The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Most of us will recall Wilma as the second wife of WOODROW W. BOWMAN, longtime proprietor of our beloved Woody's Supermarket. To my 1960 classmate, RICHARD S. HOLT, I offer thanks for sending along the obituary. Woody, of course, had gotten married to wife number three, WC's 1954 (?) homecoming queen, JACKIE DUNCAN, in June of 2004. He turned 93 on January 6.
From: Richard Holt
Date: 01/31/06 10:06:09
To: Bonnie Risner
Subject: Wilma Bowman
This is for all you that worked at Woody's.
If I remember correctly Wilma was Woody's secretary.
BOWMAN, Wilma C. age 73
of Waynesville, OH. Passed away on Sunday evening Jan. 29, 2006 at Quaker Heights Extended Care Facility in Waynesville. Wilma was born to Oscar and Rosie (Reed) Brizendine on Feb. 29, 1932 in Ohio Co., KY.. She was a member of Far Hills Baptist Church and will be remembered by many from Woody's Mkt. in West Carrollton. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law Dale & Pam Bowman of Waynesville, OH., daughter and son-in-law Carolyn June & Michael Parker of Albuquerque, N.M., 2 brothers Jim and wife Mary Brizendine of Guthrie, KY,, Richard and wife Martha Brizendine of Beaver Dam, KY., sister June and husband Bill Meade of Louisville, KY., 3 grandchildren Allyson, Steven and Carly Bowman.
Visitation will be Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2006 from 5-7 p.m. at the SANNER FUNERAL HOME, 800 So. Alex Rd., West Carrollton. Further services will take place at the William L. Danks Funeral Home in Beaver Dam, KY. Final resting place will be at the Point Pleasant Presbyterian Cemetery in Butler Co., KY. on Thursday.
In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Dayton, 324 Wilmington Ave., Dayton, OH. 45420.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Bonnie Writes:
It is my great pleasure to announce that our function for this year will be held at none other than The Villages! I'm thrilled about this, for many reasons. But we'll get to that, later. It will be held as originally planned, on March 26, at the Allamanda Clubhouse facilities.
Coordinating this effort for us is 1960's J. DAVID MAYS. He and his wife, Ann, are REALLY new residents of The Villages, and they love it there, already, I'm happy to report. I was trying hard to accommodate the presence of teachers DAVID E. COLLINS and CHRIS L. CLEARY on the following weekend. But the fact is, we had people who were unable to change some plans which had been made. So we had to stick with March 26. But hey, you Collin people, just come down, anyway!
There is going to be more on this, at a later time, in the way of a firm street address, but we already know it's near to Dave & Ann's new home. We also already know we're going to have a function which is populated with people named Mays, to my utter delight. For those of us who are NOT named Mays, however, please take note that I know where you live---tee!hee!---and if you are in the state of Florida and you do NOT attend this function, I shall find you and you will be given cruel and unusual punishment, hear?
This location is even MORE convenient and centralized than was the one at JOANN STEMLEY'S condo club-house, if you can believe it. Yes, I have to drive about 95 miles. So what? I'll be there with bells (on, as they say, but that's grammatically incorrect, so I hate using it.) If we behave properly at this function (don't we always?), we just might be able to coax Dave into reserving it each year, thereby making it our permanent Spring Fest digs. My thoughts are to book the clubhouse for, say, noon to about 5pm, and then then browse the premises after that. Does anyone else have other ideas? Let's take all suggestions into consideration. I'll have more on this in just a few days. Oh my, I've forgotten the name of the hotel given to me by Ann Mays. I just can't be trusted. I don't get out much. Perhaps she will see this, and feel great sympathy for me, and send it again?
Bonnie writes that Mrs. Hubbard has opted to share some fond memories with all of us. Do enjoy, and respond to her at will. Her e-mail is hubbardo at woh dot rr dot com
Thank you, Mrs. H. (The email address has been added phonetically to aviod data miners)
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
-------Original Message-------
From: Jean Hubbard
Date: 01/26/06 14:56:22
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:06 AM
Subject: mr. hubbard
hello, murl huffman asked me to write you a little about your social studies teacher, philip hubbard. i am his widow and of course have many fond memories, perhaps you would like me to share some.
the first memory is his pleasure whenever we went to the mall and we would see former students. invariably they would come over to see us, greet phil enthusiastically, and share with us what was going on in their lives. it was fun to hear their successes and feel their happiness at being able to share it with mr hubbard.
phil and murl and the other social studies teachers had a unique relationship of mutual respect and professionalism which i always admired. they could work through the knottiest issues and still be friends at the end of the day, a tribute to all of them together and as individuals. i got the impression that his students knew that also and were better people for having had that model to follow in their lives.
after he retired in 1986 he sold men's suits at poley's and at the union in town and country and he did some substitute teaching at beavercreek and kettering. he said he had to role model getting up and going to work because we still had a middle schooler at home and he needed to see that.
he also continued his life-long admiration of the character of george washington by researching where he stayed everyday during the american revolution. he started in books and graduated to pamphlets and hometown traditions available at libraries, historical societies, and town halls. first it was lots of letters and then he discovered the net and did a lot research via the net. he found a location about 10 days before he died that he had not known before, he remained interested right up until he died.
the challenge was that washington did not keep a diary and often did not disclose his exact location. one reason was that the army was on the move. a second reason was that both sides had spies and he did not wish to give away important strategic information. also, in hot weather they would start out the days march at 2 or 4 in the morning, and then rest the soldiers in the heat of the day. many times he camped on someone's lawn in his marquee (a huge tent) rather than staying in the house. but there were also homes he took over for months, such at valley forge and morristown new jersey.
our family vacations always included visiting a place that washington had visited. the kids could tell you many stories about being all over the east and never vacationing west of the mississippi. it made for an interesting set of memories.
phil had a stroke three years ago that caused sufficient damage that he could not drive anymore. he had been on coumadin since 1991 because of an artificial heart valve and ultimately his body could not handle the coumadin anymore. he was hospitalized in the fall of 2005 for a month and the first month home was rough on both of us. but then we had a sweet spot, 5 or 6 weeks that were very special. all the kids were home for christmas and he went home very peacefully.
during the years after he retired he drew closer to the lord. he studied the bible more that he ever had, taught a men's group on saturday mornings up at the church, and prayed a lot for the people around us whom he felt the need to lift up. he said he was studying for the final exam, a saying that was not original with him but that he loved.
he belonged to the optimist club, loved to play bridge and euchre, loved to read mysteries and of course his research project into the life of washington. he had done some work on lincoln, and a little on theodore roosevelt and woodrow wilson, but washington was his first love.
he loved coming to class reunions. several classes invited him, including one down at mason where he taught 2 years before coming to west carrollton. we also went to his own 50th reunion back at west springfield, mass.
you can visit remembrances on the web at and
thanks for listening, it's fun to talk about phil and remember with you some of his interests and activities.
jean hubbard
(mrs philip m hubbard)
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
The "memory posts are all presented here. As new ones come in they will be added to the end of the January 25, 2006 post.
From: PC in Tampa
Date: 01/20/06 00:20:59
Subject: Miami Shores memories.
The list of things in Dayton started me thinking about some of the things that were in Miami Shores and West Carrollton during my youth. I send them to you, in no particular order, in hopes that some of our alumni might send their own memories. So here goes.
Venetian Way Pond, where we want swimming, fishing and ice skating. Not with skates but just our street shoes. I used to catch some real nice Bluegill out of there.
The floods. Once the water started to recede there would be pockets of standing water where you could and catch fish by hand. This was before they built the levee up.
Smith's Boathouse. I spent a lot of summer hours there just admiring the boats, (mostly the wooden Chris-Crafts) and occasionally someone would even take you for a ride in one of them.
Bonny Lee's Tavern. Used to go there on a Saturday afternoons and stand outside to watch them throw the drunks out. (There wasn't a lot to do back then.)
The old narrow bridge that led into Miami Shores. We could climb up the big rivits that were in the spans and walk on top of the bridge. My brother once even rode his bike on top of it.
Jim Richardson, Ronnie Craig, Bill Howard and I playing baseball in the street with imaginary home run walls, (a power line). And each of knew the starting line-up of our favorite major league team, mine was there Yankees.
The huge Great Dane dog that the Boytnutts had.
The Tradi'n Post that had everything from tools to pin-up magazines. I even saw Brenda Lee sing there once when she was real young.
The free movies shown on a sheet stretched between two poles in the vacant field across from the Reed and Bailey Hawkins' house. On that same field I can remember playing football, full tackle, no pads. I also smoked my first cigar there and got so sick that I couldn't watch the movie.
The airport where we used to go to practice hitting fly balls to each other.
The old Sohio gas station. I think the owners name was Chet
Webbs grocery store where you could take the store coupons that came in the mail, and trade them for ice cream, candy or whatever.
The barber shop where I very seldom ever went because I always got a home haircut.
Hopper's "Supermarket" , the brackets are mine. He always seemed like an old grouch to me.
And going across the bridge to the Montgomery Co. park where we spent most of our summer days, after it was built, playing all of the sports, including tennis. We even had a full fledged football team that played our home games there. It was coached by Rev. James Allen, minister of the Evangelical United Bretheren Church there in Miami Shores
Of course Woody's first store, The Indian River fruit stand.
And moving on down to W.C. The ice cream stand across from Woody"s, (can't remember the name of it). Woody owned it too. They used to sell a drink made of cream soda, the red kind, and ice cream that cost only a quarter, which was great. We used to stop there just about every day after practice, football, baseball or track, and get one
The little donut shop just around the corner from the H.S. stadium where we used to go in and watch the guy cutting the donuts out and flipping them up onto his thumb. And if you got a red star on your receipt your order was free. They were soooo good when you got them hot out of the fryer.
And Buck's store across from the H.S. where a lot of the students used to go to eat lunch, and catch a smoke.
Also the service station, how long since you heard that term, across from the H.S. that had the pin-ball machine that would pay off.
The brand new Henry J that Miss Marsh bought.
I am sure that I could think of many more but I will stop for now and allow someone to contribute some of their own thoughts.
P.S. One more. The huge bonfire pep rallies at the H.S., where the students formed a "snake".
Thanks for listening
From: Richard Doll
To: Bonnie
Subject: Re: Annual WC Alumni Dinner/Dance
Have to make a comment after reading through some of the memories in this email. I had a memory jar myself! I do remember the Mayfair "Burlesque" Theater. I was home from college in the winter quarter from Ohio State my freshman year, even brought a new college friend home with me -- Bob Bilsing from Upper Sandusky, Ohio (Bob and Dave Koehler -- Kaylor -- were high schood friends and roommates at OSU at the time -- Dave went on to replace Oprah Winfrey in Nashville as a news commentator a few years later and wound up in Columbus at WBNS TV for 25 years) need-less-to-say we all have our stories and time seems to add more 'spice' to them.
Bob and I were on the way home to my house on Lamme Road -- it had snowed and turned icy while we were "at the show" -- don't remember a thing about it actually! lol I was stopping, or at least trying too, on Patterson Avenue in downtown Dayton and veered into a light pole. Neither of us was hurt; but, the car was slightly damaged -- not bad at all, mind you. When I called my parents to tell them what happened -- those were the days of a one car family -- I had to go pick them up from some friends where they were playing euchre or some card game -- my dad asked how bad the car was damaged -- never mind if we were hurt!! The event must have traumatized me for years, because the next time I was ever at a burlesque show was at the Moulin Rouge in Paris over 20 years later -- learned my lesson though -- took a taxi to that one, and two women I had met on the trip!!
Richard Doll
Class of '61
From: Dallas
Date: 01/20/06 16:51:39
To: Bonnie
Subject: Re: WNR Supplement---
Hi Bonnie,
Loving all this walking down memory lane stuff. Seems to me that Bealls was about half-way between Dwyer Mill and Woody's on Rt 25. Heading south, Bealls was on the left side. They served a double burger {the Big Jim?) similar to Frisch's Big Boy but sloppier. I once lost a bet that I could eat four of them at one sitting.
Has anyone mentioned Woody's Arctic Bar that sat across Rt 25 from Woody's? Great soft ice cream for a nickle a cone and shakes for 25 cents.
I don't remember that Dayton ever had a White Castle until the last 10 years or so. The hamburger joints in Dayton I remember were called White Tower but they didn't have the little sliders that White Castle sells. I always thought it a treat to go to Cincinnati to get a bag of sliders at White Castle. You know why they're called sliders don't you? So greasy that once they're in your mouth they just slide on down. There were a few wags who called them Gut Bombs.
The thing I remember most about the Gallaher's Drug Store at 2nd and Main was the open mezzanine where you could sit and eat your meal or drink your cherry coke and look over the railing to the main floor. Nothing smells quite like a Gallaher's drug store. My favorite place in downtown Dayton was the Arcade. It seemed that if you couldn't find it in the Arcade you didn't need it and it had its own unique aroma.
Remember the old guy who sat in an electric wheelchair at the corner of 3rd and Main and sold religious trinkets? I saw him come to work one day in what looked to me like a very large, luxurious car. Might have just been a Chevy--memory is trickier as I get older. I do remember for sure that he had an Ocelot for a pet at one time. He brought it to work with him and fed it out of a bowl that he put on the sidewalk. His hands were all scratched up from taking the bowl away too soon.
I am shocked that noone has mentioned West Carrollton's greatest contribution to the world's haute cuisine---the Knot Hole's butterscotch pie. I have never tasted anything so delectable anytime or anywhere since.
Remember the cheap theaters on Jefferson Street. There were three of them I think--Rialto, Ohio and I can't remember the other one. You could see a double feature of cowboy movies for 35 cents. One of the great things about the downtown theaters was that they started showing movies at around 10:30 or 11:00 am and showed continuously until closing time. You could go in at any time and stay as long as you wanted. I seldom saw any film only once in those days.
The Mayfair was indeed an exotic place. I think it may have been built as an opera house. It had two balconies and several boxes along with an orchestra pit. The walls and ceilings were ornately decorated with plaster cherubs, flowers and vines. The balconies were closed to patrons, occupied only by Dayton Police officers who were watching to be sure G-strings and pasties stayed in place. The sight of a bush or nipples would no doubt have corrupted the entire city of Dayton. In the orchestra pit was an old, bald, skinny guy named Ruben playing piano. Ruben always wore a white shirt, no tie, baggy gabardine pants held up by suspenders. Also in the pit was a young, handsome drummer named Tony who always wore a turtle neck sweater. The dancers always paid a lot of attention to Tony. There was a comedy skit in between each stripper's act. The comics reminded me of Milton Berle, Ed Wynn, and the Three Stooges. There never seemed to be more than 10 ro 15 people in the theater at any one time.
Judith and I went to WC in December to Mr. Haggerty's going away party. It was wonderful to see people I hadn't seen in 40 years. Despite the passage of so much time, I would have recognized Mr. and Mrs. Haggerty, Mr. Huffman and Mr. Scutt anywhere. Mary Pat Russell was also there. Remember her? She was one of WC's best ever English teachers. I got to talk to Shirley Tudor (once known as shimmyin', shakin', Shirkey flag-pole Pudor, a name given to her by none other than Jack Godby) She has hardly changed at all. Looks young, pretty, and vivacious. Also talked to Bob Brane who had a long career playing back up alto sax for a lot of big names. He still is young looking and vivacious, and two out of three ain't bad. Saw several old band mates--Andrea Bailey, Dave Burns, Ricky Donovan, among many others. It was great to hear the outpouring of humorous and serious memories of band experiences. But the real theme of the night was to honor the Haggertys. It was clear that Mr. Haggerty has been a positive influence in the lives of hundreds of his students. We are all very grateful to him for instilling in us an appreciation for the rewards hard work and discipline can produce. Mrs. Haggerty was, as she always has been, gracious and charming. Her role in Mr. Haggertys work at WC was huge. Needless to say I am a Haggerty fan. The Haggertys are moving to Tucson to be near their children Tom and Beth. Judy and I spend a couple of weeks in Tucson every winter to visit an old friend and to escape Washington winter. We are going to get together with the Haggertys this year.
Well, that's about all for now. Keep the newsletters coming. I really appreciate all you do to give us a sense of community.
From:W4MSW (Mike West)
Date: 01/18/06 16:23:54
To: Bonnie
Subject: Hi A Question
Now that you are in recovery from "writers cramp", I hope that you make a speedy recovery and can write another report soon. Anyway, I think that I did tell you the "memories" piece was not my work (I hope that I did, anyway.) If it was mine, I would have taken that engineers approach and included agonizing detail about each item, -like Ollie Green the organist at Skateland, or that the directions to Old River included turning left where the red barn used to be. I would love to hear your version of a "memory lane" piece. Maybe you can include it in your novel - you are working on a novel, right? I loved the recollection of Don Eagle. Certainly, I remember him from the Saturday night wrestling on WLW-D, channel 5. Somehow, I thought of him as a national celebrity.
Remember when WLW-D was on channel 5 and moved to 2 around 1952? Channel 7 (always WHIO) was on 13 and moved the same night. In retrospect, I'm sure that was a forces relocation, as no one in their right mind would do that on a whim. BIG BUCKS, even in 1952. Every piece of equipment past the mixer board would have to be replaced!
We moved to the south Huber plat in '54. Before that, a scad of us had lived in Westwood, generally around Westwood School at Hoover and Leland Aves. That was just a few blocks from Sucher Park. (Sucher's Yummy Meats!) I would lay in bed on Saturday (Friday?) summer evenings and listen to the crowds roar at the rasslin matches. I guess they moved to WLW-D in the winter.
Another interesting neighbor was Iams, the pet food people. That started business in a garage behind a house on Delphos Ave, about three blocks from Westwood School. Two WWII vets started making dog food in their garage using surplus grain from a nearby elevator and fat from Suchers. Honest to God, that's the truth. In those days, most everything that we used or consumed was locally produced. Try to think of something that wasn't! I remember that even toothpaste and shampoo were made at a little factory on Gettysburg Ave. The shampoo, SUAVE and Vita-Fluff later went national. Davis Soap Company on Hewitt Street still makes nearly the entire crop of the little soaps and shampoos that you find at hotels. Coffee was all locally roasted. Paint was locally made. ENOUGH! It's kind of sad though, because it was all fresh, inexpensive and made by people that you knew. Today, I looked at an egg carton from Food City and they came from Wisconsin! Hell, some farmer used to bring eggs that were in the chicken the day before, right to our door at four dozen for a dollar. Mom put a pan on the porch for the eggs with a note and the money in it. If you left a note, on his next delivery he would bring the chicken! Sometimes he would leave a note, carefully handwritten by Mrs. Farmer, that he would have vegetables or whatever next week, just leave me a note in the egg pan, I'll collect later.
Now, I can't remember why I have gone into all of this, because it's not even close to why I wrote in the first place!
O yes, I was inquiring about your early recollections. I seem to remember Indian River Mkt, and Bealls Restaurant, but have lost any picture or location that I had. Were they in the area called Dwyer, close to the railroad bridge? Remember Dwyer Mill? I remember that the owner of the Doughnut Stop used to run out of flour, sugar, whatever and we would push carts full across the street to deliver to him.
Angelo's!!! The science club stopped there with Mr. Showalter after travelling to Lowes, downtown Dayton to see Forbidden Planet in 1956. It wasn't exciting or very good. After being closed for thirty-five years, Bob and Ramona Potts opened it as a family eatery. We ate there faithfully until we left town. Good eats, real meals, with potatoes and peas! Always a blue plate special for under $5.00 It closed about the time Frisch's opened in 56 or 57.
You mentioned John Strahan. He was principal (?) and then went on to some important position with the state education system, I think. Has someone heard from him?
Now, I'm really done and all that I wanted to know is where was Bealls and Indian River Mkt?
FROM: Bruce in Wears Valley, TN (formerly of Trotwood)
Memories of Dayton, OHIO
----- WING radio man-on-the-street Jack Wymer and his live interviews from under the marquee at Loew's theater. The Loew's, Colonial, RKO Keith's and State movie theaters downtown.with admission 25 cents.
The King Cole restaurant when it was located on the Second Street between Main and Ludlow streets.
A ride downtown on the street car.
Rike's Christmas displays.
Lakeside Amusement Park. General Motors and McCall's printing company.
The Goody-Goody restaurant on Salem Avenue. Trains passing through Dayton several times a day to pick up passengers at Union Station Terminal.
The Van Cleve Hotel, now a parking lot at the corner of First and Ludlow streets.
Thanksgiving Day football games between Stivers and Steele high schools.
The Virginia Cafeteria on Third Street between Main and Jefferson streets.
The NCR Christmas tree. Gallaher's Drug Store at Second and Main streets.
Disc jockey Gene "By Golly" Barry broadcasting from in front of a hardware store and spinning his top rock 'n' roll tunes.
Ted Weems, Glenn Miller, Tex Beneke and the Dorsey Brothers bringing their bands to perform at the Crystal ballroom at Lakeside Amusement Park.
The sparkling lights of a number 75 - 'like flashing little diamonds" - that illuminated the front of Elder's for the celebration of the store's 75th anniversary.
Big band concerts at Island Park. The Loretto residence hall for women on First Street. The Gem City clock at Third and Main Street (which now occupies the roof of Reynolds & Reynolds and is visible from Interstate 75).
The red neon Reddy Kilowatt sign on DP&L's Tait generating station off Interstate 75.
Workers by the thousands dashing from the NCR factory buildings between Brown and Main streets for their cars at the end of a work day.
Culp's cafeteria inside the Arcade.
Journal Herald columnist Marj Heyduck and her hats.
The Merry-Go-Round Supper Club on Main Street.
Omar Williams' commentary for the studio wrestling bouts at Channel 2.
The NCR auditorium.
The Gold Coin Restaurant on Main Street.
Frankie's Amusement Park at Forest Park, especially Tuesday nickel days.
Servis and BuhI Restaurant at First and Main streets.
Newsstands at Second and Main and Fourth and Main streets.
Steele and Roosevelt High Schools Dayton Aviators baseball team of 1920s;
Dayton Ducks baseball team of 1930s-1940s. Fanny Farmer's candy store on Main Street.
Skateland on Helena street .
Porky's Luncheonette at Second and Perry streets. (My father owned this place.. R.S.)
Bott's School of Dance.
Sodas at Maud Muller's on Main Street.
Buying records from Mayor's Jewelry basement at Third and Main streets.
Purple Cow at the corner of Second & Ludlow.
Metropolitan, Rikes, Sears, Home Store, Thal's, and Donenfeld's
12 Cent hamburgers at the White Castle at Patterson and Third
Borden's Dairy at Fourth and Perry Streets and their cremery on
Patterson with 5 cent single and 7 cent double dip ice cream cones.
Aha, yes..............I remember
From: W4MSW (Mike West)
Date: 01/19/06 10:53:17
To: Bonnie
Subject: Re: Well, I loved that one, Mike!---
Well, I'm sorry to have included so much about Westwood, original home to me, Madeline Beck, Ross Hodgson and several others. The exodus from the far west side of Dayton hit in a big way when we were in the seventh grade and were about to head off to Roosevelt or Dunbar High Schools. Plus, the racial mix was changing rapidly. As a rule, I'd say that we understood little of it, but looked forward to the move to WC as an adventure. WC and Miami Township were pretty quaint compared to life in the big city, but WC had some advantages too. We certainly weren't as likely to get into mischief there. WC in 1954 was a world away from what it is today. I understand that big city problems found it years ago. Someone told me that WC is the place that people go when their kids are expelled from Dayton schools. I can't confirm that however. WC was never a high-end place, but fifty years ago it was quintessential small town America.
I remember the Longo property, empty in 1954 (?) and was told by my dad that it had been an Italian eatery. He said that it was one of two favorite haunts of his fellow students at Fairview High School, the other being The Keyhole on Salem Ave. Both places were far out of the city and just right for date night.
I remember the little house with trees, not as a restaurant though, guess that it was closed by then. I also remember San Rae (?) Gardens as a nursery and florist on the east side of the road in that area.
I remember quite clearly that Miss Woodman was fascinated, for whatever reason, by the bridge/overpass over the railroad. She was always going to look for a date on it. I wonder if anyone out there ever thought to take pictures of that area, now completely buried by roads and bridges and long ago forgotten by the passing of time?
When we moved to the south Huber plat, it had only recently been the former location of the airport, in fact the tower and support buildings were still standing at the end of our street, Kajean Ave. I remember small planes circling overhead at night looking for the airport.
I mentioned the Donut Hole (Donut Stop?, now I'm getting confused) and pushing carts of raw materials across the road. I failed to say that was from Woody's, where I was a carry-out. Absolutely anyone from WC or the 'burg who wanted a job could find one at Woody's, of course. I remember that we carry-outs were paid 50 cents and hour. My mom thought that was awful, but I went for it. What she forgot about was TIPS. Friday night -payday- was the primo time to work carryout, but that went to the high seniority kids. With tips, especially around holidays, we were the best paid people in the store! It is ironic, but some of Woody's best customers were the very people that we ran away from on the west side! They were also the best tippers. At that time, carry out was in your arms, NEVER in a cart. If it took two or three kids, that was OK. Holidays frequently brought a dollar tip for everyone. If you were a single carry out, sometimes more than that.
Around holidays, Woody would put out the country store with strange and exotic things that were impossible to get anywhere else. He had a fleet of trucks that would go hundreds of miles to pick up ponhaus, scrapple, cheeses and such. That was the big draw that brought people into the store from quite long distances.
Regarding Moraine City, home of Longo's et al. Although never an official entity of any kind, it did however appear named as such, on road signs and gas station maps. I think that was unusual, but the area was an important commercial center. I suppose that as such, people had to call it something.
Well, I've done it again.
Best to All,
----- Original Message -----
From: Bonnie Risner Miller
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:11 PM
Subject: Well, I loved that one, Mike!---
---What fun to read! Thank you, too, for your wonderful comments about the latest bulletin. It's exactly what keeps me going, truth to tell.
Dwyer Mill! Yep, you bet! I have vivid recollections of it. If you came straight south on Dryden Road past the entry to Miami Shores, you came to a very sharp turn, under one of those little, metal bridges. Longo's Spaghetti House sat on that sharp turn, remember? It was a white frame building, two-story. Anyway, once you rounded that sharp turn, then you were on that day's version of a "ramp," which led right into South Dixie Highway (old Route 25 southbound). JUST before you actually made the merge into the southbound traffic, though, there was a turnoff into the old Dwyer Mill. We could always smell the odor of all the fresh grain products, as we passed. Directly across old 25 from Dwyer Mill, was a huge, old farmhouse, which had been the original farm for all of the surrounding land. In that farmhouse lived the Class of 1959's Lucienne Engel. We used to pal around a bit, as she lived so near to me.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
From the Dayton Daily News, 24 JAN 2006--
SPEER, Jeffery E. age 52 of Miamisburg, passed away Sunday, January 22, 2006. He was born April 17, 1953 in Dayton. Jeff served his country in the U.S. Marine Corps., was a member of American Legion Post #165, and attended the Miamisburg Assembly of God Church. Preceded in death by his father Robert Speer. Survivors include his mother Phyllis (Speer) Coughlin, his brother Michael Speer and wife Bonnie, 4 nieces Christie Speer, Sgt. Katy Speer, Alex Speer, Olivia Speer, his nephew Nick Speer, a great niece Georgia, and his girlfriend Carla McGowan.
Funeral services will be conducted on Thursday, January 26, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. from the SWART FUNERAL HOME, W. Carrollton. Rev. John R. Swint officiating. The family will receive friends on Thursday from 5:00 p.m. until the time of service. The family requests no flowers and memorial contributions be made to the V.A. Hospice Unit, in his memory.
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Monday, January 23, 2006
We have lost another, I'm sorry to report. How sad! This report comes to us courtesy of alumni officer, THOMAS A DORSEY. Thanks, Tom.
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
-------Original Message-------
Date: 01/22/06 17:28:24
To: Bonnie
Subject: Jeff Speer
Bonnie, I just received a call that Jeff Speer passed away today at noon.
Jeff was from the class of 1972. Severces will be held at Swart's. Jeff
passed peacefully with his mother & brother Mike at his
Tom Dorsey
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Okay, folks, this is the, "official word," and it has come to me directly from WC alumni officer, 1958's K. JUNE CRUTCHFIELD (and her 1958 spouse, JAMES D. RICHARDSON.)
For the very first time since I'VE been attending these annual dinner/dances, it will be held on the FIRST Saturday in October. So that is, indeed, a change. Be sure you mark your respective calendars accordlingly (and especially YOU, WILLIAM R. HOWARD!!)
Again, please note---the FIRST Saturday in October will be the day when we will, "Get your WC fix for 2006!" Probably, since the second Saturday fell so late in the month this year, some may have felt it would be colder or just too far into October, who knows? But I'm sort of glad it's been changed to an earlier weekend, myself.
---And there you have it!
More at 11--- B -------
Original Message-------
From: James Richardson
Date: 01/21/06 09:09:21
To: Bonnie
Subject: Annual WC Alumni Dinner/Dance
Hi, Read you most recent bullentin. the Dinner/dance will be held on October 7, 2006 at the Holiday Inn - Dayton Mall, same time as usual. Info will be mailed out late July ??? or early August. This year is 50 year for class of 1956. Have already talked to your Sister about her class being honored. Some of them will be attending our regular meeting when we begin planning again.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
We*Ca*Ton NEWS REPORT: 18 JAN 2006:
---"My cup runneth over!" as it states in the Good Book. I, however, am referring to my WC folder. I had hoped to get this down to just about one each month, but it's look-ing as though every 3 weeks (4, at most) is going to be about the best I can do. This is good, though. It means you're all reading, you're responding, and (thank you very much) you are also enjoying the bulletins. So I humbly appreciate that and hope it will continue.
As is our usual practice, let's list our senders of PSAs, jokes, notices, photos, etc. But before I do that, let me forewarn you that I think this bulletin is going to be even longer than usual, due to the increcible volume of e-mail, so brace up! Grab your specs, your favorite beverage, and kick back. Away we go! We have on the roster, 1954's WILLIAM L. MCNABB; 1955'S FREDA P. FLETCHER, DONNA G. TUDOR, NORMAN E. JACK-SON; 1957's BERTHA J. HOERNER; 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, WILLIAM R. HOWARD, ROBERT W. "SMITTY" SMITH, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, SANDRA L. BARSALOU, JAMES E. KECKLER; 1959's GARY E. BARNES; 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, DAVID G. OTT, STEVEN M. KOKOT, JUDITH ANN SLIFE, GERALD A. FULLER, WILLIAM O. WALKER; RICHARD S. HOLT, BOYD H. JENKINS, DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY; 1961's JACK L. GODBY, SHARON K. WENDELKEN, SALLY L. GILLETTE, RICHARD E. KNEER, JANET L. CHANDLER, SANDRA SUE HOLLINGSWORTH, PAUL R. BEARDSLEY ; 1962's RICHARD C. CALL. BARBARA T. O'NEAL; 1963's DOUGLAS OTT; 1966's JOHN E. MCCLELLAN; 1970'S VICKIE JO GILBERT; 1971'S PAMELA K. SHIPLEY; and1985's M. CYNTHEA POTEET.
Somehow becoming, "lost in the shuffle," of late, are still 1960's MILTON R. WOLFE, RICHARD L. "DICKIE" PHILLIPS, WILLIAM E. HECKER, and 1957's DARELL L. TOBIAS, (whom I still must call.) If anyone has up-to-date e-mail addresses for these former members of our bulletin list, please advise me, post haste. Scoring a big plus in the area of maintaining good contact is 1960's JUDITH A. STALDER, who sent a notice to let me know that she will changing carriers and will notify me. Thanks, Judy, and way to go! Also falling into that category is none other than another 1960 classmate, J. DAVID MAYS, who gets absolutely NO credit for doing so. All of the effort from that particular Mays household emanated from wife Ann. Thanks so much, Ann. For those of you who are unaware, Dave and Ann made, "the big move," this month, from Ohio to Florida. They have moved to, "The Villages," which seems to be rapidly becoming the most popular retirement community in Florida for WC folks and we all hope you're doing well in your new place, Ann and Dave. Let me know when you are back online. From the spouse of 1962's RICHARD C. CALL (Jean) came some info I will have to use to track down Dick Phillips again, I suspect. Thanks, Jean, and I'll try the info you gave me! I appreciate that.
Listen, I know we're right down to the wire on where we'll hold the 4th annual WC Florida Spring Fest. Several of you have already anxiously inquired. I don't have a firm answer just yet, but please stand at the ready. Our host- ing pair of all former years, 1960's JOANN K. STEMLEY and spouse, Ron Hall, say they just can't do it this year. They are refurbishing their condo and readying it for sale so that they can move elsewhere. Of course, that could mean they may not even BE there by March 26. I've also gotten a number of requests to hold it in the general area of Daytona Beach, due to its proximity to the ocean. I'm also trying hard to enlist the aid of any WC alumni who live in The Villages, though, so that we can procure one of their clubhouse areas for it. That environment tends to present such a perfect setting for the type of gathering we have.However, if it should prove to be impossible to do that, I'm going to try for an Eagles Club or a Moose Lodge or a VFW, something of that nature, in which case it would be held in this area. I'll try hard to give a firm location, via special bulletin, within the next two weeks, at latest. Please bear with me.
Let's touch on the topic of our, "Memories of Dayton, Ohio," list, shall we? This was sent to me by my 1960 classmate, MICHAEL S. WEST, who (as most all of you are aware), came up with the concept of the now-wildly-popular, annual Frisch's Frolic. Obviously, Mike knows what works and what doesn't, for the moment I read this list, I knew he'd come up with yet another winner., which is precisely why I took the unprecedented step of send- ing along to all of you. It generated SO many repsonses, I can't even begin to tell you. (But of course, you know ME, and I'm going to try.)
For instance, from 1966's JOHN E. MCCLELLAN, came the news that the Gem City clock, while still there, does not work, but they are trying to get someone to repair it. I do hope it will be saved. From 1961's JUDITH L. SAMUELS, came a note saying she remembered all of those places and especially liked the skating rink and Lakeside Park. 1958's K. JUNE CRUTCHFIELD wrote that she had taken her daughter and twin grandnieces to the Schuster Center to view the old Rike's Christmas displays. June reported that they also had a trike shop there and a Santa Claus and that it all brought back such great memories. From 1956's J. DEANNA CHRISTIE came a reminder of the Carousel Club with its live entertainment and skating, during the 1950s. 1957's BETTY JANE HAMILTON sent a note of thanks for sharing such memories and a brief reminder that she, too, had been a Miami Shores Kid. From 1963's SHIRLEY ANN RANKIN came the simple message, "This was good!" Working downtown during this heyday of memories was 1961's PAUL R. BEARDSLEY, who remembered it all, as he reported for work each day at Daniels Paint Store. JOHN L. MONTGOMERY, Class of 1962, had a great memory jog, reciting the names of the cows beside the Gem City clock (Elmer, Beauregard, and Beulah, remember?) The cows faced Patterson Road, wrote John, as you drove into Dayton. DOUGLAS OTT of the 1963 class, coined a great phrase, by simply writing, "Thanks for the memories," while 1960's JUDITH ANN SLIFE wrote, "Ah, yes! Sweet memories. Thanks for sharing." Miami Shores Kid, 1957's BERTHA J. HOERNER wrote a wonderfully-amusing synopsis as she recalled Friday night trips to the White Castle with her father, where they got 20 burgers for a dollar. Bertha said they tried to eat them all but got awful stomach aches, so they finally wised up and saved a few for the next day. 1961's SHARON K. WENDELKEN, recount-ed the bittersweet memory of the burning of the Virginia Cafeteria. She said it occurred just as they were emerg-ing from Rike's and all the traffic seemed to stand still. She also wrote of seeing Vaughn Monroe ("Dance, Ballerina, Dance!") at one of the Main St. theaters, of Frankie's Forest Park and of skating lessons at the old Skateland. Some awfully good stuff popped in from 1960's DAVID G. OTT. He had a nifty list, which included the NCR Christmas parties as well as NCR Saturday movies. How well I recall both of THOSE! Dave also listed Old River, which I just loved, and pro wrestling at Sucher Park and Memorial Hall. (You really touched a nerve on that one, Dave. My father was one of the ushers for all those matches for 10 years or more. I went to all of them and got many free passes to various concerts, too, even Elvis Presley in 1955, and Little Richard and Fats Domino in 1957. One of my old pals, the late ARLENE OGAN, went with me to the last one.) Dave referred to the pro wrestler, Don Eagle, who was a local resident. Don Eagle called me by my first name, throughout my childhood. He and my father were good friends. But score another one for Dave when he wrote about the old burlesque theater. Do all of you remember the vicarious thrill of walking past the door of the Mayfair Theater, trying hard to get even the very tiniest peek at what occurred inside? It was so "bad" and exciting, wasn't it? Parents talked about it in only the most hushed of tones. But alas! The closest we ever got (most of us, anyway) was that "evil" Angelo's Drive-In. Finally, Dave touched on the old Keowee St. Frisch's. Boy, do I ever remember that one! We didn't have one yet in Moraine City, at the time. Dave wrote that his dad drove across town on Friday nights to get the Big Boys. I'll bet your dad wasn't the only one, Dave. But perhaps the most appropriate response of all, came from Miami Shores Kid, Class of 1959's JAMES L. LINDSEY, who wrote just one, single word, "Ssiiiiggggghhhh!" But a piece such as that one, seems to come along very seldom. We are all so fortunate to have someone like Mike, who is discerning enough to, "weed those out." So thanks, Mike! As usual, another of your ideas was a great hit. I'm so happy it gave us all the opportunity for such a wonderful, "community stroll" down that most pleasant place of all, Memory Lane.
Yes, we had deaths during this bulletin period, sadly. It seems we're never going to avoid that, of course. On December 23, the Class of 1959 lost its president when George Samuel Speelman passed away. We've done a bulletin and a re-cap on this already, but I just want to be sure everyone is aware. Thanks to Sam's classmate, GARY E. BARNES, for reminding me that Sam was their class president, and to 1955's DONNA G. TUDOR for sending the complete obituary.
Right on the heels of Sam's loss, on December 27, the patriarch of our own Mays family, OSCAR S. MAYS, also passed away. He was an astounding 101 1/2 years old and apparently had been quite a character. He and his late wife, Bertie, had been married for 74 years when she preceded him in death, apparenlty several years before. But what a legacy they left behind! My thanks to 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH for sending the obituary of Mr. Mays and also to 1955's DONNA G. TUDOR. Both of them, and several others, seem to stay right on top of this sort of thing and it is appreciated so much. I need all the help I can get.
During that same period, we lost WCHS teacher, PHILIP M. HUBBARD, who died of a massive stroke. A lot of us were very fond of Mr. Hubbard and remembered him well. His service was held on December 27 and I'm sure WCHS was well-represented. It was yet another of our teachers, MURL E. HUFFMAN, who took the time to make us all aware of the sad loss. Thank you, Mr. H. I had heard nothing of that, when you wrote of it. My dear Sociology teacher, JAMES C. JOHNSON, tried very had to get the Hubbards' street name corrected from the mis- spelled Ceptford to the correct name, Deptford. But I was just way too dense to grasp THAT one. It was one of those, "slap-yourself-in-the-forehead" types of e-mail exchanges. Please tell me that YOU'VE all had them, too! Anyway, 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY wanted to establish some sort of fund for remembrance of Mr. Hubbard, something like maybe a scholarship in his name. As it happened, I was able to put her in contact with my 1960 classmate, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., who handles that very thing. So I trust we'll be hearing some-thing, if such a plan takes flight. Pam went to visit the widow of Mr. Hubbard, in fact, after he died. Also mourn -ing the loss of Mr. Hubbard was 1968's MARIAN K. HUSSEY, who sent fond remembrances of him, as did MICHAEL S. WEST, and 1954's JO ANNE MCCLURE. Thanks to 1987's SHARLENE N. MERKER for sening me his obituary, too. Perhaps we should all pay heed to the idea of1958's WILLIAM R. HOWARD, who took the time to write to his former WC chemistry teacher, MR. STRAHAN. Bill wrote, "Let's not wait to sign a funeral book to let our former teachers know how we feel about them." Great idea, Bill!
Tom also sent us a little "heads-up" on the former glee club conductor, ROSS R. ROBBINS. Tom wrote that Mr. R. is looking great, now that he's in his 70s, that he's in reasonably good health, and that his wife died about a year ago and he has already remarried. Mr. R. attends the retired teachers dinner each October and he and the new wife sang a duet about getting older, and (in Tom's words) "brought down the house." He said Mr. R. taught for about 5 years at C. F. Holliday, prior to retiring. Also checking in with a brief report on Mr. R., was another 1960 classmate, SHIRLEY S. MILLER, who reported that Mr. R. is living in Lebanon in a retirement home and doing very well.
Sadly, though, I must return to the re-cap of our deaths among the alumni. The only other, of which I'm aware, is that of Class of 1966's WILLIAM WENDELL CHANEY. Of course, we ALL remember what a mad debacle THAT was! Yes, it was all my fault, as I misread the first transmittal and thought it was a member of that class named JUDITH KAY KNIPP. Happily, and as we all now know, Judy is healthy and alive and well. Bill passed away on January 7, I believe. I thank 1960's RICHARD S. HOLT, for transmitting that obituary. You were all very kind to me and tolerant of me, for this incredible screw-up, and for that, I thank you. Sending special messages to, "bolster me up," were 1959's JAMES L. LINDSEY and GARY E. BARNES, 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST and WILLIAM O. WALKER (via spouse Karen) So that concludes all the death reports for this bulletin. Let's get on to more pleasant topics, shall we?
On December 29, our former (and still current) teacher, MURL E. HUFFMAN, celebrated his 86th birthday. Is that a milestone or what? We all wish you the very best, Mr. H., and hope that you have about 86 more birthdays.
From 1957's SHIRLEY ANN HILE came a thank you for the reminder of his birthday. 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL also sent greetings to Mr. H. from her Kansas home. It also happens to be the birthday of my 1960 classmate, BOYD H. JENKINS. So you're in good company, Boyd! Mr. H. took the time to send me a thank-you for the card which I sent to him.
In the early part of this bulletin period, I had a lot of long and windy exchanges with Class of 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER, and yes, most of it was about our former home stomping grounds in Miami Shores. So I won't bore you with the details, but suffice to say that at some point, in the midst of our exchange, Freda added a third party (Doesn't this sound daring? Ha!) whose name is CHARLES RICE, SR. He's not a WC alumnus, but he WAS a Miami Shores Kid and he lives in Leesburg, just about halfway between Freda (Brooksville) and me (in Ormond Beach.) So now, w'ere thinking of meeting at a midway point. We had a good time with some of our old MS memories.
Speaking of exchanges, Judy (Samuels) and I had a few good ones, regarding husbands who are home all the time, as we often do, and also about RV life versus the motel/hotel thing. The jury's still out on both issues. I'll keep you posted on our earth-shattering decisions. Judy and her husband celebrated their 11th anniversary on December 27, as did JOANN K. STEMLEY and her spouse, Ron. Jo and I and our spouses shared our annual supper at the local Moose Lodge, on that very day. We've been doing that for about 4 years now and I've come to look forward to it, very much.
Is there anyone out there who has a clue as to the where- abouts of 1959's DALE A TRUSTY? Recently, I've had several inquiries about Dale and I'm wondering about him, myself. In the mid-1980s, Dale lived just minutes from my own house, right here in Ormond Beach. I used to visit him from time to time. But then he moved to the west coast of Florida, divorced, and from there, I heard he went to upstate New York. But now, all indications are that he's back in Florida again. A recent request I did on a people-locater indicated that he's currently in a small Miami suburb called Holiday.
In any case, I've got that computer whiz, 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL, also on his trail and I've contacted his once- brother-in-law, 1962's HAROLD PHILLIPS (via his older brother, 1957's ERCELL P. PHILLIPS), who was once wed to Dale's only sibling, LINDA TRUSTY. Ercell said Harold told him that he and Linda talk now and then, even though they've been divorced for years, so perhaps I'll get a clue, sometime soon. In the meantime, if any of you are aware of any further leads, please let me know.
We continue to add more and more names to the bulletin list, to my utter amazement. I am both humbled and very thrilled by the apparent interest in what I began as an accident." (Truly, this whole bulletin thing was just that. I did not set out to do this, at all.) So it's important to me that each of you is aware of just how appreciative I am, of your continuing kind remarks, especially when I make a stupid mistake and you offer me words of consolation and rationalization for my blunder. A number of you took the time to do just that, during this most recent bulletin period, when I managed (once again) to bury someone who wasn't yet dead. Those kind people included GARY E. BARNES (1959), JACK L. GODBY and LYNNETTE GARRETT (1961), MURL E. HUFFMAN (Timeless!), JAMES L. LINDSEY (1959), DONNA G. TUDOR (1955), KARL R. BURRUS (1964), and probably several others whose names or messages I may have inadvertently deleted (as I occasionally do.) But let's move along to the folks we've added, this time.
We have 1959's CAROLYN ELAINE EUBANK. She was an employee of WC schools and identified herself as having been secretary to Tom Wolf, another WCHS employee, now retired, but still very active in WC affairs. Welcome aboard, Carolyn! I'm especially happy to have another 1959-er. For some reason, we have a marked absence of class members from that year. Carolyn came to us through her relative, (sister-in-law), VICKIE JO GILBERT (whose current last name is Eubank). We have also added 1963's ANNA MAE STOKES, whose current surname is Mawhirter. Anna came to us through the efforts of her classmate, SHIRLEY ANN RANKIN, so we welcome you, too, Anna Mae! Shirley, herself, was in fact added during this period, also, by their classmate, DOUGLAS OTT. So this thing just keeps networking. It's incredible. Yet another addition came through Tom Wolf, in the person of 1962's FRANK W. SCHINDLER. What WC kid doesn't know THAT surname? We all remember WC Police Chief Howard Schindler. We already had RICHARD SCHINDLER. I can't imagine a WC without a Schindler, in fact. As as result of this encounter, Tom is sending me a nostalgic scrapbook! Tom and wife Susan stay pretty busy, I'm sure, with one son in Colorado Springs, Colorado, another in South Carolina, and the third in Cincinnati. I think you have older parents, right here in Florida, too, right? Moving right along, we are also adding a married couple from the Class of 1956, whose 50th anniversary grad year will be honored this October. They are RICHARD LEE BECKETT and CAROL ANNA PFISTER. I think they live in Alaska, actually. My sister, 1956's JUDY ANN RISNER, has spoken of being in contact with Carol and I believe she told me that. They may be my very first 1956 -ers on the list. Like 1959, that has been a very lax year for participants, for some reason. They came to us, via Dick's sister, 1958's LINDA L. BECKETT. So welcome aboard to all, and I do hope you enjoy the bulletins!
Well, I finally got an answer from 1960's JUDITH ANN SLIFE, as to her whereabouts on alumni weekend. I had fully expected to see Judy, but she wasn't there. She told me she was having popcorn and seeing a movie with her grandchildren. While I think that's a most admirable pursuit, I'm hoping Judy will join us this year, without fail.
Over the most recent weeks, I've spoken by telephone with 1960's EULA FAYE BAILEY, 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, and 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT. I talk regulary with all of them, that's true. All are doing well and Bruce reports that his longtime companion,1971's PATTY J. WHEELBARGER, will be coming down for Spring Fest with him, this year. Lynn reported that she and Frank are probably going to get out of the cold and head for home in Las Vegas for at least a part of the winter season. Eula Faye is pretty excited about her own plans to attend her very first Spring Fest. So am I!
Celebrating her 64th birthday on New Year's Day was my lifelong friend, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR. Her 1955 sis, DONNA G. TUDOR, wrote to tell me what a great sister Shirley is, and how she is always there when Donna needs her. We hope you had a great birthday, Shirley!
Shirley's daughter, 1987's SHARLENE N. MERKER, reports that she had just returned on January 3, from a trip to Marco Island. Most of you will recall that Sharlene is married to JEFFREY A. SIZER, son of 1959's GARY L. SIZER.
Also taking a little trip during the holiday season was 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE, who spent lots of time with her older son, MARK WARLAUMONT (1979, I think) and his wife, Viktoria. Mark's father is 1960's GARY L. WARLAUMONT, of course. They have two small boys (18 months and 2 1/2 months) and Sally was very much enjoying her grandsons and their parents, at their home in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Sally writes that the boys' parents stay terribly busy with their care. I'm sure!!
Another Miami Shores exchange ensued with me and 1961's LARRY D. GILBERT. We once again discussed that unflattering nickname for MS kids ("River Rats") and I told him I'd never once heard it, the entire time I lived there. But Larry says he did, and that it served to make more determined to do better at everything, especially his sports efforts. Larry also recalled that, as small kids, he and some of this buddies would go up and jump on the bumpers of the cars which were parked at the old water treatment plant and rock them back and forth. He said, at that age, he didn't know why couples were there, but he knew not to get caught, so they'd quickly run away. (Are you growing tired of reading yet, because I'M sure getting tired of typing. Ha! I've been working on this one for 3 days now, and lots more to go.)
From 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON came some great news. Norm wrote to ask me if I knew anything at all of the whereabouts of 1958's NANCY JANE RODDY or JUDITH MARIE SMITH. Over the years, I'd heard both of them were deceased. (Oh my, here I go again!) As it happens, they are both alive and well and I'm SO happy that Norm let me know that. We have ENOUGH deaths already. It was Nancy's brother's (PAUL E. RODDY of 1956) wife, CONNIE RAE WRIGHT, who died. But with Judy, I think it was a mix-up of Judys, actually. Judy Smith was a homecoming attendant, but it was Judy Cummings who was queen, and I think I heard SHE died but at this juncture, I'm almost afraid to say I have heard ANYbody died. But we're sure happy that Nancy and Judy are both still with us. Thanks, Norm.
PAUL R. BEARDSLEY, 1961, was excited to learn that you, MICHAEL S. WEST, 1960, are into the ham radio stuff. He says he's going to contact you about that. Did he? Mike sent us a couple of reports, folks, from (as he put it, "reporting live from high above Gatlinburg") to tell us few vital statistics. For instance, once recent week, we had 44 hits on his blogspot. Mike wants all photos of anything WC, for posting. Mike also reported a great phone call on January 11 from MURL E. HUFFMAN. He wrote that Mr. H. loves music and attends as many as he can of various philharmonic concerts. Mike reports that Mr. H. and his companion, MARGE BOGAN, still pair up and go dancing on a regular basis. Great! Mike also reported that he's finally received my 46-year-old play- book of our senior class play, "Fog Island." Once he's gleaned from what he wants, he'll be sending it on to you, teacher DAVID E. COLLINS. Mr. C. directed us all in that effort, as many of you will recall. You may return it to me at you leisure, Mr. C., when you've completed all of your reminiscing.
Speaking of that (reminiscing), 1963's VICKIE JO GILBERT and I did a little bit of that, as we remembered life along old Route 25 (South Dixie Highway) where I lived on the river after leaving Miami Shores. We hung out in South Moraine Platte, behind the old Indian River Fruit Market, which was situated beside the old Beall's Drive- In. Vickie's in-laws had a place in there, too, it seems.
During this period, several of you have asked me for the dates on a few things. While I can tell you that our WC Florida Holiday Brunch is always held on the first Satur-day of December, and that our WC Florida Spring Fest is always held on the last Sunday of March (except when it's Easter, in which case it's the following Sunday) and I can tell you that the Frisch's Frolic is always held on the night beFORE the alumni dinner/dance (our crown jewel event), I'm sorry to say that I canNOT tell you when the dinner/dance is held, other than to say that I've always known it to be on the second Saturday of October, with no exceptions so far. This year, that puts it at October 14, if it isn't changed. I am NOT an official source for WC activities, just stuff we've all dreamed up together which has become popular and accepted. I do highly recommend that we all access the website of 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE ( ) to get the official scoop. Steve serves on the alumni board. I'm a mere peon, who knows nothing. But thank you for all that flattery, nevertheless! Remember this year's battle cry, by the way ("Get your WC fix for 2006!") That phrase was coined by 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL. I hope that website will answer your question, SHIRLEY MILLER, as we sure would like you to be with us this year. By the way, folks, Shirley participates in re-enactments of the Civil War. She wrote that it was also a very UN-civil war, I might add.
From the south of Florida, 1954's JO ANNE MCCLURE reports that she is staying very busy, too, with her job as an airline employee, her real estate projects, and with her other pursuit as an appraiser of precious gems. You are one busy person, Jo Anne!
Those travelin' WALKER people (1960's WILLIAM O. and his WC-honorary spouse, Karen) are staying very busy, too. They remain in the Hattiesburg, Mississippi, area and continue to work storm claims. They did get away briefly last month to fly up to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, for the wedding of Bill's sister, Geri, and they flew back to Texas around Christmas to visit other friends and family. We all hope to see them at Spring Fest, of course, and every function we can.
Rumor has it that our latest couple has been visiting here in Florida. That would be 1957's GARY D. MAYS and 1961's DONNA J. RICHARDS, of course. So where are you two now? Are you in Ohio? Are you in Florida? Are you gallivanting around the countryside or what? Details! We need details, darnit!
Our lovely and charming and gracious 1960 classmate, NANCY E. "COOKIE" BOWIE, is also very excited about Spring Fest this year. She will definitely be here this time, she reports. We all sure did miss you last year, Cookie, and we're really looking forward to seeing you, once again. Cookie is looking forward to see her grand niece and grand nephew and visiting with their kids, too. Cookie has also been doing a bit of therapy for her bad shoulder, and reports that it's coming along albeit slowly.
From Ann Mays came an extensive report on this brand-new WC destination (for many), The Villages. Ann wrote that it's sort of a city within itself, boasting roughly 55,000 residents and expected to go to 100,000. It has lots of golf carts, of course, and quite an array of restaurants, shops, attractions, golf courses, clubhouses, spa, and a number of other amenities. It must be quite a place now. I've been there, a while back, but didn't pay any really explicit attention to my surroundings, at the time. Right downthe road from it, though, is the winter home of 1960 classmate, MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL, and husband, Bill, who have an RV parked in the nearby Recreation Plantation. So Madeleine, if we should be able to hold 2006 Spring Fest at The Villages, we sure do expect to see YOU again, hear? Also uttering a syllable or two on The Villages was T. BARRY RUSSELLO, who wrote that he and his 1959 spouse, BETSY R. MURPHY, would surely not mind the idea of spending winters in a warmer climate. Barry stressed that no decision has been made and that if they do anything at all, it will be further into the future. In the meantime, Barry is making mental notes to ship me the newest version of a Dayton area telephone directory, when it arrives. Each year, he and Betsy are kind enough to do that for me, as well as sending me a beautiful calendar each year, from their business in Vandalia, The Realty Group. So many thanks to both of you and I'd sure look forward to having you both in my state, at anytime in the future, should it work out that way.
In closing (what!?!?), I shall ask that you all stay on the ready for further info on the location of 2006 Spring Fest, as earlier outlined. If you can believe it, I'm fresh out of text! I can scarcely believe I've completed this one. When I began it (three days ago), I didn't think I'd ever be able to plow through it all, but I have. I feel as though I've just completed the 880 relay. (Is that the long track event, Bill Howard, or the short one? You're our, "resident expert" on that.) In any case, I'm adding just one more good wish for all of you, to my usual closing list. You've all very likely passed out from eye strain by this time. Neverthe-less, I leave you with my usual wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
Thursday, January 12, 2006
The Senior Class Play
Class of 1960
Bonnie recently found her copy of the script for Fog Island , the 1960
WCHS Senior Class Play, directed by Mr. David Collins.
She sent the script book to your editor, but it is in very poor condition due to
low quality paper and is much too fragile to permit handling for copying.

BUT, inside the book, 46 years ago, she stashed a program, just knowing
that in 2006, it would be a treasured document for all WCHS-O-philes.

So enjoy this "blast from the past."
Please note that one name, that of Bill Duncan, (SOUND)
disappeared into the "bit bucket" when we copied the program.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
As reported in the Dayton Daily News, 10 JAN 2006
CHANEY, William W. Jr. 57 of Cape Coral, FL, formerly of Dayton, OH passed away unexpectedly on Friday, January 6, 2005 in Dayton. Bill was the owner of The Hot Air Balloon Lounge in Vandalia, OH; former owner of Wood Fun, Ft. Myers, FL and the Koreo Inn, Fairborn, OH. He was retired from Harrison Radiator in Dayton, OH. Bill was an avid fisherman, woodworker and businessman. Bill was the son of the late Bill and Sharleen (Harman) Chaney. He is survived by his wife of 24 years Chang Son (Cho) Chaney and faithful companions Princess and Doody; sisters and brothers: Sue (Jim) Marchal, Sandy (Tim) Powell, Scott (Karen) Chaney, Bob (Janet) Chaney; brothers- and -sisters-in-law: Chang Im Miyata, Chang Bok (Steve) Custer, Chang Kuk (RanHee) Cho, Chang In (Yong Suk) Cho, Benjamin (Kelly) Cho and numerous nieces and nephews. Visitation will be from 5-8:00PM Thursday, January 12, 2005 at the Newcomer Funeral Home (3940 Kettering Blvd, Kettering OH). Funeral Services will be held Friday, January 13th at 10:00AM at the funeral home. Burial immediately following at Calvary Cemetery, Dayton. Messages of condolence and/or flowers may be sent via .
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