The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Monday, August 29, 2005
Bonnie Writes:Well, the old WC folder is bursting at the seams, once again. You know what that means, so here I am, right back in your incoming mailbox! But this isn't so bad. I see that my last full-fledged report was on July 19, so I stretched it a bit, this time. I've got PSA's, jokes, news bulletins, health alerts, virus and scam warnings from clear around the globe, it seems, and I'm sure that many of you do, too. But let me list mine, so that we'll have that out of the way first. The list includes 1954's WILLIAM L. MCNABB, JO ANNE MCCLURE; 1958's ROBERT W. "SMITTY" SMITH, DAVID L. HOWARD, SUE E. SOWERS, DONALD G. HISEY, BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, WILLIAM R. HOWARD, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE; 1959's GARY E. BARNES; 1960's LINDA L. SHANK, EULA FAYE BAILEY, MICHAEL S. WEST, BOYD H. JENKINS, STEVEN M. KOKOT, JUDITH A. STALDER; 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE, SANDRA S. HOLLINGSWORTH, RICHARD E. KNEER, LARRY D. GILBERT, NANCY J. ERTEL, JANET L. CHANDLER; 1962's CAROL J. GILPIN, BARBARA T. O'NEAL and 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY.
Of course, we once again have travelers. There is never a bulletin period, when we don't, in fact. For starters, I do believe that 1960's "DEDE" FAHRNEY is still tooling around the country with all her friends, in the RV. While I haven't gotten one of those great reports in a while, I also haven't received notice that she's safely back home yet.At this time, 1961's PATRICIA LYNNETTE GARRETT is, "under suspicion of slipping in and out of Florida" and failing to let me know. Did you do that, Lynn? When we last spoke, about 2 weeks ago, Lynn said she would be at her mother's house during the following week, which is on the city limits of Orange Park, about 85 miles from me. When she's there, I normally drive up and we have a gabby 3-4-hour visit. But I have yet to hear from her. If you're out there Lynn, tell me something!Speaking of Lynn, I have to tell all of you 1961 girls, I still have no report about that great annual gathering at the Kentucky home of CAROLE J. LEWIS. What's with that? You always send me a report and I've heard not a word!! Who was there? What did you do? Who did you discuss? "Enquiring Minds Want To Know!" Let's get with it, girls!Still traveling here and there, as time permits, are those busy FULLERS, 1960's GERALD and wife, Becky. They will be with us in October. I'm hearing nothing though, from 1960's WILLIAM O. WALKER and his WC-honorary spouse, KAREN. What's up with you two? On the eve of the inevitable strike in the delta region of a category 5 hurricane, I can't help but think of you, and know you'll be there by Wednesday, most likely. Let's all keep the good thoughts for those folks.
There is no way to avoid this, I guess, so I'm just going to get right into the losses we've had, since the last time we had a bulletin. Yes, I've sent out the news, the moment I have received it. Still, I want to make certain no one has missed any of it, so I will re-cap. On August 18, we lost 1959's RICHARD CALVIN HENSLEY, after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Our teacher, JAMES C. JOHNSON, was first with the sad news. Wonderful comments on the great accomplishments in his life, were just simply the order of the day. He was in hospice care. He left a great legacy.On August 23, we lost 1956's GRACE M. BRODBECK. I vividly recall Grace. She was quite beautiful in high school. She was the older sister of 1958's VINCENT A. BRODBECK. Word of her passing reached me via a very gracious e-mail from her nephew, 1981's BRIAN BRODBECK, son of Vince and his 1960 spouse, DOROTHY J. WILLMAN. By the way, lest I forget to mention this, the wife of Brian is AMY HAWKINS, who is the daughter of W. BAILEY HAWKINS. So Grace's sad passing ties to many WC folks. She also died of cancer and was in hospice care, at the time of her death. My sister, 1956's JUDY ANN RISNER, attended her viewing and said there were scads of WC alumni who were there, not surprisingly.On August 24, the son of AARON COUCH, whose name was Aaron Daniel Couch, also passed away and he, too, died of cancer. I spoke twice with Aaron on the day following his son's death. He seemed to be all right, but of course, those of us (like me) who have never lost a child, just can't even imagine what this must be like. So we try to do the right things and say the right things, even though we probably never do, and try to go on with life, I suppose. DAVID G. OTT, 1960, sent in a message of regret about Aaron's son, saying he had lived near them on the other side of Dayton, before they all moved to WC. Dave wanted to know about all four of the Couch siblings and I told him what I could. The complete obituary for him was sent to me by DONNA G. TUDOR, 1955, and I received a full report on the viewing from BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, 1958, after he left the funeral home.
From 1962's BARBARA T. O'NEAL came the news that she rooted out two more alumni for our news bulletin. I have recently added 1958's DONALD G. HISEY and 1962's CAROL J. GILPIN (who are married, by the way.) So welcome aboard to both of you and I do so hope we're going to see you this October 7 and 8!Does anyone out there remember 1959's DIANA SUE RAY? Well, I did, and it just so happens we now have Sue on board, too, thanks to the efforts of 1958's SUE E. SOWERS. Sue (Ray) was at the Frischs' Frolic last year as I recall. We sure do hope to see you again, this year, Sue (and the other Sue, too, as well as her WC spouse!)Well, I've gotten way off-track here and I have to return to my traveling people, don't I? We have those KECKLER people, who just never seem to stay at home! JAMES E., Class of 1958, and wife Janet were back on the road again, as of August 15, and won't return until tomorrow. Now, you two are making me nervous. What on earth are you doing, going north at this short a time prior to the annual dinner/dance and the Frisch's Frolic? You need to stay home and rest up for alumni weekend, hear?Apparently, 1961's JOHN W. OBERLIES, JR., has just returned from yet another trip. All of his transmittals were returned and I re-sent them, so that he'd be up to date. We all sure do want to see you this year, John! Please try to make it.During the recent weeks, I must admit that I have had nothing short of a circus with Class of1955's FREDA FLETCHER. We are both Miami Shores Kids and Freda brought up some old memories which brought many a smile to my face. She mentioned the old movies with the blanket on the ground (as did 1957's SHIRLEY ANN HILE), the Bonnie Lee Bar, the old bridge, the old boat house, Apple Plat, Swimming Hole Road, the big boat races with Guy Lombardo---all of which were a part of the childhood culture of all Miami Shores Kids. As many of you are aware, I still bear a fondness for that neighborhood and especially for the great caliber of the people it spawned and shaped. You can bet I'll be driving around Miami Shores on or about October 7, even at today's gas prices! As Bob Hope would have said, "Thanks for the memories," Freda! Returning to the fold is 1961's GARY R. FRANK, to whom I sent a message through the post office, to find out why he wasn't getting his e-mail. But we're glad you're back now, Gary, and we'll see you in October!Let's not forget about the WCHS alumni golf outing to be held on the morning of October 7. It is in the capable hands of 1959's GARY E. BARNES. Please contact him at ( ) and make him aware of your interest, so that he can plan accordingly.For what it's worth, I'm still trying to track down a current e-mail address for 1960's MILTON R. WOLFE. I actually do have his home phone number, postal address, etc., but I don't don't want to revert to "the long way around" if someone out there is able to tell me what I need. I thank you, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., (1960) by the way, for your attempt to assist me on this.Listen, before I forget this, one of our computer wizard people, MICHAEL WEST, reminded me that if you have missed any of the bulletins, you can pick them up and get current by accessing the following website:( ). So don't forget that and use it as often as you like. Mike keeps that spot updated for everyone to use. In fact, I just got a message from him which indicates that we can now leave messages there for other WC alumni, so that sounds great and we sure might want to pursue that. Also don't forget about the great website of 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE, which is ( ) and then there are always lots of efforts from 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL, too numerous to mention here.
It's been a long time since I invoked our battle cry for the 2005 gathering, so it's time to remind all of you: "Keep the party alive for 2005!" Remember that? Well, time is drawing nigh, so we need to get all our plans in place. Please jot down our proposed alumni weekend events, so that you know what is where. On Friday morning, October 7, the WCHS golf outing will take place (and 1961's RICHARD E. KNEER has already sent a query on that).. On that same evening (or late afternoon), we will all converge on our old hangout, the Moraine City Frisch's. On the day following, October 8, we will all attend our crown jewel event, the alumni dinner dance, at the Holiday Inn's big ballroom, just east of I-75 South and 725 (or is that 741? I always ball up those two, and did so, even during all the years I lived there!) Anyway, you all know where I mean. So mark those calendars now! If you don't yet have your reservation form, then go online and download one at Steve's aforementioned website by clicking on events and following the prompts. No, there is no official thing happening on October 9. But typically, everyone makes arrangements to break off into their own little groups for brunches all over town, before everyone heads on back home and waits for next year.From 1958's K. JUNE CRUTCHFIELD, and her class- mate spouse, JAMES E RICHARDSON, came a report that the forms were mailed around the first of August. She also gave me the rundown on their trip to Alaska, since I'm considering going there, too. It sounds as if it's something I want to do, and the professional cruiser of all time, EULA FAYE BAILEY, is giving me a few tips, too.From 1959's JAMES L. LINDSAY, came many an old Miami Shores memory, too. He also expressed great regret and sadness about the loss of sight by his old friend, WALLACE W. ROBBINS, with whom he had just spent some good, one-on-one time, last November, when Wallace was here in Florida. He also inquired about two other Miami Shores Kids, WAYNE and REBECCA NAVE. I know lots of us recall both of them. But I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you, Jim. I even wrote an e-mail to Wayne's first wife, 1958's HARRIETTE E. DOGGETT, in an effort to find him for you. Harriette was prompt with her reply and it was precisely what I thought it would be. They were married for only a year (maybe less), had no kids, and she hasn't seen him since. That was about 1959, I guess, so no help there. Hang on, Jim, perhaps one of our readers will be able to tell you the whereabouts of the Nave siblings. We have had just incredible luck with that sort of thing.As this bulletin period putted along, I couldn't help but think of the many of you with whom I speak, in a year's time. There's a small group of guys who always ask about one or the other, when I talk with them. As a result of that observation, I thought it would be fun to make sure that those guys know that one or more of the other guys is asking about them. This year, it's looking really good for a huge majority of them to appear, so I wrote a special letter, just for them, and sent it to all of them. Those who got this letter were---and I hope I don't forget anyone--- AARON COUCH, CHARLIE HIGH, BAILEY HAWKINS, BILL ROHLER, EDDIE KELLY, RICH CALL, DICKIE PHILLIPS, and CURTIS KEMP. If ever there were a group of high school buddies, who need to see each other, it's this bunch. Things are looking very good this year. There are but three of you who are outside the state---Curtis, Eddie, and Bill. While it doesn't look so good for Bill to make it this year, I have almost almost a "death oath" promise from both Curt and Eddie, so we all look forward to seeing all of you, hear? I had quite a time finally getting a postal mailing address for Dick Phillips, but the spouse of 1962's Rich Call (Jean) was a big help and sent that to me. Thanks again, Jean. I had made the assumption that possibly he was related to ERCELL P. PHILLIPS, but that wasn't the case.Well, another Sturgis Rally & Races has passed. After going to 20 of them, there is never a year when I don't miss it. But I just may go back, one of these days, you never know. From 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL, always comes my, "Sturgis reminder," but I'm already thinking about it, anyway. Do any of you go? Nancy, always the flatterer and diplomat (she missed her calling), wrote that she feels it's me who causes us all to stay so connected and while I'm sure I do a little bit toward that effort, I'm not nearly egotistical enough to think I'm THAT important in the grand scheme of things. Thank you, Nancy, but it's way more than me, that's for sure. There's just a little "something" there, with all of us. Among Nancy's other writings was a recollection of you, Vince Brodbeck! She wrote, "I remember Vince Boy, could he ever play foot-ball!" That ought to make your day, Vince.Okay, BOYD H. JENKINS, let's hear a report on how things are going with your heart procedures. Are you in a hospital? Did you have an operation? We want to know! How are you feeling? From 1961's DONNA J. RICHARDS came a request for your e-mail, so you see, she wants to know, as do many others. In other news of illness, I understand the wife of 1958's NICHOLAS P. WOLARY (Marilyn) has been ill. So let's all keep our fingers crossed for her, too.SHIRLEY ANN HILE, 1957, and I, have had a good exchange about that little neighborhood which was just across the bridge, as you enter Miami Shores. I knew lots of kids who lived there and was very buddy-buddy with NANCY KANNINEN, inparticularly, when we were in elementary school. As it happens, she's Shirley's cousin and she now lives in Oregon, and I've got her on our bulletin list now. Small world, eh? Thanks, Shirley. By the way, folks, Shirley belongs to the Vivacious Violets Red Hats group, she writes.Among others who have been finally found, is my 1960 classmate, WILLIAM D. DUNCAN. Bill was long-sought -after, by his old high school pal, PHILIP H. WOLFORD. I had to do a lot digging on finding Bill, but I finally did. His wife, Suzanne, returned my call, which was prompted by his name and birth year continually popping up on all my search engines. It took a while, but I got a response. I've provided all contact info to both of them, for each other. These things do take time, but Phil anxiously awaits your response, Bill. Bill lives in Pasadena, Maryland, and Phil is in Towaco, New Jersey. So they're not TOO far apart.A similar situation exists for another 1960 classmate, DANNY A WALTERS, whose long search for his old pal, 1959's ROBERT L. TANKERSLEY, has now come to an end. I've been able to confirm that the address I sent you for him, Danny, is the one where he currently resides. Although I have no current phone number, I'm sure that's also attainable through online sources. so I hope the two of you will soon connect, too. With those two "victories," all of my current search requests have been fulfilled. But if anyone needs help with someone, we will all pull together and do our best to get those folks connected.Our newlyweds have checked in and say they're doing great. "Who are they?" you ask. Well, it's 1961's PAUL R. BEARDSLEY and SANDRA L. BROCK. Many of you may recall that they wed in May, I believe it was. We sure do expect to see you both on October 7 and 8, hear?BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, 1958, sent in a great report on the surprise 60th birthday party for 1964's DOUGLAS M. MAYS, which was held at Jamaica Run Golf Course on August 13. LEONARD F. KUHN, 1958, attended with wife, Patti, as did those travelin' WALKER folks. He reports that a good time was had by all. Bruce wrote that he especially enjoyed himself and that he hopes to get some photos to pass along for Mike West's WCHS blogspot. We're sure hoping to see a lot of MAYS people at all our alumni weekend functions!Through 1958's WILLIAM R. HOWARD, I've learned that 1961's DOROTHY BOYD is getting the bulletins, second -hand. If you're out there, Dorothy, I'd be thrilled to put you back on the list. Just send me your e-mail address again, please. Dorothy has long lived on Santa Maria Island, on Florida's "left coast."For the first time in years, the very first alphabetic name on our bulletin list will no longer be that of 1959's GARY E. BARNES. We have finally added our very first, "A" alumnus in the person of 1958's KEITH E. ANDERSON, through the efforts of his classmate, SUE E. SOWERS. Welcome aboard, Keith, and please be sure you are present at our functions this year.During the time since I've begun this bulletin, the Gulf Coast has been hit by the deadly Hurricane Katrina. I see that it's still a category 2, even though it is now many miles inside Mississippi. As a 28-years-plus Florida resident, and a veteran hurricane survivor of 2004's serial storms, I can only say I'd prefer to have endured what we had last year, than to endure what I'm seeing today in the Gulf Coast states. For a hurricane to sustain category 2 wind force, AFTER it has gone that far inland, is almost unheard-of. Naturally, this will be used as yet another hammer to hit us all over the head on our fuel prices. Okay, don't get me started. I refuse to make this bulletin anything other than an alumni bulletin, okay?Now let's see, with whom have I spoken of late? Well, naturally, there is always Bruce, there is always Eula Faye, and there is always Lynn. But I've also spoken with 1960's SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, who is doing well and will be at our alumni weekend. Last night, I got a call from none other than WILLIAM M. "BILL" ROHLER, who was at his home in Bombay Beach, California, within sight of the Saltan Sea, the largest inland body of water in North America (or is that the world)? In any case, Bill is doing okay, in good health, and has found a nice lady friend, since the sad death of his wife of 39 years, last September. It's a lady who was already known by both him and his late wife, so it seems it was comfortable for both of them. He tells me they are discussing marriage. Good for you, Bill! That was his good news. His bad news is that he's not likely to be here this year, but look-ing forward to next. Bill is still paying off medical bills from his wife's battle with cancer. Also, like most of us, he's feeling the pinch of the big increases in fuel, food, taxes and yes, health care. But he says things will look much better for 2006. We'll all be happy to hear from you and see you, whenever you DO get here, that's for sure, Bill!Just two nights ago, I got a call from 1956's JOHN F. "JACK" FREIER, who has also lived in this area for many years. I usually speak to Jack about twice each year, for some reason or other. That's just the way it goes. He told me he wanted an alumni reservation form, so I sent one to him. This year is his wife's (Phyllis) 50th anniversary at Roosevelt High School and they are attending that function. It's roughly the same period as your alumni gig. So he says he's going to make it this year. Many of you will likely recall Jack as one of the greatest football players ever to attend WC. He was also the first husband of the late Grace Brodbeck, and I did tell him of her passing. He expressed shock at the news. He was not yet aware.From 1954's JO ANNE MCCLURE came a whole slew of questions about WC folks. It seems that Jo Anne actually lives in Pinellas Park and not Tampa, as I'd originally thought. So she's your neighbor, DeDe! Jo Anne also wants to know if Miss Youngberg is still alive. I don't know the answer to that, but with all the WC staff and teachers we have on this list, I know someone can field that question for Jo Anne. She says that teacher was a great role model for her.Of course, that statement brought forth thoughts for Jo Anne of MURL E. HUFFMAN, about whom she wrote, "He inspired us to think about the realities of life. I can still see his face, as he loved getting our adrenaline up. He loved finding out our true thoughts. He was an inter-esting and inspiring human being. I enjoyed his classes very much." What a lovely testimonial, Jo Anne! As it happens, Mr. H. is reading this very bulletin, I'm sure. He's also still inspiring students at WC for the 60th consecutive year. He still does substitute teaching and he's at every WC function, everywhere!So now we're down to the wire and I'm about to conclude this edition of the WNR. But before I do, I will tell you that I did finally get a report from Lynn about the soiree at the home of Carole Lewis. She said everyone had a ball, ate too much, talked too much, and that it was great. But I have to confess that I inadvertently hit a wrong button---yes, I know I have a bad habit there---and erased it be-fore I could log all the names. So someone write and tell me the entire list of attendees, will you please?On that cheery note, I shall conclude this bulletin. I hope to hear from more of you, as we get closer and closer to our target date. I leave you all with my usual wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, and boundless prosperity.
for the golf outing, which is being handled by 1959's GARY BARNES. Please plan accordingly and contact Gary, if you have any further questions.
-- Bonnie
From: Gary Barnes
Date: 08/25/05 22:47:45
To: Bonnie
Subject: golf outing
I gave you the wrong day for the golf outing. We will be playing Friday morning - the same as last year, not Saturday morning. Sorry for the wrong info. Talk to you later !!
Friday, August 26, 2005
It is with great sadness that I must report the passing of yet another WCHS alumnus. My thanks to BRIAN BRODBECK, Class of 1981, her nephew, for this report. Brian is the son of 1958's VINCENT A BRODBECK and my own 1960 classmate, DOROTHY J. WILLMAN. These reports are arriving with FAR too much frequency. Whatever you do, PLEASE attend our alumni weekend functions, especially the annual dinner/dance, which will be held on October 8.
-- Bonnie
From: Brian Brodbeck '81
I wanted to inform you of the passing of another WC ALUM. My aunt Grace M. (Brodbeck class of 1956 I believe) Bolton passed away on Wednesday August 23, 2006 at about 1:30 PM.
She had been ill with cancer and passed away at Hospice of Dayton.
The visitation is will be Sunday August 28, 2005 from 4-7 pm at Gebhardt-Schmidt-Parramore in Miamisburg. The funeral will be Monday August 29th, at 10 am at the funeral home.
This is my dad's (Vince Brodbeck 1958) sister.
Brian Brodbeck (1981)
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Bonnie Writes:
The following obit was published in the Dayton Daily News. Thanks to 1955's DONNA GENE TUDOR for taking the time to forward it to me, so that I could pass on the info to all of you. Once again, I stress that his father, Aaron ('55), doesn't have e-mail. So please use yesterday's postal address for messages to him. Thanks, Donna.
From: Johnson Donna T
Date: 08/25/05 09:19:18
Family-Placed Obituary:
COUCH, Aaron Daniel Age 44 lost a courageous battle with cancer on August 24, 2005 at his home. Aaron was retired from Delphi Thermal and was also a very dedicated Real Estate Agent with Realty Options. Aaron lost his mother Kay Couch (Langdon) in 2001 also to cancer. Both of his grandfathers and step-grandfather also preceded him. Aaron leaves to cherish his memory, his life long partner of 21 years, Michael Antcliffe of Miami Township. His loving father Aaron Couch, also of Miami Township. Two brothers, Brian Couch of Dayton and Jon & spouse Jaycie Couch of McDonough, Ga. Maternal grandmother, Myrtle Bond of Miami Township. Paternal grandmother Mabel Mason of Kentucky. Aaron also leaves numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and many dear friends. Visitation will be from 4:00 to 7:00 P.M. Friday, August 26, 2005 at Newcomer Funeral Home, 3940 Kettering Blvd., Kettering, Ohio. Graveside funeral service will take place at Highland Cemetery, Miamisburg, Ohio at 10:30 A.M. Saturday, August 27, 2005. Published in the Dayton Daily News from 8/25/2005 - 8/26/2005.
Guest Book * Funeral home info * Flowers
Bonnie, I just thought I would send you this in case you wanted the information.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Bonnie Writes:
whose name I regretfully do not know, passed away this morning, I'm deeply sad to report. Aaron doesn't have e-mail. He's a deeply religious man, as many of you are well aware. I know he would very much like to hear from as many of us as possible. This one will take a little more effort, so please send cards to Aaron at his home, 7260 Farmington Road, Miamisburg, Ohio 45342 and the home phone number is 937 866-9706. As a few of you may recall, Aaron's late wife, Kay, (the younger sister of 1960's Kenny Langdon), also died of cancer, the same strain as their son had. Let's all be sure to encourage Aaron to be with us in October, as he has been in past years and let him know we're thinking of him at this very sad time.
Monday, August 22, 2005

GOLF! GOLF! GOLF! --- Bonnie Writes:
Okay, every avid golfer out there, who is a former WC attendee, needs to get behind this one. Please contact GARY E. BARNES, Class of 1959, at your earliest convenience. I hear this is a truly fun event!
--- Bonnie
From: Gary Barnes
Date: 08/21/05 23:21:37
Subject: Golf outing
In your next We Ca Ton news letter, you might want to mention the golf outing on Saturday morning the day of the Alumni Associations dinner - dance. If there is enough interest I will set it up at the Mound golf course again. Have anyone interested to contact me before September 30th so I can get tee-times for that Saturday morning. Give them my e-mail address. Everyone seemed to have a good time last year and all wanted to do it again this year. Let's see if the interest is still there.
Rich's viewing was today. 4:00 to 8:00 pm. Funeral is tomorow morning at 10:30 am. What a great turn out for him. Talk to you later !!

Saturday, August 20, 2005
are as shown, courtesy of Mr. Johnson. I'm sure there will be a huge presence of staff, teachers, retirees and alumni from WCHS.
-- Bonnie
-------Original Message-------
From: Ada Johnson
Date: 08/20/05 14:22:15
To: Bonnie Risner
Subject: Rich Hensley Services
Visitation for Rich Hensley will be Sunday, Aug. 21,
2005 from 4-8 PM at Memorial United Methodist Church,
26 N. Locust St., West Carrollton, OH. Funeral
services Monday, Aug. 22 at 10:30 AM at the church
also. Viewing one hour prior to services.
In lieu of flowers the family asks that contributions
be made to Memorial United Methodist Church of West
Carrollton or the Richard C. Hensley Endowment at:
The University of the Cumberlands
6180 College Station Dr.
Williamsburg, KY 40769-1372
-- Jay (Johnson)
Friday, August 19, 2005
From Bonnie:
Dr. Richard Hensley '59, Deceased, 18 August 2005:
Richard passed away in hospice care at about 6pm this evening. This news reached me just minutes ago, courtesy of my sociology teacher, James C. Johnson. So, we have lost yet another and I am once again diminished and saddened by that loss. DO be at alumni weekend on October 7 and 8! My deepest sympathy lies with Richard's survivors.
------Original Message-------
From: Ada Johnson
Date: 08/18/05 19:05:13
To: Bonnie Risner
Subject: Sad news
Bonnie, I just received a call from Rob Hensley (Rich
Hensley's son) and he said his dad passed away about 6
PM this evening. There was no further info at this
time but will get that to you as soon as I hear.
-Jay Johnson
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Distinguished West Carrollton Alumnus and Educator, Richard Hensley '59
Bonnie Writes:
Thanks to Mr. James C. Johnson for relaying this wonderful message about our fellow alumnus, 1959'S RICHARD C. HENSLEY. I have read every word and it seems safe to say that, "A Hero Walked Among Us," when we were at school with Richard. Let's all pull for him. He's now in hospice care. What a great contribution he has made to humanity!
-------Original Message-------
From: Ada Johnson
Date: 08/12/05 19:00:25
To: Bonnie Risner
Subject: Richard Hensley
I wanted to relay this to you (in case you haven't
heard). This article appeared in the Dayton Daily News 8-11-05 -
titled "Educator receives honorary doctorate."
(Dr.) Richard Hensley, who served as a teacher and
administrator of W.C. schools for nearly 3 decades,
received an honorary doctorate last month from the
University of the Cumberlands (formerly Cumberland College,
Williamsburg, KY - ed.). Hensley, 64, graduated from the
university in 1964 he retired in 1992 from West
Carrollton Schools.
Hensley was awarded the Honorary Doctorate in
Educational Administration on July 23. The university was
represented by Rick Fleenor, a WC alumnus who met
Hensley in junior high school. "He is certainly one
of our most outstanding alumni because of his
professional accomplishments, but even more so because
of his commitment to and support of his alma mater," said
Fleenor, who serves as assistant to the university
president. "He is an outstanding example for
Fleenor and Hensley became close friends after
Fleenor's high school graduation in 1981, when Hensley
learned that Fleenor was attending Cumberland.
Hensley has long supported the Williamsburg, Ky.
college, his wife, Carol, said.
"He loves Cumberland College and has set up an
endowment there and looks forward to contributing to
it more" she said. The endowment will be for "those
kids who are poor and who really can't afford an
education," she said.
Hensley is originally from Harlan, Ky., but finished
high school in West Carrollton in 1959. After
receiving his bachelor's degree in education from
Cumberland, Hensley started teaching seventh-grade
social studies at West Carrollton Junior High School.
Hensley received a master's degree from Wright State
University in 1971. Two years later, he was named
assistant principal. In 1983, he became principal.
During his time with the district, Hensley also served
as an atheletic events coordinator, a contract
negotiator and served on several committees,
including the year-round school planning committee,
the textbook adoption committe, the Staff Advisory
Council and the steering committee for a bond issue to
renovate the junior high in the late 1970's.
He also served as president of the WC Education
Assoc. and voted as a delegate at several Ohio Education
Assoc. representative assemblies. As an
administrator, he held a lifetime membership to OEA
and continued his association by chairing a division
of the secondary school administrator's annual
After he retired, Hensley continued to work as a
substitute teacher and principal, and served on a
committee to expand WC through annexation. One of
his favorite activities, according to his wife, was
taking tickets at WC football games.
"I don't know if I've ever met a person who was more
giving," said superintendent Rusty Clifford, who was
hired years after Hensley retired. "He will do
anything for anyone. From the moment you know him,
he's all about you."
In 2003, Hensley was inducted into the WC Educ
Foundation's Distinguished Service Hall of Fame.
Earlier this year, the foundation's board of directors
honored him again for his continuing and generous
support as a trustee of the Dickinson T. Guiler
Revocable Living Trust.
The Hensley's, who have been married 44 years, have
two children, Sgt. Rob Hensley with the WC Police
Dept. and Barbara Berggren of Columbus. They also
have 5 grandchildren.
Hensley has been undergoing treatment for cancer at
Kettering Memorial Hospital and is currently a
patient at Hospice of Dayton. Cards and letters can
be sent to the Hensley's home at 603 Crusader Dr.,
West Carrollton, OH 45449.
- End of Article -
I have included the entire article, however, forward
on whatever you feel is pertinent. I just wanted to
be sure all are aware of it.
Thank you - Jay (Mr. Johnson)
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Well, it's about that time, I guess. I keep trying to get this down to one report each month, but it seems to go more like every two or three weeks. My last report is dated July 19. School will begin, here in Florida, on Monday, can you believe it? Remember what was, "the good, ol' days," for many of US, when school was always dismissed for the summer before Memorial Day and never reconvened until the day after Labor Day? I do believe those days are gone forever. I prefer the 13-week summers to having all that time off through the school year.
Many of us were Miami Shores kids, who spent lots of our warm summer days, walking our friendly streets and seeing all our pals. We always went down to the old Swimming Hole Road or even to the riverbank for the obvious pastime to cool off on the hot summer days, and we also made a stop or two at the Tradin' Post for one of those gigantic five-cent or ten-cent ice cream cones. I know a lot of you remember all this. The other day, I took one of my grandsons to Friendly's, where he wanted a single-dip ice cream cone. Yes, the dip was sizable, but it was a $1.89 and they even charged tax! I never, ever see a dip of ice cream dipped, to this day, that I don't think of the old Tradin' Post. What great memories! But, "enuff areddy," with the reminiscences, huh? Let's get going on the latest news.
As many of you are aware, our WECATON class-year range runs from the Class of 1933 (A. EMERSON FAHRNEY) through 1990 (and I offer an apology to that bulletin member, as I don't readily recall your entire name, so please e-mail me with it.) So I'm simply thrilled to be writing to nearly 4 generations of WC alumni with this thing andwhen we include our teacher, MURL E. HUFFMAN, it brings it up to almost 5 generations.
My husband (who now describes himself as, "West Carrollton-challenged," as does the spouse of GERALD A. FULLER, Class of 1960, Becky, who is the one who actually coined the phrase) told me that he has never heard of ANY school, ANYwhere, who has so many who stay in touch and who have so many annual functions, after so many years, and who visit each other all over the country, the way we all do. He's probably right, I guess. I have never heard of this, either. When he asked me why I thought that was, I could only say it was the times during which many of us were reared, the moral fiber of our dear, formerly-tiny village of WC and an environment which forged many fond and treasured memories from an era which will never again be. He said there were many who were reared, then, but they still didn't see each other 1-4 times per year and talk on the phone all the time and send bulletins to dozens of their alumni. Okay, so what IS the answer to why we are all still in touch, then? If it isn't that, I don't know what it is. I just know it works for all of us. Oh, by the way, folks, (and especially you, Becky Fuller) Gil has kept the photo of the red and black pirate flag which is hanging beneath the red and black bell in our front yard. He's now using it for a screen saver on HIS pc! Ha! I really had to laugh, when I saw THAT! Frankly, I think attendees from other high schools are simply green with envy of us WC folks!
As we are now aware, we lost yet another alumnus on July 12, in the person of WILLIAM C. WEST, Class of 1955. Bill had gone through school with the 1954 class, but was a credit or two short, at the end of his senior year, I'm given to understand, so he actually graduated with the 1955-ers. Bill was 69. This report reached us through his classmate, DONNA G. TUDOR, and there was some assistance on personal information from 1957's BERTHA JAN HOERNER and from 1959's GARY E. BARNES. Thanks to all. From 1959's JAMES L. LINDSAY came a fond reminiscence about Bill's brother, Marvin, teaching him to play guitar, as a very young Miami Shores kid.
As I've previously written, please don't hesitate to write in about deaths. I know we all tend to think someone else has already done it, but that isn't always the case. Also, 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE is the one who tracks all of that for us and there is a website Steve maintains which has so much WC info you can't believe it. I look at it with great regularity. I usually stumble through the sign-on, but I think it's something like ( ) Steve, correct me if I'm wrong. With Steve on the job on that website, Mike West posting photos on his blogspot, and 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL (who really loved the moniker of our, "not-so-roving reporter") on the job, I'm sure we really ARE the most well-informed alumni in the U.S.! Also relative to WC deaths, Marilyn Wolary, wife of 1958's NICHOLAS P. WOLARY, placed a memorial notice in the Dayton Daily News, on what would have been the 63rd birthday of 1960's LAWRENCE EUGENE ZINK. Along with the Wests, the Wolarys were lifelong friends of Gene. He died on January 26. The memorial notice was a very nice gesture.
We have a few illnesses and physical problems to report and even though that's not great, it sure beats another death! About 2 weeks ago, I spoke with WALLACE W. ROBBINS. He normally calls me about 3-4 times, each year. We catch up on news and people we both know, who number many, of course. I've known him since I was 6 years old, and yes, he's a fellow Miami Shores kid. As many of you will recall, it was Wallace who is credited by the family of the late JUDY RAE LINDSAY, for caring for her, as she was dying with cancer.
He now some problems of his own, though. He informed me that he is nearly 100% blind in his right eye, and has but about 15% of his vision in his left eye. He told me it came on quite suddenly, occurring in a period of only about 3 weeks, as a result of macular degeneration. It will not get better, he was told, but there may be a few things which can eventually be done, which will restore perhaps 10% more of his sight, but that's it. He said he has tried to drive, but that is obviously a virtual impossibility, not to mention terribly dangerous. He is selling his car and says he can no longer read things on the internet without great and strenuous effort. The saddest thing was when he told me he can no longer see the faces of his 2 daughters (to whom he is extremely close, by the way) nor those of his grandchildren. He turned 66 on July 31 but I suspect it wasn't a very happy birthday and I know we all wish him well.
There was an e-mail from 1960's BOYD H. JENKINS, younger brother of 1955's late EDGAR EARL JENKINS (whose full name I just learned, by the way). Boyd is in the middle of dealing with heart problems, as well as some respiratory problems, complicated by the heat. Florida has hot summers, that's true, but they're really nothing compared to the heat in the middle belt of the country, nor with the heat of the sizzling dry and crackling southwest. However, it would be enough to exacerbate respiratory problems which are the nature of Boyd's. He said he had recently fainted for a few seconds, then had to take more tests and one of those medical "grams" of some sort. So let's all give our best to Boyd and hope he does well. By the way, Boyd, what's the update? You should know more by now.
The spouse of 1961's EDNA L. GRAY, whose name is Richard M. Ryan, will be checking on the prospects for a heart bypass. I've known Dick since about 1971, long before I ever knew he had any affiliation with Edna, so I sure do wish him the very best. Edna, herself, is now keeping a watch on her sugar, she reports, and older sis, 1960's FLOSSIE J. GRAY, is thriving and doing well. So that was great news.
But Edna was able to to report some even greater news, I'm happy to write. Remember Class of 1960's WANDA L. ESKRIDGE? (Yes, she's another Miami Shores kid!) She has been battling cancer . She had a tumor on her pancreas, it was removed, and found to be benign. I know we're all pulling for Wanda. She and I were very tight in elementary school, along with Flossie. She is married to 1960's W. KEITH HAYES. Say, Edna, why aren't Keith and Wanda on our bulletin list, anyway?
From 1961's DALLAS K. MATHIS, came the news of his July 25 hip replacement. Dallas wrote that he was released on July 29. We all hope you're doing great, Dallas, and that we get to see you, come October. We all wish you a full and speedy recovery!
Also, I'm happy to report I got a couple of blips from one of our most beloved alumnus, 1961's JACK L. GODBY. He reports that he intends to see us all in October. He also reports that brother W. THOMAS GODBY, 1964, may be venturing out to the Sturgis Rally & Races this year, in South Dakota. My, how that did tug at my old heartstrings! From 1982, straight through to 2001, I never missed a one! I guess I'll have to live on my 20 years of great Sturgis trips. Believe me, I really DO have some great memories of those years and the many thousands of miles we all rode together. While there, I always made it a point to see my, "original riding instructor" and great pal, LARRY G. RING, 1961, who always was at Sturgis, too.
Always up to date on noteworthy WC info and news, is THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., 1960. This bulletin period was no exception. Tom reported that the WC school board, of which he is a member, recently rehired MURL HUFFMAN for his 60th year with WC school system. Tom is amazed by Mr. H.'s continuing vitality and vigor, as are all of us. Congratulations, Mr. H., and also many congratulations to the school board on such a wise decision! Tom also gave an upbeat report on the 40th class reunion of the Class of 1965, as did Mr. H., himself, who also checked in during this bulletin period and was in attendance at that class reunion, along with DAVID COLLINS.
It seems we have lots of current travelers in the WC bunch. Primary among them is the Class of 1960's DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY, who is still touring in her RV all over North America, with friends, as her wrist continues to heal. I'm sure you all read and enjoyed her latest travelogue, as I did.
Also among our travelers were 1961's RICHARD E. KNEER and wife, Becky, who have apparently just completed a vacation which was nothing short of spectacular. They mentioned North Carolina and then must have really seen a lot of the west, making mention of Yellowstone, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, the Grand Tetons, Zion, and Jackson Hole. Of course, they got to visit some family members, too. What a great report, Dick and Becky! We're all glad you're safely back home in Florida now.
In other travels, 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH and 1971's PATTY WHEELBARGER recently decided to visit the Fullers' place in Kentucky. While there, Jerry and Becky wound up buying Bruce's boat. After that, it occurred to me that we should also list for-sale items in the WNR. After all, Jerry bought Bruce's boat, I bought Bruce's truck, and Bruce bought my Harley-Davidson. Why not? We just might get a good thing going here!
About now, Donna Tudor is visiting in Seattle, at the home of her niece, who is the daughter (and only child) of her late sister, 1955's DORIS D. TUDOR. Donna visits her there, each and every year, she wrote. Also, cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS is taking RV trips all over Florida. She recently returned from Cedar Key and is taking another jaunt in a couple of weeks.
Then of course, we mustn't forget our "land baroness," 1961's PATRICIA LYNNETTE GARRETT, who owns pairs of homes in both Ohio and Nevada. Lynn took a solo trip to her brand-new home in Las Vegas, from the end of June to the end of July. She returned about two weeks ago to her home in Germantown and we've been playing phone tag, ever since. But I'll get her, sooner or later. Lynn was also one of the people who wrote to me about Wanda Eskridge.
Of course, we don't want to forget those GRAY girls---1960's FLOSSIE, 1961's EDNA, and 1964's BRENDA---who all recently took a trip together to Amish country, reports Edna. She says they ate too much, spent too much money, and laughed a lot. Great going, ladies! Do keep at it, won't you? Edna is also planning an August Michigan cabin trip with spouse Dick.
So how about me and MY travels? Well, I'm poking around on the internet currently, and trying to get the lowest possible rate on a cruise to Alaska for the late summer of 2006. To my amazement, my husband has agreed to go with me. He wanted to take a cruise to the Bahamas, but all that would be is a big gambling casino which covers the island. I want to see a lot more than THAT, if I'm going to take a cruise. I have never seen Alaska, always wanted to go, I'm not getting any younger and why not? So far, I've found a rate as low as $529 per person for a 7-day cruise to the Inside Passage. But you can get rates like that, only if you book WAY in advance, I'm told. My pal, Eula Faye, can probably give me a lot more info, as she worked on Princess Cruise Lines for 10 years. I'm going to keep digging.
My goof on the last WNR brought about some helpful instructions on how to avoid losing all that text in the future, from Mike West. How I wish I were able to actually DO all those things! Perhaps LARRY D. GIBLERT, 1961, said it best, when he wrote, "I'm sure there's a life's lesson there. All it takes is one wrong button, and your life is changed forever." How true, Larry, how true!
From 1954's JO ANNE MCCLURE came a request for the e-mail address of 1955's FREDA FLETCHER. She also wanted to let me know I had, "given her an extra year," by saying she was in the 1955 class. Thanks for the correction, Jo Anne. I always want to know about those. I hope you and Freda get together and that you both come up to Ohio in October. She also expressed sad regrets about the illness of 1959's RICHARD C. HENSLEY, but was very happy to hear news about you, MURL E. HUFFMAN! I'll bet you remember Jo Anne, don't you?
We always have classmates who are searching for their old friends. We always also have those who are great geographic visitors (i.e., when they are in an area of residence for a classmate, they always drop by for a visit.) I know I do that, but so do others, too, such as BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, GERALD A. FULLER, and MICHAEL WEST. It's a great habit, and I know there are many more of us who also do that. As a matter of fact, Mike West just may be soon calling you, SHIRLEY SUE MILLER. If he does, you're in for a treat and a very pleasant interval.
Along those same lines, this next paragraph is for you, DANNY A WALTERS, 1960. I'm still searching for your pal, ROBERT L. TANKERSLEY, 1959. I now strongly suspect that I have found him. On search engine after search engine, the same home address pops up for him. I wrote a letter to that address, on your behalf, just about two weeks ago. It has not been returned and that's very encouraging. If he's there, as I'm about 95% sure he is, all we now have to do, is to get him to respond. Did he? By the way, the search engine birthday of August 1940, also matches that address. Let's keep our collective fingers crossed.
The story about the band and Mr. Hubbard, in the last WNR, brought about a few fun responses. From 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY came the fact that Mr. Hubbard's son, Philip III, was a band member under HARRY C. HAGGERTY for a period of 3 years. Pam was also a band member, of course. Also jumping on the band-wagon (okay, okay, I'm sorry, but I just couldn't resist that one) with that story, was another former band member, 1961's DALLAS K. MATHIS. Dallas wrote, "I especially enjoyed Nancy Ertel's memory of Mr. Hubbard's joke about the band. The way I remember it, is that one R.I.P. WC band note was waiting for us on a Monday, following a weekend contest in Greenville, where we'd lost to a band who walked, when the judges couldn't see them. Mr. Haggerty would never countenance that kind of slack behavior." Dallas continues with a nice salute to Mr. Haggerty, by writing, "He was such a great influence on so many of his students, I'm always grateful that I got to know him." Of course, I had to forward that to1961's NANCY J. ERTEL, who loved the story and commented on Dallas's great memory. Another great comment came in from, "the other side of the fence," so to speak, (students vs. teachers) from the indefatigable MURL E. HUFFMAN, himself, as he wrote, "You commented about Hubbard vs. band. I plead ignorance. Teachers have always yelled about the outside interruptions (and I caused a few, too---sudden trips to WLW-D for a Phil Donahue show, or a foreign speaker in town), but life went on and still does." Indeed it does, Mr. H., indeed it does! So we've had lots of fun with the band thing. But 1959's JAMES L. LINDSAY wrote that he did lots of sleeping in Mr. Hubbard's class. Perhaps HE should have joined the band, too!
Mr. Huffman also reported that the Haggertys are moving to Tucson, Arizona, which is the state of residence for their son and daughter. He says they may be gone by the first of the year. He, too, wrote a good bit about the 1965 40th reunion. Also attending with him was Marj Bogan Burkhart, he wrote, and the Strahans were there, too. In addition to all that info, he wrote that 1959's RICHARD C. HENSLEY remains hospitalized and is doing about the same. Of course, he also made the usual attempt to get me to call him, "Murl," but for some reason, I just can't seem to choke that out, either verbally OR on the keyboard. I'm still trying, though! By the way, he will be with us in October, possibly even peeling rubber in the Frisch's parking lot, he wrote. I can just scarcely wait to see THAT!
Let's all welcome aboard a new bulletin subscriber, from the Class of 1965, CYNTHIA A. CHRISTMAN. I sent her a test message, but it was returned, saying she was over quota. I'm sure that will soon resolve itself and she'll start getting our bulletins. Cindy traveled up to Ohio from Florida for her 40th reunion. The only down side to that would be that we probably won't be able to get her to come back north again in the the fall, for our alumni gig.
An e-mail address change has occurred for 1958's JAMES E. RICHARDSON and spouse, KAREN JUNE CRUTCHFIELD. Thanks so much for letting me know your new address, Jim and June. Listen, folks, I'm still trying to close the gap on 1960's MILTON R. WOLFE, 1961's GARY R. FRANK, MICHAEL R. FORSYTH, and 1964's BRENDA ASHLEY TAYLOR. If any of you can get word to those folks, we want them back on our list, hear? Piggybacking on that very topic, I've long been wondering whatever happened to 1957's DARELL L. TOBIAS, since he moved to North Carolina in March. I hadn't heard a word. So I called him this very morning, missed him, but he called right back. We spoke for about 30 minutes. He's doing well, feeling healthy, still riding his Harley-Davidson, and enjoying life in his new NC home. He has forsaken the computer for now, so he will join the ranks of our postally-mailed subscribers. He will definitely be coming to the alumni gig in October.
Finally checking in with a long and newsy e-mail was 1960's PHILIP H. WOLFORD. Phil now has 41 years of service with the accounting firm of Ernst & Young. I find that remarkable. Talk about stability!! Phil has been catching up on old times with 1961's LILLY "KITTY" BURDETTE, via e-mail. We hope to see you in early October, Phil! He has once again renewed my gift subscription to the magazine, Reminisce.Thanks very much, Phil.
Also checking in with a great e-mail was my old friend, V. JEAN WARD, 1960, who finished school in Franklin. But I know an awfully lot us us will still vividly recall Jean. She was (and is) a great beauty. When we were young, cousin Judy, Jean, and I were like the 3 musketeers. She was a Miami Shores kid for a very long time, too. Jean has just returned from a trip to Paris, France. Now that is a real trip, folks! These days, Jean lives in Franklin, Tennessee.
We got yet another long and newsy (and long overdue) check-in from 1961's DONNA JEAN RICHARDS. She reported that she has seen AARON COUCH, whose oldest son is terminally ill with cancer. She also reported running into 1959's DORIS HARPER and 1958's VIVIAN MORGAN, and she spent some time with her classmate ROBERT W. BRANE, too. So Donna has really been "WC-ing it up." Keep up the good work, Donna!
But that's not all she's doing. Both she and PATRICIA LYNNETTE GARRETT are just beside themselves with excitement because it's time once again fro the annual summer retreat at the Kentucky home of CAROLE J. LEWIS. This class has been doing this for about 15 years and I'm just green with envy. i want to go to this function, before I die! There are so many of the 1961 girls there, I dare not start to mention them all, lest I might overlook someone. Lynn has also reported that she's going to get together with BARBARA J. TURNINGTON. Barb, are you there? Please give my best to your best friend and my classmate, LOIS ANN LITTURELL, will you? Listen, Donna and Lynn, I want a full report on the Kentucky gathering, complete with a list of all attendees, hear? Does anyone ever hear from our latest newly-weds, 1961's PAUL E. BEARDSLEY and SANDRA L. BROCK? "Inquiring minds want to know!"
So now, we get to the real meat of this bulletin, okay? If you're reading this, then we expect to see your smiling face on Friday night, October 7, at the Moraine City Frisch's. We also expect to see it on the following night at the alumni gig. Got it? Okay!
Whew! I'm just about all typed out on this one! That completes all of the news and messages I've gotten. I hate to think how many pages are going to print for this one. It has taken me 3 days to do it, in periods of an hour here and an hour there, as I found the time. I hope you're not all blind, by the time you finish this. As always, I leave each of you with my usual wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, and boundless prosperity. Ciao! --Bonnie
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
New Alumni Directory:
Your humble editor wrote to the Harris Publishing Company to inquire about the much-rumored new edition of the WCHS Alumni Directory and received this reply:
(You will undoubtedly note that Dana Cohen DID NOT study English with Miss Marsh)
Dear Mr. Humble Editor:
Thank you for your inquiry.
The new directory for West Carrollton High School is scheduled to begin early January 2006.
Please ensure with your alumni office your address and phone number so we may contact
you when the updating begins.
Thank you again and have a nice day.
Customer Service Department
Dana Cohen Customer Service Representative
Harris Connect
POB 41135
Norfolk, VA 23541-1135
T 800.877.6554
F 800.829.4142
Web site:

Bruce Chenoweth '58
Has sent this photo of the latest addition to his growing collection of 'unusual', classic vehicles. This is a 1947 Desoto California Highway Patrol Car. Hmmm - did the Chips really use whitewall tires? He didn't say if it requires restoration, but whatever it needs, it is surely in loving hands. The photo appears to have been taken at the staging yard of Machine Tools of America (his business), so it must have arrived in Miamisburg. So Bruce, how goes the renovation of the Oldsmobile? Perhaps you can send Bonnie a journal of your classic car activities for publication.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Lawrence Eugene (Gene) Zink '60
In Memoriam from the Dayton Daily News 25 July 2005, his sixty-third birthday

Bonnie Writes on 01 Aug 2005:
OK everyone, here's the latest chapter of DeDe's travels. Gawd, I'm just turning GREEN with envy, each time I get one of these! I'm SO glad it sounds like they're having such a good time, though.
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
-------Original Message-------
Date: 07/31/05 20:01:45
Subject: 7th Addition of travels of the 4 Vagabonds & 2 Couch taters
>Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 21:34:15 -0400
>Hi Folks:
>We are finally on the road again. Dede went to the Doctor on Wed. and every
>thing looks good for us to go on to Vancouver. She doesn't have to go back
>to San Francisco for 3 weeks. We left Marin Ca. on 7/14 for Tiburon and
>tried to see a lighthouse at Port Bonita. No luck too foggy. We then went
>to Tiburon and walked the downtown and ate lunch on the waterfront. Neat.
>The next day, 7/15 we left for Yosemite. We camped at Yosemite Lakes, which
>is some miles from the Village. Neat campground, almost like a National
>campground or Corp of Engineer one. Nan made a fire all 2 nights. We didn't
>have electric so had the lanterns out and cooked on propane. Rough life
>huh? Saw deer drinking on the creeks and was just a spectacular place. Went
>to the Village and took the bus tour around the Park. El Capitan is
>spectacular. We had steak down at the campground. There was a damn and
>swimming area right at the campground. We drove to Glacier Point the next
>day Scenes not to be forgotten. We ate lunch at Badger Pass where Dede had
>skied in another life. We came back for Happy Hour and Hot Dogs over the
>The next day we left for Clearlake. We went pass lots of fields of
>Sunflowers, just beautiful. We had a great site on the water at Clearlake,
>We fished a lot for the next 3 days. We had 2 fishfries while there and met
>a neat family from Holland. They had a son about 14 named Bart, that we
>fell in love with. He spoke 4 languages, Dutch, English, French, and
>German. He either taught us to fish, or we taught him. I did teach him to
>clean fish.
>On 7/20 we took a ride around the lake. We had lunch on the lake. One
>beautiful lake and very long. The girls were looking for wineries all the
>way around. I was looking for breweries.
>On 7/21 we went to Lassen Volcanic park. It is near Redding, Ca. Snoopy and
>Missy saw their first snow. They sure didn't play in it, but I took lots of
>pictures of them. It was a long days drive. Sure miss Dede not being able
>to drive. Have about 4 more weeks of this. We just stayed aroung Clearlake
>for the next couple of days for we had to have the trailer wheel repacked.
>The grease seal let loose.
>The next day the van had to have the brakes taken care of. The rotors
>needed turned. Too many mountain roads. Found a good garage and they didn't
>take us to the cleaners.
>The next day we went to Fort Bragg (???-ed.) and Mendocino on the coast Beautiful
>scenary. We ate on the Pacific. I did get to see a Lighthouse after about a
>mile walk at Casper.
>The next day we went in for Dede's doctors appointment and Therapy at
>Marin. About 95 miles from Clearlake. Doctor said he didn't have to see her for 3 weeks, Yippie. We are on our way.
>We left on 7/28 from Clearlake to Prospect, Or. On the way we went along
>side of Mt. Shasta. Another beautiful mountain. We then went on our way to
>Crater Lake and stopped at Prospect. Another neat campground. We spent the
>next day touring Crater Lake. What a beauty. Ate lunch overlooking it.
>Gorgeous. When we got back we hiked a couple of falls and the Rogue River,
>right next to our campground. What beautiful country. Tomorrow it's on to
>Mt. Hood. Tough life Huh?
>Talk to you down the line.
>The ungrounded 4 Vagabonds & 2 couch Taters