The *WeCaTon* - West Carrollton (Ohio) H.S. Alumni News (unofficial)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Eddie visited CURTIS KEMP, '60, at Curtis' home in Florida in April of 2008. Curtis is on the left and Eddie is on the right. The young lady is Curtis' great-grandaughter, Emmie.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
(It has been quite a) spell since I wrote anything and I apologize. But I do hope to compensate for that, with this e-mail. On this day, I have nothing but good news. Earlier in the day, Gil went to his oncologist (I took him there, of course, and was with him) who looked over all his test results, took all his vitals, and checked quite a few other little, "odds and ends," no pun intended.At the close of his exam, he announced that all Gil's vital signs are great, his kidney functions are terrific, his blood count is nearly 11, and he is well on the road to recovery. Best of all, though, he said the cancer cell count is all but indiscernible. The cancer cells are diminishing by the day and, as of this date, the likelihood of putting him into remission seems positive and he (the oncologist) is very optimistic about being able to do that.
On the downside (if there can possibly be one, after hearing THAT news) is that he must drink a lot more fluids, he must move around more, and he must get up and walk more. I've been telling him these things, every single day, of course. But I'm, "the wife," you see, so it doesn't mean anything when I say it. As we left the doctor's office, he announced in such a way as to imply it's the very first time anyone has ever told him to do these things, that he intends to follow Dr. Pierce's orders. What else is new?
As for me, I've been staying quite busy with his care, the house, the errands, and just this past week, I went out and did the water treatment on our gigantic high-rise deck. I got it finished yesterday just in time for our rain, which is coming through this week. Yes, we both still love Tennessee, and no, we don't wish we hadn't moved here. We love it! We also love our house and the acreage. We just want the rest of the family to be here, and we hope that will come to pass in the next year.
So things are looking up quite a bit, as of today. I'll take this opportunity to thank all of you for your notes and messages and cards of support and calls and all things which were positive. I remember each and every single one of you, and so does Gil. Thanks so much!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Rest easily!! No one has died and we have no new illnesses. I just want to throw this one out there, since I inevitably forget about it, when I write the regular bulletins. Does anyone out there know where I might be able to get a 1965 and a 1941 Piratan? I've got a Xerox of all the pages for the 1941, but would kill for an original copy. I'm missing1965, but I don't know why. I thought I had one, and perhaps sent a copy to someone, thinking I had another, I don't know. Also, as always, please keep your collective eyes peeled for any and ALL Piratans, not just those, as you go to garage sales, old books stores, estate auctions, or any source. I will reimburse you for any you may find. I will take all years, but am especially interested in a 1941 and need a 1965.
Thanks to all.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Let's add 1958's LINDA L. BECKETT to our efforts for prayers and good wishes during surgery. Please scroll down for Linda's info. We've got you covered, Linda, not to worry! Send us a report the minute you're able!
From: Linda Lemmons
Date: 06/14/08 14:22:16
Hi Bonnie,
Just wanted to let you know that I will be having total knee replacement surgery on Tuesday, June 17 a Sycamore
Hospital. Say a prayer for me, that everything will go o.k.
Linda Beckett Lemons -Class of 58.
Friday, June 13, 2008
We've done it again! Flossie is doing great and expected to have full recovery. Sister 1961's EDNA L. GRAY, sends thanks to all for prayers and good thoughts. Scroll down! Let's keep this going for our other 1960 classmate, PHILLIP D. HOWARD, who's still recovering from a June 5 kidney/liver transplant. Great going, gang!
-------Original Message-------
Dear Bonnie, Fortunately that prayer chain was a huge success in Flossie's case! After a heart cath determined that Flossie's heart was not in need of a stent (no blockages) and that her heart is in near perfect condition no further surgery will be necessary. The problem was diagnosed as an arthritic infection in the chest and can be treated by only minor medications. It is not expected to cause her very much more pain or spasms after the infection is eliminated. She returned home on Thursday evening and is restricted to full bed rest for a couple of days followed by limited activity for another week. If we can just get her to slow down a complete recovery is expected. God is good!!!!! My other sister and I will be helping her in her recovery and many friends have already contacted her. Thank you so much, as well as all those other wonderful WC people.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
How sad it is for me to report the passing of yet one more alumnus, this time, a member of my own 1960 class, SANDRA LYNN PENWELL. Please scroll down to see the link for her obituary. Thanks to 1959's GARY E. BARNES for submitting this one. I remember Sandy as being SO cute and bubbly and bouncy and I can still see her in her high school cheer -leading uniform. I believe she was also one of our homecoming attendants, in addition to cheerleading. I do not see a cause of death. Sometimes, that can mean something more negative and sometimes not.
from: Dayton Daily News Obituary, dtd. 12 JUNE 2008:
PENWELL, Sandra Lynn Beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and friend, Sandra Lynn Penwell, aka "TuTu", born 8/2/42 in Miamisburg, OH passed away surrounded by loved ones on Monday, May 19th 2008 at University of Michigan hospital. Sandra was an avid animal lover and longstanding member of P.E.T.A. She was a graduate of West Carrollton High School in Dayton, Oh and a retiree of General Motors in Dayton, Oh. Since 2001 she resided in Charlotte, NC until her recent move in February 2008 to Howell, MI. Sandy is survived by her son, Londo Link of Charlotte, NC, daughter Tanya, son-in-law Craig and grandson Dane of Royal Oak, Ml, brother Bill Penwell of Carlisle, OH, granddaughter Jarydith and great-grandson Logan of Howell, MI and granddaughter Natosha of Charlotte, NC. She is also survived by her Baby Girl (BG), a toy fox terrier but has been reunited with the true love of her life, CoCo, a chocolate lab. Sandra nobly donated her body for medical research so there are will be no services. To honor her, the family is requesting any memorials for her to be made as donations to your local humane society. We love you TuTu....
Published in the Dayton Daily News on 6/12/2008.
---So far, there isn't much good news for us today, folks. Right on top of the latest death notice, comes a request from 1961's EDNA L. GRAY for us to get the big WC machine going, full force, for her sister, yet another of my 1960 classmates, FLOSSIE J. GRAY. Edna reports that Flossie is having heart problems and will be having surgery to place a stent, come tomorrow morning. So let's get our prayer chain, good thoughts, strong vibes, and all else we have, and get it all going in the right direction for Flossie. Edna, give Flossie my very best and I know that goes for all of us. We're pulling for her! Please keep us posted. Is there an address where we may be able to send cards?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
HELP !!!!!!!
Bonnie needs serious help here. This evening, the batteries when dead in my digital Rolodex. I had thousands of bits of info stored in it, and I've lost it all. I'm just beside myself!
Of course, I've got a separate book in which I keep all my special occasion dates (anniversaries and birthdays, I mean). But I've lost hundreds of postal mailing addresses, landline phone numbers, and cell phone numbers.
So if you are getting this e-mail, please respond at your very earliest convenience and once again give me your complete postal mailing address, your land- line telephone number, and your cell phone number. It's going to take weeks for me to get all of this put back into my unit, but that's okay. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause for you. (In the case of my WC schoolmates, please also include your grad year and, if female, your maiden name.) Thanks to all, and please respond as soon as possible.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
First, an addendum to this report by Bonnie
---We just can't seem to get through a very long time without a loss. Please scroll down to read the obit of CLYDE E. HURST. I'm sorry to report I don't know the class year for Clyde, but perhaps a couple of our in-house experts (STEVEN F. SHADE, THOMAS L. WOLF, JR.) might be able to uncover that for us. I'm thinking the Hurst family were Miami Shores Kids. I'll be you, FREDA P. FLETCHER, might know. In any case, we extend condolences to his family and to his friends. I thank 1963's LEE JEAN JORDAN for her effort in submitting this.
From: Lee Jean Heller
Date: 06/10/08 09:13:07
To: Bonnie
Subject: Hurst, Clyde E.
HURST, Clyde E. passed away Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 9:48PM. He is survived by two sisters, Marranna Davidison, and Clara Pittl; brother, Norman E. Hurst; three daughters, Kimberly Viars, Regina Caupp, and Crystal Adams; son, Christopher Hurst; grandchildren, Nicholas, Bradley, Zachary, and Jacob Viars, Monica and Brandon Caupp, Kendal Adams, Rylan, Gracie, Elaina, Kayleigh Hurst; and numerous other family and friends. He retired from Delphi after 32 years of service. Funeral services will be 11AM Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at Newcomer Funeral Home, 3940 Kettering Blvd. The family will receive friends from 9AM until time of service. Interment will follow at Evergreen Cemetery.
Lee Jean Heller
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
From: Bonnie Risner Miller
To: Heller, Lee JeanSubject: Lee, are you telling me that---
---Clyde Hurst has died? If so, was it in the Dayton Daily News? (I don't know where you live, so wasn't sure on that.) Thanks.
-------Original Message-------
From: Lee Jean Heller
Date: 06/10/08 07:35:52
To: Bonnie
Clyde Hurst.. not sure but thought he was around class of 63.
Saturday’s paper.
Lee Jean Heller
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
CME Website:
And now, the WECATON continues----
Bonnie writes:
Yep, I'm on a roll! I don't want to lose momentum, as I'm trying to stay current on this, so let's kick it off with our forwarders. They include 1954's WILLIAM L. MCNABB;1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER, NORMAN E. JACKSON; 1957's ERCELL P. PHILLIPS; 1958's WILLIAM R. HOWARD, BRUCE E. CHENOWETH, RONALD R. "TOM" FEE; 1959's GARY E.BARNES;1960's STEVEN M. KOKOT, CHARLES. A. "BUD" LOWMAN III, C. SUE MCCLOUD, BEVERLY JOAN HAAS, the widow of RONALD P. CRAIG, Martha E. Craig; 1961's SANDRA S. HOLLINGSWORTH, SALLY L. GILLETTE, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT; 1962's BARBARA T. O'NEAL; 1963's SHIRLEY A. RANKIN; 1969's KAREN L. THROCKMORTON; 1981's D. BRIAN BRODBECK; and 1986's AMY L. HAWKINS.
Let's dispense right away with the unpleasantness of our losses and illnesses for this bulletin period. We have 1971's BARRY E. PHILPOT, who was but 55 years old. He died on June 1. Thanks to classmate, PAMELA K. SHIPLEY, who sent this to us. I didn't know Barry, but another of his classmates, RODNEY R. GABBARD, had been good friends with him.
My apologies for my blunder in the last bulletin. I had written Larry S. Anderson (deceased) as Reynolds, for some unexplainable reason. I have no idea why. Thank God I don't have to answer to anyone but all of you, for my mistakes. Thanks to 1968's PAULA J. STAUB for keeping me honest on this one. As you grow accustomed to reading these bulletins, Paula, you're going to find I'm just as dependent upon all of you to correct my errors, as all of you are on me, to get the news. This is a joint effort!
Rod Gabbard, by the way, continues his struggles with the daily challenges of being wheelchair-bound and we do so hope to see him get some sort of help, as needed. I already advised Rod of the willingness to assist him with all problems by 1960's GERALD A. FULLER. I do hope you will contact Jerry soon, Rod. His e-mail is ( Fuller493 at AOL dot com) We hope to hear a report soon that the two of you have gotten the ball rolling. Jerry knows his way around the ins and outs of doing these things, but you have got to contact him.
As reported by 1961's SANDRA S. MAYO, a 1963 class member, JOSEPH S. "SKIP" KETRING, SR., was hospitalized as of June 5, suffering from what she termed as an aortic rupture, which I think is the same as an aneurysm. She wrote that he's classed as being in serious condition. Thanks, Sande. She is back in Ohio now, where she will spend the next few months, by the way, in the company of all her most favored people
Also recently passing on was RICHARD EUGENE KELLY, 1965, who is the younger brother of1960's EDGARD L. "EDDIE" KELLY. Ed's wife, Marilyn, let me know about this and I sent a special bulletin, but I always like to recap these things, in case someone has missed it. STEVEN F. SHADE, 1965, offered some assistance to me in researching this one (so thank you, Steve). We're both mystified as to why it shows Richard C., rather than a correct middle initial, so I hope we can get that corrected. Our sympathy, of course, goes to Eddie, as well as Richard's family and friends. Richard was originally in the 1964 class, Steve wrote.
As we are also aware, 1960's PHILLIP D. HOWARD is currently waging a war to get through a transplant process he underwent June 5 at Cleveland Clinic. It seems Phil was in need of both a kidney and liver for a long time. He now has them. His wife is MARIAN KAY HUSSEY, 1967, and she has been keeping us all posted on Phil's progress.
Let's remember to get those cards and e-mails and prayers going, full force (6951 Alter Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45424). Also keeping us informed on Phil is 1958's DAVID L. HOWARD. Dave, I thought you are Phil's brother, so tell me, are you? Or is it a cousin? I really don't know and a couple of people have asked. But either way, thanks for the info. We all want to know. Kay wrote me on June 7 to let me know that Phil is on the road to recovery and made it through the transplant. Please give him our best, Kay, and tell him we all want to see both of you at everything on alumni weekend!
Apparently, 1959's JAMES L. LINDSEY is having a few health problems. Jim is currently working in the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee, if I'm understanding this correctly. He comes and goes between there and his Brandon, Florida, home. He wrote he needs surgery on both arms and on his left shoulder, and says he won't be driving big rigs anymore. He also said his head injury has now healed and his memory has returned, but that it took about 6 months. We all hope you will be restored to full, robust health, Jim!
There was also a brief update from 1959's BETSY R. MURPHY, regarding her niece, 1961's OTHEL MURPHY. Betsy reported that Othel has been taken to the Cleveland Clinic and evaluated. They were told nothing could be done for her. I assume Othel is still at the nursing home in Lima. Thanks, Betsy, and best to your spouse, T. BARRY RUSSELLO, who is my 1960 classmate.
Also checking in this time were 1960 spouse team, LONNIE M. THACKER (class president) and LINDA J. SNELL. Lonnie called me one morning, Linda got on the extension, and the 3 of us once again solved all the world's problems (much the same as do my cousin, JUDITH L. SAMUELS, and I, with our daily e-mails.) Lonnie and Linda are caring for Lonnie's mother (he's an only child) at their Arizona home and they say she's doing fairly well. We do hope to see you both again in October!
The mystery has been solved on that e-mail address from the last bulletin. That e-mail address belongs to 1959's JAMES A. MOSSBARGER, and I actually got a couple of e-mails directly from Jim, after that. We sure hope to be seeing you during October, Jim. I got just one successful transmission from you, by the way, on the messages you were trying to send me. My first tip on who person is, came from LAWRENCE J. RENAS, JR., 1957. Speaking of Larry, he reported he and brother, 1960's DOUGLAS A. RENAS, made contact with their old friend, 1961's DAVID S. VAN SCOYK, after I located him for them. So I was very happy to hear that. They'll be visiting him when they come to Ohio in October. Great news!
In other cheery news, it seems 1958's BRUCE E. CHENOWETH has added yet another classic piece of machinery to his ever-growing collection of antique cars. This one is a 1903 Oldsmobile Curved Dash Roundabout, he writes. I'm sure it will soon be on our blog, which is now being religiously maintained and updated by 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST. So take a gander! ( ) You'll enjoy it!
There was another blip or two from 1961's gorgeous homecoming queen, CHRIS L. CLEARY, who wrote she and pal, JANET L. WALTERS, continue their social outings. Good for you both! We all need to do more of that, don't we? We'll see you in October! Do make sure you have whole 1961 gang, too!
What a great e-mail from 1965's L. DEAN BANKS! He actually graduated from Patterson Co-op, but his heart obviously remains with WC, where he spent most of his school years. Anyway, as it happens, Dean is a cousin of THOMAS E. COMBS, war hero, Miami Shores Kid, and WC student. Dean loved the idea of 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, re naming a street to honor Tommy. Dean knew a few things about Tommy, too, some of which I'm sure others were also aware. I like writing about Tommy. He was a nice kid, he was a war hero, and he was one of us. So I'm happy he is being remembered, after all these years.
As it happens, wrote Dean, Tommy was a cousin to SUE BANKS, 1961, PAULA GABBARD, 1964, and SHARON CAMPBELL (year not given). It seems he was also related to a few younger cousins, too, who are RICK CAMPBELL, 1980, and STEVE CAMP- BELL, 1990. Tommy was the star player of the 7th grade basketball team at Frank Nicholas and quite a hero to Dean, of course. Dean wrote that Tommy would easily score 40 points in a game. He wrote that he looked up Tommy's name on the wall of war heroes when he visited Washington D. C., and that it was quite an emotional experience. Thanks, Dean, that was a great tribute to one of our very own war heroes.
From 1960's BEVERLY J. HAAS came a lot of tips on raising a successful garden. This is something I might like to try, but it may not be this year. I told her how I was using every food scrap by throwing them into my woods, where they were eaten by the wildlife. Now and then, I get lucky and get to see a few of them as they feed. I failed to mention that the only waste I now have is that of eggshells, coffee grounds and teabags. Well, don't you know she wrote back to say she would love to get her hands on as many egg shells, teabags, and coffee grounds, as she could find, writing they make such great fertilizer? Well, wouldn't you know? I got a laugh out of that.
Once again, 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER and I had quite a round with reminiscences of 1940s/50s Miami Shores while we went to school at WC. She had her own boat, did you know that? That was quite an accomplishment for a teenage girl, back then. I love your stories, Freda! Keep 'em coming, will you?
A number of you have written blips about the closing of GM's Moraine City facility. It's a sad commentary, that's for sure. If news reports are to be believed, it is said to be caused by the failure of GM to meet the demands of today's vehicle market. Among those who are bewildered by this are many of us, I know. I have much family and many friends who are or were affiliates of GM. Among its big fans is MICHAEL S. WEST, 1960, who currently owns 4 of their vehicles. Until recently, I had two of them, myself. What will happen there, seems to be happening everywhere. I think we're headed for a full-blown depression, very possibly, and God knows, I hope I'm dead wrong!
There was a lot of good chatter about my question re Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church and it's old locale, at the corner of northbound Old Route 25 and Stroop Road. What a nifty church that was! The new one is nice, of course. But it never did have the character of the original one. Anyway, I heard from MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL, 1960, whom I've known for 60 years now, and with whom I went not only clear through my 12 years of school, but also spent scads of time at ZELC with her, under the auspices of Pastor Chas. L. Mullen. (By the way, with the passage of so many years, a few of us have gotten his name a bit wrong. It's Mullen, not Mullin, nor Mullins, nor Mullens. He is, by the way, the only person I've ever known in my life, who bears that surname.)
Anyway, Madeleine and I went through Catechism in the same class and were confirmed together. I think NANCY JAMES, 1960, was also in our class. Were you in that class, too, RICHARD S. HOLT? Time has faded some memories for me, but I still have a photo somewhere, of our confirmation. Weren't you in it, too, CHARLOTTE L. HUEY? Anyway, Madeleine wrote that she found Pastor Mullen very intimidating. Well, join the club, Madeleine! So did I.
Also checking in with ZELC memories was 1964's RICKEY A. BUSCH, who wrote that he went on to attend church regularly at the new location on Alex- Bell Road (f/k/a Alexandersville-Bellbrook Road). I was married for the first time (with many to follow, but not there) at that church location in 1960! Another former member of that church, who has great recall, is 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST. Also in that class and attending that church were the late L. EUGENE ZINK and class treasurer, THOM BIEBER THOMPSON. I further learned that DAVID G. OTT had attended that church, too. There were lots of us, I guess.
As always seems to be the case, I exchanged many nostalgic e-mails with those three 1958 guys who are busily putting together the Miami Shores Memories function for October 11 (RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, WILLIAM R. HOWARD, DONALD I. MCCOY). As is always the case, 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER had some great recollections, too. Don't we all? Coming from BRUCE E. CHENOWETH (1958) is already a request to attend that function. Bruce wrote although he wasn't an MSK, he had many friends there and a few good memories, himself. I'm sure there are more who share that same feeling, Bruce, and as I've said before, this is an open function. It's just that it may be a bit more significant for those of us who grew to age in that little enclave.
Kind words abound! So many of you have again sent along compliments about the WeCaTon (by the way, it was 1959's GARY E. BARNES who so aptly titled it) News Report. Many thanks to all, who include 1955's NORMAN E. JACKSON; 1957's JUNETTA BUNDY; 1959's GARY E. BARNES; 1960's JUDITH A. SLIFE, EDGAR L "EDDIE" KELLY; 1961's JUDITH L. SAMUELS, JACK L. GODBY, JOHN W. OBERLIES, JR., P. LYNNETTE GARRETT; 1962's J. MICHAEL HARRIS; 1963's SHIRLEY A. RANKIN, LEE JEAN JORDAN; 1968's PAULA J. STAUB; 1969's KAREN L. THROCKMORTON.
It was especially rewarding to hear directly from my old childhood pal, JOHN W. OBERLIES, JR., 1961. Weren't you the president of your class, John? He wrote fondly of the old gang on South Moraine Blvd., which was right behind the old Indian River Fruit Mar-ket. Of course, that was right across the street from my high school home on the riverbank. If we all were not at my house, we were right across the street at South Moraine Platte, as it was known.
John correctly pointed out that both 1960's SHIRLEY J. TUDOR and I, were honorary members of South Moraine Platte, since we were there so much. The actual residents of the bunch, were many. Besides you and your sister, John, I remember a number of others. There was CHARLES V. CARTER, and his sister, the late MARTHA J., next door to John was GARY L. WARLAUMONT (Charles and Martha were on the other side), the late E. EARL JENKINS (who was dashingly handsome), BOYD H. JENKINS (who also was), JAS. L. ROSE, the late G. SAMUEL SPEELMAN (yet one more class president), and his many SPEELMAN sisters. They are the ones I recall from right off the top of my head. But I'll bet you can remember more, can't you, John? How about you, Boyd? Anyway, those were grand memories, John. I thought about it a lot, after reading your e-mail. John also reported he's feeling great, so that was simply wonderful. Will we see you October, John? We sure do hope so.
Yes, we added readers again. Some of you might have already noticed a mention of JUNETTA BUNDY and this contact came to me from 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER. At first, I didn't realize who it was, but as soon as I knew the maiden name, I vividly recalled her. You see, Junetta Bundy was one of my, "beauty idols," when I was a little kid. So was SHARON A. COLLINSWORTH. I saw both of them often in those days. Junetta rode my bus and I was always at the Tudor home with best pal, Shirley.Her sister, DONNA G. TUDOR, 1955, was best friends with Sharon. So I would look at Junetta and Sharon and try to figure out what I'd have to do, in order to look like either of them looked. I had one droopy eyelid, my hair was way too curly, and my teeth weren't very perfect. I'd get on the bus and see Junetta with her perfect complexion and gorgeous eyes, and dark, perfect hair and I was so envious of her. When I'd go to Shirley's, I'd see both her sisters, Donna, and the late DORIS D. TUDOR, 1955, (the homecoming queen) and there would be Sharon, with her beautiful blonde hair and her perfect face. I envied her, too. We all have those stories, I'm sure. But I was destined to be a tomboy, and I guess I stayed one, pretty much all my life. Anyway, we are just thrilled to have you on board, Junetta!
Also added to our reading list is 1962's THOMAS J. GAULDIN. Tom lives in Washington Courthouse, at this time, and it looks as though he is another retired teacher and/or principal for our list. Is that correct, Tom? But I don't know if he was with the WC school system or not. In any case, welcome aboard, Tom, and we do hope to see you this coming October. Tom came to us through the efforts of classmate, J, MICHAEL HARRIS. So thanks, Mike.
It simply delights me to report these two new readers for the bulletin list. I've gotten an e-mail from 1961's NANCY L. HOHNHORST and her 1959 spouse, H. JAY CARROLL, JR. I remember Nancy as a Miami Shores Kid and I think Junior was, too. Anyway, they now live in California and I'm thrilled to add you two to our list, Junior and Nancy. We all hope you're both in glowing health and that we'll see you in October. I know you're going to have a circus, if you come to join us, as I hope you will. Welcome aboard!
We've got new e-mail addresses! Almost instantly, Tom Gauldin changed his and the one I now have is ( tomgauldin ay yahoo dot com) We have a couple other changes, too. From 1960's MONTY ESTEP and his 1963 spouse, BEVERLY J. WALKER, came a new address. ( mbestep at aim dot com ) The final e-mail update comes from 1960's CHARLOTTE L. HUEY ( bcquig4 at woh dot rr dot com ) So that's all the new ones I have. We're still trying to track down an address for 1960's WILLIAM E. HECKER and 1956's SUSAN M. MASON, both of whom became, "lost," after they apparently changed addresses, but failed to update all of us.
So what about our travelers, this time? Well, we've got 'em, that's for sure. Don't we, always? I'm going to have a visitor, myself, in fact. My cousin, JUDITH L. SAMUELS, and her husband will be arriving about the 15th of June to spend a couple of days with us and then they will go on down to Gatlinburg for a stop for another couple of days, before returning to their Florida home. I'm looking forward to their visit.
During the month of July, one of our world travelers, 1960's JUDITH A. SLIFE, will be taking that trip to Greece! Isn't that just TOO exciting? Judy, we can't wait for your report when you return. Judy writes that she's studying the language and anxiously awaiting her departure. Travel safely, Judy!
Also engaging in some interesting traveling is 1960's DAVID G. OTT and his 1963 spouse, SANDRA R. MINIX. On May 24, they returned from a Georgia trip to attend the graduation of Sandy's nephew, during which Dave took off for a 5-day back-packing trip through the Appalachian Trail. Dave wrote he tries to do a bit of that, every year. But that wasn't the end of their adventures, by far. Get this! Right after all that, they boarded a plane for Paris, France, where they are visiting their son and his wife, who are living in that country, at the moment. Dave wrote that he and Sandy were very anxious to see their granddaughter, who's just 4 years old. Well, if you two are back now, do write again, and tell us all about the wonderful sights of Paris!
Hang on, folks! There is, indeed, hope that we'll get 1961's NANCY J. ERTEL out of Kansas, someday. I received a recent e-mail in which she told me of her trip with spouse, Donald Sween, during which they traveled in early May, back to the area of the Black Hills of South Dakota, where they originally met. (Ah, the memories of my 20 trips to the Sturgis Rally & Races, which are invoked by Nancy's mention of the Black Hills! I know every inch of several counties and a few states, out that way.) They visited Wall Drug, the Badlands, Deadwood, and several of the Lakota Tribe Reservations. I know every inch of those great places. What a great trip, Nancy! I hope you thought to write my name on a restroom wall somewhere out there. Ha! Originally, the Sweens were going to head over to Tennessee and tour the Great Smokies, but the nostalgic allure of where they first met, and the magic of the Olde West (not to mention the soaring cost of fuel!), proved to be the winning factor.
Among those who have curtailed their extensive and wide-ranging travels are 1960's WM. O. WALKER and his WC-honorary spouse, Karen M. Walker. It seems they are continuing efforts at land-clearing and building of their brand-new, "barnominium," in Alvin, Texas. They've decided against staircases, after all, writes Karen. (Well, leave it to ME! I was nearly 65 when I moved into my first house with a stairwell, since I was teenager!)
The Walkers did take a bit of time out to attend a Shriners convention in San Antonio, recently. I know we all know the jokes about the Shriner conventions. If they prove to be true, at this one, I'm sure Karen will fill us in on all the gory details. As I come from a long, illustrious line of Masons and Shriners, myself, I'm reluctant to make any sort of personal observation. Tee Hee!
Bill's mother is now about 83 years old and lives in Zephyr Hills, Florida. She will soon be moving back to the Dayton area, though. Karen writes they must now remove her from driving and put her somewhere for assisted living. She says her mother-in-law isn't going to be happy about that.
Okay, ROBERTA A. RICE (1960), all this talk of the travels of our alumni puts me in mind of you. You're the original, WC world traveler (of whom I first was aware, that is) and I haven't heard from you in a bit now. I just know you're not staying at home. So tell us where you have been and what you have done?
What a treat it was when I picked up today's mail and found my unique package from 1963's SHIRLEY A. RANKIN, which contained my bird-feeder and bird- house, handmade by her spouse, Terry Helman. I'm so pleased with them, Shirley! I can't wait to hang them and watch the birds use them. I've got more than a hundred trees on my property and about four million birds, I'll bet. So I can use every birdfeeder I can find, that's for sure. Thanks so much!
Listen, everyone, I received an e-mail from 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, in which he pointed out he doesn't wish to exclude memorializing any additional deserving war heroes, in his quest to name a street to honor THOMAS EUGENE COMBS. It's just that Tommy's the only MSK of whom he's aware. So if any of you are aware of any others, Tom would like to know. In the meantime, I believe he's going to move forward with his plan to try and get a street (or at the very least, a portion of a street) named in honor of Tommy Combs, Vietnam war hero.
Okay, NORMAN E. JACKSON (1955), this is for you. Did you leave on that motorcycle road trip with your son yet? If so, how is it going? Can you get e-mail on the road? Are you back yet? You need to give us a report. Did you make it to North Dakota? Norm also wrote of his neighbor, who is 1982's KAREN L. SHACKELFORD,that she's having some trouble with receiving the WNR. Is that right, Karen? If you are reading this, do let me know. If not, perhaps your sister, ROBYN L. GENGLER, 1971 (who's married to 1958's REX E. HEETER) can intercede and let us know if you're getting them okay now.
Continuing to update our wonderful blog is 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST. As I've told all of you in prior reports, I often refer to the blog to see what I've said about something-or-other. There are lots of great things posted there, so if you haven't visited recently, you're in for a treat. Give it a whirl, and many thanks to Mike for his efforts. ( ) You'll love it!
Another country heard from when 1959's GARY E. BARNES checked in with another of his ever-newsy reports, this time about one of our favorite people, 1958's VINCENT E. BRODBECK. Gary and Vince have been seeing each other regularly, meeting for breakfast here and there, and visiting whenever an opportunity arises. Gary reports that Vince seems to be doing fairly well, following the April 7 passing of his wife, 1960's DOROTHY J. "DOTTIE" WILLMAN. We all wish you only the best, Vince, and hope things will get better and better for you, with every passing day. We all also look forward to seeing you on our big weekend.
Speaking of that, I got a rather poignant e-mail from 1961's LILY K. "KITTY" BURDETTE, in which she made mention of all the sadness we've had to report of late, among our alumni. She was referring to both illnesses and passings, of course. Your point is well- made, Kitty, and it's just something more to support what I always write about not putting off participation in our alumni events. You can just imagine how I feel when I drive from Tennessee to attend them. Before that, I drove from Florida to attend them. Then I get there and find that someone who lives right there in Montgomery County or a nearby county (or ANY of the Ohio counties, for that matter), did not attend! It is invariably someone about whom others have asked, too. Isn't that always the way it is? BE THERE! Do NOT put it off. Kitty has made a great point.
It's long past time for me to call my old friend, THOS. D. YOUNG, 1960's class vice-president, and wife, Sandi, who is my longtime, treasured friend. We've lacked in steadier communication of late and I'm very determined to change that. That also goes for my old friend of 1960, BEVERLY A. BOWMAN. I did call her the other night, but she didn't answer, so I left a message. I'm thinking of you, Beverly! Somehow, though, EULA FAYE BAILEY and I always manage to connect pretty regularly. I also had a recent long and windy conversation with fellow MSK and WC alumnus, P. LYNNETTE GARRETT. Lynn remains ensconced in her Henderson, Nevada, home for now and Frank has returned to their Germantown place (which I love, by the way).
Here's an update from my ace reporter, THOMAS. L. WOLF, JR., 1960. Tom reported that WC held its 98th grad ceremony on May 29, at the Schuster Center (where our childhood Rike-Kumler store was located for so many years. (Pardon me, while I shed a few tears and say a few words about Rike's holiday display.) Anyway, you'll all recall that our renowned former teacher, MURL E. HUFFMAN, wasn't going to be there this year, as he had to be out of town. This would have been his first absence from a ceremony in 60 years. Well, fear not, folks! It wasn't to be. He was there with bells on and it was his 61st one in a row. Utterly amazing!
As I understand it, the Class of 2008 included grand- children of at least 3 1960 class members, who are FLOSSIE J. GRAY, ROSS A. HODGSON, and SHIRLEY J. TUDOR. Marvelous! Tom reports that MEH was just as vital and effervescent as ever. I'm not surprised at all. Thanks for the report, Tom, and best to you, Susan!
It's time to close another edition of the WNR! As I always do, I leave each of you with my personal wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity. Ciao!
Monday, June 09, 2008
---Please scroll down to receive the very latest info on 1960's PHILLIP D. HOWARD. This comes to me from his brother, 1958's DAVID L. HOWARD. Send cards to the home address, please, or e-mail. He's no longer in Dayton, as you can see.
at 7 am this morning surgery was began for a liver and kidney transplant at cleveland clinic. phil was flown to cleveland last nite or early this a m.
the operation will take between 6-8 hours and therefore should conclude between 1 and 3 p m eastern.
will send further news as it becomes available.
his dughter esther drove kay and they were only 45 min. behind the flight. we really can soar with the eagles!
the empty message from last night was a brain burp . these are penalty free after 65
dave (58)
Phil is in the fight of his life. He awaits a liver and kidney transplant. Please scroll down and read the e-mail I just received from his wife, Kay (1967). Let's all pull together for Phil, as we always do. Get out the pens and stamps and greeting cards! Get on that phone! Write that e-mail! Let's get going! It doesn't matter if you know him or not. We are all one! We all wish the very best for you, Phil. You're not only a WC Pirate, but you're also a Miami Shores Kid. You can do this!
Thanks, Kay, for letting us know.
Hi, Bonnie. Thanks for your emails. I want to let you know that Phil (Phillip D. Howard, class of '60. WCHS) is in the hospital (Dayton area) awaiting a liver and kidney transplant. He is not able to leave the hospital as yet to make sure he is strong enough for the operation. He would love to hear from anybody who remembers him as a friend. Our address is 6951 Alter Rd., Dayton, Ohio 45424. To contact him by phone, you need to call the nurses' station and ask to speak to Mr. Howard in Rm. 515. Also, our email address is mkphwoody at yahoo dot com I can print out his email letters and take them to him at the hospital. He is trying to keep his chin up, though it is a great uphill battle he faces. Please keep him in your prayers. Thanks so much. Kay Howard (Mrs. Phil Howard)
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Bonnie Writes:
It is with great sadness, I tell you all of the death of RICHARD E. KELLY, the younger brother of my 1960 classmate, EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY. I'm a couple of days late in getting this to all of you. I offer my apology to you, Eddie. I'm busier than I want to be, these days.
Ed's wife, Marilyn, telephoned me on Sunday to let me know of this. She said Ed told her he thought his brother was in the class of 1963. I didn't find him in that class nor did I find him in 1964. Of course, that doesn't mean he wasn't there. In any case, though, I know we all extend our deepest sympathy to family and friends of the deceased.
Monday, June 02, 2008

Bruce Chenoweth, '58, Writes:
(he collects and restores vintage cars, usually models that remind us of WCHS days. This one is somewhat more elderly!
Bon Bon,
I'll call soon to catch up on the latest. Seems as though we haven't spoken for quite a while. Thought you'd enjoy seeing the latest arrival. Just purchased today this 1903 Oldsmobile Curved Dash Runabout, complete with a valid Ohio Title. It is complete except the fancy Oldsmobile decals Ransom E. Olds insisted on when he built his first cars. I have them on order and should have them installed by next week at this time. The 1948 Olds is nearing completion. It should be ready to show in four more weeks. Please give my best to Gil and let me know if it is OK to start eMailing him again. I wasn't a MSK, but wish to attend all WCHS alumni functions. Do you think it will be OK for me to come? Our 50th reunion is well into the planning stages. We have been meeting once a month for the past 6 months. I'll fill you in when I call or you call if you get tired of waiting for me to call.
Much love from your great friend,
Semper fi,
I'll call soon to catch up on the latest. Seems as though we haven't spoken for quite a while. Thought you'd enjoy seeing the latest arrival. Just purchased today this 1903 Oldsmobile Curved Dash Runabout, complete with a valid Ohio Title. It is complete except the fancy Oldsmobile decals Ransom E. Olds insisted on when he built his first cars. I have them on order and should have them installed by next week at this time. The 1948 Olds is nearing completion. It should be ready to show in four more weeks. Please give my best to Gil and let me know if it is OK to start eMailing him again. I wasn't a MSK, but wish to attend all WCHS alumni functions. Do you think it will be OK for me to come? Our 50th reunion is well into the planning stages. We have been meeting once a month for the past 6 months. I'll fill you in when I call or you call if you get tired of waiting for me to call.
Much love from your great friend,
Semper fi,

Regarding the birdhouse craft projects (ala Shirley Rankin, '63) mentioned in the next post...
We could only include one photo -I thought these were really cute (...ed.) - but there are many styles. If you are interested, please email Bonnie.
Bonnie Writes:
---No, no one has died (thank God)!
If you're one who likes to feed the birds, as I do, you'll find these to be irresistible, I think. So I wanted to share them with all of you, although I wasn't asked to do so. They're built by hand, by 1963's SHIRLEY A. RANKIN's obviously -very talented spouse. I find them very creative and so functional and I'm ordering two of them for my virtual aviary in which I now live. Should any of you decide you'd like one, also, I'm sure they'll happily ship them to you at their own shipping cost (plus the price, of course). I'm so excited and can't wait to get these. I really like the idea that I'll have even WC-made bird feeders and houses!
(As we age, the things which excite us, surely do seem to change a lot, don't they? Ha!)
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Boy, oh boy! The news is flying, hot and heavy. We all seem to be enthusiastic about this year's alumni weekend and its ever-increasing schedule of events. Perhaps, eventually, we'll have to back up to include Thursday, too, who knows? Friday, Saturday, and Sunday certainly seem to be just about filled to capacity, now. How great is THAT?
Okay, we'll begin with forwarders. They include 1955 's FREDA P. FLETCHER; 1957's ERCELL P. "PHIL " PHILLIPS; 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE; 1959's GARY E. BARNES;1960's STEVEN M. KOKOT, EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY, DANNY L. WALTERS, the widow of RONALD P. CRAIG, Martha E. Craig, DAVID A BLAIR, LARRY M. PENDLEY, JUDITH A. SLIFE; 1961's PATRICIA. LYNNETTE GARRETT, BARBARA J. TURNINGTON, CONNIE K. STREETE, JACK L. GODBY; 1962's BARBARA T. O'NEAL, RICHARD C. CALL; 1963's SHIRLEY A. RANKIN; and someone with an e-mail address of BUDDY52 at WINDSTREAM-DOT-NET (changed by editor to deter spambots) Do any of you have a clue as to who that may be? I sure don't!
Our readership continues to grow, with every bulletin period. As I'm sure many of you longtime readers noticed, we've added a 1961 class member. She is CONNIE K. STREETE. We're thrilled to have you on board, Connie, and your class is certainly one of the most heavily-represented of all, when it comes to the WC functions and just staying in contact, overall. I am bursting with pride to be able to tell you that a few of the 1961 class members have endowed me with an honorary membership in your class. They're truly a grand bunch!
Connie lives in Eaton, Ohio, and she and husband, Doyle Lincoln, are in the process of selling their own business and readying for retirement. She writes to say her life would bore us all to tears and I don't think I believe that, for one moment. Connie's link to the WeCaTon came to us through her classmate pal, NANCY J. ERTEL. So welcome aboard, Connie, and many thanks for your words of praise!
Does anyone out there remember 1968's PAULA J. STAUB? I'll bet you do! Anyway, Paula has joined our readership, too, and we're thrilled to have her. I have a real hole in my class years from 1965 up to about 1970, so I was particularly gratified to have this sign-on. Paula is putting together a 40-year reunion for the 1968 class and is looking for any and all able assistance and info she can find. So if you're able to help at all, please contact Paula through her e-mail address of ( paulajhooper at hotmail-dot-com) She also expressed regret at the recent loss of her classmate, LARRY S. REYNOLDS, who died on May 19. I had sent a special notice on that, as I normally do. Larry, it seems, had also been a pal of 1971's RODNEY R. GABBARD. Rod wrote to say he used to run around with Larry. He was deeply saddened to hear of his death.
Also joining us during this bulletin period is yet one more 1968 class member (I'm thrilled), NANCY S. KNEER. Perhaps we'll begin getting more people from our late 1960s years. At least, at this time, it appears we will. Welcome to the list, Nancy, and I do hope you'll enjoy reading about WC folks. Do send us a little synopsis of your life for the past 40 years, will you? Kids? Ages? Grandkids? Careers? Do you still live in Ohio? Are you looking for an old pal, whom we can help you locate?
This is another one for whom I haven't a clue. This person wrote to inform me of an e-mail change and I don't know who it is. If it's someone who wants to be on the bulletin list, I'll be happy to add them, but I just don't know who it is. Thanks for any help. By the way, Kendra's last name is apparently Landry, if that's of any help.
Does anyone have a current, working e-mail for the spouse of 1960's SHARON L. BORGER? I've been using it for sending things to Sharon, but now getting rejections on it. So if anyone can provide that info, it would be very helpful. Otherwise, I'll have to return her to the postal mailing list.
From 1963's GAYLE E. LESHER came a wonderful and nostalgic e-mail about our old Scout House. She wrote of how her mother and sister once taught the younger students, using that building. She wrote that during the winters, some of the seniors would come over in the afternoons to help with all the boots, hats, gloves, and coats, in order to get ready for the bus. I think we all must feel similarly about WC schools and our need for them to own the Scout House. I got a lot of feedback on that, all of them expressing the same sentiments.
Gayle also wrote of the Spring fires in Pigeon Forge and the fact that some of them came as close as 20 feet, to one of her rental properties there. But local firefighters prevailed and saved it from damage, so all is well. We're happy for that, Gayle, and thanks to you for all your kind words about the WeCaTon. By the way, Gayle, my husband's birthday is Christmas Day, too!
More chatter was exchanged with 1961's CHRIS L. CLEARY. Chris is having quite a lively social life and is spending a lot of time with her daughters, with her mother, and with old friend, JANET L. WALTERS, also of 1961. I hope we will see both of you, come October, and I'm sure we will. Can any WC gathering be complete without them? Once again, I say, if you haven't seen either of these alumni for awhile, you'll recognize both of them immediately. They've both retained their youthful glow and look great!
That seems to be the order of the day, in fact, for the 1961 class. Also reporting in was the lively, vivacious JUDY M. FRANTZ, who's always the life of the party and bursting with energy. How DO you do it, Judy? I hope you're going to be there, this year. It's never the same, when you aren't.
There is recent, exciting news from 1958's DONALD I. MCCOY, who traveled to the beautiful, oceanfront city of Charleston, South Carolina, where he bought a condo. Don says he hopes to go there often and spend time on the beach with his children and grand-children. We hope you do, too, Don, and that you will really enjoy your vacation home.
Don has emerged as a viable force in the planning of WC events. Not only is he on the 1958 committee to plan the 50th for his class, but he's also joined forces with two other 1958-ers, WILLIAM R. HOWARD and RONALD D. "TOM" FEE, to help plan the first-ever Miami Shores Kids gathering, which will be open to anyone who wishes to attend, of course. With these three at the helm, it's sure to be a great success. I'm waiting with bated breath for the final instructions on this gathering, so that I can tell all of you. There is a bit more, further down, on this function, too.
Losses for this bulletin period included the mother of 1960's DEVONA S. TAYLOR. Dee and I have the same birthday, as you all know. She lost her mother in April, she wrote, but she didn't let us know about it until now. Dee also wrote about what a great help was classmate and lifelong friend, SHIRLEY JAY TUDOR. She helped with Dee's spouse, EUGENE COUCH, whose health seems to come and go. So we all offer sincerest condolences to you, Dee, for the loss of your mother. Dee wrote that she plans to be with us again, come October.
She also wrote some wonderfully nostalgic lines on her now-nearly-48-years-long marriage to Gene, as she recalled 1959's JOE E. STOMPS, as serving as Gene's best man, and about the first time she ever met him, when 1960's GERALD A. FULLER brought him to Shirley's house at 4 a.m.! Okay, I'm going to ask! What on EARTH were you doing at Shirley's house at 4 a.m., Jerry? Thanks for the memories, Dee. Those were such fun times.
We have yet another death to report and this one is in the well-known WC family of the SPEELMANs. It has been reported to me by 1962's SUE LAYNE SPEELMAN that her 38-year-old nieces has died. It was earlier in the months of May, apparently. This was the child of her sister, 1964's SALLY ANN SPEELMAN. We're all terribly sorry to hear that, I know, Sue and Sally. Sue, please ask Sally if she wishes to be added to the bulletin list. If so, I'd be so happy to do it. In the meantime, if there's anyone out there who may wish to contact Sally, her e-mail is salsie1718 at hotmail-dot-com. The deceased's name is NORMA ELLEN JAY. Suzi, did she attend WC?
As promised, here's a bit more on the brand-new, proposed MSK gathering. The concept created by 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE has taken on a life of its own. You know me, and I'm one proud Miami Shores Kid, 100%, through and through. So far, Tom has joined forces with two other MSKs, as previously mentioned, 1958-ers, WILLIAM R. HOWARD and DONALD I. MCCOY. The three of them will put it all together and let me know the final plans, which I will then announce to all of you.
So far, it is suggested that this be held at WENDELL WAX Memorial Park, which is in MS. There has yet been no change to the suggested 1 p.m. gathering time, so perhaps that will remain as it is. The date will be October 11, as there's no other weekend time slot available. Plans to secure the park now remain a work in progress and Tom hasn't yet decided on the official name for the gathering he founded. However, he so far likes the idea of our attendees bringing a covered dish. So tuck that away in the back of your mind. Do we know how many will attend? No. Do we yet know who will bring what? No. But the fact is, I've been to a million things like this, and they all just somehow seem to work out and we always have tons of food and even a slug of leftovers, when it's all said and done. So we won't worry about that part. Of one thing, I'm sure; i.e., with Tom, Bill, and Don putting things in order, it will be a great success. I'll update all of you as soon as I get the final plans. So keep that time slot available! Also coming forth with a few helpful suggestions was 1970's VICKIE JO GILBERT (so I just have to ask, Vickie, are you an MSK, too?) Good luck with your dad, Vickie. For those of you who may not know, Vickie cares for her father, who is an invalid. Her husband is JERRY T. EUBANK of the class of 1963.
An obvious part of such a gathering would be the presence of Wendell's first wife, 1961's LILY K. "KITTY" BURDETTE, with whom he had 2 children. I have notified Kitty and she agreed to try and make it and to tell their children of it, too, once the plans are finalized. As for Bill Howard, he writes that HE will not be sharing all his MS memories, until he has very thoroughly checked out the statute of limitations. Ha! Love that, Bill. It seems that just might apply to you, too, 1955's FREDA P. FLETCHER!!
Listen, gang, I know I've written about this previously. But it has recently come to my attention that lingering problems remain for this WC alumnus. All of you may recall the plight of 1971's RODNEY R. GABBARD. Not only is he a former firefighter, but also a veteran, and he's wheelchair-bound. If I'm not mistaken, he's got a powered wheelchair now, but wasn't able to get together the money to wheelchair-equip his vehicle in order to be able to leave home. Now, don't ask me why the VA doesn't accommodate his needs. I don't know that, only that Rod told me he has appealed to them on every level, with no success.
But here's the REAL kicker! He can't even leave his house, due to the fact that he's unable to afford to get a ramp built, so that he can at least go outside and get a little sun. Is there ANYone among us, who has any sort of connection to get this done for him? Does anybody own a construction company? Is anyone we have on this list, really handy with doing this sort of stuff? He doesn't live that far from the Dayton area. I am so baffled by this entire situation, I can't believe it and I would like very much to find help for him. Does anyone have newspaper connections, who could get a human interest story into the Cincinnati Enquirer? Do any of you know a, "beneficent builder," who lives in that area, who might be willing to lend a hand? I'm betting we've got SOMEONE in this group who might be able to offer assistance. If there's anything you're able to do to help Rod, please contact him, not me. I am providing his contact info, as follows:
Rodney R. Gabbard
3408 State Route 756
Felicity Ohio 45120-9593
Res.: 513 680-7266
E-mail: ( Rodgabbard at aol-dot-com )
Wife is Linda L. Meyers-Gabbard
We're the big WC machine, are we not? I can't help but believe we can somehow do something about this man's situation, which might help him to improve his quality of life. If he served this country in military service, he shouldn't have to cope with this. In fact, no one should! Thanks for any help for Rod.
As I type, it is May 24. Last night, I had a long, windy conversation with 1960's EULA FAYE BAILEY, from her new abode in Kansas City, Missouri. She'd been in Kingsport last week, as you all know, and we found we'd missed each other by a mere hour. But we'll all see her in October, she has promised.
Today, I had an even longer, windier conversation with 1960's EDGAR L. "EDDIE" KELLY. Ed called from his Nampa, Idaho, home to give me the report on his recent visit to see lifelong best pal, CURTIS A. KEMP, who is catastrophically ill, as we've all known for quite a while. Ed said he wouldn't trade his visit to Curt for a king's ransom. He's so thrilled he went and they had a wonderful and special time, he says.
However, things aren't currently going so well for Curt and we just don't know what's coming. Eddie reports that Curt entered the hospital again yesterday. At the moment, he's been diagnosed with pneumonia, and that could well be fatal for him, given the fact that he's got leukemia, already. Let's all do double-duty on the miracle prayer chain, shall we? After we ended the conversation, I decided to call and alert Curt's other two best pals, AARON COUCH (I left a message on his machine) and 1962's RICHARD C. CALL, with whom I had a lengthy conversation. Rich and I ran in the same crowd in high school, so we always have a good time talking of our adventures, but today, we were more focused on Curt. I didn't want either of them to first read about Curt's latest health problem in a bulletin. I well recall how close they all were, in school.
In other news of illnesses, I very much regret to tell all of you that I have misreported an illness on two of our alumni. I'm deeply sorry for the error. I reported last time that CHAS. T. CROY and RONALD L. BROWN are both suffering from cancer. That is incorrect. I'm sure we're all happy to know they don't have cancer, but the fact is, they both DO have dementia. I thank 1956's RALPH D. WILSON for drawing this error to my attention. Also, Ralph, you had mentioned the addition of a nephew of yours, but you didn't include his e-mail address. Did you mean to send that to me or not? If so, I missed it. Let me know, please. He also mentioned his older brother, ELMO, had played basketball with the Brown twins. I remembered them, once I knew it was the ones who are twins.
Yet another notice of illness arrived from 1963 class member, FRANCES J. PEFFLY, who reported that her sister, ARDICE, is ill. She'd be in about her late 70s now, as Fran wrote that she thought Ardice to be in about the 1948 class. I went through my books for about the last 5 years of the 1940s and didn't find her there, but that doesn't necessarily mean she wasn't, of course. I simply am unable to confirm a grad year. But in any case, we all wish for a quick recovery for Ardice. The Peffly family had fifteen children and is now down to just 6, reported Fran. Fran will also be with us in October. We're looking forward to it, Fran!
At this point, I want to plead my case, a little bit. As I write these bulletins, they're done over a period of a few weeks, sometimes. They're so lengthy, I know I may repeat a thing or two, here and there. So I'll ask all of you to please overlook the repetitions when you see them. It's WAY too time-consuming to read back over all this text and then go into delete mode. I'll try to do it as little as possible, but I do realize it does happen, from time to time. I appreciate tolerance and latitude from all of you. You know how scatter- brained I am, after all! As a great example of that, I can tell you that I have just inadvertently erased all the rest of my WC e-mails, from which I was writing this bulletin. From here on out, I'm winging it, so forgive me if I overlooked yours and do write me again to remind of what you sent. Deal? I'm operating strictly from memory now, and thank God, that's so far been quite good.
Okay, so remember when I mentioned those RENAS brothers in the last bulletin (1957's LAWRENCE J., JR., and 1960's DOUGLAS A.)? Well, it seems they were pretty good pals with 1961's DAVID S. VAN SCOYK, whom I'll bet plenty of us also remember. I received an e-mail from Larry, in which he requested I try to find their old friend. I love doing this, of course, and I got right on it. There's nothing quite so fulfilling as the feeling one gets when they reconnect old high school pals, believe me!
Anyway, I did all the usual stuff, using the directories, the white pages, the yearbooks, and then enlisted a few other tricks of the trade, much of which I learned from master sleuth, 1958's WILLIAM R. HOWARD. I not only succeeded in locating Dave, but he called me back, that night at 9. I gave him the number for the Renas family, and I e-mailed his number to them. I am sure they've by now connected. So did you talk yet, Larry? Give us a report, please.
On our official designated Memorial Day holiday (not the real one, which for me, will always be the 30th), I received a great e-mail from 1961's DONNA JEAN RICHARDS. For me, this woman is a delight. She's also an inspiration. As I've already told her, she has an extremely rare quality, which is that of being able to handle life, instead of life handling her. There are not many among us who can do that. "I want to grow up and be just like you, Donna!"
Anyway, Donna wrote that she attended a service for the military, where she saw classmate MICHAEL C. BAKER, who served as a Grand Marshal. He has a glowing military record, apparently. Anyway, wrote Donna, as they went through the ceremony, citing his wonderful accomplishments, a bird flew over and left its droppings on Mike. Life has a way of making us live in the moment, doesn't it? She also wrote of a chance meeting, at that same event, with 1958's VINCENT A. BRODBECK, who is the widower of 1960's DOROTHY J. WILLMAN. She said they had a great conversation and Vince seems to be staying busy and doing as well as can be expected. Let's all remember him, though, when we dial numbers and make visits. His loss is still very new. Indeed, OUR loss is still very new and it will be hard, even for ME, to go to alumni events and not see Dottie there, not to even mention my own sister, 1956's JUDY ANN RISNER. But we ARE the big WC machine, and together, we can get through anything!
Writing to advise me of a new e-mail address were 1958's THERESA M. MOSES and spouse, THOS. D. ELLIOTT. Theresa said they finally got roadrunner and I'm not sure how that figures into the grand plan, but I guess it's a big improvement, eh, Theresa? In any case, thanks for keeping us posted.
From 1963's SHIRLEY A. RANKIN came an e-mail to advise me, due to the astronomical cost of fuel, it may not be possible for her to swing through this part of Tennessee, after all. Well, don't even think about it, Shirley! I know exactly what you mean. Don't we all? That reminds me, by the way, in this age of such high prices and so many rip-offs, we're all looking for a bargain. Now, I'm not a big fan of Wal-Mart, but it's not because of their size. Sam Walton, however you slice the pie, absolutely epitomized the American dream of success and wealth, so it's not that, it is a few other issues. Of course, nevertheless, I do shop at Wal-Mart, infrequently, and I do make a few yearly trips to Sam's. In doing so, I found what may be the best coffee I ever tasted, as goes your regular, every-day pot of coffee. It's the Members Mark (Sam's Club brand) and is in a black and gold foil-like bag, which bears the words, "Rain Forest," on it and some sort of Spanish words, too. The price is really right on this coffee, too, by the way. So you reminded me of that, Shirley, when you wrote of everything having such high prices.
As I file through my memory bank, I'm recalling e-mail from our three Miami Shores Kids event planners, in which they've opted to name the event Miami Shores Memories. As previously written, it will be an open event. So far, they're working on the park reservation and they want to get an ad into the little paper which is published in Moraine City. Can anyone get that done? Why isn't it going into the Dayton Daily News, too? I would bet they'd print it, under their community events, don't you think? As previously mentioned, it's a committee of three 1958-ers, DONALD I. MCCOY, WILLIAM R. HOWARD, and founder, RONALD D. "TOM" FEE. So if you have input, please contact a committee member. Tom is the CEO. At this point, I'm assuming the time of 1 p.m. and the date of Oct. 11, are holding firm. Please tell every Miami Shores Kid and/or any other interested party you see.
Cousin JUDITH L. SAMUELS and I continue with our daily prattle. I sometimes think it may serve to keep us both sane. We've solved every problem on the globe, and done tons of housework, too. I also heard from hers and my mutual close friend in elementary school, V. JEAN WARD. She also lives in the state of Tennessee, and just remarried in August of 2006. Her last name is now Rhule. I hope to get you to to go to Ohio some October, Jean. Everyone still does remember you, you know (especially 1960's GARY L. WARLAUMONT, but that's another whole story, isn't it, Gary? Ha!)
Also checking in was 1958's NICHOLAS P. "NICK" WOLARY, whom I'm sure will be joining his class in October for the big bash. We'll all have to start saving our dimes and nickels right now, in order to scrape up the cash to pay these fuel bills to get up there, I guess. Isn't this tragic?
There was an auto-reply from 1963's LEE JEAN JORDAN. So does this mean you have taken a trip somewhere, Lee? If so, you know what I'm going to say. Where did you go? What did you do? Who went with you? "Enquiring minds want to know!" I got a similar e-mail from 1961's SALLY LYNNE GILLETTE and her 1960 spouse, CHAS. A. "BUD" LOWMAN III, and Sally, you didn't tell me all the gory details, either! However, you did say you'd returned from a wonderful trip, so let's have it, hear? But I do thank you for the good wishes for my husband.
So MANY of you, by the way, have sent along good wishes for him. Things are looking up, I must tell you. I'm so thrilled to be able to write that. He came home on May 12, literally immobile, incontinent, and every negative thing one can think. Today (it's now May 26)
, he's lucid at all times, sitting up, walking some short distances, eating regular meals, and able to go to his medical appointments (to which I drive him, with my newly-acquired Tennessee drivers license, by the way.) So thank you all.
Quite regularly, I speak to (and e-mail) my right-hand man for this bulletin, MICHAEL S. WEST. He reports he's updating his famous blog, thereby making every -thing current, posting photos, notices, and such. He was inspired by the last bulletin, as he had thought no one was reading his great blog. I assured him that is not the case. I make reference to it quite often, on many occasions, myself. By the way, for those who may not know this, the website to access the blog is
( ) You'll be amazed by the all info Mike has recorded there. It's impressive!
Settling well into her new North Carolina surrounding is 1960's BEVERY JOAN HAAS. She's living out in the boonies, surrounded by nature at its finest, much the same as me and Mike and a few others. We all wish her the best, I know. She writes she likes her new digs and is adjusting well.
Hey, just how many of us actually DID go to Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, in its old location? I'm getting one e-mail after another about that church. I remember SO many of us who went there, but must have forgotten few of them, too. The church was headed by Pastor Charles L. Mullen. He died but a few years back and was well into his 80s. I believe he lived in Cincinnati, at the time. He had cared for his mother, for his entire adult life and never married. I distinctly recall he would always make a correction if people addressed him, using the title of, "Reverend Mullen," rather than his preferred, "Pastor Mullen." He would patiently tell everyone that use of that word, or anything relative to reverence, should be reserved, "only for our Lord and Saviour." It is you once again, FREDA P. FLETCHER, who evoked these many memories. So you see, an MS gathering without YOU, would be like salt without pepper, fall without winter, Laurel without Hardy, etc. Are you getting my drift here? Freda also sent me an e-mail address for JUNETTA COLLINS. Does anyone remember her? I'm going to write her and see if we can bring her into the circle. Freda writes that she (Junetta) now lives in Kentucky.
This paragraph is for you, K. JUNE CRUTCHFIELD. Did we successfully get my classmate, MADELEINE D. CAMPBELL, added to the list to receive a mailed reservation form for October? If not, her e-mail is
( mmdwdm at aol-dot-com ). I know you're the one who can get this done, June, and thanks.
Confirming attendance for the alumni gig is 1962's JOHN A. COMBS, who winters in Astor, Florida. He will be heading up to Ohio any day, now and getting everything in order, regarding vehicles and homes. As many of you will recall, I ran into John and wife, Donna, at a Lowe's store in Ormond Beach, about 2-3 months before moving to Tennessee. We talked a while, I added him to the bulletin list, and the rest is history. I'm sure you're pretty excited about hooking up with old friends, John, and we'll all be happy to see you there!
So what's the update on you, CHAS. V. CARTER, 1960? How is your recovery going since your big mishap of May 10? I've gotten a few people who are asking the same thing as me, which is, "What were you thinking?" But hey, we don't go there, will we? I wonder if you got any teasing from any of your old, high school football buddies. Did you? I'm sure you recall your old pal, GERALD A. FULLER? Well, he had a comment or two! Anyway, we all hope you're going to be well, very soon. DON'T stand on the top of the hopper anymore!!!!
Many thanks to 1961's JACK L. GODBY, to 1959's GARY E. BARNES, and 1956's RALPH D. WILSON, all of whom always shower me with flowery praise for each and every WeCaTon. You guys sure do know how to butter me up and keep me typing! It works, every time.
From Judi A. Pendley, wife of 1960's LARRY M. PENDLEY, came a nice e-mail, after I wrote to her when I received a small motor for my bathroom fan (in my circa 1953 house) from none other than the Tipp City company of A. O. Smith, where Judi was once employed (when I first met her). Judi tells me she's got a great job now and enjoys it immensely. Good for you, Judi!
We've got what is probably the most gallant and self -less suggestion I've ever received in the nearly-eight years I've been doing these bulletins. It came to me from 1958's RONALD D. "TOM" FEE. Tom wants to take steps to get a street in Miami Shores renamed to honor THOMAS EUGENE "TOMMY" COMBS, who was killed in the Vietnam war about 1967. I'm pretty sure I have his legal name correct, but not 100 %. Anyway, I think that's such an honorable, fitting idea, Tom, and I do hope it comes to pass. I don't know what I could do to help you in that effort, but if there IS anything, do let me know. I'd be honored to offer any assistance I could give. I'm sure we all feel that way. I vividly remember all the Combs boys, and Dorothy, too!
Also checking in was MARVIN A. COLLINS. All of us probably remember the Collins family. He currently resides in Tarpon Springs, Florida, is retired from GM, is divorced, and writes he lives alone, and plays a lot of golf. I had originally written to Marvin in the hope of locating 1958's WARREN I. COLLINS for his 50th. To my surprise, Marvin told me he's unrelated to that Collins. Marvin wrote that all 3 of his brothers are deceased and the only remaining members of his family are himself and his sister, LUCILLE, who lives in Indiana. Thanks for the update, Marvin, and do some up to Ohio in October, hear? We'd all love to see you again.
Sending in a couple of great photos was NORMAN E. JACKSON, 1955. Those are going to be placed on the blog, Norm. For those of you haven't yet seen them, it's a photo of Norm astride a motorcycle and another one of his son, Christopher, also on one. It seems that father and son will be taking a long road trip together, and the target state is North Dakota, the only one in the lower 48 where Norm hasn't been on a motorcycle. He says this will likely be his last, long-distance road trip, which is apparently anything over 600-or-so miles. We hope you and Chris have a great trip, Norm, and please stay safe out there. I am happy to report that I rode a number of miles in Ohio with Norm, myself, many years ago. Those sure were fun times!
From 1963's SHIRLEY ANN RANKIN came a lot of news! She and her talented spouse are currently in the process of redecorating their RV. It sounds like a major project. I remember when we redid one ours, some years ago. It cost a fortune and I loved it! She is going to attend the big 127 Yard Sale, which runs up and down the U.S (in the eastern half) for about 600 miles. Boy, does that sound fun! She says it starts at the Ohio/Michigan line and runs clear down to Gadsden, Alabama. Now, THAT'S a garage sale!
Hey, I found this very interesting and admirable. I'm told that 1958's JUDITH M. SMITH is an member of The Minutemen. That's the organization which over- sees the illegal aliens. Since she resides in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, she's perfectly positioned for this mission. Long ago, I vowed never to make this bulletin a platform for religious or political causes, and I won't do it, now. But I will make just one, quick comment: i.e., "WAY TO GO, JUDY!!"
Also from 1958, WILLIAM R. HOWARD is planning yet another trip, this time it will be to Las Vegas, and he also plans to visit his sister in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is possible he also may swing by the home of his aforementioned classmate, Judy, while he's out that way, to see how she's doing. Do give us a full report on what sounds as though it's going to be extensive traveling, Bill!
From my classmate, MICHAEL S. WEST, came one of the more amusing e-mails I've received in quite a long time. It's too good to condense, so I'm going to recap it, ver batim, to see how many of you can also appreciate his sentiments. He writes, "Gawd, I miss those late-night smokin', drinkin', card-playin' bull sessions! Now, most are gone, and I'm stuck makin' polite conversation with the ladies of the Gatlinburg Garden Club. Now, there is a voracious bunch of babes! Dead husbands and on the hunt again! Of course, you never want to miss a meeting. If you do, you will be on the roasting spit!" Ha! What a grand paragraph, Mike! I've read it over and over and each time, I laugh aloud. Thanks for that.
The last time I spoke with 1960's CHAS. A. HIGH, JR., he told me he'd be calling his fellow WC/MSK, WALLACE W. ROBBINS. I haven't yet gotten back a report, but I'm betting he did. I spoke last night to my brother-in-law (my sister's widower), who told me he had recently spoken with Charlie. He and Charlie do chat, from time to time. My brother-in-law is doing as well as can be expected. He maintains contact with my sister's best friend, 1956's ANITA RAE MASON, who's currently still being treated for stomach cancer and actually doing pretty well. I spoke to her recently, myself. I'm glad she and Ralph maintain contact with each other.
Finally, an update came to us from 1960's WILLIAM O. WALKER and his WC-honorary spouse, Karen. It seems the Walkers continue to busily clear land on their new property in Alvin, Texas. As they go through the process, reports Karen, they're finding all sorts of things in the underbrush. They've got 5 acres to do, and Karen has dubbed their proposed new home as a, "Barnomium." As I understand it, they're building a huge barn to house all their toys and their residence will be on the top. Karen writes that Bill has bought a huge Kubota tractor, complete with bush hog, front- end loader, box blade, etc. She says he's madly in love with it. (Shades of CHAS. V. CARTER and all of HIS heavy equipment!) Obviously, Bill's Kubota IS the other woman, as Karen wrote he'd get rid of her before the Kubota goes anywhere. Among the items they've found so far, are an abandoned car and a pond but I guess the best find was the old toilet, eh? Will you two be incorporating the creepy crapper into your new abode? Ha! "Well, one out of three ain't bad, you guys!"
With that great report from the Walkers (long overdue as it was, ahem!), I'll close this finally-timely edition of the WeCaTon News Report. Before I go, though, I'll give you the recap of the upcoming alumni weekend, and make SURE you keep that weekend open! If an event arises, your standard response should be, "I'm so sorry, but I have a solid, prior commitment on that weekend." (Practice this phrase, as often as you can, GARY L. WARLAUMONT.) Okay, so on Friday, the 10th (October, of course), there will be 1959's GARY E. BARNES' golf tourney, I'm sure. That evening will be the brainchild of 1960's MICHAEL S. WEST, the 6th annual Frisch's Frolic. On Saturday, the 11th, we will launch Miami Shores Memories at 1p.m. and it will hopefully be at Wendell Wax Memorial Park, and was founded by longtime MSK, 1958's RONALD D. "TOM' FEE. That evening is our crown jewel event, the dinner/dance at the Holiday Inn Ballroom, S.R. 725 and I-75. Sunday morning will bring the usual round of breakfasts, brunches and lunches, before everyone leaves for home. So it's become quite a full weekend, as you can see. Don't miss it!! It's more fun than you can ever imagine. As always, I leave each of you with my sincere wish for glowing health, great happiness, peaceful serenity, spiritual harmony, and boundless prosperity.
---And there you have it! More at 11--- B