with 1960's JUDITH A. SLIFE, who was headed to Vermont to watch the leaves change. I guess Ohio's leaves aren't quite colorful enough for you, Judy? Or are you just one of those people who loves to travel? If you want a real treat, come see the leaves change in this wonderful Appalachian area. You'll probably never go back to New England again!
Also doing some traveling was 1960's DANNY L. WALTERS with wife, Phyllis. They actually went to Gibraltar for his step-son's wedding, then went on to Spain for about 10 days. Now, that's what I call a real trip!
Teacher DAVID E. COLLINS reports that he's now moved to his birth state of Tennessee and getting all settled there. He didn't say whether he would be at our festivities or not, but I'll have that report later in the text, I'm sure.
So much excitement was conveyed through e-mails from 1960's EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY, who was flying in from Idaho, with wife, Marilyn. If any single one of us has more fun than Eddie, with these WC alumni things, I sure don't know who it would be. It's a joy to watch you, Eddie! There was contact with 1961's JAS. E. CURTIS on where his class might go, on that Friday evening and I believe they had settled on the VFW in WC. JAS. E. KECKLER of 1958 assured me we'd all see him at his class' 50th gathering of this year. Jim still lives in Florida, so was making a lengthy trip to be there. JEAN ANN MILLER, 1973, sent a warning about the demise of Fricker's, during the awful storm of September, so I was well-prepared for that. From1958's NICHOLAS P. WOLARY came a sad e-mail, re his friend and classmate, ROBERT W. HENDRICKS, who had passed away in July, in Missouri, where he lived. It
is always sad to have to confirm such news. PAULA J. STRAUB of 1968 wrote to say she hopes to meet me and will be at the dinner/dance. I hope to meet you, too, Paula! Paula also asked about you, her classmate, LYNDA A. FULLER, 1968, and about you, too, SHARON L. BORGER, 1960.
After a few anxious moments, I finally got to depart for Ohio. I didn't tell this to many people, but there was a possibility of my not attending this year's event. I didn't feel comfortable enough to leave my husband, but I was very fortunate to have an old friend of ours in Florida, who agreed to come and stay with him for the week, so I could attend. That's really some kind of friend, eh?
Anyway, I left here at 4:45 a.m., Wednesday morn, filled with excitement and anticipation. It was that wonderful, annual feeling, which I always have. I drove through sheeting rain in West Virginia, but it was well worth it, as I was able to totally avoid the horrible I-75! I arrived at my destination around 11, and got everything unloaded and began my rounds.
My first stop would be at the home of old friend and classmate, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, in Moraine City. I caught her at an inconvenient time. I'm sorry about that, Shirley, but I just can't bring myself to call you in advance. First and foremost, it totally obliterates the element of surprise, which I so love. But also, I just never know where I'm going to be, at any given time. So it's tough to plan ahead. While I'm there, my cell phone is constantly ringing! Anyway, we had our usual gabby visit. When I go there, it's just like being home again, as I spent so much there, as a child. Of course, Shirley never looks older, either, so that helps perpetuate the image. Then I noticed it would soon be dark, and I had to be on my way to my next stop.
So I headed to Miamisburg, where I had another lengthy visit with lifelong friend, ANITA R. MASON, 1956, who had been the closest friend of my late sister. While there, I also got to see 1957's SARAH M. "JACKIE" MASON, her sister. As children, the 4 of us had been inseparable, living right across the field from each other. Jackie and Anita were in the old Elter farmhouse, while Judy and I lived in the very last house at the south end of Miami Shores Drive (long since razed to accommodate the airport, I'm sorry to say). On that same evening, I was also able to visit with my brother-in-law, Judy's widower, who lives in Englewood, and then I called it a night.
On Thursday, I was off again, making more rounds. I tried to see you, 1987's SHARLENE N. MERKER, (daughter of Shirley Tudor) and although I made no less than 3 three attempts, I didn't run you down. I even stopped at Merker Iron, hoping I'd catch you there, but did get to talk to your big brother, WM. J. MERKER (Jr.? 1980?), who told me you weren't there that day.
Then I headed for my annual migration to the home of 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT. I'm an ardent fan of the town of Germantown and I love visiting with Lynn and we can burn up 2 hours of chatting as though it's 10 minutes. This time was no exception. We wound up connecting with CAROLE J. LEWIS and NANCY L. HOHNHORST, and going to lunch at a nearby, local restaurant. We had a great time!
That same afternoon, I went to the Miamisburg digs of CHAS. V. CARTER, and got to spend a couple of quality hours with his wife, Pam. When he came in with his son, Chuck, (Jr.), we all engaged in some very lively (and even heated) political discussions, which I love. But I'm careful to keep politics out of the WeCaTon, so never fear. We won't be going there, as long as I'M writing it. It was during that afternoon I was told by 1961's P. LYNNETTE GAR- RETT of an evening gathering at the nearby Ron's Pizza. So I invited Pam & Charles to come along, but Pam was probably, "West Carrollton-ed out," by that time, as she opted out, telling me to go ahead and go with Charles, which is exactly what we did. It later occurred to me she just wanted to be rid of him for a couple of hours. Ha!
But what a turnout we had! It was originally intended for the 1961 folks, I believe, but it looks as though it has become an annual event and everybody will be coming to this, in future years. So we finally HAVE gotten an event for that Thursday evening, just as I'd suspected we might. Present at Ron's, aside from me and Charles were 1961's CAROLE J. LEWIS (accompanied by spouse Pete), NANCY L. HOHN- HORST (accompanied by 1959 spouse, H. JAY CARROLL, JR.), PAULA R. WILSON, DONNA J. RICHARDS, JACQUELYN N. LESHER, SANDRA J. CASEY, spouse THOS. W. WELLER, JANET L. WALTERS, Paula's sis, R. MARIE WILSON, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, HARRIET M. BURKE, 1962's BARBARA T. O'NEAL and as we all sat there, trading stories and stuffing pizza into our faces, and everyone tasting everyone else's food, who should come walking into the place but 1961's JAMES E. CURTIS, who was with cousin, 1955's PATRICIA A. TOBIAS, and 1966's WM. M. NELSON! Let me see, I'm thinking Bill is also a relative of the Curtis and Tobias families. Is that correct? Anyway, to say we all had a great time would be quite the understatement, that's for sure. I moved over to the table for a bit, to speak to Pat. She told me her 1957 brother, DARELL L. TOBIAS, was absent this year, as he's concentrating on his music, following his retirement. We missed you, Darell! So everyone be sure to put this on your calendar for next year's events. You'll be glad you did.
We followed this up with a visit to the lovely home of Carole and Pete Parlette, where we all continued our banter, viewed old photos, and enjoyed great hospitality with Carole's fresh coffee and a freshly-baked pumpkin pie cake. (Yes, I said pumpkin pie cake, and it was delicious!) The Parlettes were hosting the Carrolls (Jay and Nancy), who stayed with them for alumni events. We all stayed up too late, talked too much, ate too much, and got too tired. But it was a great time!
Now, before I forget, we've added 1966's WM. M. NELSON to our readers list, as a result of our little evening at Ron's Pizza and so, we welcome you to our reader circle, Bill, and surely hope you'll enjoy the bulletins and will also contribute some news.
We'll be needing an update on 1957's PAUL H. PETTIT. It is 1957, right? Let me know if I got that wrong. Anyway, Jackie told me you had surgery on your knee on September 30, Paul. We all want to know how your recovery is coming along and how you're doing. So do let us know, Paul. We all wish you well.
Of course, the following day was Friday, which was yet another fairly full day of WC activity. There was the big golf tourney at Mound Golf Course on that morning, and I understand things didn't even kick off until about 10 or so, which was fine. This event is ably orchestrated by 1959's GARY E. BARNES and he does a great job with it. Gary's also one of my best reporters.
Present at the golf tourney were 1955's JERRY L. DAVIS, 1957's NEIL H. SIZER, WM. C. CLAYTON, RICHARD A. FAHRNEY 1959's GARY E. BARNES (of course), WM. F. CARMACK, JOE E. STOMPS, 1960's THOS. D. YOUNG, (and son-in-law, Larry Hamblin), DAVID A. BLAIR, MONTY ESTEP, DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, LARRY M. PENDLEY, DAN L. WALTERS (with wife, Phyllis), GERALD A. FULLER, 1961's MICHAEL C. BAKER, THOS. W. WELLER, JAS. E. CURTIS, 1963's TIMOTHY A. LUCAS, 1966's WM. M. NELSON. Others there, (but for whom I don't know a class year, and for some, even if they are WC) RUSSELL HARVILLE, BARRY BARNES, RICHARD ROBERTS, KEVIN CASEY. Stopping by to visit were 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH,
VINCENT A. BRODBECK, LEONARD F. KUHN, 1960's JO ANN K. STEMLEY, and WC-honorary Rebecca A. Fuller. So it was surely a smashing success. Gary says if he can get 40 sign-ons for next year, they'll close down the whole course for WC. So let's get busy on that one, folks! What a great job, Gary! I know everyone is appreciative of all your efforts. Gary and Pat will both be at Ron's Pizza next year on Thursday.
Around 1 p.m., my cell phone rang and it was none other than 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFLY, who was having lunch with pals, SHIRLEY A. RANKIN and ANNA MAE STOKES, at the nearby Olive Garden. I was within 3 miles, at the time of the call, and they invited me to join them. What a kick! I found them across from the Dayton Mall on Rt. 725 and we had an extra hour or so of visiting. Great fun! No, wait! That was on Thursday, I just checked my journal, so back this up a couple of paragraphs, okay?
Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you all that Gary said the Frisch's waitresses remembered us all and now look forward to our yearly migration. They also said we're very generous. So there you are, THOS. L. WOLF, JR., 1960! How much wealthier one of those waitresses would be today, if only YOU had been there!
Okay, footnote: I'm not absolutely sure you were at Frisch's, Tom Dorsey. Were you? Also, we had JUDY KUHN, and I don't know your class year, Judy, so help me, will you? With Judy was WC-honorary, Pat Kuhn, who ably represented her absent spouse, LEONARD F. KUHN, who was at his 1958's class' 50th gathering, I understand. Did I see you, MURL E. HUFFMAN, or not? I went to SO many functions for WC, that weekend, it's all run together in my now
-feeble mind and I need you all to help me with a few details here and there. So please let me know if you were there and I missed you. Thanks. After a sort of hit-and-miss head count, I came up with a number of about 100 attendees at Frisch's, give or take a few. That seems to be the average, at least for the past few years. What a winning function YOU invented, Mike! (For those of you who are unaware, this event was the brainchild of 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST.)
Before I move onward from the Frisch's event, I want to tell all of you a story which you'll simply never be able to fathom. I'm amazed (and even repulsed) by this ridiculous tale of utter snobbery and unheard-of pretentiousness, I really am. About 5 years ago, I had the great pleasure of re-locating my classmate, MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL. She was spending winters in Lady Lake, Florida, at the time. I rode my motorcycle over to her place, met her husband, Wm. D. McDaniel, and the 3 of us went out to a long and gabby lunch together. We had a great time. In the ensuing years, we kept in touch, and I kept telling Madeleine to stay in Ohio for long enough to go to the functions.
Well, they finally sold their place in Florida and are in Ohio, full-time, now. Last year, it was time for his 50th at his alma mater, Vandalia- Butler HS. You'd all better sit down for this one. Bill intended to go, of course. He signed up and paid the fees. Just prior to the event, he told me, someone from his class called to tell him he wouldn't be welcome, as his picture wasn't in the yearbook and he didn't, "legally graduate," from there. Bill had attended that school for his entire life, and had to go to a different school district, due to the necessity of moving, during those last few months of his senior year. So they did not allow him to attend. CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE THAT? I was simply floored by such an insensitive, elitist gesture. Well, I'm here to tell you, we all now have a new member of our WC ranks, because I told Bill and Madeleine, on the spot, that we're all now adopting Bill as one of our very own. So Bill, consider this as official notice. As of that moment, you were a WC Pirate, and as such, you're very welcome at any and all our functions, and we now consider you to be one of us. Who needs Vandalia, anyway? Welcome Aboard! I've never heard of such crap before, in my life! If I were an alumnus of that school, I'd be embarrassed beyond words!
Okay, moving right along (I just had to tell you that). Immediately following that event, I went directly to the nearby C. F. Holliday Elementary School, which I'd attended from 3rd through 6th grade. This is also the school from which classmate, J. DAVID MAYS, retired as principal, several years ago. It was here where the Class of 1963 was meeting for their 45th event. I had promised I was going to, "crash," their event, and I was greeted warmly and spent a terribly fun hour or two with them, as I made my way home from another night of fun. Both DAVID G. OTT and SANDRA K. MINIX were there, along with SHIRLEY ANN RANKIN, FRANCIS L. PEFFLY, BEVERLY K. LIGHT, DANA L. GREEN, JOHN J. "JACK" KREBS, JR., JOYCE A. KUHN, and several others. We had lots of laughs and they even had a table which was still filled with great food. Of the very many available temptations was Jack's delicious, cheese-stuffed ham roll. It took on a new life, as we all munched our way into the late-night hours. Such fun! We also decimated what was left of the strawberry pie (or was that just me?) In any case, I was once again totally exhausted, as I finally crawled into bed about midnight. (Say, you 1963 folks, did we ever manage to track down the owner of that abandoned, digital camera?)
Of course, the next day was Saturday and it was yet another day filled with WC fun. What a weekend we do have, eh? After having breakfast with my hostess and friend of 42 years (a former co-worker at Bell Telephone, from which I retired), I headed south, to attend the first-ever Miami Shores Memories picnic at Wendell Wax Memorial Park in---where else?---our beloved Miami Shores. The weather couldn't have been better!
After a brief blunder on my part, in finding my way to the exact location in the park, I finally got to the right location, and was stunned to find it overflowing with people! I was simply amazed. Obviously, there was much enthusiasm for such a gathering. Once again, one of our own, 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, had come up with a sure winner. Although Tom did not actually graduate from WC, due to his family's re -location the The Burg for his last two years, he was (and is) one of us, through and through. Tom grew to maturity in Miami Shores and maintained lifelong ties to his WC roots. If not for Tom, we wouldn't have even had this gathering. So I couldn't help but think of Madeleine's husband's recent snub from his own class, and then think of all the great people WE all could have missed, had we been such snobs. That would have included Tom, of course. So we all owe you a debt of gratitude, Tom, and certainly the solid assurance that you ARE still one of us, which you've already known, for some time. Thanks for this great idea, and also thanks to your helpmates, also from 1958, WM. R. HOWARD and DONALD I. MCCOY. I believe there was also a little push from 1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL, who will be on board with all of you, for all future years. Yep, this is going to be an annual event, and I couldn't be more excited!
Now, I'm not going to even TRY to tell you that I can list each and every person who was there. I know the count had to be at least 100 and most of us are of the opinion it was closer to 150. Many of us saw faces we hadn't seen in 30-plus, 40-plus, even 50- plus years. After trying to list names, I quickly saw it would be a futile attempt. Before I attempt this, do be aware that this was an open event, definitely not restricted to MS kids only. We're all now very aware of how special was our little MS village, and we now know why all the kids from all other neighborhoods were always there, so we welcome all of you with open arms! Please write back and tell me if you were there and I missed your name, so I can update it in the next bulletin. Here are the ones I recall and I'm not even going to TRY to do class years on this one: ANTIA RAE MASON, SARAH M. "JACKIE" MASON (spouse O. A. Hargis, Jr.), CLEO WEBB, GLENETTA CRAIG, ROSEMARY EDGINTON, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT (spouse Frank L. Hawver-male), JUDY M. FRANTZ, LARRY LEMONS, KEITH H. CLENDENON, BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, RON-ALD D. "TOM" FEE, WM. R. HOWARD, JEAN & HERB MATHENY, CHAS. MATHENY, JAS. E. RICHARDSON, SHIRLEY STURGILL and daughter CHRISTY, K. JUNE CRUTCHFIELD, W. BAILEY HAWKINS, JOYCE A. AUSTIN, WANDA G. ESKRIDGE, LORETTA F. CRIDER, BARBARA E. CRIDER, LAWRENCE J. RENAS, JR. (wife Josie), THOS. D. ELLIOTT, DONALD I. MCCOY, Ralph J. Osterman (my sister's widower), NINA KRAMER, THERESA M. MOSES, DOROTHY M. COMBS, JAYME BROOKS, EARL & DONNA BROOKS, NANCY L. HOHNHORST, CHRIS & STEVEN STIDHAM, LARRY McCLAIN, H. JAY CARROLL, JR., EVELYN J. HOLLINGER, BETTY LEE CARROLL, RALPH H. WARNER, SHERRY QUILLEN, JANET LAIL, PAT SMITH, BILL SMITH, BOB SMITH, BOB CRAIG (brother of RONALD P.), CECIL STRADER, CHERYLE JEAN SMITH, lady with maiden name TACKETT, DOTTIE INGRAM, BETTY WYATT, ROGER FITZ, GARY HAUGHT, TONY HAUGHT, BILL HAUGHT, IDA MATHENY, Martha E. Craig, (RONALD P. widow), CAROLYN MELZONI (husband Tolman), GEORGIA CRAIG, MIDGE GILBERT, PATTY JO WHEELBARGER, and GEORGIA GRAHAM. I know many names aren't here. Please let me know if your name was omitted, so I can update and correct. Thank you.
It would take me forever to tell all of you how thrilled I was to see Wanda Eskridge, once again, as well as Joyce Austin, Loretta Crider, and Keith Clendenon. Wanda and I had been really close pals, throughout elementary school. In junior high and high school, I also got very chummy with Joyce and Loretta, and I'd known all of them, my entire life, including Keith. I hadn't seen Keith in 48 1/2 years, and believe me, he will tell you I recognized him. So that was all just a thrill for me, and we all hugged each other until our arms were tired. In fact, I don't believe I've ever seen MORE hugging in a VERY long time, at ANY event. The girls from my class all looked just great. Wanda is still married to high school sweetheart and fellow class member, W. KEITH HAYES, who was other- wise occupied on that day. But I'll bet Keith will be there with her, come next year. By the way, Wanda is still VERY pretty!
As for food---well, just as I predicted, there was tons of it and a shortage of nothing, in spite of the fact it did not entail specific assignments. These things, as I kept writing, have a way of working out to the very best, for everyone. This one was perfect. To you, Tom Fee, I doff my hat (figuratively speaking, of course) for what turned out to be a fantastic idea, which did (and will have) far-reaching effects for us all. Miami Shores Memories is now etched in stone and will be an annual event of our alumni weekend, of that there is no question. Plans are already in the works for next year. On board, once again, is our able crew, who will assist Tom. They are WM. R. HOWARD and DONALD I. MCCOY, and they'll be joined by none other than BETTY LEE CARROLL, who sits on the Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Moraine. How much better can it possibly get? I can scarcely wait for 2009, even though this year's events just ended. Spread the word! You sure don't want to miss this event, along with all others!
That event had barely come to a close and there was no time for me to return to my hosting home for a refresher, prior to heading for the dinner-dance of that evening. I was exhausted and searching for a friendly harbor. So I headed straight to the home of Georgia Bailey, mother of my classmate, EULA FAYE BAILEY, where southern hospitality is the order of the day, and they all "took me in." I got to spend a bit of extra time with Eula Faye and I also met her sister, brother-in-law, and nieces, all of whom soon departed, leaving Eula Faye and I to our own devices, a situation with which she and I have no problem.
She and I had already planned on going together to the dinner/dance, so I got to enjoy a bit of relaxing time, which was what got me through the rest of the evening. The pace had been non-stop, ever since my Wednesday arrival. Eula Faye and I arrived at 6 and there was a gorgeous corsage for me, awaiting my arrival. I would later learn that the girls of 1963 had engineered this lovely surprise, and I suspect it was primarily FRANCIS L. PEFFLY, ANNA MAE STOKES, SANDRA K. MINIX, and SHIRLEY ANN RANKIN. Many thanks to ALL of you, whoever else it may have been, and how very nice of you all! (It's now setting in my desk window, aging properly, and back in its original constainer.)
At this time, it is fitting I pay recognition to someone who doesn't want it. That person is 1963's FRAN- CES L. PEFFLY, and I'm recognizing her for a very generous contribution to what I've come to call, "the alumni fund," for lack of a better term. She was very successful in sneaking her generous contribution to me, under the cover of a card and gift box, and she wanted no recognition, and no, I don't ever ask for money, for doing what I do. But now and then, one of you wants to do something special to contribute to the cost of the mailings, print cartridges, etc. So I find a surprise in the mail, every now and then. I do spend it all on us, that's for sure. So thank you, Fran, and that was surely not necessary.
The dinner/dance, like everything else of that week- end, was simply wonderful. We all had such a great time. Sharing the table with Eula Faye and me were sisters, 1955's DONNA G. and 1960's SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, along with EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY and wife Marilyn, AARON COUCH and companion Linda. By the end of the evening, I was glad I went to Shirley's house the day I arrived. It would prove to be our only one-on-one visiting time before I left. It was wonderful to see Aaron and Eddie in the same group, but certainly a tinge of sadness to know their other closest pal, the late CURITS A. KEMP, had passed away on July 10. We all missed Curt.
As I read the list of passings which had come since our last dinner/dance, I got to my late sister's name, 1956's JUDY ANN RISNER, and I completely lost my composure. I can't quite explain that. I knew it would be there, of course. But there was just some sort of shock value in actually seeing her name on that list. I had to excuse myself and regroup. Once I regained my composure, I was okay for the rest of the night, but that was a hard moment.
As the evening passed, I got to spend a bit of quiet and personal time with 1958's VINCENT A. BROD- BECK, surely one of our most beloved among WC alumni. I'd had a really terrible, emotional reaction to the April 7 tragedy which took the life of Vince's wife, my classmate, DOROTHY J. WILLMAN. So I wanted to know how Vince was doing. He said he was taking care of himself and coping, to the best of his ability. I was so happy to hear that. Vince is a dear, he truly is. We all miss Dottie, and all other of our late alumni.
We had a wonderful dinner together and everyone got caught up on the past year. The spotlight class of 1958 had a staggering 53 class members who were in attendance, I heard. Is that correct? Do any of you 1958 readers know the exact count? If it was 53, I think that could very well be some sort of high record, at least since I'VE been attending.
Later, of course, everyone hit the dance floor. There was special recognition for 1933's A. EMERSON FAHRNEY, who is now 92 years old and utterly a phenomenon. Minutes later, he was on the dance floor, doing an admirable job, I might add. As I sat watching him, slack-jawed and with a bulging corn pushing into the bottom of my left heel, causing me to limp a little, I wondered where I'd gone wrong. I was but 66. Mr. Fahrney, you're inspiring!
Certainly, the same can be said for our, "teacher emeritus," MURL E. HUFFMAN. Now, I've got him in my book as being born in 1918, but he's telling me now, it's not that year, which would have made him 90 in December. But whatever his age, he's at all the functions and nothing seems to slow his pace or cause him to miss anything, which is just great!
As the evening swept into high gear, the Class of 1963 commandeered the entire dance floor in a long line of folks doing the Stroll, capably led by class member, LEE JEAN JORDAN. She wasn't lacking in willing participants, that's for sure. It was fun to watch, fun to do, and just plain fun, period!
Keeping up with people was impossible, to say the least. Everyone flitted here and there, talking with this person or that one, as they were spotted across the large ballroom. Cries of delight could be heard all evening, as one old high chum spotted another, who'd been unseen for years. I saw people nearly run toward each other, so happy were they to see one another again. If you were talking to someone, you had to keep your eye right on them, as they'd soon be headed off in another direction, to speak with yet another person. It was all way too fun!
Sitting at one table with the spotlight class of 1958 was the, "formerly-lost," KEITH E. ANDERSON, with his pal, ROBT. W. "SMITTY" SMITH and wife, Crystal. I think Keith may have come all the way from North Carolina and I know Smitty came from Wisconsin, in order to be there.
It was wonderful to see that glamorous pair, NEIL H. SIZER, 1957, and SHIRLEY R. PARKS, 1959. It wasn't a marker year for either of their classes, but they were there, just the same. You two are so very stylish and attractive, you're giving our other oh-so-glamorous pair, a run for their money. That would be, of course, 1959's BETSY R. MURPHY and her suave spouse, 1960's T. BARRY RUSSELLO. By the way, Barry and Betsy, you two always manage to simply amaze me! You can put on jeans and basic T-shirts, and you still both have that look of glamour. I don't believe that is a learned trait. I think we either have that, or we don't. Both the Sizers and the Russellos do have it. By the way, Neil, did you speak to your younger brother, 1959's GARY L. SIZER? We would all REALLY like to see you at our functions, Gary! Come on down! As my friend, EULA FAYE BAILEY, always says, "We'll treat you so many ways, you're bound to like one of them!" I do hope you'll be present next year. After all, it will be your 50th! I presume you wouldn't miss THAT one, no matter what!
After the dinner portion, people arrived who hadn't been there previously. I got to see classmate and fellow Miami Shores Kid, LARRY M. PENDLEY, who loudly proclaimed, "Hello, First Wife!" as I re- sponded in kind, "Hello, First Husband!" It was just wonderful to see Larry again. I've known him for my entire life. He was accompanied by wife, Judi, who looked lovely.
Another glamorous pair arrived, 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE, and spouse, 1960's CHAS. A. "BUD" LOWMAN, who was looking very fit, after his little hospital stay. We were all pleased to see them. In the hallway was 1961 homecoming queen, CHRIS L. CLEARY, who could have donned her gown and looked precisely the same as she did in her queen photo in the yearbook. How DO you do it, Chris?
Larry had a wonderful reunion with his classmate, MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL. As I turned around, there stood SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, talking with one of our most well-liked class members, GERALD A. FULLER. Jerry was in pain from a recent biopsy which had been done on his tongue and he advised us all never to have THAT done! I can but imagine the extent of pain with such a surgery. We all hope you're doing much better, Jerry. Keep us posted.
Inside the ballroom, at a nearby table, was the still- beautiful SHARON LYNN BORGER. We were all SO pleased to have you with us, Sharon! Please do be there, every year. You light up the room. So does 1961's LILY K. "KITTY" BURDETTE. I met Kitty's very personable spouse, Victor P. Infanto. He and I chatted for several minutes. Also seated near us were 1960's ROSS A. HODGSON and his long- time companion, 1965's LINDA S. JOHNSON, who has a long affiliation with the WC historical society. I also saw published author, CAROL A. MUMMA.
Darting everywhere was 1960's PHILLIP H. WOL-FORD, who was obviously having the time of his life. Wife Cheryl was by his side and also smiling a lot. Not far from 1960 tables, was the 1956 table. which is my sister's class. I saw DOUGLAS H. HOWE and RALPH D. WILSON, but couldn't help but think how strange it was NOT to see the face of DENNIS A. MICHAEL at that table, as well as that of my late sister, both of whom never missed. We all do hope to see you next year, Dennis!
It could have been due to just being too busy with my social butterfly-ing, I suppose, but it seemed to me as though we didn't have very many alumni of the early 1950s classes, through to the late-1950s classes, with the exception of 1958, who were the 50th-year class. If I'm wrong, do let me know.
However, I did see (and briefly speak with 1953's homecoming queen, JACQUELYN S. DUNCAN, whose current surname is Bowman, as she is the widow of Woodrow W. Bowman, the late proprietor of our beloved (and razed) Woody's Supermarket. We went through the dinner line together, along with EULA FAYE BAILEY. Jackie still looks great. Also, I spoke with a 1951 class member, whom I was very much hoping might be the recently-signed-reader, DOYLE A. LONAKER, as I was hoping to meet him. But it was not. We sure hope you'll be there, come next year, Doyle!
Soon, I looked up and saw a still-crowded and very active dance floor, which was populated by (among others) CHAS. V. CARTER and wife, Pam, as well as EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY and wife, Marilyn. I must tell all of you that Marilyn is precisely as we all knew she would be---personable, attractive, a great sport, and very charming. It was a joy to meet you, Marilyn, and we all can't wait for you both to return.
We finally saw LEONARD F. KUHN, who'd spent the bulk of the weekend with his 1958 cohorts, but didn't miss the dinner/dance, I'm happy to report. I am of the opinion we all have to pull together and get more of our 1950s folks to this event. Don't you agree? We need to spread the word. I'd also very much like to see more 1960s, 1970's, 1980s, and 1990s alumni at this event (and all others, for that matter.) Let's try hard to work on that, between now and next year. Our alumni committee really do work hard on putting this together for us. I'd love to see us have to rent out the Astrodome for this event!
Eula Faye and I had every intention of trying to drag out our old friend, BEVERLY A. BOWMAN, while we were both there. But the time slipped away too quickly and we didn't get that done. I still want to do it, of course, but it won't be this year, I guess. I hope for more free time, come next year!
As usual, I suppose the 1961 class wins the beauty award again. There are smashing-looking alumni in every single class, that's true, and my own 1960 has its fair share. But those 1961 folks are amazing! It is just unbelievable how good they all seem to look! I think they have some sort of voodoo secret which they aren't sharing with any of us. With great ease, PAULA R. WILSON and DONNA J. RICHARDS can slip right into their cheerleading outfits. Then there's JANET L. WALTERS, who is nothing short of glamorous, SALLY L. GILLETTE, who could be on a magazine cover, CHRIS L. CLEARY, ever the beautiful homecoming queen, LILY K. "KITTY" BUR- DETTE, as vivacious and stunning as ever, there's CAROLE J. LEWIS, whose blue eyes are as clear and pretty as when she was a junior, SANDRA S. MAYO, still utterly gorgeous, and so is EDNA L. GRAY, and then SANDRA S. HOLLINGSWORTH, who looks great, and P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, whose face NEVER seems to age. Just look at JUDY M. FRANTZ! There are a lot of others, too. C'mon, you guys! Tell us what you're doing, will you?
Believe me when I tell you, if you weren't there, you really missed a great weekend! I do hope you'll be with us all, come next year, and every year after. It's a not-to-be-missed kind of event. Yes, it's tiring. I'm about half-dead, by the time I get home because I go to every event, if I'm aware of it. But I keep telling myself it's just one weekend a year, so I'll have lots of time to get rested.
There were many people I sorely missed and they include any person who belongs to the first family of WC, the MAYSes, with the exception of the ever- faithful, ever-present WILLMA, 1950; 1955's NORM
-AN E. JACKSON, the already-mentioned DENNIS A. MICHAEL, 1956; where were our 1957 people, but for NEIL H. SIZER? Of course, 1958 turned out in huge numbers. Yes, 1959, your homecoming queen was there, SHIRLEY R. PARKS, and so was BETSY R. MURPHY, accompanied by her 1960 spouse, T. BARRY RUSSELLO, but who were the other 1959 attendees, aside from one of your most faithful class members, GARY E. BARNES? I was simply floored, RICHARD C. CALL (1962) when you weren't there, what with your old pals, Eddie and Aaron both being there. I hope you're okay. I looked everywhere for the WOLFs (THOS. L., JR., of 1960) and wife Susan. More later on them. I'd been almost giddy with excitement at seeing my old friend, 1960's PHILLIP D. HOWARD, and finally meeting his 1967 spouse, MARIAN K. HUSSEY. I was quite disappointed by their absence, but am making the assumption you weren't feeling up to par, Phil. Is that correct?
The earlier 1960s classes (1960-1964) were pretty well-represented, speaking generally, but we all need to pitch in and support our alumni association by attending all events. Let's try to do better. Let's try to do more. Let's all try to be there. If you're not sick, if you're not unavoidably detained, please put these events first. I've previously written this, but it bears repeating. If you're invited to someplace on that weekend, your standard response should be, "I would dearly love to do that. But I have a standing, annual commitment on that weekend. If we can do it on any other weekend, fine, but not that one." Going to our events should not be just something you do if you've got nothing better to do. It should not be the event we drop, in order to do something else. I've got news for you. There IS nothing better to do!
In any case, Eula Faye and I both opted for a fairly early night. You see, our collective feet hurt, we both were tired, and by the time I got to the dinner/dance, all I really wanted to do, was sit down and rest! But it took us a solid 20 minutes to extricate ourselves from all the good-byes and hugs and final chats. Of course, I love that part, so it was fine.
Before I could get out the door, a gentleman (who shall remain nameless) sidled up to me to express his utter disappointment at NOT seeing the person he described as, "gorgeous and sexy." Who was it? Well, it was 1959's BETTY C. BURDETTE, he told me. You've still got a fan club, Betty!
On the following morning, as I headed out of town, I said special farewells to a few more of my WC pals, who were 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, 1959's BETSY R. MURPHY, 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST (wife Sally), T. BARRY RUSSELLO, CHAS. V. CARTER (wife Pam), EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY, AARON COUCH, and 1971's PATTY JO WHEEL-BARGER. Everyone vowed to maintain contact, of course, and we actually do a pretty good job of it. I also have other people with whom I maintain a level of personal contact., too. We of WC sure do have a special thing happening, you know.
As I headed to the open road for my return trip to my new home in Tennessee, I couldn't help but reflect on the wonderful few days I'd just experienced, with so many people who go practically all the way back to the beginning of my life. It was a rewarding and warm adventure. At the same time, I couldn't help but wonder what on earth could have kept away the many who weren't in attendance. After my very first year of this event, I knew I'd never again miss it, if I was breathing and seeing and physically capable to getting there. For years, I drove all the way from my Florida home, in order to attend. Now, I drive but 1/3 of that distance, so the trip is much shorter and easier and quicker.
Upon my arrival home (around 6:15 that evening), I would be greeted, not only by my family members, but also by a slug of enthusiastic e-mails from all of you. We're going to go ahead and address those in this bulletin, as it's going to be several weeks, if not a month or more, until I write another one. I'll need a serious rest, after THIS one. Ha!
One of my first ones came from Ann Mays, spouse of 1960's J. DAVID MAYS, in which she explained their absence by writing that her family plans some sort of huge gathering, which normally seems to fall on that same weekend. Well, that's unfortunate, for sure, and we really did miss having the two of you with us, Ann and Dave. We hope things will work out better, come 2009.
From 1961's BARBARA J. TURNINGTON came an e-mail in which she wrote of a new e-mail address for herself. I've noted that, Barb, and where were you, all weekend, while we were all running around and seeing each other? We missed you! You be sure to be there, come next year, hear?
Wonderful photos of alumni weekend arrived from 1960's T. BARRY RUSSELLO and from two other classmates, MICHAEL S. WEST and PHILLIP H. WOLFORD . I trust they will all be posted on our blog, Mike? There were sure some great ones in the mix! Thanks to both of you for your efforts.
Excitement abounds for what will be the Second Annual Miami Shores Memories gathering in 2009! As I earlier wrote, I was simply overwhelmed with the enthusiasm for this fledgling event. The number of attendees came as a great surprise and now, the arrangements are already underway for next year's gathering. So mark your calendars. I'm guessing it will be on the October 10 weekend next year, but we don't yet know for sure.
This event (brainchild of 1958's RONALD W. "TOM" FEE) was brought to life this year by him and his 3 able assistants (DONALD I. MCCOY and WM. R. HOWARD) with a very professional push from 1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL. Betty and Don are both already immersed in next year's plans. I again thank everyone who was/is involved with this well-planned and well-attended event. I feel comfortable in extend
-ing an invite to all of you, for next year. We'll all warm up for that night's dinner/dance. It will be a perfect day of camaraderie!
A follow-up came from 1956's RALPH D. WILSON, who reported he'd gotten to spend some extra time with nephew, 1964's TERRY L. WILSON. I also got one from Terry, who said he'd enjoyed his visit and seeing the old terrain as well as his numerous family members We hope to see you both at next year's functions.
Although he has yet to join us for any of our events, I continue to keep 1960's class treasurer, THOM B. THOMPSON, in the loop. Naturally, we all hope to see him in 2010, so that we'll have 100% presence of our class officers. Thom live 148 miles from me, in Ten Mile, Tennessee.
From another Tennessee resident and 1960 class member, MICHAEL S. WEST, came a report that he had attended the WC Historical Society event on Sunday and saw quite a few things of interest. Had I stayed in town an extra day, as originally intended, I'd have gone to that event, also. But as it happened
, I headed back home about 11, that morning.
With great pleasure, and at his request, I was able to provide to PHILLIP H. WOLFORD, addresses he requested for classmates GERALD A. FULLER, CHAS. A. "BUD" LOWMAN III, and DANNY L. WALTERS. It was wonderful to see what fun you were having at the events, Phil, and I was so happy you were there again. I do hope you'll continue to attend. Cheryl, you were a delight! Also, consider this the 2-year alert to all the 1960 people. Our 50th will be here, before you can get your breath. There are NO acceptable excuses for missing THAT one! We simply MUST somehow manage to outnumber the 1958-ers this year, and I don't know how we're going to do THAT! They had quite an impressive showing.
Of course, we still have travelers, even though many of us had just returned from Ohio. For instance, we had 1960's JUDITH A. SLIFE, who actually did go to New England, during our alumni weekend. Judy, I promise you, some of the faces you might've seen at the functions, could've proven just as delightful a scene as the turning leaves. We all hope you will reconsider, come next year. Try to get your sister and brother-in-law to join you, okay?
Then we had 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFLY, who went right to Ecuador in Central America, right after our weekend concluded. This report came to me from her classmate, SHIRLEY ANN RANKIN, who had traveled to Florida with old pal, ANNA MAE STOKES, after the festivities. Fran and I have been on the phone, several times, since our events. Also traveling a great distance was 1963's SANDRA K. MINIX, who went back to Paris, France, to see the new grandchild of her and spouse, DAVID G. OTT. Wow! Talk about a tirp! Dave held down the fort, this time.
Also traveling during our weekend, was THOS. L. WOLF., JR. and wife Susan. It seems they had a scheduling conflict, what with their son running in the Chicago Marathon. The Wolfs went there to, "cheer him on," as Susan wrote. We do hope to see you both again, come next year, though!
From 1954's FREDA P. FLETCHER came e-mail in which she thanked me for correcting her class year. It was my pleasure, Freda! Now, how about YOU coming up to the events, hear? Next year, it will be your 55th! We're all going to be expecting you!
From the still-utterly-gorgeous SANDRA S. MAYO, 1962, came an e-mail to see if I'd yet sent a bulletin in October. Well, no, Sande, I hadn't. But by the time you get THIS one, you're going to be darned sorry you asked THAT question! Sande was unable to be with us this year, due to the health of her 92- year old mother, whom she says is very dear to her. We wish her well, Sande, and you, too, and so hope to see you, come next year!
Do you know that 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON got caught up in a home project and forgot all about us? Now, we can't have THAT sort of stuff going on, Norm. In future years, I'm just going to have to call you, I guess. It wasn't the same, without you. Norm and I have decided we want to ride our motorcycles together, at least once more, for old times' sake, just as we did, years ago. I can't wait for that one!
From 1959's GARY E. BARNES came an e-mail in which he wrote he and Pat wish to be at Ron's Pizza next year, on Thursday eve. That will be the 50th for Gary's class. For reasons I can't pinpoint, I find the 1959 class to be consistently under-represented. I don't know why. Gary is ever-faithful and is at everything, as is BETSY R. MURPHY. I'm pleased to write that homecoming queen, SHIRLEY R. PARKS
, has been visible for a couple of years, and we had H. JAY CARROLL, JR., this year. That class has a lot of nifty members in it, so I do hope it will change, as regards members in attendance, especially in view of next year being their 50th. In the interim, we will all expect you Ron's next year, Gary and Pat!
From 1958's NICHOLAS P. WOLARY came e-mail in which he proclaimed he's, "just plain tired," and he couldn't make another trip to Ohio. Nick wrote he has been making SO many trips to Ohio over the past 3 years (since his move to Sevierville, Tenn.), he just couldn't face another one, even for his 50th, apparently. Well, that's too bad, Nick, and we all do wish you'd been there. We hope you'll make it for next year, for sure.
Can you even believe my old pal, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT missed the dinner/dance? I was floored by that! No more free passes for you, Lynn! You be sure you're there next year. I was just crushed by your absence. Lynn told me she just couldn't get up the steam to get ready and go. She was so sorry, later, that she didn't come to it. Lynn did make a comment on the absence of classmates PAUL R. BEARDSLEY and SANDRA E. BROCK, at the MS gathering. I, too, was disappointed by that. What happened to you two, Paul and Sandy?
Also missing the dinner/dance, in spite of having paid reservations, were 1960's vice-president THOS. D. YOUNG and his wife Sandi. As you all know, Sandi and I are quite close and I speak with them both on a regular basis. Sandi was very ill on that weekend and, as of this writing, still hasn't quite made it back to normal. She and Tom took a few days to travel down to the Outer Banks during the following week, but pulled up short and returned to their Xenia home. We all hope you're feeling much better, Sandi! I've talked several times to Tom of late, and hope to talk with Sandi this week, too.
Did anyone have more fun than 1963's LEE JEAN JORDAN? Well, maybe Eddie Kelly, I guess. But Lee Jean was thrilled with everything and said she didn't stop laughing for the entire weekend. That's just what the point is, right?
Sadly, we did not see our beloved JACK L. GODBY of 1961. He wrote he hoped we all had great fun. I guess you can be sure, Jack, we all did that. But it sure wasn't as fun as it would have been, if YOU were there. Please join us next year, okay?
Checking in to say they had a marvelous time, were Marilyn Kelly and 1960 spouse, EDGAR L. (Fonzie) "EDDIE" KELLY. They were safely back at their home in Nampa, Idaho. Well, it was a joy to meet you, Marilyn, and I know everyone else shares that opinion, too. We've all long been curious about the woman who married Eddie!
Wonderful exchanges have occurred with KEITH H. CLENDENON, 1960. As earlier written, I actually recognized Keith, even though I hadn't seen him in 48-plus years. Since my return home, we've had a number of exchanges which we've chosen to call, "catching up." I'm sure I'll be seeing you every year, now, Keith. I'm so glad you came to the MS gig!
There was also communication from RICHARD C. CALL, via his wife, Jean. They've had some health issues in their family, albeit nothing of a life-threaten -ing nature, but enough to keep them from joining us on that weekend. I knew something had to be amiss to keep Rich from seeing Eddie and Aaron. We all hope to see you both next year, Rich and Jean! Do keep us posted.
Also greatly enjoying their weekend were DEVONA S. TAYLOR, 1960, and her spouse, GENE COUCH (who joined us later in the evening, on the night of the dinner/dance). Dee and Gene also have a new e-mail address and she advised me of that, too. I am sure they have long since returned to their home in Broadhead, Kentucky. While they were in town, they met with Gene's brother, Aaron, and his lady friend, Linda, as well as Eddie and Marilyn Kelly.
Now, listen up, folks! I'm trying to reconnect two old friends. We all know how important that is, in the grand scheme of what we do. Someone among all of you is probably aware of how to contact alumnus, ROSEMARY EDGINGTON. I spoke with her at the MS gathering. If you are, please send me contact info for her. I think she's 1959. Anyway, she was a dear friend of 1958's JUDITH M. PEPPER, through her entire childhood. Rosemary spoke over and over of seeing Judy again, and told me repeatedly how much it would mean to her, to see Judy again. Let's all pull together and get these two old friends reconnected, shall we? Send me any info you have which will help me to accomplish this, please.
Since returning home, I got an e-mail from LARRY D. GILBERT, 1961. Were your ears burning on that weekend, Larry? Well, they should have been. We talked of you. I won't repeat the story but I will tell you it came from your classmate, NANCY L. HOHNHORST. Think awhile and pick your brain. I'd also advise you NOT to be absent from next year's great events. Several people inquired about you.
As of the end of October, GERALD A. FULLER of 1960, and his WC-honorary wife, Becky, are off to Florida until March 15. They will return to Panama City Beach, until that time. Jerry and Becky, we all wish you a safe trip. Stay well, stay safe, and keep in touch with us, okay?
From 1958's DONALD I. MCCOY came a report on my classmate, PHILLIP D. HOWARD, who had the dual-organ transplant on June 5. Phil sends his best to us all, and thanks us for all our support (in the form of cards, e-mails, checks, cash, and good wishes). Phil is back in the hospital right now, with a blood clot, reports Don. He says he's doing all right, and hopes to continue to improve. He and wife, 1967's MARIAN KAY HUSSEY, had intended to be with us, but just as I suspected, he suffered a setback around that time and couldn't join us. We'll all keep our fingers crossed for you, Phil, and we hope to have you with us, come next year! Thanks, Don, for sending that report.
Lately, I've also had numerous and lengthy e-mail exchanges with 1960's SANDRA L. WERNER. It has been a good many years, so Sandy and I are in that catching-up mode, which we all do, when it has been so many years. Sandy lives in Springfield, not far from where I lived for 12 1/2 years (New Carlisle) prior to my 1977 move to Florida. She also has two daughters, as I do.
Giving a full report, as always, is 1957's THERESA M. ELLIOTT, who wrote to me regarding a Sept. 9 gathering of some of her class members at the home of E. BETH BOLLINGER in Springboro. Also present were JO CAROLYN BROWN, JUDY LEE KREITZER, MELANIE L. HOHNHORST, JOYCE E. CANTRELL, ELAH P. PETTIT, SHARON R. WEST, RANDALL W. PARKS, KENNETH L. PARKS (who is 1959,by the way), MARY C. GATES, teacher MURL E. HUFFMAN (of course), and Theresa's spouse, THOS. D. ELLIOTT. All spouses were also present. At the dinner/dance, Theresa reports they had 7 class members present. Thanks for another great report, Theresa!
Most of you are probably totally unaware of my far-reaching powers of telepathy. However, GARY L. WARLAUMONT is well aware of them. For years now, I've been ragging him about going to Myrtle Beach on our alumni weekend. I've threatened him with curses, spells, and hexes. Well, it finally did happen. As he flew back from his golf game, in his own airplane, on the very day of our dinner/dance, one of his engines sprung a leak. I dare you all to guess where he had to land that plane, and on an emergency basis. Yep, it was Tri-Cities Regional Airport in Kingsport, Tennessee!
Yes, he did think I had hexed him. Did I? Well, I'll never tell, but I sure do want him to think I did. Just maybe he'll think twice about dumping us all, come next year, in favor of a golf tourney. Anyway, he let me know he was coming to pick up his plane the following week. He came to town on October 22, I picked him up at the aviation center and brought him to my house.
He and Gil visited for a bit. They've known each other for a number of years. Then I took him on the ten-cent tour around my house and its grounds and we drove to the nearby---what else?---golf course. He was duly impressed and vowed to return to play the course with DAVID A. BLAIR and LARRY M. PENDLEY. Well, come on! I'm ready and waiting and I promise not to hex the plane.
On this date (Oct. 28), I sent a special package to 1958's WM. R. HOWARD. It's just a little something to help with our future alumni efforts. By the time you all read this, he'll have gotten it, I'm sure.
Last week, I had a call from JUNE E. "JUNETTA" BUNDY, 1955. I always like to talk to Junetta. She told me she isn't in good health and I was sorry to hear that. We want you to get well enough to come to Ohio, Junetta!
Well, folks, if you can believe this, I'm finally to the end of all my WC e-mail. This WeCaTon is, by far, the lengthiest one I've ever done, as I warned you all, in the beginning. I'm now going to take a few weeks off from writing these, and of course, we're right on top of the holiday season again. Can you even believe that? Even more surprisingly, come the month of January, my husband and I will begin our third year as residents of Tennessee. I'm just bowled over by THAT one, as it seems as though it was just last month, when I told all of you we'd be leaving Florida, remember? But time really does march on, doesn't it?
In closing, I will thank each of you for your continued, faithful readership. I will also ask you to send me all your news, as I launch into my 9th year of writing the WeCaTon News Report. This is a joint effort, as I'm continually writing. I need all of you, in order to keep this afloat. I leave you with my wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
(P.S. There will be a pop quiz later, on this one. Ha!)