The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Can anyone identify the lady? No, we don't know the picture date, but it looks like the pre-1961 H.S. library. It is likely 1954 or before.
Write to Bonnie with guesses (no, this isn't a test, we don't know either.)
Saturday, January 24, 2009

... of her late brother, Herb (Red) Brown (L), '54 and Russ Harville (R-year uncertain):
It was probably taken in front of the original wing on the south side facing Cedar St. - someone help us out on this.
Betty writes:
One is my brother Herb (Red) Carroll and the other is Russ Harville and I'm only guessing -somewhere about 1950-Herb graduated in 1954-probably the same for Russ. My brother passed away when he was about 52 - I think. Russ is still living not far from me and we see him occasionally.
Bill McNabb has the original, and he sent it to Janice Monigold who sent it to Betty Warner who sent it to Bonnie.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Okay, folks! It's that time again. I'm nothing short of heartbroken to read this e-mail which came to me today, courtesy of my old pal and classmate, KEITH H. CLENDENON, and is relative to the health of another classmate, PHILLIP D. HOWARD. Please pull out those pens and pencils and stamps and envelopes and let's swamp him. I've known Phil for my entire life and he is not only a WC alumni, but also a fellow Miami Shores Kid. Please, let's do this big-time, just as we do everything together. It doesn't matter if you know him or not, personally. Just sign your name as it was in school (for females) and wish him the best. Do it now! Thank you so much for supporting one of our own at this very critical time. Let's all pray for Phil's recovery (or whatever may be your particular form of spiritual communication.) Please scroll down and read. Thank you. - Bonnie
From: Keith Clendenon
To: Bonnie
Subject: Phil Howard news
is not good news. Hi Bon Bon. My cousin Larry Tackett ,(63') and I went to visit Phillip D. Howard (60') at his home yesterday. Poor 'feller is suffering from cancer and the Chemo and Radiation treatments dealing with his problem. He thought Liver and Kidney transplants could provide an extended life but he had no hint of any problem with the "C" word. The Dr.s want him to enter Hospice but his saintof a wife" Kay" cares for him faithfully at home. He was"Best Man" at my first wedding. We grew up best buddies along with my cousin Larry and got into TROUBLE of the first order along with Bill Hecker and Ronnie Kastner and Jim Fergusion.
Phil joined the marines and was a straight arrow, no drugs, alcohol or any abuse, unlike me, God was watching over me then as now. I am so, so, sorry for him now. He would really appreciate cards and/or letters. His address is :
Phillip D. Howard
6951 Alter Street
Huber Heights, Ohio 45424
Monday, January 05, 2009
** WECATON ** NEWS REPORT - 05 JAN 2009:
---Okay, I'm baaaaa-aaack! After that last one, I'm sure many of you were very sorry you'd signed onto this list, weren't you? Ha! I admit, that one was the humdinger of them all, but it had to be done. We just had too much to cover. Once again, e-mail is furiously flying into my server, so we're going to begin, as usual, with our forwarders. They are 1954's WM. L. MCNABB, FREDA P. FLETCHER; 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON; 1956's DENNIS A. MICHAEL; 1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL, RALPH H. WARNER, DARELL L. TOBIAS, ERCELL P. PHILLIPS, JO CAROLYN BROWN ; 1958's ROBT. W. "SMITTY" SMITH, BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, WM. R. HOWARD;1959's GARY E. BARNES, BETSY R. MURHPY;1960's DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY, STEVEN M. KOKOT, KEITH H. CLEN-DENON, RICHARD S. HOLT, CHAS. A. "BUD" LOWMAN III, DEVONA S. TAYLOR, NANCY L. KANNINEN, C. SUE MCCLOUD, SANDRA L. WERNER, DOUGLAS G. OTT, LARRY M. PENDLEY, RONALD P. CRAIG widow, Martha E, T. BARRY RUSSELLO, DAVID A. BLAIR; 1961's SANDRA E. BROCK, PAUL R. BEARD
Next, we have those who are again among the missing. They include (once again) KEITH E. ANDERSON of 1958. So I'll ask you, 1958's ROBT. W. "SMITTY" SMITH, is Keith back in his mountain hideaway, and sans all electronics items, once again? That's what I'm thinking. If so, I'll just let his rejects go, assuming he'll get everything when he returns to his electronic world.
The other one, which is being rejected is an old e- mail address on 1963's BARBARA E. CRIDER, so I'm in hopes she's getting her mail, via the new address. If you are, Barb, let me know. This is a real mystery, as I'm no longer even showing your old MSN address on my list, yet that is the one which is showing as rejected. But out of 600-plus WC e-mails, those are the only two which rejected, so I really can't fuss or complain, can I?
Sadly, I do have to report a number of deaths, this time. Of our recently-deceased, is 1959's LARRY ALAN JONES, who died October 19. The cause is not listed, but he would have been 68 in January. I knew Larry all my life, as I did his late sister, both parents, and the surviving siblings Loren and Judy. The Jones family all attended Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church with me, all through our respective childhoods and, judging from his obituary, Larry also remained loyal to the roots of his Lutheran upbringing. Our condolences are extended to the entire Jones family. Thanks to Larry's classmate, 1959's GARY E. BARNES for submitting this.
The second one was reported to me on November 2, by 1954's WM. L. MCNABB, who reported the death of classmate, JUNE ALLEN HOERNER, on the previous day. Bill wrote that June had been in a nursing home a long time, that the funeral would likely be at Sanner, but at that writing, no time was yet available (and it's now way too late, anyway, so I'm sorry about that). I'm sure June was related to the Hoerner family of Miami Shores, likely a sister of Bertha, Barbara, and Buddy. Do you think that's right, Bill? Our condolences go to June's family. I am asking, only because the obit spells the name as Horner, while our WC family was Hoerner.
We also have a loss in WC's first family (at least during my era), and that's WANDA F. MAYS, eldest of the Mays siblings, I believe. I searched Piratans, from 1945 clear through to 1949, to see if I could find her, but never did. Wanda was 80 years old. Her current surname was Meyer and she resided in Wapokeneta, Ohio, at the time of her death, according to the obituary I read. If she was a WC grad, I wasn't able to locate the year, I'm sorry to say. She died Nov. 5, and we thank Ann Mays, spouse of 1960's J. DAVID MAYS, for this one. Naturally, we once again extend condolences to the Mays family, who have lost several family members in the more recent years.
Then, either very late on December 8 or very early on December 9, 1955's RONALD PAUL JONES passed away. Paul had used his first name in his later years. But in school, he used Paul. He was a Miami Shores Kid, who grew up on the same street with my sister and me. He was in a nursing home at the time of his death, I'm given to understand. I haven't any idea if Paul had surviving family or not. News of his death came to us from classmate,1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON. So thanks, Norm.
From 1958's WM. R. HOWARD, came a report of the death of RONALD LEE "PETE" CASE. I couldn't immediately place Pete, but he was 67 and a pro football player for the NY Giants. He had attended WC until about 1957, so I know many readers of this bulletin are going to know and remember him. Thanks, Bill. (Was he a relative of 1959's PAMELA CASE?)
Also passing away was 1930's RAYMOND B. HALL. Mr. Hall was yet another member of the old Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church and I do remember him well. He was born December 26, 1912, and died on December 21, 2008, a mere 5 days short of his 96th birthday. He was the father of 1961's NANCY ANN HALL, who submitted this information. Thank you, Nancy.
On December 3, MICHAEL MASON passed away. He was (I believe) the younger sibling of 1956's SUSAN M. MASON. He was in WC until his last year, I think, so many of you will remember him. He had pancreatic cancer, I'm told, and after chemotherapy, his heart and lungs simply quit working. Our thanks to 1956 class member, CAROL A. PFISTER, for letting us know of this one. Mike was her step-brother, she wrote. Our condolences go to the family, of course.
On this next one, I don't know the date and I do not even know the name, in fact. But during a very recent period, the long-time significant other of 1960's FLOSSIE J. GRAY, died of a sudden heart attack. We're all so sorry for your loss, Flossie. As I understand it, Flossie and he had been together for over 10 years.
Then on December 23, it was reported that the mother-in-law of 1962's RICHARD C. CALL had died. She was very elderly, of course, and the death was reported by her daughter, Rich's wife, Jean. We also extend condolences to the Call household.
And my mistakes in the last one? Ah, yes! I always have those, of course. My apologies go to 1959's BILLY K, CARMACK, to whom I referred as Wm. F., instead of the correct name. I also see an apology is in order for 1960's PHILLIP H. WOLFORD, as I mistyped his middle initial in one reference. That was a type-o, Phil, as I do know what is correct.
Next year's WC festivities are already well underway. I'm aware of reservations being made for the Second Annual Miami Shores Memories Picnic for 2009, which will be held (forever, I'm sure) at Wendell Wax Memorial Park in Miami Shores on October 10 (a Saturday, of course), the same day as the evening of the dinner/dance. This date was confirmed by 1949's ROBT. E. HOFFMAN. Thanks, Bob. Our capable planners (1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL, 1958's DONALD I. MCCOY, WM. R. HOWARD, and founder RONALD D. "TOM" FEE) have all the ducks in a row, not to my surprise. I'm assuming the time will be the same (1 p.m.) and I'm sure they'll notify me, should they decide to change it. It was a simply fabulous event this year, so be sure you don't miss it, this year. Betty was successful in being able to book us the big building, this time, just in case of the weather being cold or rainy. This is NOT a closed or exclusive event. So please don't think you are unwelcome, if you weren't originally a Miami Shores Kid. Everyone is welcome. We MSKs are now very aware of the allures of the magical
, little village in which we came into our own. We also remember so many of you who DID visit there so regularly and we know why. I would've come there, too, had I not already been in the neighborhood.
By the same token, the alumni committee is doubtless doing advance planning, too, and our dinner/dance event is monumental, as regards its planning and finance and reservations and ordering and logs and tracking and I can't even beGIN to imagine all the work our alumni committee does for this event. I will once again reiterate that, if you're not on the list to receive a reservation, then GET on the list! No one is overlooking you, I promise! No one is snubbing you, either, in the event you didn't, "legally graduate" (shades of our one and only officially adopted alumnus, Wm. D. McDaniel, spouse of 1960's MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL, whose Vandalia-Butler class DID reject him, for that very reason!) Call someone on the WC alumni committee, contact the school, get on the internet, go to the WC website, herewith: ( ) and be sure to get yourself registered. We want to see YOU!
Of course, 1959's GARY E. BARNES has the golf tourney running like a piece of well-oiled machinery, so no problem there, and the Frisch's Frolic just sort of, "happens," all by itself, no planning needed, as will the Thursday night at Ron's Pizza and the many groups of breakfast, brunch, and lunch folks on that Sunday. So we're well on our way to another great weekend, folks! DON'T GO ANYWHERE ELSE!! Mark those calendars now! (This is for 1960's GARY L. WARLAUMONT: If you don't start attending the WC weekend, Gary, I'm going to sabotage your plane, EVERY year!)
Our spotlight class for next year is going to be 1959 and Gary is going to be working diligently on that, too, he tells me. We all know the numbers for 1959 haven't been good, historically. Let's all try hard to change that! If you can give Gary any info on any of his class-mates, which you think he may not have, please submit that to him at his e-mail address. It is ) The 50th is a biggie for us all. We all want to see incredible numbers for the 50th year. Let's do what we can.
This was a total of 38.3% of the class. The report states 8 others from whom communique arrived, but didn't attend. They included ZONA F. BOATMAN, JAS. L. CLEARY, SARA R. HUBER, BETSY J. POLING, MARGARET T. RALL, JOYCE A. SMITH, BARBARA P. TOLLE, and LOUISE A. TURPIN. Further in the report, we have names of the deceased class members, who are JERRY M. ARMSTRONG, SANDRA L. BARSALOU, LENA G. DEBORD, TERRY L. DOWNS, HERBERT W. GATES, ROBT. W. HENDRICKS, DONNA L. HOWERTON, ROBT. L. IRVIN, HARVARD L. MCKNIGHT, DAVID L. MICHAEL, RICHARD L. SCHINDLER, RICHARD E. SIMPSON, SUE E. SOWERS, GARY W. TACKETT, HARRY J. THOMPSON, ELIZABETH A. "BETSY" ZECHAR. I'm not really sure I knew about every single one of the passings, I must admit. There could be others, of course, of whom we aren't aware. In any case, 1958 was able to locate (or be aware of) just over 60% of their class members. It was a really good 50th turnout for them and I'm glad I was able to provide a more complete report on that class' recent activities, in this bulletin.
Yes, we have travelers again, but we always do. It came to my attention in Ann Mays' e-mail that 1955's CARL R. MAYS is in Greece (or at least was, in the first week of November). We also finally have a firm commitment from 1960's JUDITH A. SLIFE, in which she has vowed NOT to travel next year on our alumni weekend, but will instead finally join us for all the weekend festivities. We're going to hold you to that, Judy, and don't forget that 2010 is our 50th, so you MUST be with us for that one, too!
Also traveling again (as of early November) was 1963's FRANCES L. PEFFLY, who made it to Ecuador in Central America, once again. Fran has property there and aspires to live there, part-time at least, one day before too long. We all hope you are well and safe, Fran. We just spoke the other day, and Fran (along with many others) has decided she just may sell off her place in Florida and join me up here in Appalachia. Like me, she also loves this area. We'll be in big trouble, Fran, when you get up here.We're going to be constantly going out to lunch or breakfast and haunting all the fabulous antique shops and garage sales, offered by Kingsport. So much for housework and such stuff! Ha!
However, as luck would have it, Fran did turn up on my doorstep on November 28, as she and daughter Kelly were returning to Florida from a Thanksgiving visit to Ohio. We had SUCH a great time. It was, of course, non-stop chatter and reminiscences galore. We went out to restaurants, combed the local mall, and sat up late. They spent Saturday night and I wanted them to stay a second night. But they departed on Sunday morning. Fran reported it was a tough trip, due to bad weather, heavy traffic, road construction, and tolls. They wish they HAD stayed another night. So we're working on that one for next year!
As of this writing, I haven't yet had an update on the latest trip to Paris, France, taken by 1963's SANDRA K. MINIX, spouse of 1960's DAVID G. OTT. It seems the Otts are blessed with another grandchild, who was born shortly before our alumni weekend. Right afterward, Sandy flew away. Are you back yet with all the photos, Sandy? Was the baby a boy or a girl? What was he/she named? "Enquiring minds want to know!"
Also traveling are 1960's GERALD A. FULLER and his WC-honorary spouse, Rebecca A. The two of them have gone to their winter home in Panama City Beach, Florida, where they will stay warm and cozy through March 15, reported Becky. (For those of you who may be wonder-ing, no, I don't miss Florida, even during the winter. I so love our new place, I wouldn't care if it had a blizzard, every single day, but it just doesn't.)
In the spring, they will return to the north country, at which time Jerry will rendezvous with 1959's GARY E. BARNES and 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH and the three of them will descend upon the home of 1971's RODNEY R. GABBARD, (Cincinnati area). These 3 WC alumni will work together to build Rod a much-needed ramp, so that he can navigate in and out of his home. Rod is wheelchair-bound and, for whatever reason, has had no luck in getting help from any agencies to get this done, even though he is a veteran and a former firefighter. This is the kind of WC effort which truly does tug at my heartstrings. I am not, however, even the least bit surprised by it, especially when I look at the three alumni who are making this effort. I know you'll all keep us posted, and yes, I know none of you was interested in pats on the back for this, nor having any publicity about it. But I'm pleased to be able to give such an effort its just due, nevertheless!
Apparently, in the early part of November, 1963's LEE JEAN JORDAN also had a little time off work. I got an auto-reply from something. So did you take a little jaunt somewhere, Lee Jean, or were you just having a day off? Whatever the case, we hope you enjoyed yourself.
Now, we don't yet exactly know where, but we do know that 1960's WM. O. WALKER and his WC- honorary spouse, Karen, have also been covering some ground, since awful Hurricane Ike which occurred in September. We don't have a report yet, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear they're still working on the damage claims, which is exactly what prevented them from joining us in October, by the way. But I'm sure they're still gathering up all the paperwork and raking in big piles of money from the insurance companies. (At least, I hope so.) We're all awaiting the next report, Bill and Karen, so let us know how things are going! By the way, there will be NO EXCUSES which will be acceptable, come 2010. That's our 50th, you know. So if there is a tsunami (or whatever), so be it. YOU have to be in Ohio for alumni weekend!
We have had numerous e-mails regarding the new Tommy Combs Way Memorial sign, which has now been erected in Miami Shores at Beechgrove Rd., just atop the regular sign. This sign was to honor lifelong resident, THOS. EUGENE COMBS, who gave his life in the Vietnam War, at the tender age of just 19. Also present at the dedication was his sister, 1961's DOROTHY M. COMBS, his cousin, 1958's WM. R. HOWARD, and his childhood pal and MS neighbor, 1958's DONALD I. MCCOY. It was a worthy effort, to be sure, and was the brainchild of 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE. Check the blog for postings on this, as 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST is in the process of creating a page for Tommy.
There were also a number of photos sent to me for the commemoration of the 50th, the Class of 1958. I've also forwarded those to Mike for the blog posting, as he can. I thank 1958's WM. R. HOWARD, for making these available to us all for viewing. The effort will be so enjoyed by many, I'm sure.
Speaking of Bill, remember when I wrote in the last WeCaTon about sending a package to Bill? Well, I guess it's time I solved the mystery. What I sent to Bill was one of those giant coffee makers of the urn type, which brews about 50 (?) cups of coffee and has the little spigot at the bottom. Bill had written of how he would have loved to have had a big coffee urn at the First Annual Miami Shores Memories Picnic. I'm sure he, like many of us, loves to sip coffee all day. I had one of those (which I hadn't used in a while and no longer need), so I made a gift of it to Bill. I hope it still works, as I told him. It's even red!
Our alumni continue to make efforts to contact each other, and I'm always so thrilled by that. At the end of October, 1954's WM. L. MCNABB wrote to me to try to reach TODD R. CARROLL
, 1981. It seems Bill found a photo of Todd's dad, 1954's HERBERT R. CARROLL, and wants to put it in Todd's hands. (Todd's mom, by the way, is 1956's ROSETTA PRUETT, 1956.) So how did that go, Bill? Did you make contact with Todd?
Now, here's a piece of good news! From 1961's so -vivacious-and-still gorgeous LILY K. "KITTY" BURDETTE, comes the news that her sister, BETTY C. BURDETTE (1959) is likely to be at her class' 50th celebration, this coming October. Kitty reported that Betty's inspiration is her classmate, SHARON L. KOOGLER. I do so hope for 1959 to be one of the classes with a great turnout, after so many years of seeing very few 1959-ers at all our alumni functions!
My Tennessee neighbor and I, 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, continue to exchange nostalgic stories of our old school days. It's interesting to note that so many of us had erroneous impressions of other of our classmates, back in those days. Of course, we all had our own, little groups, and I guess that's why. I once again urge all of you to access the blog which Mike so ably maintains. You can get current on all the missed bulletins. Please use the following entry: ( ) You won't be sorry! At this point, I'd love to sing the praises of living in the state of Tennessee, but Mike has strictly forbidden me from ever doing that again. So-----!
Once again, 1960's SANDRA L. WERNER and I are having some good exchanges, getting caught up on life, in general. Sandy, I want you to come to the alumni events. It would be so great to see you again! So please be sure you're there in 2009, so we can all say hello to you again. Speaking of the alumni events, it's now time to alert all 1960 folks to the 50th for our class, which will be taking place in just 22 more months. Let's plan ahead, everyone! We want a monstrous turnout and NO EXCUSES!! (Yes, I already know I mentioned this earlier, but I just want to be certain no one misses it, okay?)
Sandy wanted to reach classmate, MICHAEL S. WEST, so I gave them each other's e-mail address so they could reconnect. How's that going, you two? Do you have communication lines up yet? I do hope so!
We've had an illness or two, but that's better than the deceased we've reported. On what he says is a minor note, it seems 1958's WM. R. HOWARD had a bout with kidney stones on Thanksgiving Day. He says he was able to wait until after dinner, though, and all was resolved easily. So we're happy for that, Bill, and how are you doing, now?
Of course, we have DALE G. "SONNY" WILLIAMS, who is currently (as of December 7) hospitalized in Cincinnati. I'm pretty sure Sonny would have been in the 1954 class during his school years, but if I'm wrong, do let me know. I'm not THAT sure. In any case, his illness was reported by his neighbor, 1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL. We sent out a bulletin to be sure to get cards sent to Sonny. He's at University Hospital and let's flood him with get-well wishes
, please. At this juncture, though, he may have now left the care of the hospital, but I do hope everyone came through with those cards.
A new e-mail address came through for 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH. If anyone needs it and didn't get it, let me know.
Cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS and I continue our daily exchange of useless information and world problem-solving skills. Our topics cover items of great depth, pith and moment, urgency and intrigue. Yeah, sure they do! Judy and her husband will hopefully be visiting again, in the mid-Spring! They just celebrated their 14th wedding anniversary on December 27.
Banter continues amongst the primary planners of the Second Annual Miami Shores Memories Picnic, to be held on October 10, 2009. Those people are 1957's BETTY L. CARROLL, along with 1958s DONALD I. MCCOY, WM. R. HOW -ARD, and founder RONALD R. "TOM" FEE. I feel certain the 2009 version is going to be a memorable event, also.
Don and Bill have sent me several e-mails from a Dave Miller (of Moraine City's Public Works, I think) wherein he is instructing his crew to erect a sign to commemorate Miami Shores Kid, WC alumnus, and fallen war hero, THOS. EUGENE COMBS. The sign is now there. This was yet another brainstorm of Tom Fee, by the way, and certainly an admirable one.
Well, it's now January 3, 2009, and I've dawdled around quite long enough with this bulletin. It's high time I got it concluded and sent! So today, I'm launching into it with a vengeance and we'll see how I do.
Just yesterday, two, wonderful, old 1950s (or maybe even 1940s) photos were transmitted to me by 1957's BETTY LEE CARROLL. Those in the photos, HERBERT R. CARROLL and RUSSELL HARVILLE, will be instantly able to be recognized. Keep an eye peeled to our WC blog, as I'll be forwarding those to its master, 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, for posting.
Last month, a fabulous report arrived from 1963 alumnus, SHIRLEY ANN RANKIN. She and her pal, ANNA MAE STOKES, have been traveling all over the place, taking Disney cruises, even going to Cozumel, and then across the ocean to to Portugal and Spain, among other places. I believe they made a pit stop in Key West, also. Maintaining regular contact, and also visiting with them was another classmate, FRANCES L. PEFFLY. It's very possible the three of them will be coming to my place in the Spring, too! I thank you for the great report, Shirley, and you guys all keep at that traveling!
Then we have the LOWMANs (CHAS A. "BUD" III and 1961 spouse, SALLY L. GILLETTE) who have opted to winter in Arizona. Sally wrote me they'd never before been there, but didn't say what drew them to want to go there as opposed to any other area, but I'm sure she'll keep us all posted. They will be staying there until about March, I believe she said.
Returning home for the winter (which is quite unusual for them), is 1960's JOANN K. STEM-LEY and her spouse, Ronald R. Hall. Jo tells me they have some family commitments they must fulfill. But they hope to be back in the sun for next winter. Jo also reported that classmate JUDITH A. STALDER and her spouse, have now returned to the RV lifestyle and are on the road again.
Of course, you're all aware of the travels of my classmate, 1960's GERALD A. FULLER, and his WC-honorary spouse, Rebecca A. They're still in Panama City Beach, Florida, and will be staying there until about mid-March. Jerry is feeling much better now, then he did several months ago, and looking robust and healthy, as reflected in recent photos. I was thrilled to see you, looking so good, Jerry!
However, not everyone is 100% well, at this writing. In the fall, 1961's GARY R. FRANK had back-to-back heart attacks and that's obviously very serious. I am given to understand, though, that he's slowly making his way back and we all sure do hope to see Gary at all of next year's festivities.
Also seriously ailing are the parent's of 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT. Her father has to have tests run for a suspected ailment, and at this time, her mother is hospitalized in Florida. Lynn and Frank are at their place in Henderson- ville, Nevada, and will likely fly from there to her parents' home in Orange Park, during this coming week. She says she doesn't know how long they will stay.
Special greetings came at the start of the New Year (and a few before that) from WC teacher MURL E. HUFFMAN (who just had a birthday on December 29, was it 89 or 90?), 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, NEIL H. SIZER, 1959's GARY E. BARNES, SHIRLEY R. PARKS,
and 1961's JUDY M. FRANTZ, SANDRA S. HOLLINGSWORTH. Mr. H. offered me profuse thanks for doing the WC bulletins. That's SO appreciated!
Recently, I've had a number of warm exchanges with 1961's SANDRA S. MAYO. We've done a bit of fun reminiscing and solved most of the world's major problems, as is always the case in such exchanges. Sande remains in Florida, for the time being, looking after her mother, who is elderly and ill. We all wish her the very best, Sande!
As is always the case, it seems, I've spoken by telephone with a few of us, recently. There's WALLACE W. ROBBINS, CHAS. A. HIGH, JR., CHAS. V. CARTER, FRANCES L. PEFFLY, THOS. D. YOUNG, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, LILY K. "KITTY" BURDETTE, BEVERLY A. BOWMAN, EULA FAYE BAILEY, DONALD I. MCCOY, WM. M. ROHLER, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, ANITA RAE MASON, and there may well be a few more, who have slipped past my now-dim-and-ever-more-feeble mind. But it is always a joy to speak to any and all of my WC cohorts and share communications with each other. Wallace moved to a senior facility in Kettering, Charlie remains with a full plate in caring for his wife and himself. Charles (Carter) is still in the gravel pit and we all await his next mishap, Fran is Fran (bouncy, happy, bubbly, and traveling often between her Dunellin horse farm and Ecuador), Tom is well and waiting for Spring (to play more golf with longtime pal, DAVID A. BLAIR), you already know of Lynn's latest news, Beverly is very involved with her family and stays at her home in Springboro a lot, Eula Faye still works and is feeling well, Bill remains in Bombay Beach, California, shining up his beautiful, new Harley-Davidson,Tom still does his process service, Don is doing great, still running his own insurance business, and Anita has recently moved to a beautiful condo and is adjusting to a brand-new lifestyle. She'll be in chemotherapy again, during January, so we must all keep her in our good thoughts and prayers.
In other news of note, I received a notice from 1954's FREDA P. FLETCHER with a photo of her 10th great-grandchild, Hannah Lynn, who was born on December 17. She was 9 lb., 21 inches long, so will be tall and has such a great name. Heartiest congratulations, Freda! I'm thinking Mike will have Hannah's photo posted to the blog by now.
Freda also gave me the update on her son, who is 1975's Dr. MARK A. SCHROEPPEL, who is employed in Russia by the U.S. Embassy. I've had concerns about Mark, due to where he is in the world. Freda said he was coming home for a visit at the end of December, so me may be there, right now. We're all glad to hear you're okay, Mark. Be careful over there!
A few lines also arrived from 1960's THOM B. THOMPSON, class treasurer. Did you ever get in touch with him, DENNIS A. ROSE? Anyway, it seems we can't get a commitment from Thom to be at our 50th, but I'm going to keep trying. I don't know if he was impacted or not by the big TVA spill in middle Tennessee, but I'm thinking he's near that area.
There are also people who want to get in touch with other WC people, from days gone by, and that's always so fun, isn't it? For instance, 1960 classmate, SANDRA L. WERNER, was looking forward to hearing from MICHAEL S. WEST.
Likewise with 1964 classmates, RICKEY A. BUSCH and TERRY LEE WILSON. Did you 2 guys manage to connect? If not, do it now! We have no time to waste! If you need further info on each other, please write me. I'll give you all the data I have, so that you can be in touch with each other.
From 1960's KEITH H. CLENDENON, several e-mails have arrived. In one of them, he made reference to his sister, 1952's BARBARA J. CLENDENON. It's been SO fun to be back in touch with you, Keith! Anyway, Barb wanted to know about a few of her classmates, and she asked Keith to see if I knew anything. I was able to provide info, almost instantly, about all of the ones, for whom she inquired, I'm happy to say. Among them were Miami Shores' BROWN twins, RONALD and DONALD, 1952's BONNIE SUE STONE, OMAR LOWMAN, and MARY HILE. But among Keith's great reminiscences is one about 1960's NANCY E. "COOKIE" BOWIE, and this is a good one.
Cookie, I hope you're there. It's been way too long since I heard from you, so I hope you're reading this. Keith wrote of being inside a WC classroom during the 1959 Christmas season. There was mistletoe above the door, as is the longstanding custom. Anyway, he told some of his buddies he was going to kiss the very next girl who walked beneath that mistletoe.
As he described it, Cookie was that girl and she came skipping into the classroom. Keith did plant one on her, to her utter surprise and shock. He wrote that she slapped him, but he'd accomplished his mission, nevertheless. The guys were all proud of him, of course. However, he does write that he now apologizes to you, Cookie, but he also adds that even the slap was great! Do you even remember that? For him, it's a vivid high school memory. That was a good one, Keith, and thanks.
Keith also has very fond memories of you, MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL. He wrote, "In school, Madeleine's name was always called, just before mine. I would love to pinch her rosy, red cheeks again, just like back then. What a great girl!" We all remember those names who came just before ours, don't we? For me, it was IVAN ROARK and/orGARY RICHARDS.
A couple e-mails arrived from 1971's RODNEY R. GABBARD, who remains unable to leave his abode, except by ambulette. As previously mentioned, Rod is wheelchair -bound, and his wife, Linda, is also ill. We all wish the best for both of you, Rod, and hope the New Year will also bring new hope.
There were also a couple of brief exchanges with 1961's CONNIE M. MARCUM, as we tried to solve a few name mysteries. But I think we got it all figured out. I'll see you at the picnic next year, Connie!
A quick update came from 1961's DONNA J. RICHARDS, who's doing well and enjoying the two grandchildren, to whom she is in such close proximity. Lynn always tells me of how beautiful Donna's home is. I haven't yet seen the new one, though. Bring us up to date, Donna! By the way, she did mention that she missed the opportunity to chat with you, EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY of 1960. When you get back again, you two will have to do that.
An interesting query came from 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL, in which she questioned the DNA of TV personality, Billy Mays, who's a dynamo of a salesman and hawks everything from Oxi-Clean to magical scratch remover. We all know who he is, I'm sure. She wanted to know if he is related to our own royal family of the Mayses. Well, Nancy, I can't answer that, of course. But I can tell you this much. Experts say all people who share the same surname are, indeed, related. It's just a question of going back far enough in the records. But perhaps a Mays out there can enlighten us. By the way, I hear that GARY D. MAYS, 1957, sold his longtime home in DeLand, and has now also moved to Florida's hotspot, The Villages, where he has so many of his brothers living. Nancy also wanted to reach 1960's DENNIS A. ROSE. Did you do that yet, Nancy?
From 1957's SHIRLEY ANN HILE came a brief message, in which she informed me of a move within the Ohio area. That was about 2 months ago and I haven't heard anything since, so I assume you've moved and are still settling into the new place. Keep us posted, Shirley, and did Bruce ever call you about the bricks? Do you still have the same e-mail address or not?
From 1959's GARY E. BARNES came several e-mails, in one of which he gave me verbal pats on the back for the bulletins, as he always does. Thank you again for that, Gary. But Gary's big project for right now, is that of gathering all the info he can on every member of his class,as I'd written much earlier in this bulletin. But this does bear repeating. It's important. Their 50th is upcoming in October. I can scarcely believe it's already been 3 months since we all had our alumni weekend. It's absolutely scary and so amazing, how quickly the time passes. So let's all pull together and get all 1959 info to him at every opportunity, okay? Keep up the good work, Gary.
A few lines came from 1986's KEITH A. SIMS, who's the son of 1961's MARSHA A. PYBURN. He's doing well and in good health. Tell your mother to send us a line, Keith!
Having wanted to once again see 1958's REX E. HEETER, I was disappointed at his absence on alumni weekend at the dinner/dance. So I sent him an e-mail to see why he wasn't there. He said he and wife ROBYN A. GENGLER (of 1975) had grandchildren that evening, whose parents were sort of snowed in, and so couldn't attend. Well, we will look for you next year, Rex!
My final WC contacts for this bulletin were from 1956's ANN C. WEIDLE, who's been long wed to 1952's RONALD L. BROWN. Ron is terribly ill (in the mid-stages of Alzheimer's) and Ann cares for him at home. They've lived in Foley, Alabama, for about the past 20 years, but wish to relocate to North Carolina. So far, no luck in accomplishing that, though.
Thank you, Ann, for the kind words of sympathy about my sister's death (1956's JUDY ANN RISNER) on February 26, 2007. I appreciated that so much. Ron and Ann have one daughter in Pennsylvania and one in North Carolina, and have lived in a number of places, Ann writes.
Ann mentioned SONNY HAHN and WANDA MAYS, writing that she'd, "just gotten the news," from 1956's RALPH D. WILSON. I'm assuming that meant Sonny Hahn has died? Ralph, did you write me about that one? If so, I didn't get it. I remember that name. What year was he? I'm pleased to report, per Ann, that Ron's twin, Don, is alive and well. Several Miami Shores Kids had thought Don was deceased. He isn't. It's nice to end on an upbeat note. I also want to send a special hello to you, VINCENT A. BRODBECK, 1958. I know someone is going to give you this message!
Wait, did I say end? Well, almost. Before I end this one, I'll tell you all there may be some older news, a repeat or two, and an item or two which I may have missed, so if that's the case, send me any corrections, and I'll be sure to include it all in our next edition. Of course, I wish each and every single one of you a terrific New Year! God knows, we need a new one. That last one didn't have many redeeming qualities. Let's all hope for the best!
As I close this first WeCaTon bulletin for a new calendar year of 2009, I wish you all glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!