The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Friday, November 28, 2008

Had an interesting career while in school. We can't excerpt the email traffic here without risking losing the best parts, so here is all of it:
From: Terry Wilson
Date: 10/02/08 18:40:59
To: Bonnie
To: Bonnie
Subject: Re: Okay, Terry, 1962. I've---
You may get a kick out of the attached photo. I found it posted in the WC link page. When I was 15, I worked at WING, I was at the time the youngest DJ in a major market. The photo was snapped seconds prior to my going on the air for the very first time in 1963. I was also Phil Donahue’s first stage manager when he started at WLWD-in Dayton. I’m still in the biz, working as a TV producer and on air host for Wealth TV, a national cable network based in San Diego. It’s going to be a “hoot” to retrace all those memories. A little scary, but nevertheless, a hoot.
On 10/2/08 4:34 PM, Bonnie wrote:
---got it. You have some serious relatives with great images in WC. I'm sure you're one of those, too. I looked you up in the 1962 Piratan. Just all Wilsons, you are blessed with extraordinary good looks. Of the folks in your class who will be present, I know of Richard C. Call and Barbara T. O'Neal (who used the name of Thomas in school and who's long been married to 1960's Steven M. Kokot.) I'm sure there will others, too. It's just a great, fun time. You'll be SO pleased you attended!
---got it. You have some serious relatives with great images in WC. I'm sure you're one of those, too. I looked you up in the 1962 Piratan. Just all Wilsons, you are blessed with extraordinary good looks. Of the folks in your class who will be present, I know of Richard C. Call and Barbara T. O'Neal (who used the name of Thomas in school and who's long been married to 1960's Steven M. Kokot.) I'm sure there will others, too. It's just a great, fun time. You'll be SO pleased you attended!
From: Terry Wilson
Date: 10/02/08 17:19:44
To: Bonnie Risner Miller
Subject: Re: You'll have the time of your life, Terry,---
Hi Bonnie:Ralph just e-mailed me and he is going to attend, as well as my cousin Paula and Marie. I graduated in 1964, don’t make me any older than I already am! I plan to cruise Frisch’s Friday night with Paula and Marie, of course I’ll be attending the dinner/dance on Sat. Please add me to your list of WC bulletin readers. It would be great to hear from some of my former classmates.Regards,Terry
On 10/2/08 3:07 PM, "Bonnie wrote:
---I can promise you that. Never again will you miss one! It's a full weekend of events. On Friday morn, there is a WC Golf Tourney at Mound Golf Course in Miamisburg. That evening, we all convene at the old Moraine City Frisch's for a great evening of fun. On Saturday, 1 p.m., there is a Miami Shores gathering (open to all) at Wendell Wax Memorial Park in Miami Shores. That evening is the crown jewel event, the dinner/dance. This is not really a single-year reunion event, though. It's for anyone and every-one who has ever attended WC high school, and for all years of grads. You're going to love it! Your Uncle Ralph is terribly excited about your attending and, in fact, wasn't going to be there this year, until he heard you were flying into town for it. Ralph rarely misses this, so it was going to be odd not to have him there. Shall I add you to our list of regular WC bulletin readers? What class year are you? Is it 1962?
From: Terry Wilson
Date: 10/02/08 15:44:17
To: Bonnie
Subject: WC reunion
Hello Bonnie: My name is Terry Wilson class of "64" I'm also Ralph Wilson's nephew.Ralph suggested I e-mail you to let you know that I'll be attending thereunion and cruise. I've already registered for the dinner and dance and will be arrivingThursday, staying at the Holiday Inn in Miamisburg.The last time I was home was in '75, so this will surely be a trip that merits a few Kodak moments.