The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Carol Mumma Guy and Linda Johnson Zimmer (both '61), have a new novel on the shelves. Their previous novel, "Murder at the Ice Cream Parlor", was the subject of a book signing in WC in 2004. Follow this link to see pictures of that event in the Aug 2004 wchs blog archive:
“Vengeance Can Wait”, The Newest Cozy Mystery Novel By Carol Guy & Linda Zimmer, Now Available From Mundania Press. This press release announces the publication of “Vengeance Can Wait”, the newest cozy mystery from Ohio authors Carol Guy & Linda Zimmer.
West Carrollton, OH — “Vengeance Can Wait”, the latest cozy mystery from local authors, Carol Guy and Linda Zimmer has been released by Mundania Press of Cincinnati, Ohio. This is the second cozy mystery authored by the writing team. Their first novel, “Murder at the Ice Cream Parlor” was originally published in 2003 by Treble Heart Books but will be re-released soon by Mundania Press.“Vengeance Can Wait” is a story of retribution and revenge set against the backdrop of a small-town high school reunion. “We’ve tried to not only have an intriguing plot that everyone can relate to, but one with lots of twists and turns that will keep the readers on the edge of their seats,” co-author Carol Guy said. Is it scary? Indeed, says co-author Linda Zimmer. “After writing one scene, which takes place at night in a deserted parking lot, I was even afraid to go out in the dark,” she commented, adding, “I scared myself!” Both authors are natives of West Carrollton, Ohio. Carol is a former newspaper reporter who is also the author of a true crime book, "A Picture Perfect Kid", published in 2003 by Zumaya Publications. Linda worked as a research consultant for a local history book and has ghost-written an autobiography for a local area woman.“Vengeance Can Wait” is available in paperback, download and CD from Mundania Press at
Both authors will be doing a book signing at the Fourth of July Festival at Wilson Park in West Carrollton, Ohio.
Monday, June 26, 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Bill Writes:
On June 15 thru 18, my wife Lucy (picture taker) and I had taken our two grandkids, Katie Howard, 10 and Bryce Stines, 11 to the Mall of America in MN. On May (June?) 18 on the way back to West Carrollton we stopped to see Bob and his wife, Chris in Millston, WI for a short visit at their house. Lucy dug up Bob's yard and removed most of his flowers and a small pine tree!! Which have now been transplanted in our home in WC.

Saturday, June 24, 2006
Yes, I'm fully aware it's not time for another report, but my WC folder is once again literally bursting at the seams. Add the fact that I've spoken with SO many of you, and even seen a few of you, and my journalist's mind is racing a mile a minute. I don't want to forget ANYone, and I'm ever-fearful that I will. Besides, I'm also going to try NOT to have a 14-pager, this time.
Let's begin with the normal forwarded items, as is our usual practice. Those folks include 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER, NORMAN E. JACKSON; 1958's WM. R. HOWARD, BRUCE K. COPSEY, ROBERT E. SMITH ("SMITTY"), BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, SANDRA L. BARSALOU, JAMES E. KECKLER, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, KEITH E. ANDERSON (to say he's still vacationing, must be nice);1959's GARY E. BARNES; 1960's LINDA J. SNELL, LONNIE M. THACKER, MICHAEL S. WEST, STEVEN M. KOKOT, J. DAVID MAYS, DAVID G. OTT, RICHARD S. HOLT, EULA FAYE BAILEY; 1961's SALLY LYNNE GILLETTE, BARBARA J. TURNINGTON, JANET L. WALTERS, CAROLE J. LEWIS, SHARON KAYE WENDELKEN; 1962's BARBARA T. O'NEAL:1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY. Also, as a part of this section, I'd like to mention that I also heard again from Martha E. Craig, 1960's RONALD P. CRAIG's widow, who's pretty good about maintaining contact.
Before I begin filing through all the e-mail to re-cap the many highlights, I'm going to give you all the news on personal contacts I've had with WC people, just since that last bulletin. It's been a truly grand period of time for that, I must say. I will begin with a call I received in the early afternoon of June 13. It was from none other than my classmate, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., who said he was right here in the area and accompanied by wife Susan, and also by another classmate, J. DAVID MAYS, and wife, Ann. Also, a WC couple, Carroll (as in Carroll O'Connor, the actor) and wife Janice were with them. They were not WC alumni, but they were WC residents. I assured them both that we would not discriminate against them because they were "official alumni." Ha!
As it happens, they were going to have supper on that day at Aunt Catfish's on the River, a very popular local eatery and a very old one, in nearby Port Orange. My husband I were invited to join them. Of course, we did so. Certainly, it's not necessary to tell you all that we had a delightful couple of hours together, discuss-ing a few memories, Florida lifestyles and living, the fishing, weather, past travels, etc. It seems the Wolfs travel a lot. This had been their third trip to Florida, during this calendar year.
My husband was all but besotted with Dave's talk of his love for fishing. He (my husband) is a longtime tournament fisherman, who has won many dollars and many trophies in the Florida waters. He knows the lay of the waterways around here, in the same way many of us know what road to take in order to get home. So they found a great deal of commonality in the fishing conversation.
Dave and Ann had plans to head back to their place in The Villages, while Tom and Susan were going to the west coast of Florida to visit her parents. Carroll and Janice were longtime visitors to this part of the state, and told me they stay at the same motel in the Daytona Beach area, each year. We had a tableside view of the picturesque Halifax River, throughout the meal. My only regret was, due to the seating, I didn't get to talk to you, Susan, as much as I would've liked and I hope we can change that on our next meeting. I offer many thanks to both the Mayses and the Wolfs for including us in their plans. It was truly a delight!
My phone visits with WC people were many, during this period. Naturally, there was my longstanding and close friend, BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, 1958, and his companion, 1971's PATTY J. WHEELBARGER. Bruce has bought another vintage car (not at all to my surprise), he reported. We may be seeing it at the Frisch's Frolic on the night of Friday, October 6. Patty continues to diligently work on "gathering her troops" for the Class of 1971. She tells me her goal is to have a larger turnout for her class than we always have for my class of 1960. Well, I wish you great luck with that effort, Patty, and I'm also willing to offer all the help I can. But my 1960 folks are dedicated to old WC and we always turn out in great number. But do NOT let that discourage your effort! I applaud and encourage ANYone who's making this kind of effort, regardless of class year.
Naturally, I also had a couple of chats with other of my regular callers. One of them, as always, was 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT. She was hard at work on the community garage sale for Germantown. Boy, how I'd have loved to have attended THAT garage sale! I believe she mentioned that 1961 classmate, CAROLE J. LEWIS, was there to give her a hand, too. Was she, Lynn, or did I get that wrong? Lynn and her husband, Frank L. Hawvermale, have been married for nearly 20 years, I do believe. Yes, I still have a big crush on Frank. In fact, when I call the house now, Frank and I always talk first, if he gets to the phone before Lynn answers. Somehow, I suspect Lynn isn't too concerned about this.
Attention, BOYD H. JENKINS!!! Where are you? If anyone out there has heard from Boyd, please let me know. An inordinate amount of time has passed since I heard from him last. At that time, he alluded to some sort of "glitch" with his heart, as he put it. So I'm a bit concerned. Boyd, if you're reading this, please send me a few lines so that I know you're okay.
During this past several weeks, not only did I speak with the formerly-long-lost EDGAR J. "EDDIE" KELLY (1960), but I also received 2 e-mails from him. On the day I spoke with him, he'd just spent the afternoon in a lengthy visit from his old pal, AARON COUCH, who took a trip out to Idaho to visit not only his brother, but also Eddie. He said they had a great visit and he's really looking forward to October.
Eddie has plans to rent a car and drive around with Aaron. He says he's going to bunk with CURTIS A. KEMP, who'll be in his RV. As the 3 of them tour all the old haunts, they plan to pick up 1962's RICHARD C. CALL and take him on all their ventures, along with RICHARD L. "DICKIE" PHILLIPS. Wow, what a crew! Are you reading this, Rich? Curt, you'd better crank up the old RV. It's going to have a whole, new, fun experience. You'd also all better brace up for quite a weekend!
The only "missing piece" for this group will be 1960's WILLIAM M. ROHLER. As it happens, I've also had a recent conversation with Bill. As you all may recall, he lives in Bombay Beach, California, and his place is on the edge of the Saltan Sea, the largest inland body of water in the U.S. Bill lost his wife nearly 3 years ago, but is bouncing back and will remarry on November 25. As a result of that, he's paying for a big wedding, he told me, and can't make it again, this year. But he hopes to join us next year. I know we all wish good luck and great happiness for Bill and his new wife.
Steady contact with EULA FAYE BAILEY continues, and always will, I'm sure. We try to talk at least 2-3 times, each and every month. Eula Faye is currently spending some extra time with her children and grand -children, all of whom live relatively nearby her home in Overland Park, Kansas. She will be with us all, come this October. That's always great news. I remember a relatively recent year, when she missed attending due to health problems. It just wasn't the same.
Also making recent contact was old friend, and also Miami Shores Kid, WALLACE W. ROBBINS. He's having quite a tough time dealing with the loss of his sight. But who wouldn't? He told me that he's got about 15% vision in one eye, and there is some sort of something which increases it by about 3%, but that is it. Apparently, even with today's advances, there is nothing they can do for him, as the cause of his loss of sight is macular degeneration. If any of you are in his neighborhood, do drop by and see him. I know he'd be happy for any visitors. He said he suffers from intermittent bouts of depression His address is 13 Gunckel Avenue. It's pretty near to the main Esther Price store in Dayton on Wayne Avenue. He says he thinks he may wind up living with his sister, SHIRLEY ROBBINS, who just returned to the area from Florida, about 2 years ago. I know we all wish him well and hope that things will somehow get better for him. He's got a new e-mail address, so for now, someone must be reading mail to him or his daughters are doing it.
Does anybody out there remember VERLA JEAN WARD? I know YOU do, GARY L. WARLAUMONT! I actually know many of you do, for you've asked about her, over the years. Well, I also talked to her recently. She was at WC throughout the 10th grade and then moved down to Franklin. It's odd to note she moved from Franklin, Ohio, to Franklin, Tennessee, where she now lives. Jean,cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS , and I hung out together, when we all lived on Miami Shores Drive during our childhood years. We were often joined by SHIRLEY J. TUDOR. Anyway, Jean is in the process of planning her wedding to her high school sweetheart from Franklin, this coming August 4. She would have been in my 1960 class at WC.
By the way, I did finally make contact with Shirley. We talked one night for about 45 minutes, solving all the world's crises and problems, in just one conversation. Why on earth can't all the world leaders seem to do that same thing? Ha!
E-mails and phone calls flew back and forth with me and 1961's DONNA J. RICHARDS. We also did all right with solving all the world's problems, as it were, but mostly we were discussing her attempts to put together a 45th anniversary gig for her class. I'm sure, knowing her, it's going to be truly a roaring success. Donna and I knew who each other was, when we were in high school, of course. But we didn't really "know" each other. She's another wonderful "bonus friend," who has resulted from this bulletin, as are so many of you. I couldn't even BEGIN to explain to all of you what a wonderful enrichment of my life it has been, to be so blessed with the accident of doing this bulletin!
Yet another caller was 1960 classmate, the Honorable Judge CHARLES A. "BUD" LOWMAN III, and we chatted for quite a spell. I also spoke with his fiancee, 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE. Plans are progressing for their August 26 nuptials, they reported. I know we all wish them well. Now, don't you two forget to send me an invitation to the reception, hear?
During my chat with Bud, he made the suggestion that the more informal Friday gathering, always held at the Moraine City Frisch's, be held elsewhere. In the past, several others have made that suggestion, but it goes over like a lead balloon, I've found. Several times, I've put that to the test and you can believe me when I tell you that EVERYONE wants that old tradition to stay just as it is. It's the nostalgia factor, of course. That Frisch's is the one, the only, and the original to which we all went as kids. We're all way too bonded to it, it seems. So I'm sure the event will remain there, but certainly everyone can go wherever they wish, that's for sure.
Just guess who else called me? Well, it was none other than SHARON LYNN BORGER! I thought we would NEVER hang up the phone and I was indeed hoping we wouldn't. Sharon and I shared a long and windy conversation and it was utterly delightful We'd gone all the way through school together, of course, and shared some very early, childhood memories and the entire conversation was a joy! Many thanks for that call, Sharon!
But she's far from the last one. Just 3 days ago, I got a call from SHANNON N. ASTOR, also of my 1960 class. Shannon and I shared a few fun adventures in our junior and senior years, along with other pals, who included BEVERLY A. BOWMAN, CONNIE BAKER, LORETTA CRIDER, and JOYCE L. AUSTIN. We did a bit of reminiscing, too. It was also a fun chat and Shannon will also be with us, come October.
Shannon is in the market for a 1957 and a 1958 year -book, and I thought sure I had at least the 1958, but I don't. My suppliers have run dry and I'm poking about everywhere, in order to replenish. I've sold a slug of those yearbooks, this calendar year. Still remaining plentiful, though, and much to my surprise, is the 1956 edition and I still have about 5 extras of that year. It's their 50th, so I thought sure they would be sold by now, but they aren't. I still also have one spare 1953, one 1954, one 1964, and one 1976. That's it, though, and I can scarcely believe it. Most of you know the rules by now; I sell only to WC people and only for exactly what I paid, plus shipping. I will buy any and all, from any source, regardless of year, condition, or number of autographs. Keep that in mind as all of you schlock around garage sales, old book sales, attics, or any other source.
There was yet another chat with CHARLES A . HIGH, JR., who continues to spend more and more time with his wife, children, and grandchildren. Like so many of us, Charlie is a Miami Shores Kid, too, and the most basic person I've ever known, I do believe. That is his most endearing trait, in fact. Charlie has a wonderful take on life, and says that every morning he awakens and is still, "this side of dirt," he knows it's going to be a good day!
Surely all of the 1960 class remembers our class vice-president, THOMAS D. YOUNG. Yes, I have also re-connected with him. Tom has lived in Xenia with wife Sandi, for many years. He is retired from Delphi and tells me they lead a very quiet lifestyle. I spoke to both him and Sandi, as she is a very longstanding friend of mine, too. Tom is now on our bulletin list. Let's hope we get to see him and Sandi, in October. Over the years, there have been many, many inquiries about Tom, that's for sure. Among those who have asked about him are CHARLES V. CARTER and also his old golf instructor, MURL E. HUFFMAN. Let's hope everyone sees each other in October, at the latest.
We've got a few folks who are, "MIA," and I need to know if all is well. For instance, I wanted to know if all was well with 1958's HARRIETTE E. DOGGETT. I'd sent a couple of e-mails to which she didn't respond. I thought that to be very, "un-Harriette-like," so I took the step of writing to her daughter, Cherree, who was very prompt in replying. She advised that Harriette is fine, but terribly busy caring for her mother, who is nearly 83 and fading fast, the victim of Alzheimer's. Also, her spouse, Danny, is having some health problems, too, and on top of all that, her computer had crashed and she just got it working again. So I'm happy to report that all is well there. I hope to hear from her soon.
And what's with your e-mail, FREDA P. FLETCHER? I keep on getting items bounced back to me. I'm told by people who are for more expert at "computer-ese" than am I (Mike West, to be exact) that your mailbox is full. So hey, empty it, will you?
Also from 1958 came an e-mail from JUDITH MARIE SMITH in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Judy's e-mail was one of reminiscences of LARRY E. HOWARD and how he'd been best friends with her first spouse, 1956's EARL R. MURPHY. Judy was happy to get the contact info on Larry and Pat. She also reported that she relayed my message to Earl, but sadly, she also reported that Earl is not currently in good health. He is aware of his class being in the spotlight for this year's alumni gig, though. I'm still hoping to get Earl's e-mail address and add him to our ever-growing list. Thanks for the newsy note, Judy!
As always, 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST wants us all to send material, particularly photos, for his wonderful blogspot. If you haven't yet seen this, please do so, by going to ( ) Mike keeps so much WC info posted on there. You can even get my old bulletins for about the past 3 years. I don't know if anyone has them for that first 2 1/2 years or not. So do send those photos to Mike at his e-mail address Be sure to identify who's in the photos. Thanks.
What a hit was the immigration story which I sent from 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER!! We got so, so many
positive responses from people in varied classes who included not only the aforementioned Mike West, but also 1970's VICKIE JO GILBERT, 1958's SANDRA L. BARSALOU, 1961's SHARON K. WENDELKEN, and 1967's MARIAN K. HUSSEY. I must admit that the general contention on this one was pretty much the same and that no one felt that illegal aliens should be permitted to avail themselves of free U.S. benefits. No surprise there!
Marian, many thanks for info on LARRY E. HOWARD and I got some other info on Larry, too, so it's good to know people are paying attention and reading. That's how we get to connect people, isn't it? Also carefully reading was 1955's DONNA G. TUDOR. She wrote me back to say she's just been very busy and is also caring for an ailing husband, Rod. Good luck, Donna!
Reporting from 1954, was JO ANNE MCCLURE, who wrote that she just bought herself one of those little Toyota Yaris cars. They are so cute! All of you will remember Jo Anne as the person who still works full-time at about 3 different jobs. It's time to stop that, Jo Anne, and come to join us the alumni gatherings! She is also searching for Jeannine, Janice, Blan, and Mary Anne, but no last names! Help me out, Jo Anne. We may be able to locate some of these people, with a bit more info.
In the last bulletin, I obviously should have chosen my words more carefully. My classmate, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., was under the impression that I meant to state that 1959's GARY E. BARNES was the one who came up with the name of, "WeCaTon News Report," for our bulletins. Of course, that's the original name of our yearbooks and it dates back to the first one in 1915. I meant only to say that it was Gary who had come up with the idea of using it as the name, not that he'd invented it. So my apologies if I misled anyone. I'm getting old, though, and you guys have to cut me some slack. On the plus side, I'll bet I can still type faster than most of you. Ha!
My 1960 classmate, JUDITH ANN SLIFE, and I, have had several exchanges. It seems I may have prodded her into agreeing to join us for alumni weekend. Isn't that right, Judy? I hope so, because we're going to be looking for you. Please don't disappoint us, okay? It seems Judy and a friend are planning a trip to Florida during the month of October, too.
Okay, I did it again. In the last bulletin, I stated that 1953's JACKIE DUNCAN was the 1955 queen. Now, I assure you, of all the people in WC, I'm the one who would know for SURE that it was DORIS D. TUDOR, aren't I? That was a mere type-o, which I failed to catch, even as I proof-read. This was pointed out to me by Doris' sister, DONNA, and also by NORMAN E. JACKSON, 1955. But someone also got the 1954 queen incorrect. That was JANICE WIREMAN. So we got all of this correct now!
Word has reached me that June 25 will be the date for the retirement party of 1961's SAMDRA J. CASEY, who is the longtime spouse of classmate, TOM W. WELLER. Many of her classmates have been named as possible attendees, including CAROLE J. LEWIS, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, JANET L. WALTERS, SALLY L. GILLETTE, JUDY M. FRANTZ, EDNA L. GRAY, DONNA J. RICHARDS, and I'm sure there are others, too. As I was glancing through the yearbook for 1961, I couldn't help but notice how very many of the girls in that class were extra-ordinarily gorgeous. But I also noticed, when I saw the photo of you, JACK L. GODBY, how dashing you look in it. Yes, you look studious, due to the stylish horn rims. But somehow, as only you could do, your appearance went beyond the glasses, by far. You achieved a look of distinction which few can, even dashing! But then, that's the way you are, as we all know!
From 1973's JEAN ANN MILLER came a request for some WC website help, which she asked me to send to the capable Tom Wolf, who can very likely help her with that effort. That's great, Jean! We need all the efforts we can get, especially to promote the crown jewel event of the alumni dinner/dance. All our alumni committee works SO hard to bring that event together for its awesome conclusion, each year. It is so very deserving of the highest possible attendance. Let's all be sure to plan on it, and also be sure to get those reservations submitted, as far in advance as possible.
Try as I might, I can't avoid this subject, and yes, it is two more deaths. Most of you recall that the 1960 class recently lost CAROL ANN KNEAR. Carol had originally been married to another 1960 classmate, the late JACOB FRANKLIN EBY, JR. They had two children together. After Jake died, which I understand was many years ago, Carol was remarried to the man named Keister.
The death notice came to us, courtesy of DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, yet another 1960 classmate, and thanks SO much, DeDe. That was the only notice I received about Carol. By the way, for those of you who might want to correct Jake's class year to 1959, I want you to know I'm already aware that he IS in that book. However, he did NOT graduate until 1960, with our class. The pictures were taken in September, the books went to print in November, but by the time the year ended, Jake was short by a credit or two, as was so often the case, back then. So he wound up with the 1960 class for his official graduation.
From our former teacher (who still teaches), MURL E. HUFFMAN, came a notice about the death of a man named Paul Moore, who was the spouse of MARY PAT MOORE, longtime WCHS dean of girls. He died on June 10. I didn't know Mrs. Moore, but I'm sure many of you did. Thanks for that, MEH. (Hey, I'm getting a bit better. I'm now addressing you by your initials, in my never-ending efforts to overcome the urge to call you, "Mr. Huffman." I have to do this in very small steps, you see.)
When 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL read this notice and then saw the name, MURL E. HUFFMAN, she wrote she got a huge knot in her stomach, thinking it was him. Fear not, Nancy! Our MURL E. HUFFMAN is all but invincible and will likely attend ALL of our funerals.
Mike West was curious about the years during which Mrs. Moore was dean of girls. I was unable to answer that and referred him to Mr. H. Whoops! I mean MEH. Let's keep those news tidbits flowing, and let's try for as FEW as we can, on the deaths, obviously.
Okay, gang, it's the third day of summer and I have the care and feeding of 3 boys at my fingertips. They are 9, 10, and 11, so need I say more? It's time for me to hightail it out of here. So in the grand tradition of The Lone Ranger, I offer you my "Hi Yo, Silver! Away!" for this edition of the WeCaTon News Report. Naturally, I also leave each of you with my wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Drove a red, 1948 Oldsmobile fastback, similar to this, his latest "classic vehicle" acquisition. That old Oldsmobile wasn't the greatest car ever (especially after we all drove it around in it for a while!), but it got us to school and made some cool "hooky" road trips. He has always wanted and searched for another one like it. Now, he has found it. Here it is at the maintenence yard of his business in the 'burg.
Monday, June 12, 2006
KEISTER, Carol 63, of King's Point (FL?), died unexpectedly on June 6, 2006 at South Bay Hospital, Sun City Center. She had been a resident of Sun City for 5 years and was a member of the Ohio Club and the Ambassador's Club. She was an RN graduate of Sinclair Community College School of Nursing in Dayton OH. She was an Assistant Head Nurse and Charge Nurse at several hospitals in the Dayton area and at Riverside Hospital in Columbus. She recently earned a Certificate in Interior Decorating from Thomnpson Institute and was attempting to start her own design business. She also enjoyed crafts, scrapbooking, and cooking. Carol was born Carol Ann Knear on June 12, 1942 in Dayton, OH, daughter of Carl Knear and his wife Mary Jones (currently a resident of Sun City Center). She leaves her husband Richard of Sun City Center to whom she was married for 22 years; her mother; a sister, Marilyn Davidson of Bonita Springs, FL; a half-brother William Knear of Logan Co., OH; 5 children, Christopher (Brenda) Eby; Cheryl (Jerry) Kondek of Salisbury, NC; Julia Reynolds of Jackson Co., GA; Mark (Barbara) Eby of Dayton, OH; and Amy (Duane) Campbell, Winder GA; two stepchildren Beth Mitchell (nee Keister); and Nathan (Dana) Campbell of Columbus, OH; 11 grandchildren and 4 step-grandchildren. Arrangements are being handled by Lewers Funeral Home of Ruskin, FL. There will be no formal services. The body will be cremated with a marker at David's Cemetery in Kettering, OH.
Published in the Dayton Daily News on 6/11/2006.
Guest Book • Flowers • Gift Shop • Charities
Friday, June 09, 2006

Steven McCleary, Steven is a high school senior and is helping grandma with her website(s) this summer.
Thursday, June 08, 2006

Sharon Kaye Wendelken Harris, '61, Writes:

Sharon's eldest grandson, James David Smith on his first saddle bronco ride at the high school rodeo.
Here we go again! I'm going to try and do the WC reports approximately the first week of each month, I think. That seems to work out best for me, as I have a number of other writing and journalism commitments which fill the other weeks of the month. So we'll see if that plan works. Before I began this bulletin, I sat here thinking about how long I've been doing this terribly- accidental bulletin. I keep a daily journal and have done so, for many years. So I checked back to see if I might have made a note of it. Surely enough, I did. It seems it began in November of 2000, right after my return from my 40th class reunion and the annual WC gathering. My charter members were ALL 1961-ers. They were cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS, NANCY J. ERTEL, and EDNA L. GRAY. Within the first one or two messages, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT was added, then another, and another, and another. As the adage goes, "The rest is history."
So I've been at this for about 5 1/2 years now, still just love doing it, and now have about 400 alumni on my bulletin list (perhaps more). My greatest reward has been that of getting acquainted with so many of you I "missed" in school. I know I've written that previously, but it bears repeating. You have all enriched my life, in one way or another, and I don't want you to think I take any of you for granted. You are all an integral part of the fabric of this quilt which has been named as the WeCaTon News Report (and that name came to us through the, "Yankee ingenuity" of 1959's GARY E. BARNES. Thanks, Gary, it's a great name!) So let's get going with our latest report and I'm going to once again see if I can type myself into oblivion. (It's sure a good thing that I became proficient at typing, isn't it? Ha!)
Our alumnus, SONYA SUE BANKS, is "lost" on the cyberspace highway. All her e-mail is returned, each time I send it. Does anyone have an update? We're still also missing 1960's MILTON R. WOLFE and WILLIAM E. HECKER. I'm getting a full mailbox flag from you, Lola Jean Call, spouse of 1962's RICHARD C. CALL. Are you on vacation? Apparently, 1959's KEITH E. ANDERSON is on vacation. I got a reply in which that was indicated, at least. So tell us all about your recent vacation, Keith! We haven't heard from you. What about you, 1962's JOHN W. OBERLIES, JR.? It's been a while since I heard a word from you and I'm getting auto-replies from your office. Please bring me up to date! Quite often, I get returned mail for 1956's RONALD L. "PETE" BECKETT and his classmate spouse, CAROL A. PFISTER. However, I ALWAYS impose upon Pete's sister, 1958's LINDA LEE BECKETT, to be sure she does any necessary forwarding. Also being returned was the mail for my 1960 cohort, JOANN K. STEMLEY. Just in the nick of time, Jo wrote me an e-mail yesterday, within a few minutes of the time I was preparing to dispatch the U.S. Coast Guard (or whoever), in order to track her down. We're going to have a further update on Jo, a bit later in the bulletin. Your timing is impeccable, by the way, JoAnn! Many thanks to 1960's STEVEN M. KOKOT and 1962's BARBARA T. O'NEAL, for taking the time to update me on their new e-mail address. It is much appreciated. I had also been having some problems sending to 1958's JAMES E. KECKLER, but that seems to have resolved now, and all is well.
Since the last bulletin was written, we've had some sad news, that's for sure. The daughter of 1971's DANIEL E. PENDLEY (younger sibling of 1960's LARRY M. PENDLEY), who was but 28, was tragically killed in a vehicular accident. Danielle Nicole Pendley lived in Eaton, Ohio, at the time of her passing. You have all already read this, I know, but I always like to double-check to make sure everyone is aware. This news came to me, through my classmate PHILIP H. WOLFORD, whose sister, JOY WOLFORD, told him about it. (By the way, Joy has been married for about 27 years to JOHN KEMP, younger brother of CURTIS A. KEMP.) Thanks, Phil. This tragedy brought forth touching expressions of sympathy from Dan's 1971 classmate, PAMELA K. SHIPLEY. I received a nice thank-you from Nicole's uncle, LARRY M. PENDLEY, for the card I sent. He told me that Nicole left a spouse and a 9-year-old daughter. How sad!
We had yet another tragedy in WC families when we learned of the accidental drowning of the 5-year-old granddaughter of 1961's WILLIAM A. COLEMAN. Her name was Kristin Elaynne Hall and she resided in Miamisburg. It is always so tough losing a child, but I can't even imagine losing a grandchild, either. Those sentiments were well-expressed by 1967's MARIAN K. HUSSEY (wife of 1960's PHILLIP D. HOWARD) and by 1960's JUDITH ANN SLIFE. I know all of our hearts go out to both Bill and Dan. My thanks goes to 1961's CAROL A. MUMMA for letting me know about Bill's granddaughter.
We did have two passings of WC alumnus, also, and one was BARBARA JEAN MILTON, Class of 1959. I couldn't place her immediately, but when I opened the 1959 Piratan, I vividly remembered her. She was very pretty and popular in school (as were all the MILTON girls, it seems.) She died on May 26, apparently of cancer. This information came to me, through her classmate, GARY E. BARNES.
There was also the tragic death of 1992's 31-year-old JENNIFER BEALS HUMMEL. I'm not really clear on the cause, but have the impression it was likely to be a catastrophic illness. A query came from 1970's VICKIE JO GILBERT, about Jennifer's death. I do hope you were able to get your question answered, Vickie. Let me know if there's anything further.
From 1958's BRUCE K. COPSEY came an e-mail, notifying us of a May 13 Memorial Service for the late JAMES H. SMITH, who had died early in the year. I guess it was one of those delayed memorials, as he had lived in Florida when he died. Thanks, Bruce.
On a cheerier note, I got a little piece of writing from none other than 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON. It was entitled, "Dirt Roads." It was truly so great, I just had to send it along. Of course, it was very greatly appreciated and elicited some wonderful responses from several of us. Not the least of these was 1961's SHARON KAYE WENDELKEN, who also sent along some wonderful photos, including one of her very own dirt road, which leads to her current South Carolina home. Those photos have been forwarded to our computer guru, MICHAEL S. WEST, for posting on the blogspot. So take a look! "Dirt Roads" was authored by Paul Harvey, but Norm, you sure do have a knack for sending the good ones.
Exchanges continue between me and 1954's WM. L. MCNABB, regarding the history of our Piratan. I'm absolutely positive of our being named Pirates in the year, 1926. But neither Bill nor I have been able to locate a Piratan dated for the years of 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, or 1932. We are also unable to find anyone who can resolutely confirm or deny if they were printed during those years. So if anyone out there can help us, we'd like to hear any or all available information. We're thinking our best bets for this info could come from 1933's A. EMERSON FAHRNEY or maybe from 1935's PAULINE E. GRESSBACH, and even though it was a bit before his time, perhaps 1940's HOWARD L. MCELWEE might recall some-thing. Also, anyone out there who has a box of old high school stuff from a parent who attended WC---well, open it up and take a look for us, please! I'd pay a king's ransom for any of those years and I'll bet Bill would, too. To this day, I'd still give anything for one, original 1941 Piratan! So keep this in mind, all of you.
From 1961's SANDRA S. HOLLINGSOWRTH came an apologetic note about missing our visit while she was here in Florida. But it was exactly what I had expected and what I have experienced, myself, on so many trips. She just simply ran out of time. We'll get it together next time, Sande! Hopefully, I will be seeing you in October, right? By the way, Sande also loved Norm's submission of, "Dirt Roads." Then again, who didn't?
Well, I was in for a blast from the past when, out of the blue, I got both an e-mail and a phone call from none other than MARVIN A. COLLINS. I know a lot of us remember Marvin. He had brothers named CECIL, MONROE, and CHARLIE. I believe they are all now deceased, is that right, Marvin? Anyway, Marvin used to date cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS and he called her, too. He found her on the internet in the WC log.
Marvin now lives in Tarpon Springs, Florida, is retired from GM, was married twice (22 years and 11 years) and is now happily divorced. I told Marvin about all of our WC functions and he wrote that he may join us in October. Well, that won't do, Marv. You have to BE there, hear? So we'll first look for you at the Moraine City Frisch's on the evening of October 6. Don't let us down! Judy and I later discussed how amazing it was to hear from Marvin after all these years. It was she who told me he had found her on the internet.
Judy and I have been lately solving more of the world's problems. We just don't understand why it never has yet hit the national news at 6:30. But we intend to keep on trying. So far, we've discussed (over and over) all the fun of having retired husbands at home for whom we cook every day (and pick up clothes and do the bathroom after many messy showers, pick up the socks, t-shirts, etc., etc., etc. Ah, the joy!)
Judy and Bill are very active in the Eagles, still travel in their RV, are currently in the process of securing passports, so I presume they are preparing to do some travels which are outside the U.S. Judy's son recently visited from Wisconsin. It had been a while, since he was here.
It would seem that congratulations are in order for two of our alumni. I'm fairly certain this is NOT just an idle rumor. On good authority, I understand that 1960's CHARLES A. "BUD" LOWMAN III and 1961's SALLY A. GILLETTE will be getting hitched on August 26. I
was at first given to understand that this was some sort of big secret. But as with all things WC, people began telling me about it, from all directions. At that point, I realized it was pretty much well-known.
As most of us are aware, Bud and Sally have been an item for several years. Besides, Bud had already told me (last October) that he intended to propose to Sally, so it was no surprise to me. I'm sure we all wish them well. Congratulations to you two, and I do wish I could be there for this auspicious occasion. Several notes came in about this, one from MONTY ESTEP, who had seen Bud while playing golf, and he said that Bud told him they'd be marrying at the same place where we held our 25th reunion. By the way, just for the record, I did get a confirming e-mail on this, from the bride, Sally. She indicated that they are very happy.
A long and nostalgic note came in from our blogspot moderator, MICHAEL S. WEST, in which he bemoan -ed the loss of the small-town flavor of our old WC. It was something with which I could easily identify. I feel that way, each and every time I go there. But on a brighter note, Mike did comment about a big visual improvement on the appearance of Miami Shores, my beloved childhood home. Yes, I've noticed that, too. I know there aren't any mansions there, but I'm not all hyped up about that, anyway. I will always think of it as my home. Mike recently exchanged messages with our mutual classmate, BEVERLY JOAN HAAS, who lives in Alpine, California, and is apparently doing ok.
My recent exchanges with 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE and WILLIAM R. HOWARD, proved to be very interesting. All three of us do process service (that means serving subpoenas and summonses) for various agencies (mostly attorneys, I'm sure) and Bill is in Ohio, of course, while I'm on Florida's east coast and Tom is on Florida's west coast. I had expected quite a difference between the two states, but was quite surprised with the big differences which exist between Florida's two coasts. It's almost as if it's two different states. Making the comparisons was very enlightening, though.
Also, I had a number of exchanges with DONNA J. SIMPSON, Class of 1961. We always seem to have heavily philosophical exchanges, so if any of you feel the need to seek counseling on any of the weighty matters of life, feel free to call on either of us. Ha! She is also busily toiling away on some efforts for her 45th class reunion, which is obviously this year. I had a hit from Donna's classmate, JAMES E. CURTIS, which I promptly sent right along to her. We hope you will be at alumni weekend this year, Jim!
From 1959's GARY E. BARNES came an e-mail in which he expressed thanks for the bulletins (not at all necessary, but very much appreciated, Gary) and he also confirmed that there will, indeed, be a WC golf outing on alumni weekend this year. So stay tuned out there, all you golfers! Gary does a great job with this, I am told. As he advises me, I will advise you.
Hey, I finally got a response from 1958's RICHARD L. JOHNSON. I know many of you remember him. It seems he had some sort of e-mail mix-up, right at the time we were putting together all the last-minute info and things got sort of lost in the shuffle. Richard says he expects to be with us at Spring Fest for sure, come next year.
A similar e-mail arrived from 1958's ROBERT W. "SMITTY" SMITH. I guess I must have misinterpreted something he wrote or asked, for I thought sure he'd written that he would be at Spring Fest. But he said he hadn't meant to imply any solid commitment, so it was my fault. I guess we all just wanted you to be here, Smitty! You were always one of the popular members of that class, you know, not to mention you were also a "jock" on the football field. But we hope you'll be with us in October.
Let's all do our best to assist 1964's DESDA E. DOERSAM with the location of her classmates. You all got her list, just a few days ago. For reasons of which I'm unaware, we got instant success on the location of ROBERT BARNARD. But I haven't yet heard of anyone else. So please keep that in mind. Desda, if I can help you in any other way, do let me know, please. Thanks to 1958's WM. R. HOWARD for delivering the goods on Bob. Tom Fee was also interested in reaching Bob, so I also sent him Bob's numbers. Help was also forthcoming from 1960's RICHARD S. HOLT, who was successful in locating last known addresses on two of Desda's people. But let's keep our eyes and ears open for all clues!
Does anyone know of a WC grad (or former attendee) named Artie Allen or Arthur Allen? He's in about the late-70s group, I think, but am unsure. My info on this is very sketchy and I'm still working on it. I had the help of 1986's KEITH A. SIMS, who checked the 1978 book for me, but no luck. I'll let you all know, if I should get more solid info.
Let me tell you all about the most amusing e-mail I received this bulletin period. It came from 1958's JUDITH MARIE SMITH, whose last name is Robbins now. Judy expressed the thought that perhaps none of us even remembered her! I was amazed by that. She was a gorgeous girl, very intelligent, a good student, and even a homecoming attendant. Who on earth would forget YOU, Judy? A number of you have, in fact, asked questions about Judy, over the years. It seems that Judy now lives in Lake Havasu City, Az. She was once married to 1956's EARL MURPHY, so she wrote. Earl lives in California and he and Judy are still cordial. We all would love to see you both, Judy! So you get on over to Ohio, come this October, hear? By the way, folks, Judy wants to know about LARRY & PAT HOWARD. Do any of you Howards on my list know who they are? I'm afraid I don't. So let's try to help Judy with her request. Judy, I'm still waiting on Earl's e-mail address, by the way. Judy says Earl wants to be on the bulletin list.
Of course, you've all read the latest travel report of 1960's GERALD A. FULLER, and wife, Becky (who is slowly emerging as WC's official photographer) and their travels across North America. They do a great job of keeping in touch and of keeping us all well informed and they also visit everyone, everywhere they go. But they did forget to include their phone number in that traveling e-mail and they want all the WC people to have it, so it's 859 548-3718. Do make a note of it.
My little note, in which I begged for news, proved to be quite effective. I want to thank all of you who sent me a response. It was just great! One of the first ones I received, was from 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER, and I hope all of you went to the blogspot to look at the photo of her, as she celebrated her 70th birthday with family and friends. Freda, you look great!
We have lots of us who are out there on the road in RVs, seeing the country. It's not only the Fullers. I've just received word from 1960's JUDITH A. STALDER that she and spouse, Jerry DeAngulo, will be gone for the entire summer.
From 1973's JEAN ANN MILLER has come a recent report on retired WC Jr. High teacher and librarian, Donna Deitrich, who is now spending her summers in Arizona, near her son's home.
We also have that world traveler from my own Class of 1960, ROBERTA A. RICE, who has just returned from a trip to Jordan. Wasn't that a great travel report? I could literally see you, Roberta, doing every single one of those things, too!
As promised, I told you that there would me more on 1960's JOANN K. STEMLEY. She's on the road, too! She and spouse, Ronald R. Hall, have decided to do the travel thing for a couple of years. She says they both love Orlando, so are going to keep the condo, after all. They will use their Dayton home as base. I expect to see them during the summer.
Naturally, those WALKER people are still out on the road, doing hurricane work, no doubt. That would be Karen and 1960 spouse, WILLIAM O. We all did get to see them at Spring Fest, but I didn't get to visit for nearly long enough, so I'm hoping to get to see them again, perhaps this summer.
Also continuing to travel between their vast estates are 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT and her very charming spouse, Frank L. Hawvermale. (Yes, I still have a crush on Lynn's husband, for any of you who may be wondering.) Anyway, the Hawvermales have just recently returned from their home in Henderson, Nevada, and their next trip is likely to be to Florida, so I'm hoping to see them.
Amidst all this traveling, though, one thing remains as steadfast as the sun arising each morning, and that would be the resistance of 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL, to ever leave her Kansas home. So don't ever expect
to hear the words, "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore," coming from Nancy. I'm firmly convinced she's always going to be there. However, she does continue to assist me in those technological pinches and to keep me posted on the happenings in her life, such as her nearly-17-year-old grandson helping her and her husband with the website during the summer. By the way, he's quite a handsome lad! She sent a photo. I'll see if I can get Mike to post it on his blogspot and identify it for us. By the way, Nancy does some racy stuff, folks! She recently informed me that she's a fan of the HBO series, "Deadwood." No wonder she doesn't want to leave Kansas!
Here's a message for you, 1958's LEONARD F. KUHN! Nancy wants to know about your sisters, Judy and Joyce, and about your brother, Bill. She says she e-mailed you twice, but you didn't answer. Pat, you might be able to answer this, eh? C'mon, Lennie! Send Nancy the info she wants, okay? She says you were all neighbors for years!
Also making it into my folder in time for this bulletin, was an e-mail from our spectacular host/hostess for Spring Fest 2006, J. DAVID MAYS and his gracious and gorgeous wife, Ann. (Of course, the actual e-mail came from Ann.) She writes that she and Dave are so pleased about their Florida move to The Villages, and that they continue to meet new and interesting people on an almost-daily basis. They are very active and they continue to get lots of company from the old stomping grounds. They were just getting ready to leave on a week-long trip to Cincinnati. So how did that go? You're probably back by now. Very nice report, Ann, and thank you for taking the time to keep us all updated.
An update came from 1960's DANNY L. WALTERS, too. It seems that he and wife, Phyllis, were recently at The Villages. Dan reported that they liked it so much, they've rented a place there next year for the months of February and March. Wonderful! We'll get to have you for Spring Fest, won't we?
On yet another update and travel note, it seems that 1960's JUDITH ANN SLIFE will soon be departing for Egypt. Wow! Now, that's a trip, isn't it? Judy's going in September, so let's all hope she returns in time for alumni weekend and will be there to tell us all about it. Judy says she'll be visiting the Pyramids, naturally, and she was also impressed with Roberta's Jordan trip. On a separate note, Judy wrote that she recently toured the old Kiser High School (from which she came to us at WC) and had quite a wave of nostalgia about it. You see, it's being demolished and they had an open house before doing it. Judy keeps company with a former Kiser classmate. They toured it together and shared quite a few memories. I know we all can
vividly remember Kiser High School, so there goes another childhood landmark! Thanks for a good and newsy update, Judy!
While we're on the subject of Judy, it came to my attention recently, that Judy and 1960's IDA JANE TREON were honored recently by the Dayton Blood Bank for donating over 15 units of plasma each. Ida wrote that it is used for treating cancer patients. How admirable an effort! Congratulations to both of you. Ida is embarking on a 15-state vacation with husband John. Be sure to give us a report when you return, Ida!
Luck was with me again when another wonderful travel report was forthcoming from EDNA L. GRAY of the 1961 class. Now, as all of you may recall, Edna is one of our most prolific travelogue writers. For about 2-3 years, Edna sent great reports about their travels. She slacked off a bit, over the past 6 months, but I'm in hopes that she's back on track now.
Anyway, Edna and husband, Richard M. Ryan, have just completed quite a tour. First, they went to a Navy retirement ceremony for Dick's son, Terry Ryan (26 years) in the city of Meridian, Mississippi. Edna writes they were royally treated. She's not really big on that state, but said they loved the wonderful foods, such as the fried green tomatoes and gumbo. Then they went to Louisiana to see the effects of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and Edna wrote that it was just simply overwhelming and that we could never believe it, if we didn't see it. She said the destruction was beyond anyone's wildest dreams.
From there, they swung through Alabama, taking in the sights at the Battle of Chicamaugua, and then did one more stop in Tennessee, to visit old friends. From there, it was home for the spring planting and yard clean-up. What a great trip, Edna. Thanks for the report.
More traveling is taking place with 1960's CHARLES A. HIGH, JR. Charlie was just recently cruising about the Smoky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains, with his wife, his daughter, and the two grandchildren. Charlie says he and Carol decided to see a little of the U.S. before they were unable to travel any longer. Good for you, Charlie! We all want to see you this year for sure, hear?
On the morning of June 5, AARON COUCH departed his Miamisburg home, headed for Idaho. He will visit with older brother, DONNIE, who's a teacher in Boise. He will also surprise the dickens out of his old buddy, 1960's EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY, when he goes up to his door in Nampa, Idaho. Aaron says he can't wait to surprise him. Aaron and I were on a conference call for an hour and 40 minutes, the night before he left on his trip, bridged in with CURTIS A. KEMP. Curt, Eddie, and Aaron were all big buddies in school, along with 1960's WILLIAM M. ROHLER and 1962's RICHARD C. CALL and a few others. Aaron asked me for a number to reach 1960's DOUGLAS A. RENAS, and I was only too happy to provide it. Doug recently returned to the Dayton area, after many years spent in Arizona. He lives on Huffman Avenue. I hope to get him to come to Frisch's, at the very least. Listening to the reminiscences of Aaron and Curt was enough to bring back many a fond memory.
Few people, it would seem, run into more WC folks than does 1959's GARY E. BARNES (with Bruce as the possible exception, of course). Gary reports that he recently saw 1960's FRED LEE DOOLEY and that Fred wants to be on the bulletin list. Great, Fred! We will be happy to accommodate you. Gary also recently saw his 1959 classmate, ROGER D. WRAY, and he saw Lennie, too, who told him what fun they had down here in Florida, at Spring Fest. Thanks, Gary, and we all look forward to seeing you soon!
Another 1959-er checked in, JAMES L. LINDSEY, to tell us the awful news that his daughter just broke her arm. I'm SO sorry to hear that, Jim, as I know we all are. How's she doing? Jim and his wife have been doing a lot of work on their house, he writes, and he also just started a new job. Lots of us seniors seem to be doing that, these days. Is it any wonder, with what everything costs? Jim hopes to make it up to Ohio again, this year, but says he's reluctant to make any promises because something has prevented his trip for the past two years. Let's hope things will work out well for you this year, Jim.
Our in-house, published author, 1961's CAROL ANN MUMMA (current name Guy) has written to say that she and her co-author (Linda Zimmer) will be doing a book signing on July 4th for their newest mystery. It's entitled, "Vengeance Can Wait." Nice going, Carol! We need to see you in October!
MONTY ESTEP had nothing but nice things to say about his two 1960 classmates, SHIRLEY J, TUDOR and DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, both of whom he recently saw. Apparently, he had nice visits with them and said they both looked great. Indeed, they both do, Monty, and by the way, so do you!
An interesting and amusing report arrived from 1955 classmate, CAROLE JUNE TEWELL (who graduated as Burton, since she was then married) who wrote of her lifelong passion for entering sweepstakes and told of many things she has won in her life, as a result.Over the years, she's won such things as Meijer's gift cards, a trip to Disney World, a Daytona 500 trip for two, and a week's free car rental, among many other things. Carole, it seems has passed the torch, so to speak, to her daughter, who recently won herself a brand-new refrigerator! Interestingly, Carole says that some of these items were won in a McDonald's Happy Meal contest and another from a Hershey's candy wrapper. I love it, Carole! Keep up the good work! Carole also bought herself a brand-new Toyota this year, she says, and she drives past WCHS constantly, always thinking of the wonderful times we all had, then. Nice report, Carole, and many thanks.
From 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH came two or three e-mails, about his excitement regarding a big, impending dinner engagement he was going to host on June 2. There will be much more about that, as we move along, though. Bruce and I continue to talk and e-mail on a regular basis. Bruce reported that long- time companion, 1971's PATTY J. WHEELBARGER, is still busily immersed in trying to plan a shindig for her class's 35th. How's that going, Patty? He also reported that he's recently seen 1959's SANDRA RAE KINNEY (widow of 1958's DAVID L. MICHAEL) and he's also seen 1958's MARGIE L. MILTON. He also intends to try contacting 1960's, finally-found NINA F. KNISLEY, to see how she's doing, these days. So Bruce continues to be busy with his WC social life, as well as his business interests. He'll be contacting 1960's SHARON LYNN BORGER, too, he says. But I've got my own report on Sharon, and we'll get to that later, too.
From those, "old newlyweds," 1960's DAVID G. OTT and 1963's SANDRA A MINIX came a couple of nice news tidbits, too. Dave confirmed that they will see us all in the fall, so can this mean ANYthing but that they intend to be at the alumni gig? Of course not! The Otts will be fresh from an August cruise, intended to celebrate their 25th anniversary, even thought they'll have been married 43 years. Dave writes that it's a sort of "make-up" cruise for one that he promised so many years ago. Great! You two have a wonderful time and heartiest congratulations on number 43! I also appreciate the kinds words of praise.
Another county was heard from (both literally and figur -atively) with 1964's KARL R. BURRUS, who was just filled with great news. Karl reported that he and his family (including a 15-month-old grandson, whose name is Jackson Todd Burrus) recently enjoyed a little vacation in St. George Island, Florida. By the way, Karl, that's one of Florida's best-kept secrets. How did you find out about it? Anyway, he reported that his little grandson just loved the beach. Wife Linda, along with son Jason and his wife, Jodi, also went on the trip. But here's a REALLY big one for you! It seems that little Jackson's mother is currently pregnant with TRIPLETS!!! Wow, Karl! You and your wife must be thrilled to pieces, aren't you? Be SURE to keep us all posted on THIS development (pun intended), okay? The Burrus clan did deepsea fishing and enjoyed a bit of golf at St. James Bay. Karl also wrote that his wife took home no less than sixty pounds of shells and that she will create some lamps with them. It must so nice to be artistically inclined! That was a wonderful report, Karl. Thanks so much for taking the time to write. We all hope to see you in the fall in Ohio.
We also got a long overdue update from 1958 class member, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE. As many of you will recall, Tom had a March 21 surgery. He says he is recovering nicely. On May 8, he and Sandy had a 38th wedding anniversary celebration. Congratula- tions to you both on such an auspicious occasion. A granddaughter of the Fees has recently picked up her Master's Degree, and one of the grandsons is head-ed for Cancun, Mexico. Now, that sounds like one, busy household! We're all glad to hear that you're coming along well with your recovery, Tom, and many thanks for the report. Yes, that's exactly what I wanted.
From 1956's JULIA DEANNA CHRISTIE came the question of why Woody's is setting empty. Well, it so happens that Woody voluntarily closed down the store about May 1 of 2000 or 2001, as I recall, Deanna. He is now 93 years old and remarried, as you may recall, to WC 1955 homecoming queen, JACKIE DUNCAN.
This calendar year is very significant for Deanna, by the way. Not only is it the 50th anniversary of her graduating class, but also it will be the 50th wedding anniversary for her and her husband, come the month of December. Many congratulations, Deanna! She has also written of being terribly excited about alumni weekend and is hoping to see many familiar faces of old high school friends. Deanna mentioned that she has recently gotten to speak with a number of her old high school friends, and also credits my sister, 1956's JUDY ANN RISNER, for her efforts in that. Deanna is devoted to her husband, their 5 children, 13 grand children, and 3 great-grandchildren. That's quite a track record, Deanna. We all look forward to seeing you, come October, and thanks so much for a terrific report!
As I'm sure everyone is by now aware, I set great store by the reports which come to me from my 1960 classmate (and now-treasured friend) THOMAS L. WOLF, JR. Tom and his wife, Susan, are simply a delight and I always know I'm going to have a good time when I'm in their company. But Tom is also a very accurate and reliable source of info on all the WC happenings, since he's a retired administrator and he still sits on the school board. So I was especially appreciative when Tom sent in one of his reports in time for this bulletin.
In it, Tom alludes to the Education Recognition Assoc. of WC, which has been a tradition since 1963. This WC association has recently distributed about 750 tokens of recognition to students in the high school and the junior high, writes Tom, and it has also been instrumental in the awarding of 36, $1,000-dollar scholarships. He also reports that alumni officer, 1948's JACQUELYN A. CRITZER presented two $1,000 scholarships from the Alumni Association. Let's all try to remember to throw in an extra $10 or $20 or more, when we make our reservations for our crown jewel event, the Alumni Dinner/Dance, each year. It goes for such a worthy cause!
Tom also reported that the tradition of holding senior Baccalaureate Services, has fallen by the wayside for about 10 years. That was once so standard, as Tom was quick to observe. But with today's unexplainable (to me) "standards," (yes, that's tongue-in-cheek), the tradition had fallen by the wayside, it seems. The old tradition was rescued by none other than a current school guidance counselor, 1963's THOMAS H. KOKENGE, who resurrected it. Tom says it was held this year, optionally of course, at the Guiler Auditorium with about 60 of the 260 students attending. The name of the auditorium is derived, of course, from a man who is/was a WC institution and that would the the late DICKINSON T. GUILER. So thank you again, Tom, for a wonderful and informative report.
Now that I've covered all of my incoming e-mail, you'd think you'd get a break, right? Not a chance! You see, I still must report on all my personal contacts with our alumni. Yes, I know this bulletin is getting longer and longer. I'd like to apologize for that, but I just can't. It means that more and more of you are participating and sending news and blips and snippets. Isn't that, after all, just exactly what we want? But of course! So as long as my typing skills don't collapse, (God bless you, Mrs. Spangenberg!) we'll just keep on truckin'!
You all already know that I've spoken with AARON COUCH, CURTIS KEMP, and CHARLIE HIGH. Do I have others? You bet! Recently, I spoke with 1961's DONNA J. RICHARDS. She's busily at work on trying to put something together for her class's 45th, which is this year, obviously. So if you're interested in seeing all your old 1961 buddies, be sure to contact Donna!
Following my chat with Donna, I picked up the 1961 edition of the Piratan and leafed through it. As I did so, I turned to the page which has a striking photo of 1961's homecoming queen, CHRIS L. CLEARY. As everyone from that era is aware, Chris was one of the most popular and beautiful girls in her class. Well, as I stared at that photo, I was struck by how much she still looks just LIKE that photo! I've seen her recently and she was definitely one of the alumnus you would know, immediately. She has changed, hardly at all! How did you do that, Chris? I believe Chris still teaches at WC. As everyone knows, Chris has long been wed to former WC teacher, DAVID E COLLINS. Viewing that Piratan was a fun trip down memory lane.
As I do with great regularity, I've also spoken with 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT. We've continued our drive to solve all the world's problems. I'm not sure we'll ever stop doing that, but I'm also not sure anyone will ever listen to us. Ha! I hope to see Lynn and her husband this summer, when they come to Lynn's parents' home. If not, I shall most assuredly
see them in October!
Classmate EULA FAYE BAILEY and I continue to have regular contact. For a while, Eula Faye was ill, but is doing much better now. She's currently enjoying a brief hiatus from the work-a-day world and spending more time with her children and grandchildren, who live nearby to her Overland Park, Kansas, home. We will all be seeing her in October!
Although I tried, I was unsuccessful in reaching lifelong friend, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR. But Shirley stays very busy and is very active with golfing. I'll keep trying, though, and sooner or later, I'll reach her and we'll get current on everything. But I'm sure wondering about her 1955 sister, DONNA G. TUDOR. I used to hear from you every week, Donna! Where ARE you?
Recently, I've had some wonderful exchanges with my 1960 classmate, SHARON LYNN BORGER. I think I told all of you of Sharon's sending a donation to the WC postal fund, as I call it. I mail all of these bulletins to a number of WC people who don't have PCs. As word of that spread, alumni started sending money to me, although I've never asked anyone for a dime, and never would. So when donations arrive, I put them in my big, brown WC envelope and use them for costs relative to postage, paper, print cartridges, whatever. When Sharon sent her donation, she also wrote me a terrific letter (handwritten, no less) and sent some nostalgic, childhood photos, which I loved! In her letter, she also indicated that she badly wanted both a 1953 and a 1948 Piratan. Well, don't you know, I had both of the ones she wanted!! I was so happy to send them to her and she was thrilled with them.
Also, I wrote back (but used a word processor, I have to confess) in response to her letter and we both had memories to share, as Sharon and I also went clear through school together. For those of you who may not recall this, Sharon came up to Frisch's last year and we were all thrilled to see her, finally! She looks wonderful and is still that gorgeous girl we all knew in high school. She's also still just as charming and just as gracious. So we look forward to seeing you once again, this October, Sharon, and thanks for the great memories!
On the evening of Friday, June 2, the "WC social soiree" of the whole season was put together by none other than 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH. He and companion, 1971's PATTY J. WHEELBARGER, went out to dinner with 1960's CHARLES V. CARTER and wife Pam, GARY L WARLAUMONT and wife Jill, and that chic and stylish pair, 1959's BETSY R. MURPHY and her 1960 spouse, T. BARRY RUSSELLO. They all converged on the Chop House and a good time was had by all! How I wish I'd been there!
But I did a technologically-challenging feat of derring-do on my cell phone (for me) when I somehow mirac- ulously managed to bridge in myself and Eula Faye to Bruce's cell phone and we got to speak to every one of them, while they were all there. Bruce had spear- headed the entire effort, along with Patty, and they both told us, they had all laughed so much, they barely got through dinner. I can believe that!
Next, we spoke to Pam and Charles. As you all know, I'm a lifelong extended member of Charles' family and if you've ever been around them, you know that the two of them together are as entertaining and witty as a sitcom! Eula Faye professes to also be an ardent fan of the Carters and their brand of humor, as am I.
The phone passed to Gary and I'm proud to say I did not once get in any "digs" about his golfing passion. I always have fun with Gary, teasing him about the big crush I had on him when I was 14. That reminds me, LARRY M. PENDLEY, Gary somehow got the idea that you and I had some sort of "thing" in school. I'm sure that emanates from the junior play, when we were cast as husband and wife. My recollection is that it was you and JOANN K. STEMLEY who had a "thing" when we were all in school, right?
Wife Jill continues to recover from the March 16 golf club injury, about which you all read. She's doing well, though, and says it will be a few more months before everything is as back to normal as it will ever get. I'm of the opinion that Gary should buy her another big diamond, don't you think? Ha!
Next, I spoke to the wonderful, charming Russellos, both of whom I absolutely adore!! Not only do they both get better-looking with every passing year, but they both become more huggable," with each year, also. I love you, Barry and Betsy! I cannot wait to see you again, come October. Betsy told me they had all laughed so much, they were crying. I can believe that!
What a great gathering! "Bruce, ya' dun good!"
If you're among those who only reads this report and doesn't participate, please be assured that I do so appreciate the fact that you actually want to read what I write. That's just awesome and I'm deeply and truly flattered. But hey, jump on, "The Bulletin Bandwagon" and send in a report. Believe it or not, everyone wants to know what YOU are doing!
So guess what? "That's all, folks!" as Bugs Bunny would say. I'm SO thrilled with all the input you all sent to me. I'm hoping it has made this the very best bulletin of them all. It is a joy to be in contact with each of you. Whatever you do, mark those calendars for the weekend of October 6, 7, and 8. Don't let anything take you away from us, hear? Get online and down- load your reservation form and get it promptly sent in to K. JUNE CRUTCHFIELD, who works SO hard to put on this event! She's in the phone book, along with her classmate spouse, JAMES E. RICHARDSON. I'll be driving 950 miles to come to this event, so I don't want to get there and find people absent who live nearby, okay? I just may pay you an unwanted visit, if you do that. With that, I shall leave you all with my usual wish for glowing health, great happiness, peace -ful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Quoted from The Parrot, the official school district newsletter:
Enrollment by Calendar Year:
2006 - 3757
2008 - 3686
2010 - 3539
2012 - 3398
2014 - 3246
A 13.6 percent decline in enrollment.
Interestingly, the figures were printed in an article explaining the need for a 5.6 mil tax increase. The article also quoted goals met and not met and future projections for those goals.
If you are interested in current news about WC schools, you should read all issues of The Parrot at: