The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Monday, November 28, 2005
This is a surprise for the Haggertys! Please join former W.C. band members and Carrolltones to say goodbye as the Haggertys move out West. Join us at El Meson restaurant on Tuesday, November 29th from 6:00 to 9:00 PM . (In one of the private rooms). Please rsvp soon to either Indy (Grissom) Sumner (937) 914-0208 or Vickie (Gilbert) Eubank at (937) 859-6598. If unable to attend and you would like to send a card please mail to Vickie Eubank 50 Grantwood Dr, W.Carrollton, Oh 45449. Plan to stop and chat with the Haggertys and former band friends. There will be appetizers, soft drinks and coffee for a $15.00 donation at the door. This will also cover tax and gratuity and the Haggertys' meals. Alcohol will be available on a COD basis. Also, try to dress in our school colors for the evening. We'll look forward to seeing you there. Thanks!
Indy Sumner
Vickie Eubank
Sunday, November 27, 2005
From the Dayton Daily News, Originally Published 21 NOV 2005:
"Donna SteeleFamily-Placed Obituary:
STEELE, Donna L. Age 65 of Centerville, passed away Sunday, November 20, 2005 at Life Care Hospital of Dayton. She was born May 27, 1940 in Dayton, the daughter of the late Paul and Cordie (Greene) Howerton. Donna was a registered nurse for Good Samaritan Hospital. Preceded in death by her son Michael P. Steele, Nov. 13, 2001. Survivors include her daughter Tracy Sexton and husband Keith of Las Vegas, NV, son Lando L. Steele of Centerville, 3 grandsons Paul, Nathan, and Matthew Sexton, and the father of her children Lando F. Steele of Xenia. Funeral services will be conducted at 12 noon on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 from the SWART FUNERAL HOME, W. Carrollton. Burial will follow at Evergreen Cemetery. Family will receive friends from 11:00 ann, until the time of service on Tuesday. Published in the Dayton Daily News on 11/21/2005."
Guest Book • Flowers • Gift Shop • Charities
Monday, November 21, 2005
---It is with great sadness that I announce the loss of 1958 class member, DONNA LEE HOWERTON. I am given to understand that she died on Sunday, November 20. Like most of us, I suspect, I vividly remember lovely Donna. She was terribly active in school---sports, plays, student council---and was also a National Honor Society member, as well as a homecoming attendant.
Most of us also remember that Donna eventually married her high school sweetheart, LANDO F. STEELE, who was a member of the same class. They divorced during the past several years, though. They suffered the loss of one of their sons and Donna, I hear, had been ill of late. I am sorry, but I do not know the cause of her death. She was but 65. However, 1955's DONNA G. TUDOR was very close friends with her, maintained contact, and I'm sure she will bring us all up to date.
In the meantime, check the newspaper for whatever other details you may be able to find. Thanks go out to 1961's PATRICIA LYNETTE GARRETT and to 1959's GARY E. BARNES for bringing this to my attention. I'm sorry, but I do not have funeral details, at this time.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Hi All!
Hope everyone is well and getting ready for winter. We have left Kentucky and I think we are overstayed our's getting cold here! My sister had major surgery so we stayed to see her through it (she did very well and is home recuperating). Must admit, it's been years since we've been here late enough to see foliage and it was you can see....
We packed and got out of Dodge! We headed south last Friday and couldn't resist stopping by Savannah for a week. When we leave here Monday we will wander like nomads until December 13 when we plan to be back in Panama City Beach. We won't be able to get to Sedona this year due to hurricanes and gas prices but plan to try for next year. In March we're headed back to Savannah for St. Pat's Day....then to Daytona for the West Carrollton High School "Spring Fling". Then back to Kentucky in time for Derby week. Whew! We do love RVing - lots of nice people out here as well as places to go and things to see. Went to the Ft. Stewart museum yesterday but we disappointed that all the 24th Invantry memorabilia has been moved to Ft. Rielly, Kansas. We were hoping to find some old football films of the "Lions". Oh well. We're going to the Savannah Theater tonight with Dot & Charley Deen for the "Jukebox Journey" similar to "Clutch" in PCB. The theater is supposed to be the oldest operating in Georgia, opening in 1818. What fun!
Hope to see some of you over the winter and those we don't have the opportunity to visit please have a safe, healthy and happy holiday season!
You can reach us on our cell (850)625-3456 or online whenever I can get to a modem. Not a lot of WIFI on the road - afraid I was spoiled at the lake!. Stay in touch and take care.
Love you all,
Becky & Jerry
Thursday, November 10, 2005
(Hey, gang! Here's another great message from perhaps our most "fearless leader," none other than MURL E. HUFFMAN. Again, it's one of those messages which might lose something in translation, so I'm sending it along in its original form, to share with all of you. It also answers the question, by the way, of where the Haggertys are moving, which several of you have asked.)
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
-------Original Message-------
From: Murl Huffman
Date: 11/09/05 18:57:45
To: Bonnie
Subject: Re: News report reply from Mr. H
Bonnie in that last monthly report there was an item suggesting a possible
Exchange with Mr. H. I'd like that. I love to sit down with people and share
thoughts and be challenged that's what life is all about.
I get so irratated with former students who make the comment that I just
would have liked to talk with Mr. H (BUT THEY DIDN'T CALL OR ----) Please tell 'em
to CALL. We'll dialogue believing that there is no one right answer not even
mine. Reminds me of the license plate I saw the other day "I WAS BORN RIGHT
Pass on the word I'd love dialogue anytime, anywhere, and with anyone, we can
do it here at the house for small groups of 10 to 12. BRING IT ON ---
Best always Murl
PS Glad they are doing things for the Haggerty's as they head west to Tuscon.
Marj and I had dinner the other night with Bobbie, Harry and Bill Scutt. We
had a great night eating Chinese (and I didn,t even play the organ HA, and
they were smart - they didn'ht even ask. HA)
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
EXTRA, EXTRA: Important Announcement:
This particular message seems to me to be one of those which should not set idle, waiting for me to gather enough other messages to constitute a new WC bulletin. There are a number of former members of the WCHS marching band, who were under the direction of HARRY C. HAGGERTY. I think those folks are going to want to know about this. My thanks to VICKIE JO GILBERT, Class of 1970, for making us all aware of this.
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
-------Original Message-------
From: Vickie Eubank
Date: 11/09/05 10:31:01
To: Bonnie
Subject: Updated message
Here is an updated note about the get together for the Haggertys. Due to circumstances beyond our control the changes had to be made. Thank you for any help you can give in spreading this message.
This is a surprise for the Haggertys!
Please join former W.C. band members and Carrolltones to say goodbye as the Haggertys move out West. Join us at El Meson restaurant on Tuesday, November 29th from 6:00 to 9:00 PM . (In one of the private rooms). Please rsvp soon to either Indy (Grissom) Sumner (937) 914-0208 or Vickie (Gilbert) Eubank at (937) 859-6598. If unable to attend and you would like to send a card please mail to Vickie Eubank 50 Grantwood Dr W.Carrollton, Oh 45449. Plan to stop and chat with the Haggertys and former band friends. There will be appetizers, soft drinks and coffee for a $15.00 donation at the door. This will also cover tax and gratuity and the Haggertys' meals. Alcohol will be available on a COD basis. Also, try to dress in our school colors for the evening. We'll look forward to seeing you there. Thanks!
Indy Sumner
Vickie Eubank
This is such a complete and informative report from 1955's DONNA G. TUDOR, there is sure no way in which I could possibly improve upon it. Donna always does such a good job of this. But while I'm at it, I also want to add a few folks to the Frisch's. Frolic. As I told you, this will be an ongoing report. Also present at that, were NORMA LEE POPE, 1954, (I'm prettry sure) and she and I chatted for a bit. Norma is on my mailing list for postal copies. In addition, there was the long-wed 1957 couple, THERESA MARIE MOSES and THOMAS D. ELLIOTT. They have a spectacular train set-up at their home, which I fervently hope to see, on one of my future trips. Keep those names flowing, folks! We want to get everyone covered and I'm only one person, whose feeble brain grows less functional with each passting day, don't you know!?!?!
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
-------Original Message-------
From: Johnson Donna
Date: 11/09/05 15:50:09
To: Bonnie
Bonnie, I would like to add some people to your 1955 list. Carl Mays and his lovely wife Marilyn. Carl was previously married to Phyllis Hatcher who passed away a few years ago. Marilyn came over and talked to me and believe me she is a very nice person. Jerry Davis and his wife Jan are just the nicest people ever. Jerry hasn't changed at all since school. He has always been so down-to-earth and friendly and Jan is the same way. Elaine Barker and her husband, who by the way is a dentist were here from Florida. Elaine was always such a fashion plate and still is. Larry Howard and his wife Pat were also present and when she realized I had married a Xenia guy she got her yearbook out and found out they were in the same class. She even sent me pictures out of her yearbook. In fact, my husband and Pat lived not very far from each other. Isn't it a small world? She and Larry are such a nice couple and they now live in Shreveport, LA. Pat Tobias has gotten remarried and lives in Germantown with her husband. She was formerly married to one of our classmates Dick Gibbons (deceased) who was president of our senior class. Roger Duncan and his lovely wife were present. They live in California. Vernon Scarborough and his wife the former Judy Helfinstine(don't remember her class year) but they are the nicest folks. Don't ever forget Larry McVey and his wife Martha. He was my neighbor when we went to WC. Talk about a crazy guy. We had so much fun with all the neighborhood kids playing softball. Every game the two teams usually had a big argument. Gosh, we had fun though. We never stayed mad at one another. We were right back on the sand lot the next night. Mary (Wiedner) Butler, Jean Fry, Patsy Kinney, Jerry Estepp, Karen Wilson, Gary Glover and thier mates were present as was Sandra Seabold who is married to Artie Enyart, I so missed those in our class who are now deceased. I especially missed my dear sister Doris who also graduated in 1955 and was our HomeComing Queen. Also, let me mention that my official escort and good friend is Darrel Tobias who is so kind and nice to me at these functions. Hope I didn't miss anyone.
From: Bonnie Risner Miller
---Okay, this one is the real thing, I promise. Right off the bat, I want to add some info to my report on the Frisch's Frolic. For one thing, as I wrote that, so many names went through my mind, and I knew I was going to forget several people. I did, but thank God for 1955's DONNA G. TUDOR and also for 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH for their superior memories. How on earth did I ever fail to mention Bruce's fellow classmate, BRUCE K. COPSEY, with whom I stood and chatted for several minutes? Yes, he was there, and we were all glad you were, Bruce. How did I also forget to mention my riding buddy, 1957's DARELL L. TOBIAS? Yes, he was there, too. Then there was the beautiful BARBARA CRIDER, younger sister of LORETTA. I'm sorry, to each and every single one of you. There was also the one of whom I thought, all by myself, with no prompting, CARIN LEANN CAMPBELL, daughter of the late BARBARA LEE HECKER, Class of 1961. Carin came to Frisch's with her husband and with her baby of just a few months. I have to tell you all that this baby was just gorgeous! It was a carbon copy of the cherubic face on the Gerber Baby Food jars, I'll swear. This child was SO cute, I can't put it into words. None other than1961's own DONNA J. RICHARDS, was holding this child and she laughed and laughed and drew quite a crowd. (The baby, I mean, but Donna draws quite a crowd, too.) That baby made the night, Carin! Thanks for coming and thanks for bringing Barbara's grandchild, to show us all. Now, listen, I'm not saying that this covers all the bases. I know there are a few more folks I've missed. Think hard, and let me know, please!
In any event, you've all now gotten your coverage on the WC Alumni Weekend Golf Outing, as reported by 1959's GARY E. BARNES, and you've already gotten the latest update on our upcoming WC Florida Holiday Brunch, but we're a bit behind on the reporting of the Annual Alumni Dinner/Dance, aren't we? So let's get right to it.
On the night after the Frisch's gig, we all gathered once again, this time at the Holiday Inn ballroom. Some of the people who were at Frisch's also came to this function, but some didn't. Some who didn't come to Frisch's, DID come to this function, though. People were dressed a bit more formally, in suits, dresses, dressy pantsuits, etc. Everyone had a wonderful time.
It was the 50th anniversary for the Class of 1955, and many of them had gathered on the previous night. Many more gathered on this night. The invocation was ably delivered by 1955's own NORMAN E. JACKSON, whom I've known for many years. I was very happy to see him again. He looked great and was impeccably dressed. He was accompanied by his wife, Nancy. Norm spent a portion of the evening, chatting with 1960's BOYD H. JENKINS, the younger brother of Norm's very best pal in high school, the late E. EARL JENKINS, also of 1955. My old Miami Shores neighbor from the 1955 class, PAUL JONES, was also there.
Many of Norm's classmates were present and I wouldn't even preTEND to be able to name all of them. But it was a great showing for the Class of 1955. I spied PATSY TOBIAS, of that I'm sure, as well as Donna Tudor, who'd been at Frisch's, also. Darell (Pat's younger brother) was there, too. We had a slug of people from 1960, as is usually the case. I sat with CHARLES V. CARTER, who was accompanied by wife Pamela, GARY L. WAR-LAUMONT, who was with wife Jill, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, escorted by companion Dave Bockrath. We also had long visits with THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., who was accom -panied by his gorgeous spouse, Susan. Soon, we saw our perennial glamour couple, 1960's own T. BARRY RUSSELLO, and 1959's BETSY R. MURPHY. They continue to do a great job of keeping the bar high for us all. Also from my 1960 class was JUDGE CHARLES A. "BUD" LOWMAN, who escorted 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE. DOROTHY J. WILLMAN was also present, with her 1958 spouse, VINCENT A. BRODBECK. These two people are among THE very nicest of WC alumni, by the way. I also saw ROSS A HODGSON, who is usually there, too. Never doubt that GERALD A. FULLER was also there, as he invariably is, with wife Becky who sometimes slips upstairs to the motel room.
There was the vivacious DONNA J. RICHARDS, who's always a welcome addition to any gathering, WC or not.
We also had CURTIS A. KEMP, who had a long, rousing chat with his old teacher, DAVID E. COLLINS. They were obviously enjoying everything about the evening. I also saw Curt's brother, JOHN KEMP, and his sister-in-law, JOY WOLFORD (younger sis of 1960's PHILIP H. WOLFORD). I was thrilled when I saw (for the first time in 43 years) CARL F. ROBBINS, whohad once been married to my late and close friend of junior high school. BEATRICE ARLENE OGAN. With him was his wife, Jean, and his sister, SHIRLEY ROBBINS, as well as his brother and my old friend, WALLACE W. ROBBINS, who was with his fiancee, Gail. The dashingly handsome RICHARD C. CALL was accompanied by his beautiful wife, Jean, and they both looked as if they belonged on the covers of magazines. Also present was Mr. C.'s 1961 spouse, CHRIS LYN CLEARY, who made the rounds talking to everyone. She looks great!
If there was ANYone there who was more lively than 1955's CARL R. MAYS, I sure don't know who it was! He danced every dance, greeted every person, and was darned near the life of the party. He set a simply shining example of vim, vigor, and vitality for each and every person who might be termed, "senior citizen." I'd have to think long and hard, though, to put HIM into that category. But giving Carl a huge run for his money was one of WC's favorite teachers, MURL E. HUFFMAN, looking as spry and youthful as ever, as he stood to accept cudoes for his 60th year of teaching, albeit very modestly, yet with a flair which only he could achieve. Also among the dashing fellows was 1960's DANNY A. WALTERS, who was accompanied by his lovely wife, Phyllis.
The Class of 1956 had a few attendees, too. There was my sister, JUDY ANN RISNER, WC's most famous all-star football player from the 1950s, JOHN F. "JACK" FREIER, who was with wife Phyllis, DENNIS MICHAEL, ANITA RAE MASON (who looks positively terrific), and they all hobnobbed with many of the 1954 and 1955 classmates, too. FREDA P. FLETCHER, looking just glamorous, was also present and seeming to enjoy the wonderful evening. Like me, she had come all the way from Florida for the event.
Of course, we also had a few other of the 1958 people and among them were BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, K. JUNE CRUTCHFIELD, LEONARD F. KUHN (with wife Pat), JAMES E. RICHARDSON, DAVID L. HOWARD, and spouse, SUE E. SOWERS, and I know there were others. This report is going to be yet another one which will go on for several chapters, since I again want each of you to write me with a prompt on the names you recall, but which I may have inadvertently overlooked. I know there are plenty. Alumni officers were there, too, includ-ing 1970's THOMAS A DORSEY, 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE, 1948's JACQUELYN A. CRITZER, and June was already mentioned. We all owe a HUGE debt of gratitute to those folks. They work so hard, all year long, so that we can have this event. Without them, whatever would we do?
Of course, GARY E. BARNES of 1959, also put in an appearance. But aside from him and his classmate, Betsy, I don't recall seeing anyone else from 1959. Am I wrong? Please let me know. I think I may have written this before, but I'm always puzzled by the low turnout of folks from 1959 class. It's a class which was just filled with a lot of nifty people and I know we'd all like to see more of them! Let's work on that.
Once, while in the hallway, I spied a fellow I just know had to be ARTIE ENYART. I recall him as quite a gymnast. I also saw that gorgeous, never-changing face of DONNA SMITH, whom I think may have been in the 1952 class. I always instantly recognize her.
The night ended all too soon. We had an entire table filled with diehards sitting there, shooting the breeze, and talking about, "the good, ol' days," and oh, we had many of them, that's for sure. The good, ol' days of this day and age, are just nothing, compared to what WE all had. I know I've got lots of "takers" on that one!
My Sunday morning found me back at Frisch's with old friends again, having breakfast. There was Lynn and Barry and Betsy and I saw Norman and his wife and lots of others from the 1955 class. So many of us were not happy about seeing the weekend come to a close. It had been a wonderful and magical time. But end, it did, and I was soon back on the road again, after taking time to visit on Sunday with my lifelong friend, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, at her childhood home, which she now owns.
My Monday trip began at 3:15 a.m. and did not end until 7:00 p.m., so it was yet another disappointing length of travel time, coming in at half an hour longer than the trip to come up there, which was REALLY bad. So I guess my 12-hour-45-minute trips to Dayton are done. But in my defense, let me tell you that I drove through sheeting, blinding rain for the last 50 miles of Kentucky on that morning and had to pull over several times. Neverthe-less, I think I've lost my, "edge." So be it!
Upon my return, I had a ton of e-mail and the first one came from Norman Jackson. I was happy to be back in contact with him. He told me a lot about his two boys and about his motorcycle-riding adventures, over the years, when I hadn't seen him.
There have also been the usual litany of notices, jokes, psa's, poltiical material, etc., and I'm going to reiterate something here, which I've previously written. I do not open forwarded material, simply because I get so much of it, I just don't have the time to read it all. However, I do make it a point to list all the senders, so that people are aware that those folks are maintaining contact. I tell you this, only because so many people subsequently ask me questions about something they've forwarded and I'm unable to answer, as I don't know what it contained. But those who sent them this bulletin period include 1955's
BEVERLY J. HAAS and I had a good exchange about the huge differences in the lives of kids now, as opposed to the lives of we who grew to maturity in the 1950s. It is quite literally an entirely different world, a point upon which I'm sure we can all agree, regardless of age and generation. Another 1960 class member now has a new e-mail address, RICHARD S. HOLT. But I've got him right back on the list, so he's still with us. When you make such changes, you must keep me posted, as he did, or you will miss the bulletins. Is there any update yet on 1960's MILTON R. WOLFE or 1961's JOHN W. BYSTREK? I know for sure we've lost Milton, but I'm not 100% sure of John. Please let me know. Another new e-mail address is that of VICTOR C. NOEL. Vic, aren't you the 1954 class?
WALLACE W. ROBBINS wrote an e-mail, courtesy of his fiancee, Gail, on how much he is still enjoying all the writings of WC. As many of you will recall, he has lost nearly all of his eyesight, so I'm happy to know that Gail is keeping him informed.
As always seems to be the case, 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT and I, are enjoying maintaining contact. She and I seem able to go on for hours, if we don't watch it. I guess it's that "MIami Shores Kid/WC alumni" common thread. Lynn may be down here soon, due to illness in her family. If she is, we will positively be spending some quality hours together, I know.
As a matter of fact, that Miami Shores thing also carries well with me and 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER. That's one of the reasons why I so much want you to be at the holiday brunch, Freda. We had hardly any time at all to visit, at alumni weekend, and I found myself wanting to speak to you for a lot longer than I did (which was about two minutes, it seemed.)
From 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY came her regrets about not being able to attend any of the functions which took place on alumni weekend. She wrote that she had very urgent family business and that she will try hard to be with us, come next year. We hope so, Pam! Pam sent a photo of her positively gorgeous granddaughter.
As I think I previously wrote, I was utterly dismayed by the absence of 1958's WILLIAM R. HOWARD, who wrote that he had the wrong weekend in his head. For future reference, for Bill AND for all of us, always remember this: Alumni weekend is ALWAYS held on the weekend during which the second Saturday of October falls. As far as I know, that will be forever. If I ever hear differently, I'll tell you right away. This way, we can always plan accord -ingly and never miss one, okay? Bill has committed to the WC Florida Holiday Brunch on Decmeber 3 and it's sounding as though he'll be joined by 1958 classmates
ROBERT W. "SMITTY" SMITH, the ever-present BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, who has also committed, and also my fellow Miami Shores Kid,RONALD D. "TOM" FEE. It sounds like it's going to be a good time. I'm very much looking forward to it. Bill and I also had a brief exchange on the outcome of the standard of living which evolved for most of the Miami Shores Kids. We all seem to have done reasonably well, greatly improving our childhood standard of living. Interesting!
From 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, came the transmittal of some great alumni weekend photos. I hope you've all gone to the blogspot and taken a peek. I know for sure that 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL has done so. Nancy also commented on what a technologically-advanced world we have. She wrote, "Whoever thought we'd all be send- ing messages across the country to each other?"
Indeed, Nancy, who ever did? Let's all "log in" and enjoy the photography efforts of Mike and of Becky Fuller (the spouse of 1960's GERALD A.), okay? By the way, there is a positively stunning photo in there of 1960's JUDITH L. STALDER. You're really photogenic, Judy! There is a similarly smashing photo of the ever-gracious EULA FAYE BAILEY, who is a also a photographer's dream. She and I have recently spoken, and we try to do that, regularly. Mike enquired as to the mailing address for 1960 classmate JOANN K. STEMLEY, and I'm always happy to know that alumni are keeping in touch with each other, so I was happy to provide it.
From 1959's GARY E. BARNES came a query as to when (and where) we'd be holding the 2006 WC Florida Spring Fest. I can answer only half of that. It will be held on the last Sunday of March, as is the standard date. But at this time, I can't say exactly where. JoAnn, is your place going to be available for 2006 or not? If so, we'll plan on that location again, as it works well for everyone. But if not, I'm getting boo-coo requests to hold it in some location in the vicinity of Daytona Beach, so that people can enjoy the Atlantic Ocean. Perhaps our fellow WC-er, JUDITH L. SAMUELS, can get us a banquet room at the Elks, where her husband is the manager, in the event we need it. What are the chances of that, Judy? If JoAnn's place is unavailable, we might be doing that, if we can.
Next year, the spotlight will be on the Class of 1956, of which my sister is a member. For anyone who may be interested, I happen to have no less than 5 extra of the 1956 Piratan. They all range from good to excellent, as regards condition. The price range would run from $18- $45, depending on the source and what I paid, plus the shipping costs, which are usually $2.42, per book. As I have told all of you previously, I sell these books ONLY to WC folks and ONLY for what I actually paid. So if you are aware of anyone who wants one, they can feel free to contact me.
Well, folks, guess where I dined and with whom, on this most recent Wednesday morning, November 2? Since I've been told, "right from the horse's mouth," that there is no attempt to keep anything, "hush-hush," I feel it's just fine to write this, now. It was none other than GARY D. MAYS, 1957, and DONNA J. RICHARDS, 1961. They both came to my house that morning and my husband and I went to breakfast with them at the nearby Cracker Barrel. We had a delightful visit. Donna and Gary were planning to go visit the Atlantic Ocean, later that day, as well as going north to tour historic St. Augustine. She was to be in Florida through today, and then the two of them were going up to her place in Ohio. So hey, the "big secret," (which it never was) is all out in the open now, right? So bully for them! I'm so glad you told me, Donna, that you had no idea that anyone had the notion that you were trying to be secretive. Now, we can all root for you, openly. Thanks! You are both such lovely and wonderful people and everyone wants you both to have a great time together. It appears that you are doing exactly that, too.
Gary continues a close relationship with his sister-in-law, 1960's NANCY E. "COOKIE" BOWIE, sister of Gary's late wife, 1957's DONNA G. BOWIE, and Cookie is just thrilled that Donna R. and Gary have "hooked up" and, to her great credit (but not to my surrprise) has offered them her full support. By the way, I was happy to hear a bit from you, Cookie. I've been wondering where you've been, all this time. Rumor has it that we will not only be seeing Cookie at Spring Fest, but also Donna and Gary! How great!
From CURTIS A. KEMP came an enthusiastic and upbeat message about how much he enjoyed alumni weekend. Curt is now hooked and says he won't miss one, ever again. He really enjoyed his long chat with Mr. C., and he loved seeing his old buddies, RICHARD C. CALL, AARON COUCH, and RICHARD L. "DICKIE" PHILLIPS. We're all so glad you got there this year, Curt. See, I told you if you got there once, that would be it, didn't I? We'll all see you soon, at the holiday brunch. For those of you who are unaware, if you haven't yet had the pleasure of sharing a meal with Curt and his wife, Maria, and listening to Curt tell his stories about his days as a prison guard, you just don't know what you're missing. He keeps us all in stitches and laughing so hard that tears are streaming down faces, believe me! Curt also enquired about old pal, EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY. I gave him all the numbers and addresses I had. By the way, Eddie was having some pretty severe health problems this year, which was very unfortunate, as he was standing at the ready, to board a plane and join us this year. He also was quite anxious to see all of the guys mentioned in this paragraph. I suspect it wll all fall into place for him for next year, though.
From 1959's JAMES L. LINDSEY came a message that his wife was injured at her job and that's why he wasn't there this year. We all hope the Mrs. is doing fine now, Jim. Keep us posted. Jim says he thinks it would be fun to congregate in Mr. Huffman's old classroom and get one final, civics lesson on the afternoon of the Frisch's Frolic. Hmmmm, I'd have to think about that one, Jim. I think it would be grand fun to hobnob with everyone and see Mr. H. again, in yet another social setting. But I'd have to give some thought to this civics lesson thing. I'll bet, though, if there's enough demand, Mr. H. will do it!
Upon my return to Florida, I was faced with the start of Biketoberfest 2005, always a fun and exciting event. I got a couple of messages from my fellow Harley-David-son rider, 1964's W. THOMAS GODBY, and we were going to try to make contact during the event, but it didn't come together. Trying to find someone during one of these big motorcycle events is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack, anyway. Most of you are aware, I'm sure, that Tom is the younger brother of 1961's dearly beloved, JACK L. GODBY. Listen, Tom and Jack, let's make it a point for both of you to be at holiday brunch, hear? That way, we won't miss each other.
JUDY MARIE FRANTZ, 1961, always regales me with her great sense of humor. She was glad I'd gotten back home safely and, like the rest of us, Judy looks forward to our next alumni weekend. Also looking forward to it, is 1960's SHIRLEY SUE MILLER, who didn't make it this year, to my great disappointment. But we'll see you next year, right, Shirley, or perhaps before, at one of our other events? Also missing was 1960's JUDITH ANN SLIFE, another class member I'd hoped to see. So will you be in Florida anytime soon, Judy? If so, come to the brunch on December 3! Yet another 1960 classmate, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., wrote to tell me that the weekend which followed our rainy, alumni weekend, was just picture perfect and absent of rain. But I didn't mind the rain, as I have always enjoyed it. Mr. Huffman wrote a comment in which he said we all, "clean up pretty good." Ha! That we do, Mr. H., that we do!
On a sad note, I got e-mail from CAROLYN J. BURNS, in which she told me of the October 24 death of her mother-in-law, mother of DAVID RICHARD BURNS, a WC alumnus. I know we all extend condolences to th Burns family. I don't have his grad year. Can you please tell me, Carolyn?
Does anyone know the whereabouts of a WC alumnus named CHARLES LEWIS? It sounds as though Mike West is trying to find him for someone. Let's try to help with that effort, if we can. We also have a blurb from a young man in our military, who is Class of 1994. His name is DANNY GORDON, and Danny writes that he is deployed with Operation Noble Eagle. He is due to return stateside in April and wants to keep up on WC happenings. Let's all pray for his safe return. If you'd like to write a few lines to him, try We all wish you the very best, Danny!
Teacher DAVID E. COLLINS continues to gather more WC folks, having added the names of JAN BARKER, former junior high teacher and assistant principal, and DAVID COOPER, a former WCHS math teacher. We're getting more and more diversity in our list of readers.
Last but not least, those traveling WALKER people, (WILLIAM O., and his WC-honorary spouse, KAREN) remain out there on the road, currently working in the area of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, writes Karen. They may be gone from there, by now, I don't know, but you can bet they're working storm claims, SOMEwhere in the southeast, I'd bet on that. It seems the hurricanes always preclude their ability to join us on alumni weekend. But I can always hope they'll shoot down here in a month and be with us all for the holiday brunch, right? How about it, Bill and Karen? It's been WAY too long since we saw you two. See what you can do, okay?
Well, guess what, folks? My WC folder is totally empty now, so that means we are finally current, and I can close this incredibly-long bulletin. I will again encourage every-one to be present, at our holiday brunch. The food is always great there and the company is simply incomp-arable, I kid you not. I leave you all with my usual wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serentiy, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
Friday, November 04, 2005
WECATON NEWS REPORT!! --- 2005 Reunion Weekend Wrapup:
Okay, this one is the real thing, I promise. Right off the bat, I want to add some info to my report on the Frisch's Frolic. For one thing, as I wrote that, so many names went through my mind, and I knew I was going to forget several people. I did, but thank God for 1955's DONNA G. TUDOR and also for 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH for their superior memories. How on earth did I ever fail to mention Bruce's fellow classmate, BRUCE K. COPSEY, with whom I stood and chatted for several minutes? Yes, he was there, and we were all glad you were, Bruce. How did I also forget to mention my riding buddy, 1957's DARELL L. TOBIAS? Yes, he was there, too. Then there was the beautiful BARBARA CRIDER, younger sister of LORETTA. I'm sorry, to each and every single one of you. There was also the one of whom I thought, all by myself, with no prompting, CARIN LEANN CAMPBELL, daughter of the late BARBARA LEE HECKER, Class of 1961. Carin came to Frisch's with her husband and with her baby of just a few months. I have to tell you all that this baby was just gorgeous! It was a carbon copy of the cherubic face on the Gerber Baby Food jars, I'll swear. This child was SO cute, I can't put it into words. None other than1961's own DONNA J. RICHARDS, was holding this child and she laughed and laughed and drew quite a crowd. (The baby, I mean, but Donna draws quite a crowd, too.) That baby made the night, Carin! Thanks for coming and thanks for bringing Barbara's grandchild, to show us all. Now, listen, I'm not saying that this covers all the bases. I know there are a few more folks I've missed. Think hard, and let me know, please!
In any event, you've all now gotten your coverage on the WC Alumni Weekend Golf Outing, as reported by 1959's GARY E. BARNES, and you've already gotten the latest update on our upcoming WC Florida Holiday Brunch, but we're a bit behind on the reporting of the Annual Alumni Dinner/Dance, aren't we? So let's get right to it.
On the night after the Frisch's gig, we all gathered once again, this time at the Holiday Inn ballroom. Some of the people who were at Frisch's also came to this function, but some didn't. Some who didn't come to Frisch's, DID come to this function, though. People were dressed a bit more formally, in suits, dresses, dressy pantsuits, etc. Everyone had a wonderful time.
It was the 50th anniversary for the Class of 1955, and many of them had gathered on the previous night. Many more gathered on this night. The invocation was ably delivered by 1955's own NORMAN E. JACKSON, whom I've known for many years. I was very happy to see him again. He looked great and was impeccably dressed. He was accompanied by his wife, Nancy. Norm spent a portion of the evening, chatting with 1960's BOYD H. JENKINS, the younger brother of Norm's very best pal in high school, the late E. EARL JENKINS, also of 1955. My old Miami Shores neighbor from the 1955 class, PAUL JONES, was also there.
Many of Norm's classmates were present and I wouldn't even preTEND to be able to name all of them. But it was a great showing for the Class of 1955. I spied PATSY TOBIAS, of that I'm sure, as well as Donna Tudor, who'd been at Frisch's, also. Darell (Pat's younger brother) was there, too. We had a slug of people from 1960, as is usually the case. I sat with CHARLES V. CARTER, who was accompanied by wife Pamela, GARY L. WAR-LAUMONT, who was with wife Jill, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, escorted by companion Dave Bockrath. We also had long visits with THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., who was accom -panied by his gorgeous spouse, Susan. Soon, we saw our perennial glamour couple, 1960's own T. BARRY RUSSELLO, and 1959's BETSY R. MURPHY. They continue to do a great job of keeping the bar high for us all. Also from my 1960 class was JUDGE CHARLES A. "BUD" LOWMAN, who escorted 1961's SALLY L. GILLETTE. DOROTHY J. WILLMAN was also present, with her 1958 spouse, VINCENT A. BRODBECK. These two people are among THE very nicest of WC alumni, by the way. I also saw ROSS A HODGSON, who is usually there, too. Never doubt that GERALD A. FULLER was also there, as he invariably is, with wife Becky who sometimes slips upstairs to the motel room.
There was the vivacious DONNA J. RICHARDS, who's always a welcome addition to any gathering, WC or not.
We also had CURTIS A. KEMP, who had a long, rousing chat with his old teacher, DAVID E. COLLINS. They were obviously enjoying everything about the evening. I also saw Curt's brother, JOHN KEMP, and his sister-in-law, JOY WOLFORD (younger sis of 1960's PHILIP H. WOLFORD). I was thrilled when I saw (for the first time in 43 years) CARL F. ROBBINS, whohad once been married to my late and close friend of junior high school. BEATRICE ARLENE OGAN. With him was his wife, Jean, and his sister, SHIRLEY ROBBINS, as well as his brother and my old friend, WALLACE W. ROBBINS, who was with his fiancee, Gail. The dashingly handsome RICHARD C. CALL was accompanied by his beautiful wife, Jean, and they both looked as if they belonged on the covers of magazines. Also present was Mr. C.'s 1961 spouse, CHRIS LYN CLEARY, who made the rounds talking to everyone. She looks great!
If there was ANYone there who was more lively than 1955's CARL R. MAYS, I sure don't know who it was! He danced every dance, greeted every person, and was darned near the life of the party. He set a simply shining example of vim, vigor, and vitality for each and every person who might be termed, "senior citizen." I'd have to think long and hard, though, to put HIM into that category. But giving Carl a huge run for his money was one of WC's favorite teachers, MURL E. HUFFMAN, looking as spry and youthful as ever, as he stood to accept cudoes for his 60th year of teaching, albeit very modestly, yet with a flair which only he could achieve. Also among the dashing fellows was 1960's DANNY A. WALTERS, who was accompanied by his lovely wife, Phyllis.
The Class of 1956 had a few attendees, too. There was my sister, JUDY ANN RISNER, WC's most famous all-star football player from the 1950s, JOHN F. "JACK" FREIER, who was with wife Phyllis, DENNIS MICHAEL, ANITA RAE MASON (who looks positively terrific), and they all hobnobbed with many of the 1954 and 1955 classmates, too. FREDA P. FLETCHER, looking just glamorous, was also present and seeming to enjoy the wonderful evening. Like me, she had come all the way from Florida for the event.
Of course, we also had a few other of the 1958 people and among them were BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, K. JUNE CRUTCHFIELD, LEONARD F. KUHN (with wife Pat), JAMES E. RICHARDSON, DAVID L. HOWARD, and spouse, SUE E. SOWERS, and I know there were others. This report is going to be yet another one which will go on for several chapters, since I again want each of you to write me with a prompt on the names you recall, but which I may have inadvertently overlooked. I know there are plenty. Alumni officers were there, too, includ-ing 1970's THOMAS A DORSEY, 1965's STEVEN F. SHADE, 1948's JACQUELYN A. CRITZER, and June was already mentioned. We all owe a HUGE debt of gratitute to those folks. They work so hard, all year long, so that we can have this event. Without them, whatever would we do?
Of course, GARY E. BARNES of 1959, also put in an appearance. But aside from him and his classmate, Betsy, I don't recall seeing anyone else from 1959. Am I wrong? Please let me know. I think I may have written this before, but I'm always puzzled by the low turnout of folks from 1959 class. It's a class which was just filled with a lot of nifty people and I know we'd all like to see more of them! Let's work on that.
Once, while in the hallway, I spied a fellow I just know had to be ARTIE ENYART. I recall him as quite a gymnast. I also saw that gorgeous, never-changing face of DONNA SMITH, whom I think may have been in the 1952 class. I always instantly recognize her.
The night ended all too soon. We had an entire table filled with diehards sitting there, shooting the breeze, and talking about, "the good, ol' days," and oh, we had many of them, that's for sure. The good, ol' days of this day and age, are just nothing, compared to what WE all had. I know I've got lots of "takers" on that one!
My Sunday morning found me back at Frisch's with old friends again, having breakfast. There was Lynn and Barry and Betsy and I saw Norman and his wife and lots of others from the 1955 class. So many of us were not happy about seeing the weekend come to a close. It had been a wonderful and magical time. But end, it did, and I was soon back on the road again, after taking time to visit on Sunday with my lifelong friend, SHIRLEY J. TUDOR, at her childhood home, which she now owns.
My Monday trip began at 3:15 a.m. and did not end until 7:00 p.m., so it was yet another disappointing length of travel time, coming in at half an hour longer than the trip to come up there, which was REALLY bad. So I guess my 12-hour-45-minute trips to Dayton are done. But in my defense, let me tell you that I drove through sheeting, blinding rain for the last 50 miles of Kentucky on that morning and had to pull over several times. Neverthe-less, I think I've lost my, "edge." So be it!
Upon my return, I had a ton of e-mail and the first one came from Norman Jackson. I was happy to be back in contact with him. He told me a lot about his two boys and about his motorcycle-riding adventures, over the years, when I hadn't seen him.
There have also been the usual litany of notices, jokes, psa's, poltiical material, etc., and I'm going to reiterate something here, which I've previously written. I do not open forwarded material, simply because I get so much of it, I just don't have the time to read it all. However, I do make it a point to list all the senders, so that people are aware that those folks are maintaining contact. I tell you this, only because so many people subsequently ask me questions about something they've forwarded and I'm unable to answer, as I don't know what it contained. But those who sent them this bulletin period include 1955's
BEVERLY J. HAAS and I had a good exchange about the huge differences in the lives of kids now, as opposed to the lives of we who grew to maturity in the 1950s. It is quite literally an entirely different world, a point upon which I'm sure we can all agree, regardless of age and generation. Another 1960 class member now has a new e-mail address, RICHARD S. HOLT. But I've got him right back on the list, so he's still with us. When you make such changes, you must keep me posted, as he did, or you will miss the bulletins. Is there any update yet on 1960's MILTON R. WOLFE or 1961's JOHN W. BYSTREK? I know for sure we've lost Milton, but I'm not 100% sure of John. Please let me know. Another new e-mail address is that of VICTOR C. NOEL. Vic, aren't you the 1954 class?
WALLACE W. ROBBINS wrote an e-mail, courtesy of his fiancee, Gail, on how much he is still enjoying all the writings of WC. As many of you will recall, he has lost nearly all of his eyesight, so I'm happy to know that Gail is keeping him informed.
As always seems to be the case, 1961's P. LYNNETTE GARRETT and I, are enjoying maintaining contact. She and I seem able to go on for hours, if we don't watch it. I guess it's that "MIami Shores Kid/WC alumni" common thread. Lynn may be down here soon, due to illness in her family. If she is, we will positively be spending some quality hours together, I know.
As a matter of fact, that Miami Shores thing also carries well with me and 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER. That's one of the reasons why I so much want you to be at the holiday brunch, Freda. We had hardly any time at all to visit, at alumni weekend, and I found myself wanting to speak to you for a lot longer than I did (which was about two minutes, it seemed.)
From 1971's PAMELA K. SHIPLEY came her regrets about not being able to attend any of the functions which took place on alumni weekend. She wrote that she had very urgent family business and that she will try hard to be with us, come next year. We hope so, Pam! Pam sent a photo of her positively gorgeous granddaughter.
As I think I previously wrote, I was utterly dismayed by the absence of 1958's WILLIAM R. HOWARD, who wrote that he had the wrong weekend in his head. For future reference, for Bill AND for all of us, always remember this: Alumni weekend is ALWAYS held on the weekend during which the second Saturday of October falls. As far as I know, that will be forever. If I ever hear differently, I'll tell you right away. This way, we can always plan accord -ingly and never miss one, okay? Bill has committed to the WC Florida Holiday Brunch on Decmeber 3 and it's sounding as though he'll be joined by 1958 classmates
ROBERT W. "SMITTY" SMITH, the ever-present BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, who has also committed, and also my fellow Miami Shores Kid,RONALD D. "TOM" FEE. It sounds like it's going to be a good time. I'm very much looking forward to it. Bill and I also had a brief exchange on the outcome of the standard of living which evolved for most of the Miami Shores Kids. We all seem to have done reasonably well, greatly improving our childhood standard of living. Interesting!
From 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, came the transmittal of some great alumni weekend photos. I hope you've all gone to the blogspot and taken a peek. I know for sure that 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL has done so. Nancy also commented on what a technologically-advanced world we have. She wrote, "Whoever thought we'd all be send- ing messages across the country to each other?"
Indeed, Nancy, who ever did? Let's all "log in" and enjoy the photography efforts of Mike and of Becky Fuller (the spouse of 1960's GERALD A.), okay? By the way, there is a positively stunning photo in there of 1960's JUDITH L. STALDER. You're really photogenic, Judy! There is a similarly smashing photo of the ever-gracious EULA FAYE BAILEY, who is a also a photographer's dream. She and I have recently spoken, and we try to do that, regularly. Mike enquired as to the mailing address for 1960 classmate JOANN K. STEMLEY, and I'm always happy to know that alumni are keeping in touch with each other, so I was happy to provide it.
From 1959's GARY E. BARNES came a query as to when (and where) we'd be holding the 2006 WC Florida Spring Fest. I can answer only half of that. It will be held on the last Sunday of March, as is the standard date. But at this time, I can't say exactly where. JoAnn, is your place going to be available for 2006 or not? If so, we'll plan on that location again, as it works well for everyone. But if not, I'm getting boo-coo requests to hold it in some location in the vicinity of Daytona Beach, so that people can enjoy the Atlantic Ocean. Perhaps our fellow WC-er, JUDITH L. SAMUELS, can get us a banquet room at the Elks, where her husband is the manager, in the event we need it. What are the chances of that, Judy? If JoAnn's place is unavailable, we might be doing that, if we can.
Next year, the spotlight will be on the Class of 1956, of which my sister is a member. For anyone who may be interested, I happen to have no less than 5 extra of the 1956 Piratan. They all range from good to excellent, as regards condition. The price range would run from $18- $45, depending on the source and what I paid, plus the shipping costs, which are usually $2.42, per book. As I have told all of you previously, I sell these books ONLY to WC folks and ONLY for what I actually paid. So if you are aware of anyone who wants one, they can feel free to contact me.
Well, folks, guess where I dined and with whom, on this most recent Wednesday morning, November 2? Since I've been told, "right from the horse's mouth," that there is no attempt to keep anything, "hush-hush," I feel it's just fine to write this, now. It was none other than GARY D. MAYS, 1957, and DONNA J. RICHARDS, 1961. They both came to my house that morning and my husband and I went to breakfast with them at the nearby Cracker Barrel. We had a delightful visit. Donna and Gary were planning to go visit the Atlantic Ocean, later that day, as well as going north to tour historic St. Augustine. She was to be in Florida through today, and then the two of them were going up to her place in Ohio. So hey, the "big secret," (which it never was) is all out in the open now, right? So bully for them! I'm so glad you told me, Donna, that you had no idea that anyone had the notion that you were trying to be secretive. Now, we can all root for you, openly. Thanks! You are both such lovely and wonderful people and everyone wants you both to have a great time together. It appears that you are doing exactly that, too.
Gary continues a close relationship with his sister-in-law, 1960's NANCY E. "COOKIE" BOWIE, sister of Gary's late wife, 1957's DONNA G. BOWIE, and Cookie is just thrilled that Donna R. and Gary have "hooked up" and, to her great credit (but not to my surrprise) has offered them her full support. By the way, I was happy to hear a bit from you, Cookie. I've been wondering where you've been, all this time. Rumor has it that we will not only be seeing Cookie at Spring Fest, but also Donna and Gary! How great!
From CURTIS A. KEMP came an enthusiastic and upbeat message about how much he enjoyed alumni weekend. Curt is now hooked and says he won't miss one, ever again. He really enjoyed his long chat with Mr. C., and he loved seeing his old buddies, RICHARD C. CALL, AARON COUCH, and RICHARD L. "DICKIE" PHILLIPS. We're all so glad you got there this year, Curt. See, I told you if you got there once, that would be it, didn't I? We'll all see you soon, at the holiday brunch. For those of you who are unaware, if you haven't yet had the pleasure of sharing a meal with Curt and his wife, Maria, and listening to Curt tell his stories about his days as a prison guard, you just don't know what you're missing. He keeps us all in stitches and laughing so hard that tears are streaming down faces, believe me! Curt also enquired about old pal, EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY. I gave him all the numbers and addresses I had. By the way, Eddie was having some pretty severe health problems this year, which was very unfortunate, as he was standing at the ready, to board a plane and join us this year. He also was quite anxious to see all of the guys mentioned in this paragraph. I suspect it wll all fall into place for him for next year, though.
From 1959's JAMES L. LINDSEY came a message that his wife was injured at her job and that's why he wasn't there this year. We all hope the Mrs. is doing fine now, Jim. Keep us posted. Jim says he thinks it would be fun to congregate in Mr. Huffman's old classroom and get one final, civics lesson on the afternoon of the Frisch's Frolic. Hmmmm, I'd have to think about that one, Jim. I think it would be grand fun to hobnob with everyone and see Mr. H. again, in yet another social setting. But I'd have to give some thought to this civics lesson thing. I'll bet, though, if there's enough demand, Mr. H. will do it!
Upon my return to Florida, I was faced with the start of Biketoberfest 2005, always a fun and exciting event. I got a couple of messages from my fellow Harley-David-son rider, 1964's W. THOMAS GODBY, and we were going to try to make contact during the event, but it didn't come together. Trying to find someone during one of these big motorcycle events is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack, anyway. Most of you are aware, I'm sure, that Tom is the younger brother of 1961's dearly beloved, JACK L. GODBY. Listen, Tom and Jack, let's make it a point for both of you to be at holiday brunch, hear? That way, we won't miss each other.
JUDY MARIE FRANTZ, 1961, always regales me with her great sense of humor. She was glad I'd gotten back home safely and, like the rest of us, Judy looks forward to our next alumni weekend. Also looking forward to it, is 1960's SHIRLEY SUE MILLER, who didn't make it this year, to my great disappointment. But we'll see you next year, right, Shirley, or perhaps before, at one of our other events? Also missing was 1960's JUDITH ANN SLIFE, another class member I'd hoped to see. So will you be in Florida anytime soon, Judy? If so, come to the brunch on December 3! Yet another 1960 classmate, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR., wrote to tell me that the weekend which followed our rainy, alumni weekend, was just picture perfect and absent of rain. But I didn't mind the rain, as I have always enjoyed it. Mr. Huffman wrote a comment in which he said we all, "clean up pretty good." Ha! That we do, Mr. H., that we do!
On a sad note, I got e-mail from CAROLYN J. BURNS, in which she told me of the October 24 death of her mother-in-law, mother of DAVID RICHARD BURNS, a WC alumnus. I know we all extend condolences to th Burns family. I don't have his grad year. Can you please tell me, Carolyn?
Does anyone know the whereabouts of a WC alumnus named CHARLES LEWIS? It sounds as though Mike West is trying to find him for someone. Let's try to help with that effort, if we can. We also have a blurb from a young man in our military, who is Class of 1994. His name is DANNY GORDON, and Danny writes that he is deployed with Operation Noble Eagle. He is due to return stateside in April and wants to keep up on WC happenings. Let's all pray for his safe return. If you'd like to write a few lines to him, try We all wish you the very best, Danny!
Teacher DAVID E. COLLINS continues to gather more WC folks, having added the names of JAN BARKER, former junior high teacher and assistant principal, and DAVID COOPER, a former WCHS math teacher. We're getting more and more diversity in our list of readers.
Last but not least, those traveling WALKER people, (WILLIAM O., and his WC-honorary spouse, KAREN) remain out there on the road, currently working in the area of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, writes Karen. They may be gone from there, by now, I don't know, but you can bet they're working storm claims, SOMEwhere in the southeast, I'd bet on that. It seems the hurricanes always preclude their ability to join us on alumni weekend. But I can always hope they'll shoot down here in a month and be with us all for the holiday brunch, right? How about it, Bill and Karen? It's been WAY too long since we saw you two. See what you can do, okay?
Well, guess what, folks? My WC folder is totally empty now, so that means we are finally current, and I can close this incredibly-long bulletin. I will again encourage every-one to be present, at our holiday brunch. The food is always great there and the company is simply incomp-arable, I kid you not. I leave you all with my usual wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serentiy, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
Thursday, November 03, 2005

An ancient Egyptian amulet recently discovered at Karnak on the Nile River, has the inscription "WeCaTon" engraved on it!

---Okay, all! It's another one of those types of bulletins which might be compromised for quality, should I try to recap it. Therefore, I'm forwarding the alumni weekend golf report, directly to all of you, just the way it has been reported to me by 1959's GARY E. BARNES. It makes for pretty amusing reading. I promise I will soon get current on my other reporting and news of upcoming WC events, too. I'm simply swamped right now. Please "put up with me," okay?
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B
-------Original Message-------
From: Gary Barnes
Date: 10/13/05 10:36:51
To: Bonnie Risner Miller
Subject: Alumni weekend
Just wanted to thank you, again, for all you did and do to help make our Alumni Association and weekend, bigger and better. I, and i'm sure everyone, had a great time. Heard no complaints, just great things.
Now, a report on the golf outing !! We only had six play, but we had a great time, I think !!! Bruce Chenowith, Jerry Fuller, Monte Estep, Gary Frank, John Montgomery and Gary Barnes. John Montgomery had the lowest score of the group with a 77. Now I do have a couple of incidents to report. Bruce got mad and through his putter, it landed up on top of the Indian Mound. Fuller through his driver and it landed over on the Mound Laboratory property. Gary Frank and I both threw clubs and while driving around looking for them we ran over both of them with the golf cart. Then I looked around and saw Monte rolling around on the green we had just left with one of the guys playing behind us. Monte heard him laughing pretty loud just after he had hit his drive. Come to find out, the guy was just laughing at his own dumb shot. OOPS !!! I think the golf course will let us come back next year but we will have to sign a waiver first. Hopefully next year we will have 20 players. That's my report, I'm sticking to it no matter what the guys tell you. Talk to you later !!
Gary Barnes reporting on location in West Carrollton.
We*Ca*Ton NEWS REPORT!! -- 03 NOV 2005:
---Okay, you caught me! I confess, this isn't REALLY a WeCaTon News Report. What it actually IS, amounts to a special bulletin about our next WC event, which will occur on Saturday, December 3, 2005. It's the Annual WC Florida Holiday Brunch. We shall convene, as usual, , at the Dixie Crossroads Restaurant in Titusville, Florida, at 11:30 a.m., for a fun and frivolous two or three hours of visiting, reminiscing, and camaraderie. Now, we haven't talked much about this lately, but you've got a whole month to plan, so no excuses, hear?
Yes, I know it's about 920 miles for those of you who are in Ohio. But hey, it was 920 miles for ME to come up THERE, just last month. But did you hear ME complain- ing? Heck, no! I even bought a new car, just for the trip, put myself on the road, and I was there, wasn't I? So I don't want to hear it, okay?
Among those whom I know will be in attendance, aside from myself, of course, are 1958's BRUCE E. CHENO- WETH, WILLIAM R. HOWARD, and RONALD D. "TOM" FEE; 1960's GERALD A. FULLER and CURTIS A KEMP. Right there, folks, is a fun crew. If not one other person shows, we're going to have a ball.
However, I'm putting in a "Command Performance Request" for the following WC folks who LIVE RIGHT HERE IN FLORIDA, and most certainly can't come up with a REALLY good reason NOT to be there. They are as follows: 1957's GARY D. MAYS, 1961's DONNA J. RICHARDS (Don't even think about it! I know you CAN be here for this, Donna!), 1961's PAULA R. WILSON, 1957's LINDA L. MCAFEE and DARELL L. TOBIAS, 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER (Oh YES, you can, Freda! You and I never got to visit NEARLY enough on alumni weekend. We can finally get current on things.), 1954's JO ANN MCCLURE, 1960's DAVID G. OTT and his 1963 spouse, SANDRA MINIX, 1958's SANDRA L. BARSALOU (It's WAY too long since we saw YOU, Sandy!), 1960's DELORES K. "DEDE" FAHRNEY (who has proven to be one our most popular and sought-after alumnus, at these functions) and also J. DAVID MAYS (aren't you and Ann already here, Dave?) and of course, GARY L. WARLAUMONT (also already here), 1961's PATRICIA LYNNETTE GARRETT, who just may be in Florida by then (I dearly hope),
How about you two, STEVEN M. KOKOT/BARBARA T. O'NEAL? You were sorely missed at Spring Fest. Do come on down! Also from 1960, living in Florida, are BOYD H. JENKINS, and you, JUDITH L. STALDER and CAROLYN SUE MCCLOUD and JOANN KAY STEMLEY and ROBERTA A RICE and MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL. I'll also searching for the faces of 1958's JAMES J. DOWNS and JAMES E. KECKLER. From 1961, I shall expect to see GARY R. FRANK, ROBERT W. BRANE, RICHARD E. KNEER, RICHARD G. DENNY, LIELA K. GEORGE, JACK L. GODBY, and JUDITH LYNN SAMUELS. Let's not overlook 1959, either! You are probably going to be in Florida, then, aren't you, CAROLYN E. "TOOTIE" PENCE? So gather up all your sisters, as you did for Spring Fest, and be there, hear? DONNA SUE PARKS, are you out there? Please come and join us! W. THOMAS GODBY, please don't disappoint us. Bring your big bro over to the festi-vities, and you be there, too! You and I can talk about Sturgis (forever!) How about you, 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON? Will you be in Florida yet? If so, be there!
Now, I know I haven't covered ALL of the WC residents of Florida. But please know that we want to see you, one and ALL, no exceptions. Let's make this a great and fun event. As I said in the beginning, even if just the first six of us are there, it's going to be TOO fun! But just think of how much MORE it's going to be, with all of us. Make your plans now and "X" out Saturday, December 3, on your calendar. I'll be looking for you!! If anyone else on the list is in Florida then, please make your plans in such a way as to be able to join us. Go, Pirates!
--- Bonnie