The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
This is another notice regarding the Vietnam Moving Wall. It came to me from 1964's STEVEN F. SHADE. He is also searching for a family member of THOMAS EUGENE COMBS, so I think someone on this list can put them in contact with his sister, DOROTHY, right?
Again, I must advise you not to respond to ME. Do respond to the info in the body of this post. If you respond to me, it simply adds another step in the process, and I'm not so speedy and prompt with theses things, as I once was, since my husband's illness. Let's see if we can assist in this effort, please.
By the way, while I'm on here, I know we all offer a gigantic, "Atta' Boy!" to 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, who has apparently been successful in his effort to have
******** Beechgrove Road (Miami Shores) designated as Tommy Combs Way, to honor his loss in the Vietnam War.
Wow, that's impressive, Tom, and quite a feat! Congratulations. I am given to understand the dedication ceremony will be held (appropriately enough) Veterans Day, November 11, 2008. WC will be represented there, of course, and 1958's WILLIAM R. HOWARD, has agreed to take photos for our blogspot. They will posted by our blog-keeper, 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Please scroll down for the obituary of 1952's BONNIE L. WOOD. I vividly remember her as being so glamorous and popular. When I looked at her in the 1952 Piratan this morning, I see she was both a majorette and a cheerleader for all 4 years of high school. Sincerest condolences go out to her family and thanks to 1960's FRED L. DOOLEY, JR., for submitting this to us.
WHITWORTH, Bonnie Age 74 of Miami Township, passed away peacefully at home on Friday, July 18, 2008
She graduated from West Carrollton High School, class of 1952 and Miami Valley Hospital School of Nursing in 1955.
Bonnie was preceded in death by her parents, James and Laura (Bess) Wood and her father-in-law, Clayborn W. Whitworth.
She is survived by her husband of 54 years, Les Whitworth; mother-in-law, Dora Whitworth; son, Kevin Whitworth; daughter, Duneen Whitworth DeVore & husband Ron; grandchildren, Dustin, Brandon, & Mackenzie Whitworth and Erick & Nicholas DeVore.
Private services will be held at the convenience of the family. If desired, memorial contributions in Bonnie's memory may be made to Memorial United Methodist Church, 26 Locust St. West Carrollton, OH 45449.
Condolences may be sent to:
TOBIAS FUNERAL HOME-FAR HILLS CHAPEL in care of arrangements. Published in the Dayton Daily News on 7/22/2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Services in Dayton, 19 July (Saturday.) See obituary at the end of this post for details.
(from Bonnie, this message:)
----Many of you have asked about arrangements for the funeral of 1960's CURTIS A. KEMP. Please scroll down for the obituary which appeared in the DDN. His widow, Maria, and his daughter, Marcella, will be at the service in Titusville. Curtis will be cremated, which was his wish, Maria tells me, and she will be keeping his ashes.
His brother, 1969's JOHN Q. KEMP, and John's wife, 1971's JOY I. WOLFORD, will be holding a memorial service for Curt in the Dayton area, as you will read in the attached obituary. If there are any further questions, let me know, or call John directly.
-------Original Message-------
From: John Kemp
Date: 07/11/08 15:20:07
To: Bonnie
Subject: Funeral
I've attached the information we sent to the Dayton Daily News for Curt's obituary.
If anyone has any questions about the memorial service in Dayton feel free to give them my home telephone number.
Johnnie Q
Kemp, Curtis A.
66, of Titusville, FL, formally of Dayton, OH, passed away Thursday, July 10. He attended West Carrollton High School.
He is preceded in death by his parents Curtis C. and Marguerite Kemp and granddaughter, Emilie. He is survived by his wife Maria, two daughters Marcella, Anna and sons Roy, Joe, his brother John (Joy), sisters Sandy (Roy) Lykins, Elaine (Jim) Searcy, and Joyce Ramby.
Services will be held Tuesday, July 15, 2008 at 5 pm at North Brevard Funeral Home, Titusville, FL. A Dayton memorial service will be held Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 11 am at Zion Memorial Church, 4000 S. Dixie Dr. followed by a lunch.
Friday, July 11, 2008

(As titled by Bill, not Bonnie)
---It is recent, too. You're all holding up really well, I'd have to say. This was during June of 2008, as you can see. So will you please post it on your wonderful WC blog? From left to right, we're looking at all 1958 class members, who are WILLIAM R. HOWARD, BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, W. BAILEY HAWKINS, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, and JAMES E. RICHARDSON. All except Bruce, by the way, are Miami Shores Kids, too. Thanks for sending that, Bill.
(this is from 29 JUN 2008, posted a little late - sorry --- ed.)
---Yes, it's me again! Are you all tired yet of seeing the title of this bulletin on your e-mail yet? I hope not! We begin, as always, with our forwarders; 1954's WILLIAM L. MCNABB; 1955's NORMAN E. JACK-SON, FREDA P. FLETCHER; 1957's ERCELL P. PHILLIPS, THERESA M. ELLIOTT, THOMAS. D. ELLIOTT; 1958's WM. R. HOWARD, (not to worry, Bill), RONALD D. "TOM" FEE; 1959's GARY E. BARNES, BETSY R. MURPHY; the widow of 1960's RONALD P. CRAIG, Martha E. Craig, EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY, CHARLES, A "BUD" LOWMAN III, STEVEN M. KOKOT, RICHARD S. HOLT, EULA FAYE BAILEY, DOLORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, LARRY M. PENDLEY;1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE, SANDRA S HOLLINGSWORTH, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, CONNIE KAYE STREETE, DALLAS K. MATHIS, JACQUELYN N. LESHER; 1962 's J. MICHAEL HARRIS, BARBARA T. O'NEAL; 1963's SHIRLEY A. RANKIN, J. TED EUBANK, 1970's VICKIE JO GILBERT; 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY and RODNEY R. GABBARD.
Yes, we had losses again. How I wish I didn't have to keep reporting these, but the fact is, it's a part of life, and everyone wants to know. On May 19, we lost a member of my 1960 class, SANDRA L. PENWELL. She was popular, pretty, a cheerleader, homecoming attendant, and a very personable girl in school. I was saddened to learn of her death. She passed away in a hospital in Michigan, apparently of cancer, although no one has actually confirmed the cause of death. My thanks to 1959's GARY E. BARNES for notifying us. Particularly feeling Sandy's loss was her classmate, JUDITH A. SLIFE, who wrote of her friendship with Sandy, when she first came to WC. Then, in a very recent conversation I had with 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT, she also spoke of sharing a friendship with Sandy, and how much she had liked her. This is very sad, of course.
On June 5, we lost 1963's CLYDE E. HURST. At the time of the bulletin on him, I didn't have a class year, but that part was confirmed for us by my expert on this topic, 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE, as well as the EVER-accommodating 1954's WM. L. MCNABB and 1959's GARY E. BARNES. So thanks to all and we were able to solve the question. Bill recalled the Hurst family as being huge and so do I. I'm quite sure they were also Miami Shores Kids. But the solidest confirmation, as is always the case, came directly from Clyde's 1963 classmates, J. TED EUBANK, via his 1970 spouse, VICKIE JO GILBERT and ANNA MAE STOKES, LEE JEAN JORDAN, and 1961's SANDRA S. MAYO and MICHAEL J. FORSYTH. So we had plenty of help on this one.
It was because of Bill McNabb, though, that I wound up making contact with a 1951 alumnus, DOYLE A. LONAKER. As I searched for Clyde in a 1951 book, I came onto an 8 1/2" X 11" photo (a very humorous one) of two guys and the two girls who were observing them. The guys were in the senior class play and one of them was dressed as a girl, with his trousers visible beneath the skirt. Everyone was laughing uproariously and obviously having a great time with this play.
As I studied the photo for clues to their identity, I was unable to clearly make out the face of the student on whose lap the other was seated, and the girls had their backs to the camera. So I scrutinized the photo closely, as I compared the face with each member of the senior class. Finally, I came upon one which I felt might be the party in the photo. It was Doyle. On a whim, I checked the alumni directory, and there he was, listed with his address and phone. So I dialed the number, and don't you know, Doyle answered the phone! I told him who I was and why I'd called and I asked to send him the photo, once we verified it was, indeed, him who was in it. He was very happy at the idea of getting the photo and I mailed it to him. Then he e-mailed me back and I told him all about our WC events and told him I hope he'll attend, along with all the other 1951 folks. Doyle told me he's in contact with 28 members of the 1951 original class of 45, and 14 of them have died. So there are 3 who have yet to be located. They all meet for coffee when they can, and I think that's marvelous! Anyway, Doyle is now a new addition to our bulletin list, as a result of all this, and I just couldn't be more pleased. How about seeing to a grand turnout of 1951 people at this year's alumni weekend, Doyle? We'd all sure love to see you and all your classmates at our very special weekend! I do love that story.
As always seems to be the case, 1958 supersleuth, WM. R. HOWARD and I had innumerable exchanges about our MS days and the adventures of the times. It is interesting to note that, what we did in the 1940s and 1950s, wouldn't amount to a hill of beans now. In those days, though, some of the things were exciting, daring, and adventurous. They wouldn't now get even a sideways glance. Bill and I also exchanged a few of our, "deep, dark secrets," and looked forward to October with great anticipation. Of course, for you, Bill, this will be your 50th and you're going to have SUCH fun!
Okay, I got off the beaten path just a bit (as I'm so able to do!), so let's return to the topic at hand, which is our losses. From 1963's SHIRLEY A. HELMAN, came a report on a passing, but we've all got such sketchy info, we really aren't sure. She named the party as TOMMY JONES, and said he was in either 1967, 1968, or 1969. Naturally, I put 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE right on this one, to see if we had a WC person or not. Steve wasn't able to verify, one way or another, however. He found the name, some years back, but nothing for a grad. So if anyone has any conclusive info on this one, please submit it (such as an obit), and I'll try to get it into the next bulletin. I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific.
On June 25, Lois G. Cribley passed away at age 92, in a nursing home in Kentucky. She was the widow of our former, late teacher, GERALD R. CRIBLEY. I do thank 1954's WM. L. MCNABB for submitting this to us. We had a person or two who said Mrs. Cribley was an occasional substitute teacher at WC. I have no first-hand recollection of that, but I'm sure she may have been. Thanks, Bill.
We had a few illnesses, too, of course. Reporting a heart problem with her sister, 1960's FLOSSIE J. GRAY, was 1961's EDNA L. GRAY. Flossie is now coming along, and is home recuperating, we're told. She's being carefully tended by both sisters, Edna and BRENDA (1963?). As it happened, she had an arthritic condition in her heart, which can be treated with meds, so that was great news. I know we all wish her the best and a speedy and full recovery. Edna, you be sure to tell Flossie we would all love to see her in October, and of course, we'd sure like to see you and Brenda, too! I received a good-wishes e-mail message for Flossie from 1961's BARBARA J. TURNINGTON, Edna's classmate.
In other health news, no news being good news still remains in effect, I'm sure. So I'm assuming 1960's PHILLIP D. HOWARD is still recovering and doing well with his kidney/liver transplant of June 5. We're all pulling for you, Phil. In fact as recently as yester- day (24 June), I received a first-hand report on Phil from 1958's DONALD I. MCCOY, who spoke to him. Don reported that Phil is still a bit weak (of course), but that he's doing quite well and expects to be well enough to see us all, come October. Great news!
Also recovering is 1960's CHARLES V. CARTER, whom you will all recall as the acrobat who fell off the hopper of a piece of heavy equipment in his gravel pit, which resulted in a broken arm, a broken leg, and a huge cut on his head. I just spoke to Charles about an hour ago, at length (20 June), and we got caught up on all the family news, school news, etc. Pam (his Mrs.) was in the background, yelling for me to come up there and get him. I told him to tell her to leave him there and come down here, by herself. Perhaps she will!
In other health news, we have an update from 1961's NANCY L. HOHNHORST, as regards the spouse of her classmate, CAROLE J. LEWIS, whose name is Pete. He's been pretty ill, as you all may recall from a prior bulletin. Nancy reports that Pete is now getting better and is improving greatly. We're all pleased to hear that, Carole, and please give him our best.
Does anyone, by chance, have an up-to-date report on the results of the June 17 knee surgery, which was undergone by 1958's LINDA L. BECKETT? Linda, if you're there and reading this, please give us a health report. A note of support and good wishes for you, came from 1957's LAWRENCE J. RENAS, JR., Linda.
Inquiries continue re 1963's JOSEPH S. "SKIP" KETRING, SR., who may still be hospitalized, but I'm not positive. Does anyone have update on Skip and his medical status? I know several of you have asked and I'm sorry to say, I don't have much of an answer for you. One query came from 1962's MARSHA J. NELSON, who states she was close friends with Skip's wife, who is also1962, MARCIA KAYE HELFINSTINE. Another was from 1963's GAYLE E. LESHER. On June 13, I got an e-mail from Skip's classmate, LEE JEAN JORDAN, who also said he was still hospitalized.
Here's what I've got, though, which may serve to help with info for a few of you, re Skip. I did receive one e-mail from 1961's JAMES E. CURTIS and that was on June 15. Jim wrote Skip is in, "stable, but critical condition in Kettering Hospital," as of that date. He further wrote that people who want to know updates on Skip can probably get them by calling 937 859-3896, which is the WC VFW Post. So thanks for that piece of info, Jim. By the way, Jim's Mrs. is 1963's PAMELA NELSON. I didn't know that, Pam, and I sure never meant to omit you, all this time. There are two of those on my master list. Are you the one who is Pamela J. or Pamela A.?
Then there's my own spouse, who got terrific news from his oncologist on June 19, when he told him his cancer cells are now all but indiscernible. All his vital signs are great, his appetite has finally picked up, his blood count remains at a good level, and we're very pleased and relieved. I thank all of you who have so consistently inquired about him and given so many words of encouragement and support.
Earlier this week, I spoke to my old friend, (whom I shall start calling, "The Phantom," since I see him so seldom) GARY L. WARLAUMONT. I'd seen the news where a WC plane crash killed someone, so I just wanted to be sure it wasn't him, since he has his own plane. It wasn't, of course, and we also got in a good chat. He insists he is still going to fly down here to Kingsport to visit me, and when he does, he'll be fly-ing with another old friend, 1958's BRUCE E. CHEN -OWETH. Well, okay, you two, come on down!!
Gary also told of his son's recent move to Cincinnati, which is certainly much closer than Las Vegas, Nev., which was his last address. I'm referring to his older son, 1979's D. MARK WARLAUMONT, whose mom is 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE.
Chit-chat continues with the former BEVERLY JOAN HAAS, 1960. She now lives in a very remote area of northwestern North Carolina, very close to the state line of Tennessee. She's only about 40 miles from the home of MICHAEL S. WEST and about 115 or so from my own house. She grows her own veggies (a very wise move, these days) and lives very simply, she tells me. Hmmm, are we ever going to get you off the mountain to come to alumni weekend?
Yet one more Tennessee resident surfaced (for me, anyway) in the person 1956's RALPH D. WILSON.
He's a classmate of my sister, the late JUDY ANN RISNER, and was also friends with her. As both of us sent e-mail back and forth, geography surfaced, and that's when I discovered Ralph lives here, too. I am quite amazed by the number of WC people who live in Tennessee, frankly. Thank you, Ralph, for so many complimentary remarks about the bulletins. I do appreciate each and every, single one! That goes for you, too, JUDITH A. SLIFE, 1960, and you, JACK L. GODBY and LILY K. "KITTY" BURDETTE, 1961, and you, CAROLYN E. "TOOTIE" PENCE, 1959.
Among this period's blunders was my misspelling of the name of PAULA J. STRAUB, whose name I had written as Staub. I believe Paula is 1968. This error was brought to my attention by 1963's BARBARA E. CRIDER. Thanks, Barb, I always want to get names exactly right! Paula, you were too nice to tell me, I'll bet, weren't you?
My next blunder would be that of naming1958's JAS. A. MOSSBARGER as a member of the 1959 class, and your e-mail, Jim, cleared up yet another mystery, that being, to whom that e-mail address belonged. I thank you for the correction and that was NOT a type-o. I actually did think you were 1959. From now on, I'll know better, though.
My postal mailing list has recently become one name longer, with the re-addition of 1960's SHARON L. BORGER. I'm told she has a new e-mail address, but for whatever reason, I can't seem to get it. So if any-one has it, please do send it to me, will you? I'm also still missing a good e-mail for WM. E. HECKER, also 1960, and still haven't been able to track one thing down for 1956's SUSAN M. MASON. You all know how much I detest losing people, once we've got them on our list, so help me with this, if you can.
There is something else with which I need help, too. I even put out a special bulletin on it. It is the hopeful acquisition of more yearbooks. Yes, I do want more of them, believe it or not. I'd nearly kill to get my paws on an original 1941, to be honest. I also need a copy of a 1965 for reference purposes, and that one can't be so tough to find, can it? I previously wrote I had a 1965, at one time, but I think I mistakenly mailed it to someone, thinking I had another copy, but alas, I do not! Also, I don't care WHAT year they are, if you get your hands on any Piratans, with which you're willing to part, I'll take them all. Please look for them at all garage sales, estate auctions, old book stores, everywhere! I don't want those books to wind up laying in landfills or with people who won't value them. (My will designates all my WC memorabilia go to the WCHS library, by the way.) So please keep your eyes open for them. Also searching for a 1960 is EULA FAYE BAILEY and EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY. I've been looking for them for years, but for some reason, the 1960 is scarce as hen's teeth. So are 1955 and 1959. I've still got 3 extra 1956 editions, 1 extra 1953 edition, 1 extra 1958, 1 extra 1959, 1 extra 1964, 1 extra 1971, and 1 extra 1976. I will sell them only to WC alumni and only for exactly what I paid, plus postage. So let me know if you're interested, please. I've paid as little as $12 for a few of them and as high as $45 for one or two.
Our faithful blogger, 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, is continuing updating the blogspot. If you're not up to date on bulletins, go to the blog and read everything from 2003 forward. Mike does a great job on that for all of us.We appreciate it, Mike! There are also many photos and listings of the losses and all the special announcements ( )
Now, let's see, with whom have I spoken, during this bulletin period? Well, on Monday (23 June), I got a welcome call from CURTIS A. KEMP. He had just begun an experimental drug that day for his chemo, to see if it would work the desired miracle for his case of leukemia. We await word on that. As Curt and I spoke, I could hear the pitch of his voice, as he grew weaker. But his spirits were good, and I was so happy to talk with him. Let's all keep praying hard for that miracle for Curt!
On this very morning (25 June), didn't my phone ring and on the other end was the gracious, kind, well-liked VINCENT A. BRODBECK, 1958? What a joy it was to talk with Vince! We went on for about half an hour, I'd guess. He assures me he's doing well, but does still have bad days (naturally) in dealing with the tragic death of his longtime spouse on April 7, 1960 classmate, DOROTHY J. "DOTTIE" WILLMAN. He says his faith, his community interests, and mostly, his family and WC friends are helping him through this terrible loss. He assures me we'll all be seeing him in October. We all love you, Vince, and wish you only the best.
Intending to speak with class vice-president (1960) THOMAS D. YOUNG, I called his house just this past weekend, but he was not available. However, that also works out fine for me because, as you are all now well aware, Tom's wife, Sandi, and I are very close friends of over 40 years' standing now, so we have no problem finding topics of discussion for inordinate lengths of time. I had good intentions, Tom, but you weren't there.
On Sunday evening, I got a call from WC pal and fellow MSK, CHARLES A. HIGH, JR. Charlie and I try to talk about every 6 weeks. He's got his hands full, of course, with his own health and that of his wife, who's had 2 major strokes. But Charlie hangs in and does what he has to do, somehow. We have such a good time, recalling our wonderful youth and all the good times we had. Charlie will turn 68, come the 27th of June.
This evening, I spoke with 1960's WM. O. WALKER, who was headed to his abode in Alvin, Texas, which is still a work in progress, as I understand it. Bill tells me he and Karen are planning on attending our big weekend this year, so we're all looking forward to seeing both of you!
What a small world! I just got an e-mail from 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE. As we all know, Tom did his junior and senior year at Miamisburg, but he was a Miami Shores Kid who spent all his other years with us at WC. So his loyalties run deeply and he's with us at almost everything. During June, he went to Ohio for the Miamisburg 50th and will attend the WC 50th, come October.
While there, he ran into a classmate of mine who had married a boy from the Burg. As they talked, Tom told her of the bulletins and she didn't know a thing of it. So he took her e-mail, sent it to me, and we're adding 1960's ANITA F. CLINESMITH to our list. So welcome aboard, Anita, and thanks so much, Tom! I do hope we see you, come October, Anita!
We also welcome two more 1963 class members, THOMAS H. KOKENGE and SHARON K. HARRIS, courtesy of Sharon's brother, J, MICHAEL HARRIS, 1962. They are married, and yes, that's the genetic line of the immortal Knot Hole Restaurant, a true WC institution of the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, and beyond, if there ever was one. It's a thrill to add the two of you, Tom and Shari, so welcome to the world of reading until your eyes cross! Thanks, Mike. By the way, folks
, I'm told Mr. Kokenge recently celebrated his 90th birthday. How I wish I'd known! We could have all overwhelmed him with cards and messages. He's so deserving, after all those burgers, that great chili, and the still-unmatched blueberry pie!
We've also added yet another 1961 class member in the person of CONNIE MARCUM. Connie wrote me, directly, so I don't know who referred her, but those 1961 people are rapidly headed to the top of the WC heap, when it comes to numbers. They're a terribly cohesive bunch. Welcome aboard, Connie!
Most of you are by now well aware of my nightmare with the electronic Rolodex. I changed the batteries, hit the reset button at the wrong time, and away went all my years of data for about 1500 contacts, maybe even more. What a mess! But thanks to all of you, I am slowly reconstructing everything. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, though (would I?) Anyway, I thank you all for your prompt responses.
Recently, I've had lengthy conversations with 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER, whom I'm trying hard to coax into making a northbound trip for October and getting her to make a couple of stops, en route, to collect passengers; namely, SHARON A. COLLINSWORTH in Tennessee, and JUNETTA BUNDY in Kentucky. The three of them have known each other for years and have stayed in touch. Freda, you really ought to do this! You'd all have a circus together! Do give it a lot of serious thought, will you? Did I tell all of you that Junetta called me about 2 weeks ago? I was thrilled to talk with her, after all these years. When she was in school, I thought she was absolutely beautiful. I used to try to look like her (but obviously, I never did accomplish THAT!) By the way, Freda sent me a photo of her son, MARK SCHROEPPEL, 1975, and it was included in an article written totally in Russian . Is he in Russia, Freda? It may be posted on the blog by now. I sent it on to Mike. (couldn't make it work --- ed.)
Also checking in during this period was the delightful FRANCES J. PEFFLY, 1963. Fran and I chat, every now and then. Of course, my late sister and Fran's sister, DONNA PEFFLY (1956) were very close and Fran and I often talk about that. Fran's oldest sibling, ARDICE, remains terribly ill and Fran had gone to Ohio to see her. We do hope Ardice is improving, Fran, and that she will be back to good health.
Another county was heard from when I got a call from 1961's GARY R. FRANK. Gary is back in Florida and visiting with his old pal and classmate, ROBERT W. BRANE. Gary gave me some updated contact info and we discussed a few old pals in WC. He's in good health now and doing all right. We all hope to see you (both) in October, Gary and Bob!
How I do love my new birdhouse and birdfeeder I got from 1963's SHIRLEY A. HELMAN. Her husband is the one who builds them. They are sturdy, durable, and attractive, and I am very pleased with them. I'm going to collect bird feeders and birdhouses, I think. I've got about a hundred trees on my property here in Tennessee and I love to watch the birds feed. One of my biggest expenses is that of birdseed. Ha!
We'll have more later on this issue, but at this time, I find myself very cautiously optimistic that there will finally be some help for RODNEY R. GABBARD of 1971. A few people are working behind the scenes to see what they can do. I will update the situation as soon as I know anything concrete. So hang in there, Rod, and don't give up hope!
My classmate, GERALD A. FULLER, and his WC- honorary spouse, Becky, reported they both love it at their new abode in Louisville. Jerry told me they both love the house, the neighborhood, and the area. I'm of the opinion that everyone should have the luxury of loving where they live. Jerry and Becky will spend November to March at their place in Panama City Beach, Florida, and the rest of the time in their new place in Kentucky, which is nearer to both families.
Cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS and I continue a daily exchange about all things domestic. We've solved all the world's problems without a glitch, but no one ever uses our solutions. Imagine that! But a solution which just might BE used is the suggestion madeby 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE to get a stretch of street in Miami Shores, named to honor THOMAS EUGENE COMBS, a lifelong resident of MS, who lost his life in the Vietnam war. Tom is in contact with those who oversee such efforts and he hopes for the best. If any of you are in contact with Moraine City's mayor and/or council people, perhaps you could give Tom a helping hand and verbal push.
Tom's effort to hold the Miami Shores Memories gig is moving right along, it seems. He continues to work with 1958's WILLIAM R. HOWARD and DONALD I. MCCOY, in putting this together. So far, so good. I can tell you the time and date will be 1 p.m. Saturday, October 11, and it will be at Wendell Wax Memorial Park in MS. It is open to all, of course, and bring snacks or food and drink or a covered dish, at Tom's suggestion. He writes that there are picnic tables we can use and Bill is trying to secure use of the rec center, which is nearby, in case of inclement weather, rain, etc. These things always have a way of working, so I'm not too worried. I hope to see many of you at this function.
Bill and I and Tom and Don have had an interesting exchange of our reflections on coming to maturity in the little village of MS and what long-term effects it had on our development as adults, how it related to us as WC students, and many of our great memories of WC and the times we had there. It was, overall, a great life's experience, I'm sure we all agree.
We continue to search for several of our alumni. I've got requests to try to locate 1960's MADLELEINE J. BECK and VELMADENE KOONTZ. I also have a request on 1959's MARIAN J. BANNISTER. If any of you have contact info on any of these alumni, please let me know. Of course, as we all know, Madeleine's first husband was 1960's RICHARD G. "JERRY" BROWN, who was a longtime bulletin list member. I lost Jerry, though, long ago, and have never been able to relocate him. Velmadene's first husband was 1960's WILLIAM D. DUNCAN, who is a current list member and whom I located about 2 years ago. But no clues for either of the former wives of Bill or Jerry.
While I'm thinking of this, I want to mention it. Do you all remember my writing of the latest WC graduation ceremony? Well, it has been brought to my attention that 1961's LILY K. "KITTY" BURDETTE, also was a proud grandmother of a graduating member of that class. I didn't know that, so thanks for making us all aware, Kitty.
In the past couple of days, I've spoken at length with 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT and also with 1960 classmate, EULA FAYE BAILEY. Lynn remains, for the time being, in her home in Henderson, Nevada, but tells me she's going to be heading home to her place in Germantown, any day now. Eula Faye is in good health and doing fairly well, she reports. She is helping daughter Beth with the boys, while Beth's husband recovers from a little driveway mishap with their boat.
From 1961 homecoming queen, CHRIS L. CLEARY, comes a report of settling nicely into her new digs in an Oakwood neighborhood. Chris continues a busy life, spending time with her daughters, grandchildren, mother, and classmate, JANET L. WALTERS. She's also anticipating an exciting new year at her teaching job, come the fall. We'll see both of them in October, of course.
Did you know that MARK SCHROEPPEL, son of 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER, lives in Belarus, Russia, and works at the American Embassy there? Of course, he speaks fluent Russian and has a long record of military service, too. I believe Freda said he graduated in 1975. I wrote a couple lines about Mark, a few paragraphs back. Since that time, I've learned about his employment there. That's terribly impressive, Freda!
A blip came through from SANDRA S. HOLLINGSWORTH, 1961. Thank you for inquiring about my husband, Sande. He's coming along nicely. Will we see you in October? I hope so.
Attention, 1958's JAMES A. MOSSBARGER!! Did you yet hear from MARVIN A. COLLINS? He's trying to reach you. He says you and he were great pals in school and he'd like to reconnect with you and get caught up. Either or both of you need to e-mail me, so I can get you connected, if you haven't already.
More info from 1961's JOHN W. OBERLIES, JR.! He came up with more names of people who lived in the old South Moraine Platte---MARILYN WINKLER (no year?), 1960's LONNIE M. THACKER and 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE (are you really sure about Sally, John? I don't recall that.) Sally, was it above the old Beall's Drive-In just outside the platte (or am I insane
)? He wrote that the EUBANK family also lived there and I don't recall that one, either. But I'm sure your recollection is better than mine, John.
From 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST came an envelope of WC treasures, ranging from our commencement program to his testing award certificates. They all bear signatures of long-since deceased teachers and principals of the 1950s and 1960s. Of course, I want him to keep these things and give them to his children and grandchildren. He says they won't want them. You've got to be wrong about that, Mike!
SHIRLEY A. HELMAN, 1963, and I, had a couple of exchanges about our scholastic achievements while in school, too, and we discovered a common ground, as regards the longtime, former dean of girls, who was, ironically, named MARTHA H. DEAN. I'm sure many of us remember her. As it happens, my own particular memories of her, were far less than warm and fuzzy! Shirley's memories are similar, it seems.
We have new sign-ons, once again. This time, they come to us courtesy of 1963's LEE JEAN JORDAN, and they are 1963's LESLIE JANE SMITH and 1964 's MARIE WILSON. I need a little more info, girls, so please write me back. In the meantime, welcome to the world of reading until you're cross-eyed. Ha!
Hey, 1961's CAROL A. MUMMA has yet another new book in print. This one is titled, "Murder At The Loft," and will be debuted by her and writing partner, LINDA S. ZIMMER, 1965, at the WC 4th of July gala to be held at Wilson Park, 11a.m.-5 p.m. New Town Publishing is doing the honors, and it's owned by its two writers. Congratulations, Carol and Linda! I know we all wish you much success.
Well, it appears there IS hope for getting NANCY J. ERTEL, 1961, out of Kansas, after all. She wrote if there are enough tornadoes and weather disasters, it is possible they will move from there. Well, this is for sure a year when the whole country is working on the weather disasters, isn't it? It seems they're nearly everywhere, now. So maybe we'll see you soon, eh, Nancy?
No such problem exists for our world traveler, 1960's ROBERTA A. RICE. She goes everywhere and I'm not kidding. She just checked in a couple of weeks ago, to let me know she had gone to Borneo just this past March, traveling with 2 women she'd met on her India trip in 2005. She got to see pygmy elephants in the wild as well as other animals. Then she went to the Galapagos Islands and Ecuador in early June, went snorkeling, and saw all sorts of sea life. That's wonderful, Roberta! Keep those stories comin'!
Remember the Otts, who went to Paris, earlier in this bulletin? (1960's DAVID G. OTT & 1963's SANDRA R. MINIX). Well, they're back, safely and soundly, I'm happy to report. They also sent me two Paris fridge magnets, bless their hearts. One was a commemor-ative of the Battle of Normandy, where they actually got to spend D-Day. How great is that? Welcome back, you two, and thank you SO much for thinking of me, while you were there.
Now, we've all heard lots of bad stories throughout our lives about Friday the 13th, right? Well, I think we can scratch all that now. Why? Well, on Friday, the 13th of June, a full dozen of my 1960 classmates all gathered at the home of JO ANN K. STEMLEY. I'd have given a lot to be there, obviously. But they did try to call me.
WANDA G. ESKRIDGE, and LINDA L. SHANK. As I understand it, Judy Beckett was in town from her home in Arizona and Jo Ann wanted to gather a few of the old gang and visit with Judy. We had to verify which Wanda, though, as Jo Ann had told me it was WANDA COFFEY, but that wasn't the case. I checked with Dee and DeDe, who both agreed it was Wanda Eskridge. (By the way, Wanda's maiden name is Eskiridge, not Estridge, as I've heard a few people say.) Anyway, what a great gathering that had to be! It is my understanding that Judy Beckett had brought a friend with her, who was non-WC. Can you even beGIN to imagine how bored SHE must've been? Ha!
Thanks to DeDe, Jo Ann, and Dee for the updates and the reporting on the gathering. All were agreed that a great time was had by all and that's really a terrific outcome to a great day. For all of you, please do continue to send in those news tidbits. I can't do this without you. Remember that!
Well, folks, believe it or not, this concludes all the WC e-mails I've received and all the side notes I've made (in preparation for this report). However, before I end this, I'm going to recap our upcoming events for 2008 alumni weekend, which will take place this year on October 10, 11, and 12. I repeat, don't let anything get in the way of your being there. We continue to lose our people in larger numbers, each and every year. Don't delay attending the events and make sure you drag someone else along with you, who may not yet have attended one.
Okay, so here we go. On Friday, October 10, I feel very certain there will be a WC golf outing, which is normally overseen by 1959's GARY E. BARNES. I don't have anything official yet, but I'm betting I will, in the near future. That same evening, 5-ish to 6-ish, a crowd will gather for the event which was founded by 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, the Frisch's Frolic. It's held at our old Moraine City Frisch's (where else?), which is about the only original, 1950s place which remains in the same location with the same name. I sure am glad that parking lot can't talk!
On Saturday, at 1 p.m. at Wendell Wax Memorial Park in Miami Shores, we will convene for the first- ever Miami Shores Memories, founded by 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, with able assistance from two other MS Kids, 1958's DONALD I. MCCOY and WILLIAM R. HOWARD. It's an open event, but will doubtless have a predominance of Miami Shores Kids, I'm sure.
That night at 6 p.m. will be the crown jewel event of the weekend with the annual dinner/dance. It will be at the Holiday Inn Ballroom, located at I-75 and Route 725 in Miamisburg. To download a reservation form, go to This website is maintain -ed by 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE. If you want to get current on bulletins, go to This site is overseen by 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST.
Mike has posted the bulletins for the past 5 years there, as well as all the special notices, deaths, and other WC info. I've done all this recapping, due to having so many new sign-ons for the bulletins and I want everyone to be current. We want to see as many WC faces as we can gather, on that hallowed weekend. Come Sunday, everyone has special-friends groups who meet for breakfast, brunch, and lunch before heading home to anxiously await the upcoming year.
So don't delay! Remember, "Let's make it great in 2008!" So with that, we conclude yet another issue of our WeCaTon News Report. I leave you all with my usual wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
10 JUL 2008
With deep, deep sadness in my heart, I'm writing to tell all of you of the passing of CURTIS A. KEMP. His daughter called me at 4:12 p.m., barely able to speak, saying he'd died, "about 45 minutes ago." I can tell you all one thing; i.e., a world without Curt will be a world which isn't nearly as much fun or nearly as nice. Oh, the fun memories he left behind, for those of us who knew him!
His daughter said, "He isn't suffering anymore," as she sobbed. It broke my heart. I feel so badly for her and for Maria. I'm so happy he did have people who cared so deeply for him and I am proud to have been among his friends. She said she does not yet know when the final arrangements will be, nor where. But she will call me as soon as she knows.
Several of you have already told me you wish to go to his funeral service or express condolences in some way. It was Curt, however, who did the e-mail, not Maria or Marcella. So if you wish to offer sympathy, it will be necessary to postally mail a card to the following address: 2141 Palomino Drive, Titusville, Florida 32796. I will let you know immediately, when I become aware of any final arrangements.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Happy Fourth of July Everyone! Count your blessings that you are an American and thank a veteran!!

Visited the Normandy invasion beaches US memorial in June. They sent these pictures and message to Bonnie.

Below is a picture of the memorial at an American cemetery that we visited on the Normandy coast. It is located at Omaha Beach. Sandy and I were walking towards it when they did a 21 gun salute and then played Taps. As we got up to the memorial they were having a prayer and then played the Star Spangled Banner. Everyone began singing. It was very moving.
There were several veterans there like your neighbor. I understand that some WW II vets still want to be buried over there. We also talked to a veteran from the German army. he said he was only 17 when he was there fighting.
Friday, July 04, 2008
---This message is very tough for me to write. Here I sit, on the 4th of July. Just an hour ago, I received a call from the daughter of CURTIS A. KEMP. No, he's not dead. But neither is he expected to live through the day. He wasn't expected to make it through the night, as a matter of fact. Currently, he's at Parrish Memorial Hospital in Titusville. There is absolutely no hope for recovery. How I do hate hearing this!
Curt and I were great pals in school. I'm going to talk about him for just a few lines, to vent my sadness and the utter frustration of knowing that we on the verge of losing yet another of us. Curt was such a unique and fun guy, and he also led quite an interesting life, for those of you who may not know.
He was a prison guard for many years, and in the culture in which we grew to maturity, there may have been those who thought Curt might wind up IN such a place, rather than guarding it. But truth to tell, most of his antics were simply 1950s, typical mischief and orneriness. He was daring and adventurous and had that devil-may-care attitude. He was terribly handsome and full of practical jokes, so he had great charm, in many ways.
Curt spent his youth with best pals, EDDIE KELLY, AARON COUCH, RICH CALL, DICKIE PHILLIPS, BILL ROHLER, TOM FEE, and he speaks fondly of them all, to this day. Eddie spent two weeks with Curt from April 29-May 13, just this year. When he returned to his Idaho home, he told me wouldn't take a million dollars for the time he spent with Curt. He also said they had tough time saying good-bye, as they both knew it would be their final visit.
Curt lived for many years in Florida and was a highly-trained marksman and a respected authority on the topic. For many years, he trained many law enforcement officers in Florida, on proper use of firearms, as a subcontract employee for Florida's training programs for officers. He also served honorably in the U.S. military service.
Curt and his wife, Maria, had their 38th wedding anniversary on May 21. Maria had 5 children when she and Curt married and they had one daughter together, Marcella. Curt turned 66 on May 20. I spoke with him the day before he returned to the hospital. He told me he was coming to Ohio in the Fall, to see Eddie, Aaron, Rich, and all his other old pals.
During the years of the WC Florida Holiday Brunch, always held at the Dixie Crossroads, Curt never did miss a one and he was the life of the party when we all waited to hear him tell the story, just once more, of his smashed thumb. Painful as it had to be, Curt made it hilarious, as only he could do. Always, by the time he got to the end of that story, everyone was in tears of laughter. You never tired of hearing it. Oh, how I will miss hearing that story!
-- Bonnie